MK5 Golf GTI

General => Product Reviews => Topic started by: Bogdanbd on April 10, 2010, 10:35:09 pm

Title: upgrade to REVO stage 3 - Octavia 2 RS TFSI
Post by: Bogdanbd on April 10, 2010, 10:35:09 pm
Last week I got the Autotech upgrade kit for the HPFP, installed it four days ago and then upgraded to Revo stage 3
I used to have MTM last stage that they have with K04, but since their next upgrade to 380HP is with K16 (way too expensive) I switched to Revo.

I attach some dynos with several settings from Revo and what I used to have from MTM.

Note: in February I had 340HP (2degrees outside), now because there were abt 20 degrees outside it dropped to 328HP. The shop does not have a climate control room for the dyno, they just put a big blower in front of the car (pretty much similar to normal driving conditions).

some comments abt the dyno run:

blue software MTM: 327 Bhp & 431 Nm
pink Revo Stage 3 (959 settings): 361 Bhp & 456 Nm
red Stage 3 (969 settings): 369 Bhp & 470 Nm
green Revo Stage 3 (979 settings): 371 Bhp & 478 Nm

right now I am running the red one -969

Clearly I need a twintercooler and in this moment I am waiting for an answer from JKM for availability . I hope to order it next week.
When the twintercooler arrives I will also install the USP fluidampr.

Next on my list are the S3 camshafts

By the way is it safe to use the stock rods or should I change them too? (it is an extra cost that I would rather avoid if it is not necessary)

Title: Re: upgrade to REVO stage 3
Post by: paulk on April 10, 2010, 11:13:36 pm
great results  :congrats: goin to switch to revo soon i think,my stage 3 bluefin made 328bhp and 340 fbts
Title: Re: upgrade to REVO stage 3
Post by: Janner_Sy on April 11, 2010, 12:04:40 am
great results  :congrats: goin to switch to revo soon i think,my stage 3 bluefin made 328bhp and 340 fbts

its all dependant on the dyno mate. dont forget the guys at the surrey rolling road with bluefin stage 3 were comparable with the revo stage 2+ cars and all getting similar figures to yours.
Title: Re: upgrade to REVO stage 3
Post by: paulk on April 11, 2010, 12:24:54 am
i was lookin into the 24 revo demo but i dont think i can have stage 3 :wink:
Title: Re: upgrade to REVO stage 3
Post by: RedRobin on April 14, 2010, 05:45:54 pm
Good solid info but what car is this on? GTI? Ed30? Cupra? Octavia?

Would be helpful for readers to know straightaway - I just spotted it in tiny print on the graph image.

Title: Re: upgrade to REVO stage 3
Post by: Aparoon on April 14, 2010, 07:22:40 pm
i was lookin into the 24 revo demo but i dont think i can have stage 3 :wink:

Im swapping to revo stage 2+ on Monday, havent been happy with my car since putting bf stage 3 on and almost sold it last week  :surprised:

You get a 14day money back with revo so if not happy you've basically had a trial...

Chris  :happy2:
Title: Re: upgrade to REVO stage 3
Post by: robern2 on April 14, 2010, 07:33:08 pm
you wont regret revo stage2+
Title: Re: upgrade to REVO stage 3
Post by: Aparoon on April 14, 2010, 07:36:12 pm
I hope not at £650  :scared:

Was it you that posted on uk-mkivs about running a standard intercooler ? How you finding it ?

Title: Re: upgrade to REVO stage 3
Post by: s3dubbin on April 14, 2010, 07:41:18 pm
Did revo have any bother converting from mtm to your stage3? Just wondered if mtm had put any nasties in to keep you with them or was it just a case of remapping over mtm? Was on the phone to qst today and he said not to upgrade to the hpfp unless running bt and then i said i was also ordering the ko4 itg and he said not to bother as vw had got their intake system so spot on??? Dont know what planet they were on today!
Title: Re: upgrade to REVO stage 3
Post by: RedRobin on April 14, 2010, 07:46:40 pm
Kim at QST has a good reputation as a tuner although, IMO, he's somewhat humourless and a good friend of mine had to go as far as threatening him with court if he didn't put his MTM map right - No driveability.
Title: Re: upgrade to REVO stage 3
Post by: NB07 on April 14, 2010, 07:50:22 pm
very good results there but running the timing 6 or 7 and fueling at 9 on a fuel pump and standard intercooler sounds a bit much? im running 756 with standard intercooler and autotech pump and its very strong.  :happy2:

sorry for the hijack but i thought you had sold your car chris and bought a hairdressers car?!  :P
Title: Re: upgrade to REVO stage 3
Post by: Aparoon on April 14, 2010, 10:01:22 pm
I've lost the plot mate. I've split up with my girlfriend and i'm selling my house so will be mortgage free soon ! Hence wanting to spend 27k on a car  :stupid:

But ive put a lot of money into mine and feel I would be daft selling so soon .. Getting revo 2+ on monday hopefully that will keep me interested untill the house is sold, and be right for the ring next month   :driver: :happy2:
Title: Re: upgrade to REVO stage 3
Post by: Bogdanbd on April 14, 2010, 10:05:50 pm
Good solid info but what car is this on? GTI? Ed30? Cupra? Octavia?

Would be helpful for readers to know straightaway - I just spotted it in tiny print on the graph image.


says in my sig  :smiley: O2 RS TFSI

Did revo have any bother converting from mtm to your stage3? Just wondered if mtm had put any nasties in to keep you with them or was it just a case of remapping over mtm? Was on the phone to qst today and he said not to upgrade to the hpfp unless running bt and then i said i was also ordering the ko4 itg and he said not to bother as vw had got their intake system so spot on??? Dont know what planet they were on today!

just remapping over mtm.
Title: Re: upgrade to REVO stage 3
Post by: Beddie on April 14, 2010, 10:06:44 pm
I've lost the plot mate.

Never a truer word spoken...  :grin:
Title: Re: upgrade to REVO stage 3
Post by: Bogdanbd on April 14, 2010, 10:09:00 pm
very good results there but running the timing 6 or 7 and fueling at 9 on a fuel pump and standard intercooler sounds a bit much? im running 756 with standard intercooler and autotech pump and its very strong.  :happy2:

sorry for the hijack but i thought you had sold your car chris and bought a hairdressers car?!  :P

settings were made by revo dealer. I do not have stock IC, I have an S3 IC and Autotech HPFP.
Title: Re: upgrade to REVO stage 3
Post by: RedRobin on April 14, 2010, 10:14:37 pm
Good solid info but what car is this on? GTI? Ed30? Cupra? Octavia?

Would be helpful for readers to know straightaway - I just spotted it in tiny print on the graph image.


says in my sig  :smiley: O2 RS TFSI

....Okay but I'm sure I'm not the only one who doesn't or didn't know what an "O2 RS" is. I still don't know what it stands for. Am just trying to help you.

Title: Re: upgrade to REVO stage 3
Post by: Bogdanbd on April 14, 2010, 10:20:12 pm
What I like abt the revo soft (besides the power) is that turbo comes in a bit faster now, abt 2500 rpm, it's just a pleasure for a DD in town.

The sad thing is that I may not be able to install a Forge twintercooler in time before I go to Nurburgring. JKM just told me yesterday it takes 3-4 weeks until Forge produces it and I leave on 27th. Just wondering how come Forge does not have some  small stock of these items, especially since they are quite unique on the market.

Since it looks like I may install this next month now I am also considering a BSH intercooler. BSH told me it will fit Octavia , but I need to fabricate some quote : "you will need to run a V section to the S3 intercooler". For sure BSH is more powerfull than the Forge since is made to run by itself and not to attach the existing intercooler, but I am not very sure that I can do here this fabrication or not...

PS: Robin O2 RS comes from Octavia 2 RS - there was no more space in my sig, that's the best I could come up with  :smiley:
Title: Re: upgrade to REVO stage 3
Post by: NB07 on April 14, 2010, 10:26:16 pm
I've lost the plot mate. I've split up with my girlfriend and i'm selling my house so will be mortgage free soon ! Hence wanting to spend 27k on a car  :stupid:

But ive put a lot of money into mine and feel I would be daft selling so soon .. Getting revo 2+ on monday hopefully that will keep me interested untill the house is sold, and be right for the ring next month   :driver: :happy2:

im sure you will love the revo, all though when we were both at stage 2 there was nothing in it. its one of those things it seems a few people get fed up with superchips once they tune further maybe because revo are dedicated VAG tuners. some of the figures ive seen from greenouses car make me wonder though as it seems very strong but i initially chose revo for a number of factors that they didnt offer.  :smiley:

Title: Re: upgrade to REVO stage 3
Post by: RedRobin on April 14, 2010, 10:38:32 pm

PS: Robin O2 RS comes from Octavia 2 RS - there was no more space in my sig, that's the best I could come up with  :smiley:

....I'm really sorry if I'm sounding pedantic and understand the need for abbreviation in your sig. My point is this:

Someone, anybody and not necessarily a member, visits and starts to read your great review but until they read and study the very small print at the foot of the dyno plot, they can't tell which car platform is being discussed.

Otherwise they don't see anything else on this question until your sig and that's abbreviated anyway (no problem with that).

Therefore I would only respectfully suggest it's made clear very early on in your main text of review, even in a title.

I found myself wondering which car your remap upgrade was being applied to, hence my suggestion. Of course you can tell me to feck off  :grin:  

Title: Re: upgrade to REVO stage 3 - Octavia 2 RS TFSI
Post by: Bogdanbd on April 14, 2010, 10:46:06 pm
OK sir now everybody should clearly understand what car it is  :grin:
Title: Re: upgrade to REVO stage 3
Post by: Aparoon on April 14, 2010, 10:47:45 pm
I've lost the plot mate. I've split up with my girlfriend and i'm selling my house so will be mortgage free soon ! Hence wanting to spend 27k on a car  :stupid:

But ive put a lot of money into mine and feel I would be daft selling so soon .. Getting revo 2+ on monday hopefully that will keep me interested untill the house is sold, and be right for the ring next month   :driver: :happy2:

im sure you will love the revo, all though when we were both at stage 2 there was nothing in it. its one of those things it seems a few people get fed up with superchips once they tune further maybe because revo are dedicated VAG tuners. some of the figures ive seen from greenouses car make me wonder though as it seems very strong but i initially chose revo for a number of factors that they didnt offer.  :smiley:

It felt good on stage 2, but no better on stage 3 really. I'll give it a go  :smiley:
Title: Re: upgrade to REVO stage 3 - Octavia 2 RS TFSI
Post by: Aparoon on April 16, 2010, 06:19:18 pm
Had 2+ installed today ' awesome, worth every penny !!  :happy2:
Title: Re: upgrade to REVO stage 3 - Octavia 2 RS TFSI
Post by: GTIjames on April 19, 2010, 01:30:47 pm
Had 2+ installed today ' awesome, worth every penny !!  :happy2:

so what differences have you noticed chris changing from blufin stage 3 to revo stage 2+?

Title: Re: upgrade to REVO stage 3 - Octavia 2 RS TFSI
Post by: Aparoon on April 19, 2010, 01:54:26 pm
They're not even in the same league ! I hated driving the car with the bf stage 3 on it felt sh*t and I almost sold it. I love it to bits now, its soo fast and just better to drive! Although I managed 160miles to £40 of fuel  :scared:
Title: Re: upgrade to REVO stage 3 - Octavia 2 RS TFSI
Post by: NB07 on April 19, 2010, 03:22:55 pm
They're not even in the same league ! I hated driving the car with the bf stage 3 on it felt sh*t and I almost sold it. I love it to bits now, its soo fast and just better to drive! Although I managed 160miles to £40 of fuel  :scared:

Title: Re: upgrade to REVO stage 3 - Octavia 2 RS TFSI
Post by: tony_danza on April 19, 2010, 04:15:18 pm
Ha ha, Mike told me it went very well indeed today whilst I was down there, Chris. Should go well next month!!
Title: Re: upgrade to REVO stage 3 - Octavia 2 RS TFSI
Post by: Aparoon on April 19, 2010, 05:23:21 pm
He's a nice bloke! I meant to give him a call and let him know what I think of it but haven't had chance ...

He put the settings at B9 T5 F6, he said that this was what he found to be the best setup ? Does that sound about right, I wouldn't know where to start with all this and assumed that he knows best  :happy2:
Title: Re: upgrade to REVO stage 3 - Octavia 2 RS TFSI
Post by: PDT on April 19, 2010, 05:41:46 pm
thats a 'normal' setting for stage2+

I assume these settings were reached once the car had been datalogged? If not I would do so, I did a GTi with Revo stage2+ today and with T5 I was seeing high ignition pull, T3 it was happier (but it did have a 50/50 mix of Vpower and cheapo fuel)
Title: Re: upgrade to REVO stage 3 - Octavia 2 RS TFSI
Post by: Aparoon on April 19, 2010, 05:57:06 pm
Yeah he went for a run with vagcom plugged in? So is it making the best power at these settings or is there more to come, or does the usability get compromised with different settings  :rolleye:
Title: Re: upgrade to REVO stage 3 - Octavia 2 RS TFSI
Post by: tony_danza on April 19, 2010, 06:02:49 pm
Get in touch with him Chris, he's always happy to refine or tailor to your needs - but that sounds fine as a base setting, it's what mine's at. You might get a bit more if you're prepared to put the time into logging different settings, ensuring you've got the best 99 fuel for instance might let you play with the timing.

Yeah, PDT, he always spends a long time logging and checking.  :happy2:

I know what you mean about fuel too, mine doesn't like 98... never mind cooking fuel.
Title: Re: upgrade to REVO stage 3 - Octavia 2 RS TFSI
Post by: Aparoon on April 19, 2010, 06:05:22 pm
I always use v power thanks to you lot haha so hopefully it will be right, it feels great so I will probably just leave it unless I get any new parts... I have a standard intercooler so that may need looking at come summer  :sad1:
Title: Re: upgrade to REVO stage 3 - Octavia 2 RS TFSI
Post by: paulk on April 19, 2010, 06:31:53 pm
the revo map sounds very good  :happy2: whats next
Title: Re: upgrade to REVO stage 3 - Octavia 2 RS TFSI
Post by: Bogdanbd on April 22, 2010, 10:35:07 pm
Yesterday I also installed the Forge twintercooler, just to help the things out in the summer  :happy2:
Title: Re: upgrade to REVO stage 3 - Octavia 2 RS TFSI
Post by: DanGB on May 04, 2010, 03:29:41 pm
Are you running the standard compression pistons?
Title: Re: upgrade to REVO stage 3 - Octavia 2 RS TFSI
Post by: Bogdanbd on May 06, 2010, 08:50:38 pm
Yes, engine is not opend yet, everything inside is stock..
Title: Re: upgrade to REVO stage 3 - Octavia 2 RS TFSI
Post by: mlr55 on December 07, 2010, 07:36:15 pm
Did you find any improvement with the S3 cams??
Title: Re: upgrade to REVO stage 3 - Octavia 2 RS TFSI
Post by: Bignod00 on January 21, 2011, 12:43:19 pm
A very interesting thread, will keep my eye on this one as thinking about getting a VRs for the MRS!