MK5 Golf GTI
General => Random Chat => Topic started by: Juliand on January 22, 2018, 02:46:09 pm
Just thought that I'd post this to see if I'm losing the plot, or if anyone else is too.... My car is pretty much 'ding free' and I'd like to keep it that way. It spends 90% of its time in my garage, so doesn't get used that much, but when I do, I absolutely hate public car parks. I park as far away from other cars as I can, right at the far end of any car park; I try to find a single space, or, at worst, an end space - never next to a 3 door car (bigger doors); and certainly never near a car with baby seats.
I even prefer parking on the road, so that no one can 'fling' their door open onto my car - I've seen it done so many times by inconsiderate car park users. My wife and family think I'm crazily obsessed - wifey says it's a £6k Golf GTI; not like the brand new £70k Porsche, or Beemers etc that we had when I was younger, and working. I'm retired now(59, so not exactly an old git yet), but perhaps too much time on my hands etc.
I've always been careful where I would park, but I think that this has got a bit OTT (or OCD??)- I get really miffed if anyone parks next to me, having gone to all this trouble to avoid other cars etc, and have to check for bumps and marks. Surely not everyone will be the inconsiderate car park user that I regard them as......
Thoughts, chaps.........? :stupid:
The value of the car is irrelevant imo. It's your property which you care about and it would be nice if other people respected that. It's no less acceptable to slam a door into a £6K Golf than it is a brand new Bentley. It's still unnecessary and annoying in both cases!
At work I moved away from the main parking area and claimed my own little space alongside a hedge. Others then copied me, but at least the cars are only in front of and behind mine, so no door swinging shenanigans! In fact, in 27 years of driving, the one and only time I picked up a dent was from a careless colleague at work.
As for roaming out in the wild, I go for a space where 98% of the population would find it too much effort to get into. Works every time. People are lazy and want to the most convenient spot possible. Sun Tzu - know your enemy :smiley:
You're not the only one, or irrational. I often make the missus walk a long way to the shop entrance :grin:
You're definitely not the only one who does this!
At work, various supermarkets and shopping centres i have a specific spot that I like to park in, and i get very irritated if i'm unable to park in it!
I've been in a few car parks where someone has just carelessly parked next to me, and have been that close that I've had to either climb through the passenger side, or have had to drive forward in order to let me passenger open the door. I cant stand the thought of someone flinging their door open to mine and not being bothered about damaging someone else's property.
I do find that there is always that 1 numpty that decides to park next to you in an empty car park when you're miles away from the entrance :fighting: :fighting:
Top tip...
In a supermarket car park, look for a trolley bay (people invariably avoid parking next to them for some reason).
Reverse park tight to the trolley bay on your nearside. If you're any good you'll be able to get within 20-30mm of it. This gives you loads of extra gap on the offside between you and the next car, and obviously the nearside is somewhat shielded by the trolley bay itself. Win win.
Note: It helps to get a front passenger out of the car before the manoeuvre.. :)
Top tip...
In a supermarket car park, look for a trolley bay (people invariably avoid parking next to them for some reason).
Reverse park tight to the trolley bay on your nearside. If you're any good you'll be able to get within 20-30mm of it. This gives you loads of extra gap on the offside between you and the next car, and obviously the nearside is somewhat shielded by the trolley bay itself. Win win.
Note: It helps to get a front passenger out of the car before the manoeuvre.. :)
Haha, yep :happy2: You have also spotted the same creature habits as I have out in the wild. Ironically, the avoidance of the trolley bay is so that a stray one doesn't end up in the side of their car.
And yeah, as for someone always being next to you in the deepest, darkest corner of the car park when you come back out.......that one is a mystery. It must be a creature habit thing, along the lines of Bison always grouping together at the watering hole to mitigate the Crocodile risk. Only the brave Bison venture off to the far corner of the carpark on their own. I guess the Bison who is next to you when you come out also doesn't want to be in the main pack, but isn't brave enough to go completely solo.
93.1% of these brave solo creatures head off into the corner because like minded people value their property. It's only a small splinter cell of utter retards who venture over next to yours deliberately to make a point. "I know you are parking here because you want to be away from people like me, but here I am anyway, haha!"
Top tip...
In a supermarket car park, look for a trolley bay (people invariably avoid parking next to them for some reason).
Reverse park tight to the trolley bay on your nearside. If you're any good you'll be able to get within 20-30mm of it. This gives you loads of extra gap on the offside between you and the next car, and obviously the nearside is somewhat shielded by the trolley bay itself. Win win.
Note: It helps to get a front passenger out of the car before the manoeuvre.. :)
Haha, yep :happy2: You have also spotted the same creature habits as I have out in the wild. Ironically, the avoidance of the trolley bay is so that a stray one doesn't end up in the side of their car.
And yeah, as for someone always being next to you in the deepest, darkest corner of the car park when you come back out.......that one is a mystery. It must be a creature habit thing, along the lines of Bison always grouping together at the watering hole to mitigate the Crocodile risk. Only the brave Bison venture off to the far corner of the carpark on their own. I guess the Bison who is next to you when you come out also doesn't want to be in the main pack, but isn't brave enough to go completely solo.
93.1% of these brave solo creatures head off into the corner because like minded people value their property. It's only a small splinter cell of utter retards who venture over next to yours deliberately to make a point. "I know you are parking here because you want to be away from people like me, but here I am anyway, haha!"
Haha! Well put Kev!
To be a complete optimist for a moment - maybe the people that park next to you down in the secluded corner of the car park are actually of the same mindest...
"Hey I've seen you've been savvy and found a safe spot. I like your style. I'm gonna park next to you because I'm the same - you're safe with me next to you and I know I'm safe with you next to me".
Or maybe that's just wishful thinking?!
I agree with what all of you have said about parking drives me mad. some years ago i had someone i challenged about opening their door onto my car whilst i was sitting in it tell me it was my fault for having a nice car far more people dont care than do IMO for the times when i dont have a choice i use these
I never use to be botherd as much, till i got a ding on the old edition 30 then i started parking as far away as possible. Always park middle of nowhere and come back out with a car parked either side and it gets right on my tits.
I've now installed a dash cam front and rear with motion sensors when i'm not there.
Although it might not pick up the ding happening. It picks up car driving in or out so in theory i hope it works.
So yeah you're not the only one.
Top tip...
In a supermarket car park, look for a trolley bay (people invariably avoid parking next to them for some reason).
Reverse park tight to the trolley bay on your nearside. If you're any good you'll be able to get within 20-30mm of it. This gives you loads of extra gap on the offside between you and the next car, and obviously the nearside is somewhat shielded by the trolley bay itself. Win win.
Note: It helps to get a front passenger out of the car before the manoeuvre.. :)
Haha, yep :happy2: You have also spotted the same creature habits as I have out in the wild. Ironically, the avoidance of the trolley bay is so that a stray one doesn't end up in the side of their car.
And yeah, as for someone always being next to you in the deepest, darkest corner of the car park when you come back out.......that one is a mystery. It must be a creature habit thing, along the lines of Bison always grouping together at the watering hole to mitigate the Crocodile risk. Only the brave Bison venture off to the far corner of the carpark on their own. I guess the Bison who is next to you when you come out also doesn't want to be in the main pack, but isn't brave enough to go completely solo.
93.1% of these brave solo creatures head off into the corner because like minded people value their property. It's only a small splinter cell of utter retards who venture over next to yours deliberately to make a point. "I know you are parking here because you want to be away from people like me, but here I am anyway, haha!"
Haha! Well put Kev!
To be a complete optimist for a moment - maybe the people that park next to you down in the secluded corner of the car park are actually of the same mindest...
"Hey I've seen you've been savvy and found a safe spot. I like your style. I'm gonna park next to you because I'm the same - you're safe with me next to you and I know I'm safe with you next to me".
Or maybe that's just wishful thinking?!
Yeah I'm sure there is that side of it too. Like minded people do tend to gravitate toward each other.
The best way to keep people away from your car is buy an old Volvo estate and weld 8" steels spikes all over it!
I agree with what all of you have said about parking drives me mad. some years ago i had someone i challenged about opening their door onto my car whilst i was sitting in it tell me it was my fault for having a nice car far more people dont care than do IMO for the times when i dont have a choice i use these
So going by their logic, you were quite within your rights to punch them in the face for being too pretty. And perhaps when you're done with the facial rearranging, drive a tractor through their living room wall. Their fault for having a nice house.
I think being a total idiot and thicker and 5 short planks should be punishable by life imprisonment, with Torture Tuesdays every week. Starting with a car door being banged onto their knees for 5 hours.
I agree with what all of you have said about parking drives me mad. some years ago i had someone i challenged about opening their door onto my car whilst i was sitting in it tell me it was my fault for having a nice car far more people dont care than do IMO for the times when i dont have a choice i use these
Thanks for the re-assuring comments...... Had a quick look at these door defenders - thanks - the problem is that offending cars have different door profiles, with pointed bits, when the door is open, at different heights - like this muppet who parked very close next to me on Sunday in a Nissan Juke, which had a pointed profile bit low down, but then a high nasty looking door edge over the rear wheel arch, and then another car might be totally different, :doh:
Had to take wifey to a hospital appointment the other day to have her plaster-cast taken off, from a broken wrist, and you know how hard it is to park at Hospitals.......was dreading it, but hey presto, there was a single space near the top floor in the multi storey car park at Poole hospital - bingo! (top tip !) Flippin hard to manoeuvre into, but managed it, ha ha, More physio appointments to follow, though :thinking:.......
I would like this post ten times if I could. I too am extra fussy about parking and often circle car parks numerous times before choosing a spot, even when they are empty

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None of you are the only paranoid ones.
For me, it's an end space or GTFO.
50% less chance of some mong-clown 'non car enthusiast' edging up to it or carelessly denting the bodywork straight away. I like to keep chances in my favour, hence I've never been a gambler :grin: :laugh:
Given the demonstration I saw this morning of one of my own trusted and beleaguered colleagues parking his car this morning in the side street outside work by making full on weighted contact with the car both behind, then in front as he straightened up in a space basically too small for his SUV, I remembered even people you have time for literally don't GAF about cars most of the time :booty: :stupid: :rolleye:
It was a harrowing reminder that there's a big gaping separation of people when they step into a car - those that care, and those that quite blatantly, openly and unforgivingly don't.
Reverse parking.. Dinged twice by d1ckeds. Can't stand to see it. When I asked one of them why he did it he said for safety reasons so he can drive straight out. Apologies to all the experts on here who are more than capable of the achieving the manoeuvre. Agree with OP.. Drive my wife mad looking for a space.
My wife works at the largest Tesco in Suffolk her Mini had 21 car park dents in it when we sold it to a Londoner who parked on the street and said it was par for the course to have a damaged car in London. He did not care less about them. When i took her there once several years ago a car pulled out straight into the side of my BMW causing £2k of damage ! We bought a new Polo R line to replace it, only two so far ! I ensure my car cannot be hit when parked by doors, takes ages to find a spot sometimes.
I tried my best to keep the dings out but its hard here. Lots of apartments minimal street parking and the smallest parking spaces ever. And its normal to bump cars when parking.
Where we used to live, if my favourite spots (I had four) were not available I had been known to either drive home and walk back or just not bother.
We moved down the road to Southampton nearly two years ago and the Local Sainsbury's have some amazing parking bays to the point where on a busy Saturday afternoon you can guarantee you'll be able to get a "special" bay.
I bought and drive an old polo for this reason. Keep my nice ED30 and Corrado away for this sort of stuff. People just do not respect other people’s pride and joys.
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It is extremely liberating driving around in a 'cheap heap'. I had a £500 E34 525i estate for that reason and the opposite happened. Everyone gave it a wide berth!! If I parked it in a corner, there were no cars surrounding it when I came back out. I think the psychology there is, the cheaper the car, the less the owner gives a sh*t.
That car was also a stark reminder of how cheaply made German cars are these days, BMWs especially.
It is extremely liberating driving around in a 'cheap heap'.
Been thinking that myself recently......
It is extremely liberating driving around in a 'cheap heap'.
Been thinking that myself recently......
This ^ :happy2:
Considering you can get a MK5 with a 1.9 tdi or even a 2.0tdi GT model for another couple of hundred on top, it would be great to have a car you don't care too much about considering the rest of the nation seem to adopt that attitude! :driver:
Seeing as everyone loves stupid SUVs and crossovers these days, if you can't beat them, join them.
The ultimate cheap heap. A jacked up big wheeled Jeep Cherokee 4.0. Towering way above all the crappy Range Rover Evoques, Qashqais, Jukes and other sh*tty little boxes pretending to be REAL 4x4 cars, you will be king of the road. Wide berths given, and no one will park next to a beast like this....
Seeing as everyone loves stupid SUVs and crossovers these days, if you can't beat them, join them.
The ultimate cheap heap. A jacked up big wheeled Jeep Cherokee 4.0. Towering way above all the crappy Range Rover Evoques, Qashqais, Jukes and other sh*tty little boxes pretending to be REAL 4x4 cars, you will be king of the road. Wide berths given, and no one will park next to a beast like this....
Ha ha... :signLOL:, yeah and if anyone does block your door by parking stupidly close, you can just stand on their roof and get in through the window, making sure yer boots ave studs on, to leave a nice pattern on their bonnet and roof. Don't fancy the fuel bill though.....
Saw a lovely Golf R yesterday (that deep blue / purple metallic - don't know what its called), parked up in a bay that he / she had obviously picked deliberately, as it would avoid the risk of careless other parkers, and while admiring it, noticed this deep 'ding' a couple of inches down from the passenger rear window, so quite high up - probably damaged by a SUV rear door corner, being that high up.
Really felt for the owner - it makes me so cross that people can be so disrespectful and inconsiderate when parking. Grrrrr! :mad:
Saw a lovely Golf R yesterday (that deep blue / purple metallic - don't know what its called), parked up in a bay that he / she had obviously picked deliberately, as it would avoid the risk of careless other parkers, and while admiring it, noticed this deep 'ding' a couple of inches down from the passenger rear window, so quite high up - probably damaged by a SUV rear door corner, being that high up.
Really felt for the owner - it makes me so cross that people can be so disrespectful and inconsiderate when parking. Grrrrr! :mad:
I have a ding in exactly the same place but due to be fixed soon .
sometimes you can park it in the most careful place possible away from all the idiots and you will get pelted by natures hail stones or something of the sort.
i once had a homeless guy jump on the bonnet of my old Audi A6 because he was being chased. not even like I could get him to pay for the damage so had to fork out of my own pocket to fix it.
I now go by the feeling of sometimes you just can't deny fate of your pride and joy being damaged
Yep, very true. The only damage mine has suffered in 3.5 years was from the bloody wing mirror glass falling out at 80mph, and chipping the paint as it bounced down the bodywork.