MK5 Golf GTI
All Things Mk5 => Mk5 General Area => Topic started by: .:GTI|SUNNY:. on March 01, 2010, 06:00:02 pm
Hi all,
I need some advice as mentioned on the title,
I've always had a manual car as i prefer this option due to free range in gear changing.
My previous MK5 R32 was also manual and now i'm looking for a GTI, im thinking of DSG due to not finding the right spec of car i want in a manual version.
My manual version spec is:
Either Red or Black colour
Highline Computer
Folding Mirrors
Full Leather Seats
Xenons Lights
Now my question is for those who have DSG now and using the AUTO option and not the manual paddle shift or gearstick changing...
how you finding this over the manual gearbox?
do you prefer it?
What differences have you found in the two?
Would you recommend DSG over manual gearbox?
if using the paddle shift how does this work in changing gears as there is no clutch?
Sorry if this topic has been covered already, i couldnt find it.
Thanks for reading and hope to get some replies to help between the two.
Now my question is for those who have DSG now and using the AUTO option and not the manual paddle shift or gearstick changing...
how you finding this over the manual gearbox?
do you prefer it?
What differences have you found in the two?
Would you recommend DSG over manual gearbox?
if using the paddle shift how does this work in changing gears as there is no clutch?
....What you are calling "AUTO" is D-mode (there's also S-mode). If you leave it in D your car will drive the same as an automatic except that the auto gearshift points are better thought out with DSG. S-mode (Sports) will only shift when the revs get towards the red zone.
However, you can manually and temporarily override D and S by selecting whichever gear you want.
M-mode on DSG is the same as a conventional Manual except that gearshifts are much faster and you don't use your left leg at all. You are able to think about gears in exactly the same way as a conventional manual - Simply shift when you want.
So, you actually have the best of both worlds: You can be enjoying yourself on a spirited drive using all the gears manually and then pop into D if you find yourself in a traffic queue or crawl for example.
You can mix it all up. After a thousand miles or so it will all become natural to you and very fluid and you'll probably never want a conventional manual again.
What he said...
I love dsg, and struggle to think of a downside :confused: I occasionally miss manual, so I use 'm', then after a few gear changes think 'why' and put it back in 'd'
Do it :happy2:
After just covering 3 miles in 90 mins this evening, whatever car I buy next will be an auto!!! Hopefully dsg but we'll see
as robin says, its the best of both worlds. i much prefer DSG over any manual ive driven now. i tend to drive nearly always in manual on the DSG but knock it to drive sometimes in bad traffic :happy2:
Had proper auto boxed for the last 15 years.
Jags, Range Rovers, Porsches etc. I also drive various manuals still including wifes 207GTI.
The Golf DSG is completely different.
In D mode the car always feels like it's in a gear higher than it should be. Excellent fuel consumption even though it uses the turbo for the torgue. DSG changes down rapidly when needed.
In S mode the car feels like it is in a gear lower than it should be. If you are going for it great. You actually get engine breaking from an auto!!!
As mentioned you can always over ride the current gear.
No one has mentioned the DSG exhaust pop when it changes up. Just love the pop even better in S mode.
Do I prefer DSG to Auto or Manual?
DSG IMO is the next generation for auto boxes. A huge improvement. It does take some weeks to get used to.
Yes it is still nice/great to get in a manual car and use the clutch and feel really in control.
Will my next car be DSG?
If it's the VAG group, yes. Never going back(wards) to an auto box.
Today's roads, don't think you would be dissapointed. Best of everything with DSG.
P.S. Hope RR reads this bit different from 4months ago when I first got the car. Robin did say I would grow to live it.
Gues you were right RR.
Had proper auto boxed for the last 15 years.
Jags, Range Rovers, Porsches etc. I also drive various manuals still including wifes 207GTI.
The Golf DSG is completely different.
In D mode the car always feels like it's in a gear higher than it should be. Excellent fuel consumption even though it uses the turbo for the torgue. DSG changes down rapidly when needed.
In S mode the car feels like it is in a gear lower than it should be. If you are going for it great. You actually get engine breaking from an auto!!!
As mentioned you can always over ride the current gear.
No one has mentioned the DSG exhaust pop when it changes up. Just love the pop even better in S mode.
Do I prefer DSG to Auto or Manual?
DSG IMO is the next generation for auto boxes. A huge improvement. It does take some weeks to get used to.
Yes it is still nice/great to get in a manual car and use the clutch and feel really in control.
Will my next car be DSG?
If it's the VAG group, yes. Never going back(wards) to an auto box.
Today's roads, don't think you would be dissapointed. Best of everything with DSG.
P.S. Hope RR reads this bit different from 4months ago when I first got the car. Robin did say I would grow to live it.
Gues you were right RR.
Stick an aftermarket Milltek or Blueflame exhaust on that and its even better :happy2:
^^^^ Funny, I also said four months ago that I wasn't interested in mods.
Just had to stop myself offering £££ for some springs. And can't wait until the exhaust starts blowing :evilgrin:
^^^^ Funny, I also said four months ago that I wasn't interested in mods.
Just had to stop myself offering £££ for some springs. And can't wait until the exhaust starts blowing :evilgrin:
Cast my mind back 1 year ago, and i was still standard after 2 years of resisting.
It will get you these forums.... eventually :driver:
DSG rocks - it really does give you everything a manual does and more ... and as someone commented, in traffic its bloody great
Ive had it nearly a year now and it rocks. WWhen I change, if i dont get a VAG, i will miss the DSG, if I do get another VAG it would have to have DSG simple!!!!!!!!!!!
As all above have said DSG's brilliant, there's only two problems.
First is the unfortunate tendancy for an auto like 'kick down' which can be removed by getting a DSG remap along with several other benefits.
The second is after so many years of driving manuals its still hard wired into the brain when pressing on to go for a gear change with the gear stick which could be potentially catastrophic pushing it through neutral into reverse. Also easily avoided though by using D for the lazy work commute and tiptronic combined with the paddles for more enthusiastic driving.
As all the other guys have said it really is the best of both worlds and you'll wander why you ever thought of keeping to a manual box.
if using the paddle shift how does this work in changing gears as there is no clutch?
DSG has two electromechanically-controlled clutches, but no clutch pedal.
Ich liebe die direktschaltgetriebe; aber für Porsche ist es die porschedoppelkupplungsgetriebe. Entweder ist akzeptabel.
You have to control the pedal more and the kick down doesnt cause a problem - or use M mode more.
Never tried it in the Golf. But on the drivers day in the Porsche it was demonstrated that pushing the DSG stick forwards into reverse does nothing at speed. All computer controlled.
Also used as a safety feature. Front passenger can put into n or p and apply handbrake to stop "if driver fall I'll at the wheel"
As I say don't fancy trying it just in case I bugger something up
Im on my second DSG car, first was a Leon sport 2.0TDI DSG which was great then went back to a manual focus for 2 years, and the main consideration when choosing which car to get was something with a DSG and a 2.0T petrol. Once you live with one you wont ever look back. The fuel consumption figures are better than a manual, and the 0-62 times are better as well.
Like someone said above once your used to driving with the box, and being smoothish with the throttle you can cut most of the kick down out, and the exhaust pop when the DSG changes makes the car seem that bit more special. and the next time you smoke someone at the lights and they have a lull between shifts you will have the biggest smile on your face! :jumping:
I love the DSG features, even though I tend to use manual most of the time (even in town!). Drive mode is strictly for heavy traffic jams for me, but I wouldn't go back to an old fashioned manual again!
Thank you all for the responses
it's been a good read to know how everyones experiences with DSG are over manual gearboxes. I think you all have won the choice for me over which to go for, i'm swaying alot more towards getting a DSG now :) thing to do is get down to VW and see if i can test drive a DSG GTI and see how i get on with it.
same as the response above, i'll be using the M mode daily and use the D mode in traffic :)
Thanks again everyone
Let the responses keep coming, would still like to see how others are getting on.
Can't fault the dsg.
Don't think i'd go back to manual again for a main car.
Only trouble i have is when driving a manual, you forget you have to change down and stall coming up to a junction.
I used to find in the leon from time to time that in M the DSG could get horribly bogged down if I rolled up to lights, and before it got down to 2nd or 1st the lights went green. (didnt help that there were no paddles, and by the time I nugged the stick back all the other traffic had left me standing)
I used to find in the leon from time to time that in M the DSG could get horribly bogged down if I rolled up to lights, and before it got down to 2nd or 1st the lights went green. (didnt help that there were no paddles, and by the time I nugged the stick back all the other traffic had left me standing)
....Yes but you are being a bit lazy in your driving. You can easily get around the problem you describe simply by manually shifting down the gears so you are always in the optimum gear for acceleration.
True RR, it was partly through being lazy and at the same time playing with the stereo, and the TDI not picking up in the same way the TFSI does, it used to lag until the turbo came on song, having an awkward flat spot if you were in the wrong gear.
Even when i drive the car in manual when coming to a stop i dont change down. Especially from 2nd to 1st i cant see the point in that Robin. :smiley:
I used to find in the leon from time to time that in M the DSG could get horribly bogged down if I rolled up to lights, and before it got down to 2nd or 1st the lights went green. (didnt help that there were no paddles, and by the time I nugged the stick back all the other traffic had left me standing)
....Yes but you are being a bit lazy in your driving. You can easily get around the problem you describe simply by manually shifting down the gears so you are always in the optimum gear for acceleration.
yes Robin likes to "Attack" roundabouts in 1st gear :scared: :scared: :signLOL: likes to show off his Quaife :wink:
Even when i drive the car in manual when coming to a stop i dont change down. Especially from 2nd to 1st i cant see the point in that Robin. :smiley:
....No, you're right. I don't change down into 1st but I do manually change down to 2nd if it's the best gear.
yes Robin likes to "Attack" roundabouts in 1st gear :scared: :scared: :signLOL: likes to show off his Quaife :wink:
....As every lady knows: If you've got it, flaunt it!
^^ You been there recently Robin :notworthy:
i had dsg in my A3 and didn't like it, i went back to good old manual. The DSG box was jerky and in the tdi would change gear at the redline even in manual, it cluncked from time to time too, having the fluid changed made no difference. The few stories about dsg failures also gave me cause for concern. I may be tempted with another one, but this time petrol but at this moment in time its manual all the way.
:happy2:DSG every time!
Hi... All...
My previous MK5 R32 was also manual and now i'm looking for a GTI, im thinking of DSG due to not finding the right spec of car i want in a manual version.
I've always had a manual car as i prefer this option due to free range in gear changing.