MK5 Golf GTI
All Things Mk5 => Mk5 General Area => Topic started by: ljc19630 on July 16, 2019, 09:10:34 am
Morning guys,
Had my GTi since Feb. Got it via my Son who works for Audi as a PX for silly money and it's in great condition, with only 1 previous owner and FVWSH etc. I wasn't looking at a 2nd car, as have (or had) an 801hp CLS63 AMG-S. Unfortunately, that was stolen last Friday evening from my drive, and unlikely to be recovered. Fortunately, I'm fully insured and also have GAP cover, so will at least get back the 45k I paid for the car.
OK so on to why I am posting. I love my GTi, if I'm honest, apart from the mental noise my CLS63 made with a full de-cat and straight through t exhaust, the GTi is more fun to drive, as most, if not all of the power can be used. It's running a Revo STG2, so goes pretty well. However, I am considering upping the power. I've seen the great vids from TR Hamza with his K03 to K04 upgrade, and am considering this. I did a reccy last night based on gathering all the parts needed myself, and it totaled just over £1600. I have guesstimated on the biggest cost items, like K04 Turbo, S3 Injectors and also the S3 I/C, but the rest I searched online for an approximate price. I wouldn't look to do the work myself as albeit I'm pretty competent I'd need to get my sons pal (works for Audi) to do the work or even R-Tech, but to be honest my son's pal would easily do this. So that cost would need to be added. Let's say £500 as a guesstimate. I'd then need to take it to R-Tech to get the mapping done as well as injector clean, intake/valve clean etc. That I believe would be around £700 as think R-Tech have an offer on ATM. So total approximate price for upgrading existing engine would be circa £2800. My engine has done 131k, so quite high, but runs very very well
The other option I have is to purchase a fairly low mileage (70k) Fully complete BYD engine. There are a couple on eBay and one in particular that I have been investigating. Granted its priced at £2300, but I am sure I can haggle this down. This would then mean I get a stronger engine with almost half the mileage of my existing engine, can easily get my sons pal to install, and then take to R-Tech for mapping and intake/valve clean. Let's assume £1800 for the engine (fully complete with all ancillaries) a day to take my engine out and a day to put back in using my son's pal. I have asked him to give me a price, but let's assume £600. Mapping and intake/valve clean at R-tech £700. Total £3100. £300 dearer but I then have my engine to sell on. Ideally want a BYD lump, as I know that it can be tuned up and not have any issues with internals etc, and i can upgrade DSG clutches if needed.What you all think??
Hey Louie,
Sad news to hear about the Merc mate!! I have seen you mention that car maybe once or twice.. so the love for it must have been high :wink:
as for the build.. i think you've already answered your own question there :happy2:! My cousin done the K04 conversion (I had quite an involvement in this, so fairly clued up) and at 200k after its life has been very hard.. it was no surprise that after a few k miles of having a K04 (370hp) something had let go - one of his cylinders dropped compression! He then decided to get a BYD and transfer all the ancillaries over etc. His car now runs great and had no problems at all.
The K04 conversion is in the pipe line for me too (maybe next year) but for now i want to sort a few more bits, take it to Stage 2+ and see how i go with that.
So you've seen videos and read up on this stuff.. you'll know what it seems like, and my opinion on the K04 - What an Animal!!! just pulls and pulls. He has claimed to have stinked a huge amount of top cars and no doubt upset a lot of people (people who have paid a lot more for there car). These when done well are very fast mate.
good luck with the decision you make, either way.. once done you'll be very pleased with it.
Hey bud,
Yeah gutted mate, but at least we were our and they didn't break into the house. Plus no one was hurt. Sad as it is, its just a car, and i'm just getting on with life mate. Cant be holding on to if's and maybe's and luckily i have GAP cover so will get the full amount i paid back
OK so your reply eludes to me getting the BYD engine, which is my preferred route, One thing I have been asked is if the ECU & wiring loom form that BYD engine will be the same as what i have now? I'd of thought that there shouldn't be any difference???
OK so done more research on this. I can simply use my ECU/Loom and run the BYD engine until it goes to R-Tech for mapping etc.
Will need to get an S3-8P I/C( circa £150) VIS HPFP internals (circa £260) RS4 Fuel Rail Pressure Valve (Circa £50) which can all be fitted at R-Tech. I've worked out this option to be around £3.4k, as opposed to a K03 to K04 conversion being £2.2k. However, I still will have my excellent condition and fully VW serviced BWA complete engine to sell. What's that worth as a complete engine with all ancillaries?
Can anyone advise if the loom from my BWA unit would be compatible to use with the ED30 BYD engine?
2 units I’m looking at. One is fully complete and the other without loom/ECU but can use my ECU till mapped by R-Tech.
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Yes, i believe your loom will be sufficient. obvs you will have to do the DV wiring extension. but you know that anyway. :wink:
Thanks, bud - Ah yes, of course, the DV moves to the front :thinking:. What's the normal way of extending the wire for this?
If thats the case then i'm swaying towards the cheaper BYD engine with 62k miles, but comes without Loom, ECU, alternator & AC compressor as can use all these from my BWA unit. Thats up at £1995. The other unit is a fully complete engine with all ancillaries, but covered 75k and up for £2300+150 shipping. What you reckon? Its a punt either way but both units have been run and tested and I am told they are running fine, but neither has any service history to prove mileage, etc :doh:
i hate making decisions like that mate, and to conveniently have no service history too puts you on your back foot!
extending the wiring for DV isn't too difficult, you can either do it yourself if you buy the plugs: male and female connectors, wires and the little kit off ebay to join it all together. or i think you can actually by the extension from somewhere.. or someone makes them or sumin. Google will help you out with this tbh, my cousin made his in the end. sounds harder than it is.
Yeah, i know mate - its a punt and not sure how i'd stand if the engine was shyte once I bought it. I'll have a think about this as TBH the mileage on the more expensive unit seems more genuine as the guy did say to me that he could make anything up about the mileage and was decent enough to say that he took the mileage from what was on the clocks, but who knows if that engine had been changed in the past etc? I may just go back to him and say i don't need the ancillaries, ECU, Loom etc and then haggle him down!!!
Re the DV relocator cable, i have found one here
Apart from that, i don't think i need any other cables?
There you go.. i knew it! I knew i want going crazy :signLOL:
yeah, haggle him.. if you don't need the extra stuff it makes sense to knock some money off rather than having it all for the sake of it.
The worst thing is, he could be telling the truth and you just don't know. For all those sh*tes who lie, it makes the genuine sellers instantly doubted by the buyer.. its not fair but that's life i guess!
Mate, you're definitely not going crazy!!! I am the one needing help and you're doing just that!!!
Yeah, you're right mate, its shame folk can't just be upfront and honest, but its the world we live in i'm afraid.
I will haggle the shyte out of him now - defo don't need the parts we discussed, and also want a discount. I'd be happy with £1700 delivered?
Hi Louie,
I did this conversion from an AXX to a BYD a few years back (my build thread goes through quite a bit of it, not too much detail though) I sold the car in 2016 to a guy on here and the BYD is still running strong at 350bhp since it was done in May 2015. I didn't regret the conversion as it gave the car a new lease of life. I've ran a couple of BMW 335d's since then which are no slouches but I miss that Golf like mad.
I've got a basic Bill Of Materials available if you need one which shows gives some part numbers for replacement parts (just drop me a PM with an email on). We did have a minor issue with the runner flap motor from the BYD which IIRC didn't work on the AXX ECU so we had to re-install the AXX runner flap motor on the BYD lump. Incidentally I got Alex from AKS tuning to do my conversion and its been looked after by him ever since. :happy2:
The existing loom is fine and extending the DV loom is a piece of cake.
Hey Carl
Topman and thanks for the info - I'll drop you a PM now. Have you the link to your build thread? FYI my existing engine is a BWA, so not sure if that makes any difference to the runner flap issues you had?
Click on the Blue VW badge just next to My Ride above. There should be a few guys done BWA to BYD / CDL on here so have a good nose around I remember reading about the AXX to BYD / CDL runner flap motor compatibility issues on several threads a few years back. I think they all mechanically fit it's just the older ECU's don't like the later flap motor signals. Apologies for vagueness it's been a few years.
Yeah, the manifold runner flap motors can be awkward.. it’s all down to the part number. If your motor has a letter on the end of the part number then you can replace it with the latest revision (whatever letter it is... I think it’s E) and if you just have a part number then you have to replace it with that part only and cannot fit the latest revision. Although they’re all identical in terms of fitment.
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OK, this may be an issue I won't know about till I get the BYD engine?. Are these the runner flaps behind the intake manifold, that are cleaned when R-Tec do their walnut shell blasting? If they do need changing, will the car run, and sufficiently for me to get to R-Tech as they will map for ma and I'll also get an injector service and walnut shell blast clean, hence runner flaps will be removed and cleaned. OR do I just get the ECU & Loom from the ED30 engine as one comes with and the other without, but can be supplied? The transplant isn't a concern as my son's mate is a top-notch Audi tech, but i want to try and avoid any running issues post-transplant and getting it from West Sussex to Hinkley!!!
yes, those are the flaps in chats. tbh if i had to take a guess, i would say.. yours is a Letter runner flap motor, and the BYD will probs also be a letter so i don't think you'll have any issue. my cousin didn't, and he went from BWA to BYD. maybe diff for yours as his was an 06 and yours is an 05 or 55 i cant remember. i think it might be more of the AXX that had NO letter on. i could be wrong, but whatever the case, i don't think you'd be in too much trouble if you run the original motor with the original ECU on the new BYD. i'd have thought you'll be ok and get to R-tech fine. its the ECU config with the motor not the engine. so don't panic on this too much.
Thanks bro.
Mines a May 2008 car so hopefully be ok. I’ve gone for the more expensive engine as didn’t feel comfortable with the replies I was getting from the other bod with the cheaper unit. Just hit him with a nice low offer, so the haggling begins. 

Know anyone selling an OEM S3 8P I/C??
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ahh, sorry bro.. not sure why i had 05/55 in my head lol nice one.. hit them low and hope for the best! I believe this intercooler is a good alternative and been mentioned on here before:
or, if your mate still works at Audi, ask him to get you one (the complete Ally one) on his discount which will work out around the same price.
My cousin went for the below intercooler and to be honest, it's really not bad at all and does the job perfectly:
Oh, and i think this may be the same as the Darkside one without the name:
No worries bud
They are the 3 I have sat in my eBay basket!!! Angling towards the cheaper one to be honest as if ya cousin has used then it may suffice. Did he convert to BYD?
Still no reply from the engine seller so will sit right as in no rush
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No worries bud
They are the 3 I have sat in my eBay basket!!! Angling towards the cheaper one to be honest as if ya cousin has used then it may suffice. Did he convert to BYD?
Still no reply from the engine seller so will sit right as in no rush
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yes mate, converted to a BYD after his BWA give way. and his £200 ebay cooler is sweet! maybe not to everyone's approval on here but he's more than happy with it.
Ok brill What power he running??
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around 380 :laugh:
Ooooh ok that’s it then
£199 I/C will be ordered, but will use a set of Creation Motorsport Hard popes as below I think??
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Still haggling re the engine, but the guy is playing hardball :fighting:
Anyway i shall keep at it as ideally want a complete engine
Quick Question - For those who have converted to BYD or are running BYD with R-Tech STG2+ is this the correct 200 Bar Fuel Pressure Sensor i need??
Bear in mind the CDL engine from the Golf 6 R, 8P Audi S3 and Scirocco R is another option if BYD specific engines are scarce.
You don't need an 8P S3 intercooler specifically, the 6R one will work as well.
If I were you, I would just do an OEM K04 swap and not worry about aftermarket parts until you've established a reliable conversion and power baseline.
A completely stock K04 can shove about 400lbft torque worth of pressure into the cylinders (something the BWA/AXX can't sustain for long) with around 350hp. Rising to 370ish hp with a good intake and exhaust. Ignore 400hp+ figures, it's pure fantasy land.
You will find that is plenty on rural roads, well, actually is way more than the chassis can handle so you might want to look at the brakes and suspension as well.
If that doesn't float your boat, no amount of further tweaking will satisfy you. You'll be needing a different car or TTRS engine swap :laugh:
Bear in mind the CDL engine from the Golf 6 R, 8P Audi S3 and Scirocco R is another option if BYD specific engines are scarce.
You don't need an 8P S3 intercooler specifically, the 6R one will work as well.
If I were you, I would just do an OEM K04 swap and not worry about aftermarket parts until you've established a reliable conversion and power baseline.
A completely stock K04 can shove about 400lbft torque worth of pressure into the cylinders (something the BWA/AXX can't sustain for long) with around 350hp. Rising to 370ish hp with a good intake and exhaust. Ignore 400hp+ figures, it's pure fantasy land.
You will find that is plenty on rural roads, well, actually is way more than the chassis can handle so you might want to look at the brakes and suspension as well.
If that doesn't float your boat, no amount of further tweaking will satisfy you. You'll be needing a different car or TTRS engine swap :laugh:
Hi pudding/
I didn't know the CDL engine from the Golf 6 R, 8P Audi S3, and Scirocco R will fit? Is this just a case of searching for a CDL engine?
Bear in mind the CDL engine from the Golf 6 R, 8P Audi S3 and Scirocco R is another option if BYD specific engines are scarce.
You don't need an 8P S3 intercooler specifically, the 6R one will work as well.
If I were you, I would just do an OEM K04 swap and not worry about aftermarket parts until you've established a reliable conversion and power baseline.
A completely stock K04 can shove about 400lbft torque worth of pressure into the cylinders (something the BWA/AXX can't sustain for long) with around 350hp. Rising to 370ish hp with a good intake and exhaust. Ignore 400hp+ figures, it's pure fantasy land.
You will find that is plenty on rural roads, well, actually is way more than the chassis can handle so you might want to look at the brakes and suspension as well.
If that doesn't float your boat, no amount of further tweaking will satisfy you. You'll be needing a different car or TTRS engine swap :laugh:
Hi pudding/
I didn't know the CDL engine from the Golf 6 R, 8P Audi S3, and Scirocco R will fit? Is this just a case of searching for a CDL engine?
Yup, it's the strongest EA113 engine VW made. It's a CDL in the S3 and 6R (iirc) but may be a different code in the Scirocco, but it's the same unit. Maybe try a search for Audi 8P S3, Golf 6R & Scirocco R engine (pre 2012. The CDL is a bit of a legend in EA113 tuning circles, so be wary of chancers asking stupid money for ropey engines. A brand new CDL from VW/TPS is £4K, so don't pay anything silly for a used one.
Your GTI ECU and loom will work with a BYD or CDL, but the software will need changing over to the K04 specific settings :happy2:
Sorry to hear about your AMG theft. So annoying and invasive. My mate had his A45 AMG nicked, bloody thieving sods. It's good to hear you hold the humble old GTI in such high regard though :happy2:
Basically, AXX, BWA, CDL, BYD etc......are all the same basic unit. The only physical difference is the compression ratio, cam profiles, piston and bearing type and injector and turbo sizing. Everything else is pretty much the same.
The EA888 from the MK7 will drop straight into a MK5 as well......but with a few electrical headaches to contend with.
Bear in mind the CDL engine from the Golf 6 R, 8P Audi S3 and Scirocco R is another option if BYD specific engines are scarce.
You don't need an 8P S3 intercooler specifically, the 6R one will work as well.
If I were you, I would just do an OEM K04 swap and not worry about aftermarket parts until you've established a reliable conversion and power baseline.
A completely stock K04 can shove about 400lbft torque worth of pressure into the cylinders (something the BWA/AXX can't sustain for long) with around 350hp. Rising to 370ish hp with a good intake and exhaust. Ignore 400hp+ figures, it's pure fantasy land.
You will find that is plenty on rural roads, well, actually is way more than the chassis can handle so you might want to look at the brakes and suspension as well.
If that doesn't float your boat, no amount of further tweaking will satisfy you. You'll be needing a different car or TTRS engine swap :laugh:
Hi pudding/
I didn't know the CDL engine from the Golf 6 R, 8P Audi S3, and Scirocco R will fit? Is this just a case of searching for a CDL engine?
Yup, it's the strongest EA113 engine VW made. It's a CDL in the S3 and 6R (iirc) but may be a different code in the Scirocco, but it's the same unit. Maybe try a search for Audi 8P S3, Golf 6R & Scirocco R engine (pre 2012. The CDL is a bit of a legend in EA113 tuning circles, so be wary of chancers asking stupid money for ropey engines. A brand new CDL from VW/TPS is £4K, so don't pay anything silly for a used one.
Your GTI ECU and loom will work with a BYD or CDL, but the software will need changing over to the K04 specific settings :happy2:
Sorry to hear about your AMG theft. So annoying and invasive. My mate had his A45 AMG nicked, bloody thieving sods. It's good to hear you hold the humble old GTI in such high regard though :happy2:
On mate, you're a star! :congrats: :congrats:I honestly just thought the BYD lump would fit. That gives me LOADS more options and opportunity to find a low mileage engine. :jumpmove:
So i guess if i get an engine complete with ECU/Loom its a straight swap? My preferred option to be honest, as then can get it to R-tech for mapping etc. Yeah the AMG being stolen was a real upset, but fortunately, I've got GAP cover. The insurance company have been great and I had an initial offer today, but declined this as the GAP company will now take over the negotiations as they have a 9k shortfall to cover as I'll get the full invoice price i paid, which is i guess a consolation to all this. I love the GTi. I think driving an 800hp monster is great, but if i am honest, my GTi is compared to the best hatchback & car for driveability and fun i have owned FocusRS Mk1 - That car i compare all my cars too, and to date, the GTi is on par. Admittedly at 132k its needing suspension/bushes etc replaced and once mapped up new brakes, but at present
with Revo STG2 its a joy to drive, and the engine is strong and runs like new. I shall have that up for sale soon too :grin:
Thanks again mate. I shall use you as my upgrade guru from now on :driver:
Hi Guys would appreciate some advice/confirmation :thinking: :thinking:
OK so have a couple of CDLunits I am looking at
First is a 2011 8P S3 CDL with only 38k. Got the reg of the car its been pulled from and the mileage all checks out via MOT checks on .Gov website
Comes complete with everything minus DSG box & Flywheel & engine Loom (has ECU)
I assume I can use my existing DSG & Flywheel? Also, you mentioned that my BWA ECU/Loom will be ok but will need the s/w changing to K04? Will the car still run well enough to get to R-tech and just be on the existing map (Revo STG2) but for a K03??
Second is a 2013 Scirocco R 30k miles. The guy has agreed to split the DSG & Flywheel and sell me the complete unit, ECU/loom and all ancillaries.
The only issue is the mileage cant be verified other than the engine looking extremely clean and worthy of only having dome 30k miles.
Again assuming my DSG & Flywheel will mate to this ok?
If I buy this would the engine ECU/loom be needed or again could I use my existing?
One other thing. If, and it's a big if, I ask him to supply the DSG box/flywheel as well, would I then need the engine loom/ECU from the Scirocco, or will my ECU/Loom work?
I'll be selling my BWA engine so ideally wan to keep as much of that together as I can, but also want to weigh up costs as if it means using my DSG/Flywheel/CU/Loom is more cost-effective then I'll need to seriously consider this
Hi, chaps,
Been pissed about by several engine sellers, and to be honest can't be arsed with this, so going to simply go for a K04 conversion on my existing BWA engine. I've sourced the majority of the parts over the course of yesterday including a fully reconditioned Borg Warner K04-0064 turbo. Purchased the upgraded I/C and going to also change the A/C condenser as its pretty mullered!!! The only items I've yet to purchase are the injectors. I am looking at a brand new set which albeit are not cheap I'm considering these unless I can source a used set. Can anyone advise if these are the correct injectors?
Hi, chaps,
Been pissed about by several engine sellers, and to be honest can't be arsed with this, so going to simply go for a K04 conversion on my existing BWA engine. I've sourced the majority of the parts over the course of yesterday including a fully reconditioned Borg Warner K04-0064 turbo. Purchased the upgraded I/C and going to also change the A/C condenser as its pretty mullered!!! The only items I've yet to purchase are the injectors. I am looking at a brand new set which albeit are not cheap I'm considering these unless I can source a used set. Can anyone advise if these are the correct injectors?
Hey Louie, I don't blame you mate.. some of those breakers are a nightmare! Just K04 your well looked after BWA then. As long as you don't push the limits tooo much you'll be ok. And R-tech will not push the boundary's unless you really want them too, they will set it to a safe margin (or as safe ish as they can) to protect you, your car and there rep!
Yes those injectors are the correct ones.. and buying new (if you can afford it) will definitely be your best/safest option! It will also save you all the hassle of sending them off to be tested/cleaned etc.
I'm almost sure you're aware of R-techs info page about the K04 conversion but here's the link anyway:
plenty of talk / guides / advice etc. to be had all over the internet on this. Take your time, gather the parts, set a weekend aside and enjoy the build. might be worth booking in with R-tech sooner rather than later once you know roughly when the work will be completed, as I've heard R-tech are always fully booked and can take aaaggess to get a space.
Good luck :laugh:
thanks my man for all ya help!!
Will likely go for a brand new set, but i have also found these but they are from an S3 8V - Are any of these also suitable?
thanks my man for all ya help!!
Will likely go for a brand new set, but i have also found these but they are from an S3 8V - Are any of these also suitable?
This is the first time I've seen someone mention anything about the next gen injectors.. I don't know if they'll fit or not. Personally I'd go with what we know.
No worries mate
Went with the Brand New Bosch set which same as S3-8P. Didn't want to risk it :slap:. Got all parts ordered except VIS HPFP internals, as Ovidiu is on hols and back on 6th Aug. Tried booking car in at R-Tech yesterday, but Ben is on hols and back Monday, so i'll be calling him then to get booked in, probably in Sept as they are slammed and also will give me time to do the conversion :jumpmove: :congrats: :jumpmove:
Finally the converted K03 to K04 GTi is going on the Dyno :congrats: :congrats: - Been a bit of a wait due to a number of reasons, but hopefully all go's well today and i collect on Saturday :jumpmove:
fingers crossed mate.. exciting :laugh:
we'd enjoy a good update when you get it back please.
Of Course - will post up an overview of all the work done and the improvements. Should be a fun drive back from R-Tech to West Sussex :driver: :grin:
Hi all
What a perfect day I’ve had. Nice easy train journey to Nuneaton, collected at the station by Ben from R-Tech in my own car!! Had an initial drive back to the garage. Christ what a difference

It pulls like a train from around 3k and keeps pulling right up to 7k. I didn’t really know the roads, hence was hesitant of going to mad. However Ben did say that my GTI was one of the most solid cars they had in with 132k Miles!!! Just goes to show they can be used, but if looked after will go on forever.
Anyway the journey back was interesting. Had a few sorties on M40. From 70-140 there is a massive Tq change and the power is linear, and not a big woosh. Really good to drive and the milly R32 zorst has a deeper and a tad quieter tone than the Maxton back box I had. Going our now for a blast around my area and will be interesting to see the difference on roads I know especially a certain Loooooong straight where normally I get up to 140, but have a feeling I’ll surpass that easily 

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Fantastic news. What was your final figures?
351hp/379tq - Been our earlier and with my son. He had driven the car before the conversion. My god, NO LAG whatsoever and it’s totally transformed the car. 70-110 is blisteringly quick, and as I said before it pulls and pulls. Our “test” road was quiet so we drove the car to its max. Normally hit 140 before braking, but we were well over 150 tonight. The Golf R brakes worked excellently. It’s not a 11 year old car with 132k, BUT IT IS. I’m truly amazed at this little car. Had loads of 60-70k cars, but this one is not only a keeper, but a special car to me
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Congrats Louie, nice to hear it’s finally done and you’re over the moon! Been waiting for this post for a while and now the times come I’m pleased for you. Really nice of them to meet you at the station etc not many places would do that would they! I know these conversions are something ballistic as my cousin done it to his last year, I couldn’t judge truly on the R-tech version but as for the way they pull... oh yeah I can truly relate! They’re animals. I’ve always read a lot on the TFSI engines and there reliability, my cousins let go and dropped a cylinder at 216k. Now for half of its life it was mapped and yeah let’s be honest, given death! So it’s hardly surprising but at the same time it lasted pretty well if you ask me. The K04 conversion is something I’d like to do myself at some point. Well done for sticking with it mate and getting it done. A lot of people don’t pursue due to the work involved or the hassle of obtaining all the bits.
I guess it’s safe to say too.. another happy R-tech customer
Well done Louie 
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Have you got a diff?
Have you got a diff?
???? Not sure what you mean bud??
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I think he means do you have an LSD fitted.
Ah i see. To be honest it don’t need it. The TC is mapped by R-Tech and having tested this on my 1.5 mile long test road (off road of course) with a roundabout one end and S bend at the other it’s absolutely brilliant. The s bend is taken in 3rd Around 60, and before the conversion would spin the wheels a little and promote an element of torque steer. Last night both me and my son tested the car on this road for acceleration, top speed and also through the s bend. It absolutely flew through without any hint of wheel spin, torque steer OR TC cut. Amazing transformation and testament to the knowledge of Niki @ R-Tech. It’s made a very good car brilliant and I just can’t stop thinking it’s 11.5 years old with 132k Miles and on original shocks and all bushes

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Hey mate - hows the car travelling, really thinking of undertaking this
Best thing I’ve done in a long time. So pleased with it. Now had the R32 zorst re fabricated by my pal. Brought the tail pipes in and several coats of VHT black and VHT Lacquer and it’s looking like it grew there
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I like that a lot
I like that a lot
Thanks. I’m happy with the results
I also sprayed the lower skirt in Black Magic as it was grey plastic. Now all matching
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Just wondering - how much was labour for the turbo swap?
Also was the 351hp figure your desire to get the most out of the turbo or the recommended number by the tuners?
circa £1800
I supplied all parts.
To just swap the turbo is £450.
Mapping and walnut blast for inlet is around £650.I also had all the ancillaries fitted, new I/C new AC rad, thermostat, exhaust re fitted and re fabricated.
Give Ben @ R-Tech a call and he can run through the costs. Tell him Louie sent ya

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HP wasn’t my consideration, more on the TQ and to have a usable torque line from
Low down and up through to 6kish. Mission accomplished as the car is superb and drives just how I wanted it to. Again talk to Niki as he’ll give you good advice.
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Oh okay thanks, you do need the I/C hey, I live in aus so thatll be hard i think haha
Did you replace the clutch or did you already have a uprated one?
You can gat an ic on eBay
Mines DSG so standard running gear
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Okay - a s3 or golf R I/C right?
Well done Louie, glad it worked out.
My Ed30 is almost stage 2 ready, with it being a manual I'm scared of the clutch bill that will come with the map though :smiley:
Okay - a s3 or golf R I/C right?
That’s correct. Loads about. I actually purchased a new ic from here
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Well done Louie, glad it worked out.
My Ed30 is almost stage 2 ready, with it being a manual I'm scared of the clutch bill that will come with the map though :smiley:
If you get it mapped @ R-Tech they will ensure that the TQ is set accordingly in order to safeguard things like clutches etc. Mine is on 132k, with original DSG box, but in all reality 132k is nothing on these cars if they have been regularly serviced and maintained. Have a chat with R-Tech and they will advise you bud.
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