MK5 Golf GTI

All Things Mk5 => Mk5 General Area => Topic started by: Patrick2691 on May 25, 2017, 08:23:16 am

Title: How should a DSG behave in D with footbrake
Post by: Patrick2691 on May 25, 2017, 08:23:16 am

I've been wondering if it's the norm or mine isn't quite working right as I've read different opinions online.

With the gearbox in Drive and my foot on the brake it always sounds like it's rumbling and trying to fight against the brake. As soon as I release the brake it creeps, no pause whatsoever.

When I move from Drive to Neutral with foot brake depressed it quietens down significantly and doesn't feel like its 'pulling anymore. Is this the norm?

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Title: Re: How should a DSG behave in D with footbrake
Post by: Gazza747 on May 25, 2017, 09:45:46 am
That sounds normal to me. What were you expecting?
Title: Re: How should a DSG behave in D with footbrake
Post by: v4rley on May 25, 2017, 10:12:11 am
Does sound a bit different, has been said before that when in D and foot brake applied the engine knows and eases of the transmission.

When stop on a hill when I let of the brake I get minor rollback from where it's engaging again
Title: Re: How should a DSG behave in D with footbrake
Post by: Kai96 on May 25, 2017, 10:12:26 am
Yeah completely normal
Title: Re: How should a DSG behave in D with footbrake
Post by: Pesky jones on May 25, 2017, 10:54:25 am
Had it on my last DSG, dont have it on my current DSG. Wouldnt worry - I used to go to neutral when stopped for a while.
Title: Re: How should a DSG behave in D with footbrake
Post by: Shoduchi on May 25, 2017, 10:58:20 am
Mine does have an higher idle with D engaged compared to N, while stopped, but I don't feel the engine fighting the brakes. It just revs a bit more.
Title: Re: How should a DSG behave in D with footbrake
Post by: slix on May 25, 2017, 12:54:09 pm
When You release the brake pedal you should get a slight delay when pulling away. It shouldn't be instant like on a torque converter box.
Title: Re: How should a DSG behave in D with footbrake
Post by: Juliand on May 25, 2017, 02:13:07 pm
I put mine in N if I'm at lights or likely to be standing still a while. Seems to put less stress on the system - have to try to anticipate the lights changing to avoid embarrassment, ha ha
Title: Re: How should a DSG behave in D with footbrake
Post by: xjay1337 on May 25, 2017, 04:42:31 pm
It will apply some pressure when braking in D similar to a torque converter.
Best off to put it in N if stationary for any period of time.
Title: Re: How should a DSG behave in D with footbrake
Post by: MIJ_JAGGER on May 25, 2017, 08:13:05 pm
The clutch is disengaged when you brake and are at a standstill doesn't it?
Title: Re: How should a DSG behave in D with footbrake
Post by: r5gtt on May 25, 2017, 08:21:31 pm
I have the same so wouldn't worry about it and if standing for too long then into N it goes   :happy2:
Title: Re: How should a DSG behave in D with footbrake
Post by: spicypixel on May 25, 2017, 08:39:16 pm
It's as OP describes for me in my mk5, the mk7 DSG I've driven before didn't have such a problem because of start-stop and autohold, basically threw on the parking brake and turned off the engine at lights.

Handy but can catch you out if the engine drops out immediately as the lights change and you wanna move