MK5 Golf GTI

All Things Mk5 => Mk5 General Area => Topic started by: edition_30 on January 11, 2010, 01:37:51 pm

Title: ESP & Revo
Post by: edition_30 on January 11, 2010, 01:37:51 pm
You may have seen my older posts regarding what I initially thought was clutch clip... I will recap... I have recently got revo installed & ever since im getting the issue where between 1.5 – 2 rpm small rise in revs, then dipping before getting proper bite, the issue only occurs in second..

Now I thought it was slip but it just seems so strange so low in the rev range... doesn’t happen any where else.

Now for the last few days I have been driving with the esp turned off & the issue seems to be gone, but as soon as I revert to esp on then it comes back... could it be an issue between the revo & esp... Maybe if the car was mapped with esp on... Im really stuck as it never done it pre revo
Title: Re: ESP & Revo
Post by: Poverty on January 11, 2010, 02:42:15 pm
I think its the TCS then cutting in with the sh*t weather we have been having  :happy2:
Title: Re: ESP & Revo
Post by: edition_30 on January 11, 2010, 07:56:48 pm
Its definitely not that mate.. was happening before the snow.. its not actually spinning just a small rise in revs, then dipping before getting proper bite
Title: Re: ESP & Revo
Post by: john_o on January 11, 2010, 08:31:31 pm
light throttle with DSG
If the revs really are rising then it can only be wheelspin or clutch slip or DSG mech issues.
I believe 2nd/4th/6th are on the same clutch so you would expected slip in 6th under load first.
such low revs would really be wheelspin unless its under ice
Have you tried a DSG reset?
I reckon given the symptoms you describe its DSG related ......
Title: Re: ESP & Revo
Post by: Sunglasses Ron on January 11, 2010, 08:40:59 pm
IIRC correctly i'm sure his is a manual John . Could be wrong though..
Title: Re: ESP & Revo
Post by: john_o on January 11, 2010, 08:52:56 pm
ah ok Ben, in that case it narrows it to clutch imho (despite the no load etc facts) as revs cant rise any other way!
or an issue with the mech used to release the clutch (enough fluid , valve issues , restricted lines etc)
Title: Re: ESP & Revo
Post by: Sunglasses Ron on January 11, 2010, 08:58:02 pm
Or maybe even the DMF on it's way out..  :sad1: But hopefully not fingers crossed.
Title: Re: ESP & Revo
Post by: subaru26675 on January 11, 2010, 09:33:56 pm
Very similar problem to what i have, not long after my revo was installed either. I was guessing it was my clutch so have ordered a new sachs performance one.  With the revo set at stock, no issues at all. will need to try the esp on and off with revo installed.
Title: Re: ESP & Revo
Post by: edition_30 on January 11, 2010, 09:35:42 pm
Thanks for the replys guys.. Really appreciate it!
Box is dsg , strange thing is that it never happened pre revo so would that not rule out the mechatronics unit?

Also what's the dmf?
Title: Re: ESP & Revo
Post by: edition_30 on January 11, 2010, 09:44:47 pm
Very similar problem to what i have, not long after my revo was installed either. I was guessing it was my clutch so have ordered a new sachs performance one.  With the revo set at stock, no issues at all. will need to try the esp on and off with revo installed.

Would be good to see if u get the issue with ESP off.. U getting the clutch fitted soon?
Title: Re: ESP & Revo
Post by: Golfgirl on January 11, 2010, 09:44:59 pm
Also what's the dmf?

Duel mass flywheel :smiley:

When the roads get better I need to play around with mine with Revo on/off and ESP on/off as my clutch is slipping too (manual car though).
Title: Re: ESP & Revo
Post by: Sunglasses Ron on January 11, 2010, 09:45:59 pm
Very similar problem to what i have, not long after my revo was installed either. I was guessing it was my clutch so have ordered a new sachs performance one.  With the revo set at stock, no issues at all. will need to try the esp on and off with revo installed.
Ah sorry, my bad. It was you mate who had the same issues who is manual...  :ashamed:
Title: Re: ESP & Revo
Post by: john_o on January 11, 2010, 09:51:19 pm
i would be very cautious drawing a common conclusion folks as theres big differences manual vs DSG and how the 'issue' is seen , light load vs WOT.

most issues are seen on manual cars under WOT in a high gear.

Even if the map 'caused' the effect it could only be down to increased power highlighting a pre-existing issue, as it cant directly effect 'drive' , i.e. the revs cant rise without some 'give' in the drivetrain. (which from what I know cant be done by an engine map?)

the other test would be does it happen repeatably.


1st then into 2nd =  effect ?
3rd downshift to 2nd  = effect ?
and what about shift into 2nd , through to redline but hold (stopping upshift) , let car drop back down to idle but still in drive (DSG must not be allowed to change gear), then try and accelerate again = effect ?

in theory if its a clamping or mech issue in DSG the third scenario may not happen as its been 'locked' in gear for a prolonged period?

Title: Re: ESP & Revo
Post by: subaru26675 on January 11, 2010, 10:35:50 pm
Very similar problem to what i have, not long after my revo was installed either. I was guessing it was my clutch so have ordered a new sachs performance one.  With the revo set at stock, no issues at all. will need to try the esp on and off with revo installed.

Would be good to see if u get the issue with ESP off.. U getting the clutch fitted soon?

I am not getting clutch until end of month as jkm out of stock and sachs have a backlog to catch up on.
My car is a manual, my problems are in higher gears, 4th,5th,6th fair bit of slip then takes a bite.  Really am hoping it is clutch and not dmf or my repair bill could get a bit high  :ashamed:
Title: Re: ESP & Revo
Post by: Poverty on January 11, 2010, 10:40:35 pm
You ed30 boys are deffo going through clutches alot quicker than us cupra lads for some reason. Think there are only 2 big power leons on scn with uprated clutches.
Title: Re: ESP & Revo
Post by: subaru26675 on January 11, 2010, 10:50:52 pm
Yep, dont know why the ed30's are going through clutches so quick, I was out in in DJhorrice's cupra that normally runs over 360bhp and im sure he is still on standard clutch ?
Is it not the same engine/gearbox in both cars ?  :confused:
Title: Re: ESP & Revo
Post by: Sunglasses Ron on January 11, 2010, 10:53:15 pm
Think it can depend on how they have been driven mate from new. As wasn't yours bought 2nd hand? I know S3's genrally need  a clutch / flywheel once Stage 2+ is in play. But they do have 4wd to deal with too..
Title: Re: ESP & Revo
Post by: Poverty on January 11, 2010, 11:17:12 pm
Yep, dont know why the ed30's are going through clutches so quick, I was out in in DJhorrice's cupra that normally runs over 360bhp and im sure he is still on standard clutch ?
Is it not the same engine/gearbox in both cars ?  :confused:

Yeah it doesnt seem to be much of a concern to us. pretty sure its the same box and clutch. djhorace is going to be fitting another stock clutch to his aswell when he does his diff, and tbh with the way I have found things I would probably do the same of my clutch ever goes. Me and CupraK1 are still on the stock clutches and our cars have a hard life everyweekend. Only issues we have been getting is the clutch pedal sticking to the floor sometimes when the car gets hot, which probably means a faulty slave or master cylinder.

Ive heard that audi are fitting uprated clutches now when doing warranty work on them, not sure how true that is though, but the haldex puts a extra strain on the system
Title: Re: ESP & Revo
Post by: animal on January 12, 2010, 11:15:37 am
Knowing VW and their tendency to over-engineer and play it safe, it's entirely possible that the ED30 was built with a different clutch to the K1 due to the slight difference in power outputs. I'm not sure if this can be confirmed with part numbers, but even if they are the same - the source of supply for the factory isnt always the same. A slight variation in material of those fitted to the Cupra and those fitted to the Ed30 could explain the premature failure the moment you push the Ed30 beyond it's normal operating range.
Title: Re: ESP & Revo
Post by: subaru26675 on January 12, 2010, 11:50:55 am
Could the same be said about the dual mass flywheel ?  I know a few guys on here have had them replaced, dont know if anyone on SCN has had problems with the DMF ?
Title: Re: ESP & Revo
Post by: Poverty on January 12, 2010, 01:22:38 pm
Could the same be said about the dual mass flywheel ?  I know a few guys on here have had them replaced, dont know if anyone on SCN has had problems with the DMF ?

just done a quick search on scn, and 5 guys have had new clutches. All of them bar 1 was running stage 2 plus spec. Some changed to single mass flywheels, others retained the std dual mass, and some just bought a new dual mass along with the clutch.
Title: Re: ESP & Revo
Post by: animal on January 12, 2010, 01:40:36 pm
Could the same be said about the dual mass flywheel ?  I know a few guys on here have had them replaced, dont know if anyone on SCN has had problems with the DMF ?

just done a quick search on scn, and 5 guys have had new clutches. All of them bar 1 was running stage 2 plus spec. Some changed to single mass flywheels, others retained the std dual mass, and some just bought a new dual mass along with the clutch.

How does a faulty DMF manifest it's self on the GTI?

And surely a solid flywheel is going to ruin the gearbox not to mention drastically increase NVH?
Title: Re: ESP & Revo
Post by: winrya on January 12, 2010, 05:24:57 pm
I'd like to know more about the DMF issues as my clutch slip was caused by a destroyed dm flywheel. I'm scared to floor it since replacing it all, I'm just waiting for the slipping sound which haunts me :grin:

Title: Re: ESP & Revo
Post by: Sunglasses Ron on January 12, 2010, 05:42:44 pm
By all acounts the Sachs clutch kit on a OEM replacement DMF seems to work fine from the many that have gone down that route.
Or if you want added security, you can go down the SMF route like my mate has done on his S3 since going Stage 2+ with the Spec Clutch and SMF kit from Backdraft Motorsport. Cost him about £1k for the kit (not fitted) and certainly is a decent bit of engineering that is rated way over the power/lbft that his car will produce.
One of the lads on ASN went with a different SMF set up and had a lot of problems with it (slow gear changes, very noisey etc) and warned anyone else against doing the same. Where as my mates kit (that Revo recommended by the way) seems to of done the trick and will obviously outlast any OEM set up. Plus it's only really a bit noisey when it's cold, once warmed up it's not a lot different to standard once run in. Oh and the pick up is night and day better than the standard set up with it being a lighter flywheel.  :wink:
Title: Re: ESP & Revo
Post by: subaru26675 on January 12, 2010, 07:22:49 pm
So it begs the question, do i need to or should i replace my dmf when i am installing the sachs performance clutch and housing ?
The car only has 18K miles on it, could the dmf be knackered as well ?  There is no clutch judder or anything like that just slippage in higher gears when applying full throttle.
Dont want to have to replace it if i dont  need to  :confused:

Title: Re: ESP & Revo
Post by: MAT ED30 on January 12, 2010, 07:24:20 pm
that ??? can only be answered when the box is out mate so just wait and see if there is any play in the dmf when its out
Title: Re: ESP & Revo
Post by: Sunglasses Ron on January 12, 2010, 07:35:04 pm
As Mat says, you will only know when the box is off unfortunately, but if it has more than 2 teeth's worth of play then it's time to replace. My mates was about fooked when he checked his and like a lot of people couldn't really have the car in bits and then have to wait for a new flywheel to be delivered, so ordered both before hand.. His had about 20k on it too, but that doesn't mean your's will necessarily be fooked.. Just that it may..  :sad1: His was slipping in most gears, but not ALL the time.
Not really what you want to be hearing I know mate, but going off other people having similar issues, it may cost you a bit more than you had hoped..  :sad1:
Title: Re: ESP & Revo
Post by: subaru26675 on January 12, 2010, 07:43:40 pm
Oh Shicht !  :sad1:
Cheers for the heads up boys. I am led to believe that sachs dont do a dmf so i suppose it would be an oem one.  where is the best place to buy one if i need to ??

Title: Re: ESP & Revo
Post by: Sunglasses Ron on January 12, 2010, 07:46:05 pm
I know the Audi boys were getting theirs from their Audi dealer, so it maybe the same with VW. Unless you know someone in the trade that can help out..?
Title: Re: ESP & Revo
Post by: RobH on January 12, 2010, 07:54:07 pm
Its a bit left field but Seremotors on SCN is a Seat dealer he might be able to help assuming the DMF is the same as the Cupras, he can get oem clutches for £150 so should be ale to get DMF's for a good price.
Title: Re: ESP & Revo
Post by: Poverty on January 12, 2010, 08:15:50 pm
Its a bit left field but Seremotors on SCN is a Seat dealer he might be able to help assuming the DMF is the same as the Cupras, he can get oem clutches for £150 so should be ale to get DMF's for a good price.

that cheap!!
Title: Re: ESP & Revo
Post by: RobH on January 12, 2010, 08:24:13 pm
yep you have to exchange your old clutch within 30 days aswell though might pm him for a pprice on the dmf.
Title: Re: ESP & Revo
Post by: subaru26675 on January 12, 2010, 08:29:36 pm
If you get a price for a dmf, pm it to me if you dont mind,
Title: Re: ESP & Revo
Post by: RobH on January 12, 2010, 08:31:13 pm
Will do :happy2:
Title: Re: ESP & Revo
Post by: Sunglasses Ron on January 12, 2010, 09:08:54 pm
 :popcornsoda: Love a happy ending...  :drinking:
Title: Re: ESP & Revo
Post by: Poverty on January 12, 2010, 10:55:44 pm
Will do :happy2:

post it up on here!
Title: Re: ESP & Revo
Post by: john_o on January 12, 2010, 11:02:54 pm
:popcornsoda: Love a happy ending...  :drinking:

steady on Ben , still not sorted the OP issues  :signLOL:
Title: Re: ESP & Revo
Post by: RobH on January 14, 2010, 06:46:36 pm
Price for DMF from seremotors is £492 including posting :happy2:
Title: Re: ESP & Revo
Post by: winrya on January 14, 2010, 07:14:50 pm
I paid £240 for my dm flywheel ?!
Title: Re: ESP & Revo
Post by: subaru26675 on January 14, 2010, 07:28:24 pm
wow, £492 is a fair chunk, hopefully mine is ok then  :surprised:
Title: Re: ESP & Revo
Post by: RobH on January 14, 2010, 07:32:46 pm
I paid £240 for my dm flywheel ?!

where from?
Title: Re: ESP & Revo
Post by: winrya on January 14, 2010, 07:37:43 pm
Midland Vw in Cannock. Quoted at £284 but asked If they could source it cheaper. It was the oem part listed for my chassis. I was told Vw put sashs clutch and flywheels on the last golfs but mine was still listed as a luk clutch and thought best play safe with what the system lists! (2005 car)
Title: Re: ESP & Revo
Post by: winrya on January 14, 2010, 07:43:13 pm
Although even cheaper here