So at the weekend my OCD kicked in and I decided to tidy up the front wheel arches and have a look at the condition of the sills behind the arch liners as its a pretty weak spot on the mk5 and probably alot of other cars too !
I started off by undoing all the screws that hold the liner in place and then wiggled it out...

This revealed 10 years worth of dirt and crap !
Passenger Side
When I went round to the drivers side and it was all cleaned up, I noticed a bit of surface rust in the same area...

Outcame the sand paper, primer and black paint to try and sort this out

Once I had sorted that I got a bit carried away and decided to give the shockers and most rusty looking bits a coat of black hammerite

I gave the liners a good clean and a coating of chemical guys trim gel to bring them back to life...
I also took the little retaining clips of the calipers gave them a coat of silver hammerite and I also painted the 2 most noticeable screws in the wheel arch silver as it gives a really clean look IMO

I had also previously painted the steering wheel caps or whatever they are called black as they looked a bit tatty. But I decided to also paint the GTI part of the steering wheel in black as well to finish off the look

Once I had painted it black though the GTI letters didn't really stand out so I used a tornado red touch up stick to go over the letters, its not perfect but I think it looks pretty cool