MK5 Golf GTI

All Things Mk5 => Mk5 General Area => Topic started by: jonnylaris on December 22, 2016, 02:57:34 pm

Title: Edition 30 Stage 1 APR - Clutch Advice
Post by: jonnylaris on December 22, 2016, 02:57:34 pm
Hi folks,

I've been on these forums for a good 6 months now from when I bought the ED30 but this is my first actual post.

Basically I've had the car mapped up to Stage 1 by APR and I'm getting around 315bhp and 341 ft lbs of torque. I am now getting clutch slip in 5th gear at revs higher than 3k rpm.

What I'd like to know is:

a) Can I get away with an OEM clutch?
b) If not, is there a way I could adjust the settings of the APR remap in order to lower the torque output so that its more inline with the OEM clutch rating (300ft lbs i believe)?

I have been looking at sachs clutches but they are mega expensive, £560 compared to £120 for an OEM one and I already have some other work to do to the car like brake upgrades and so on and I don't want to be spending a crazy amount of money on an 8 year old car with 83k on it.

Title: Re: Edition 30 Stage 1 APR - Clutch Advice
Post by: pudding on December 22, 2016, 03:18:20 pm
Find a steep hill in your area and at 3000rpm in 4th, nail the gas right down.  If the clutch slips, there's your answer for question a) :smiley:

My ED30 clutch slipped on the dyno at pretty much that same mileage - at exactly 300lbft - after a remap.  So long as the roads were flat and I avoided working the engine too hard by pulls in 4th and above from low-ish road speeds, it was OK.....but you know how it fancy a Saturday afternoon hoon and you get clutch slip....annoying!

Question b), you'll need to speak to APR to adjust the N75 boost request in that rpm region.

The Helix clutch is the best option.  It's a bit heavier than a worn standard clutch, otherwise perfect road manners.  No juddering or nasty chattering noises.   AKS Tuning do them for a good price I believe.  You will need a new DMF as well unfortunately.

TFSI tuning is expensive mate.  If you already have that attitude towards it, without trying to sound discouraging or blunt, I would seriously consider selling up now before the costs escalate....and they will if you continue down the modification path  :smiley:  And 83K is just a baby.  Mine's approaching 110K.  40K of it remapped.  They can handle it in their stride if you keep things sensible  :happy2:

The clutch isn't slipping currently, right?  So maybe tackle your other priorities first and come back to it later?
Title: Re: Edition 30 Stage 1 APR - Clutch Advice
Post by: jonnylaris on December 22, 2016, 03:52:11 pm
Thanks for the reply, sorry I forgot to mention that I am indeed getting clutch slip but only in 5th gear it seems when I boot the throttle at around 3k rpm and above.
Title: Re: Edition 30 Stage 1 APR - Clutch Advice
Post by: pudding on December 22, 2016, 04:11:43 pm
Yup, that's a classic sign she canny take no more Captain.

Putting a standard one back in is a false economy imo because you'll encounter the same problem again once it reaches a certain wear point, which could be 30K, 40K, or as much as 50K depending on driving style.

Title: Re: Edition 30 Stage 1 APR - Clutch Advice
Post by: jonnylaris on December 22, 2016, 04:18:52 pm
Do you think a new sachs clutch would last longer than 50k miles?
Title: Re: Edition 30 Stage 1 APR - Clutch Advice
Post by: pudding on December 22, 2016, 04:28:20 pm
SACHs sporting?  Yeah should surpass that easily.  An OEM spec SACHs, probably not.
Title: Re: Edition 30 Stage 1 APR - Clutch Advice
Post by: jonnylaris on December 22, 2016, 04:47:25 pm
Im looking at this one: (

BWA/AXX - For Use With LUK Flywheel - Organic Plate (Rated to 407lb/ft) with a standard LUK DMF
Title: Re: Edition 30 Stage 1 APR - Clutch Advice
Post by: bonelorry on December 22, 2016, 05:03:53 pm
Speak to Alex at AKS Tuning, Fit a Helix with a new DMF.  :smiley:
Title: Re: Edition 30 Stage 1 APR - Clutch Advice
Post by: jonnylaris on December 22, 2016, 05:06:55 pm
Awesome GTI said they wouldn't go near Helix clutches and that they have stopped offering them from 11 months ago. Has there been good experiences with them in general on these forums, also are they cheaper than sachs?
Title: Re: Edition 30 Stage 1 APR - Clutch Advice
Post by: bonelorry on December 22, 2016, 05:38:43 pm
Awesome GTI said they wouldn't go near Helix clutches and that they have stopped offering them from 11 months ago. Has there been good experiences with them in general on these forums, also are they cheaper than sachs?

There are other Tuners/Knowledgeable Independents in the UK other than just Awesome GTI  :wink:
Title: Re: Edition 30 Stage 1 APR - Clutch Advice
Post by: grey golfster on December 22, 2016, 06:03:18 pm
OP - don't waste your labour costs on standard clutch - whatever brand it is - and whomever supplies/fits it...

My Ed did almost exactly the same as yours.
If your car is to be a keeper, save (borrow 0%?) and do the job right first time, or you will regret it.
Title: Re: Edition 30 Stage 1 APR - Clutch Advice
Post by: Neil 54 on December 22, 2016, 06:15:45 pm
As others have said speak to AKS Tuning had my new OEM DMF and Helix clutch fitted to my Revo Stage 1 Ed 30 over a year ago cant fault it bit heavier pedal but I actually like that and take up feels more positive with no judders
Title: Re: Edition 30 Stage 1 APR - Clutch Advice
Post by: jonnylaris on December 22, 2016, 07:04:33 pm
Any idea of the costs of a helix vs the sachs?

Sent from my SM-G930F using Tapatalk

Title: Re: Edition 30 Stage 1 APR - Clutch Advice
Post by: Neil 54 on December 22, 2016, 10:22:09 pm
I paid £735 for Helix clutch new DMF, slave cylinder and bolts
Title: Re: Edition 30 Stage 1 APR - Clutch Advice
Post by: jonnylaris on December 23, 2016, 12:15:40 pm
I paid £735 for Helix clutch new DMF, slave cylinder and bolts

AKS quoted me £800 for clutch, dmf, slave cylinder and bolts.

Where did you get yours from?
Title: Re: Edition 30 Stage 1 APR - Clutch Advice
Post by: pudding on December 23, 2016, 12:17:41 pm
Awesome GTI said they wouldn't go near Helix clutches and that they have stopped offering them from 11 months ago. Has there been good experiences with them in general on these forums, also are they cheaper than sachs?

I think I know why.

Some aftermarket clutches cause 'clutch creep' because the amount of bearing throw to release the clutch far exceeds what the OEM clutch needs. This results in having to push the clutch pedal hard down on the floor, otherwise gear selection is difficult.   Shouldn't be the case with the Helix though as they use the exact same SACHs pressure plate.  The only bit Helix make is the friction material.

That said, some pre-2008 gearboxes have excessive end float on the gear shaft behind the black plastic cover and needs a shim fitting to take up the slack (quick DIY job).  And also excessive crank walk (worn thrust bearing) can cause the same symptoms.  You can check that by prying on the crank pulley.  It should be free of any play.

Before parting with any money, I would ring Alex at AKS Tuning as he knows the full details of all these issues.
Title: Re: Edition 30 Stage 1 APR - Clutch Advice
Post by: Neil 54 on December 23, 2016, 03:54:04 pm
I got it from AKS but they also fitted it so no delivery and pre Brexit so maybe there have been price increases