MK5 Golf GTI

General => Random Chat => Topic started by: ollie288 on April 12, 2010, 09:44:15 pm

Title: Apple iMac
Post by: ollie288 on April 12, 2010, 09:44:15 pm
Is there anyone on here who uses the apple iMac desktop computer? I am in need of a new computer as my current laptop is rubbish. I have been looking into the iMac desktop computer and it does look a superb bit of kit. I have an iPhone which I couldn't do without so i thought maybe its time to change from windows. I just wanted some real life comments of normal users like yourselfs. (As I have read countless professional reviews and scoured youtube) Just any advice on them, things you dont like if any etc.

Also I have read about a student discount, does anyone know if you have to buy direct from apple to receive this?

I think I have spied a pic of VC having one.......... :confused:

Title: Re: Apple iMac
Post by: WhiteGTI on April 12, 2010, 09:46:49 pm
Do it! I made the move 4 years ago and have never looked back! Sure, it takes a couple of months to get used to it all, but once you're used to it it is very slick! Especially as you've already got an iPhone!
Title: Re: Apple iMac
Post by: ollie288 on April 12, 2010, 10:13:49 pm
Do it! I made the move 4 years ago and have never looked back! Sure, it takes a couple of months to get used to it all, but once you're used to it it is very slick! Especially as you've already got an iPhone!

Just what I wanted to hear!  :smiley:

Unsure which is the best iMac to go for as there are a few different variants. (two 21.5" and two 27") with £600 between them. Any opinions?  :confused:

And the best place to purchase.....  :happy2:
Title: Re: Apple iMac
Post by: bacillus on April 12, 2010, 10:18:42 pm
Do remember that your present "extra" PC programs will not natively run on a Mac...
Title: Re: Apple iMac
Post by: Poppa Dom on April 12, 2010, 10:18:58 pm
I have a Mac Pro (Desktop) - they are great machines and I would strongly recommend going down the MacOS route. I would holdfire if you are going down the route of the 27" iMac as they have had a few production issues, not sure if this has been sorted.
Title: Re: Apple iMac
Post by: theo on April 12, 2010, 10:21:15 pm
I made the switch to mac about 4 years ago too. Best move i made, and you can still run Windows on your mac through parallels/bootcamp etc. so you dont miss out on the little things.

I bought mine from the Apple shop in london and ended up with quite a big discount. I have a Mac Pro which i used to use for my photography and also have a macbook pro.

You wont regret the move  :happy2:
Title: Re: Apple iMac
Post by: Kemosabi1 on April 12, 2010, 10:22:23 pm
Ditto - I jumped on board the Apple wagon in the early 2000's and have couple of iMac's, iBook and a fair few iPods, iPhone (best gadget ever??) etc.  Would never go back and I have converted a few - all the same as me, would never go back.  Sure they are expensive but well worth it.

In terms of where to buy - official site as good as anywhere, don't think there are real discounts to be had anywhere and at least from there you know you are getting the latest version.
Title: Re: Apple iMac
Post by: WhiteGTI on April 12, 2010, 10:23:45 pm
Yeah as said above, the Bootcamp thing is very useful!

If you purchase from Apple direct (that includes the Apple retail stores), then you will get the student discount. I did it that way! I think i got about 17% off which was definitely worth having!
Title: Re: Apple iMac
Post by: ollie288 on April 12, 2010, 10:25:21 pm
Do remember that your present "extra" PC programs will not natively run on a Mac...

How do you mean. Are we talking about ms office packages etc?   :smiley:

I have a Mac Pro (Desktop) - they are great machines and I would strongly recommend going down the MacOS route. I would holdfire if you are going down the route of the 27" iMac as they have had a few production issues, not sure if this has been sorted.

Yeah i have read about this. Yellowing of the screen and flickering? I will investigate to see if they have been corrected.  :happy2:

Title: Re: Apple iMac
Post by: WhiteGTI on April 12, 2010, 10:25:27 pm
My Macbook has not crashed/frozen once in the 4 years that I've had it.

To be honest, the only temperamental program is Safari (equivalent of Internet Explorer), which I think most will agree is useless - although much better than it used to be! But a quick download of Firefox solves this issue  :happy2:
Title: Re: Apple iMac
Post by: ollie288 on April 12, 2010, 10:28:18 pm
I made the switch to mac about 4 years ago too. Best move i made, and you can still run Windows on your mac through parallels/bootcamp etc. so you dont miss out on the little things.

I bought mine from the Apple shop in london and ended up with quite a big discount. I have a Mac Pro which i used to use for my photography and also have a macbook pro.

You wont regret the move  :happy2:

I have seen the bootcamp which is good I thought.
So best to try to buy direct from apple rather than comet, currys etc.  :happy2:
Title: Re: Apple iMac
Post by: ollie288 on April 12, 2010, 10:30:54 pm
Ditto - I jumped on board the Apple wagon in the early 2000's and have couple of iMac's, iBook and a fair few iPods, iPhone (best gadget ever??) etc.  Would never go back and I have converted a few - all the same as me, would never go back.  Sure they are expensive but well worth it.

In terms of where to buy - official site as good as anywhere, don't think there are real discounts to be had anywhere and at least from there you know you are getting the latest version.

Yeah as said above, the Bootcamp thing is very useful!

If you purchase from Apple direct (that includes the Apple retail stores), then you will get the student discount. I did it that way! I think i got about 17% off which was definitely worth having!

Cheers guys. I had a look at the student discount but when I clicked on college student it says my ip address is not allowed!  :confused:
Title: Re: Apple iMac
Post by: Kemosabi1 on April 12, 2010, 10:36:05 pm
Another point to consider with Mac's is that they are a bit like the GTI - expensive to buy in the first instance but cracking resale values when you decide to upgrade!
Title: Re: Apple iMac
Post by: Poppa Dom on April 12, 2010, 10:38:36 pm
Another point to consider with Mac's is that they are a bit like the GTI - expensive to buy in the first instance but cracking resale values when you decide to upgrade!
Get a Mac Pro and you don't need to upgrade for a few years  :happy2:
Title: Re: Apple iMac
Post by: RedRobin on April 12, 2010, 10:43:02 pm
I was born in Macdom with the original Bondi Blue Babe iMac in 1998 (still got it!). I've now got a dual G5 desktop but it's not working and I'm planning to get the new 27" iMac maxed out cos I run Logic Studio (pro music sequencer/editor) but I keep spending my money on trips to the Noodleburgering!

I bought a MacBook Pro 17" for my daughter last year and got the student discount. Easiest is to visit an Apple Store with your student letter of acceptance or proof of attendance. Lots of savings to be had if you sweet talk the Apple genius genie.

Always buy the max spec you can afford - It'll last you longer.

I'm 'speaking' to you from my daughter's 17" G4 iMac (which used to be mine).

We'll soon have 5 Macs in the house!
Title: Re: Apple iMac
Post by: WhiteGTI on April 12, 2010, 10:45:44 pm
Yeah once you get one you'll be hooked! We've got 4 Macs between 2 of us here at home!

Also with an iPhone, IMO it makes a lot of sense to have a Mac. Everything becomes co-ordinated so well between computer and phone. I'm not sure how the two work with a Windows machine, but I guess it helps that the Mac has the exact same applications to the iPhone!
Title: Re: Apple iMac
Post by: VC on April 12, 2010, 11:04:00 pm
mmmmmmm macs  :grin:

i was PC for years, always worked for myself running my empire  :evilgrin:

didnt see the point in changing, all it took for me to see the light was another windows crash too many loosing £££'s of work... again

takes a little while to get comfy in the mac environment but once youre there my god its worth it!

everything works as fast and as efficiently as the first day i powered up....... yes really! faultlessly and better than the PC ever was

i kick myself for not changing sooner...and nothing will make me swap back!

as a graphic designer its just epic! a whole leap in a better direction...

do it. do it now.  :evilgrin:

Title: Re: Apple iMac
Post by: cmdrfire on April 12, 2010, 11:08:27 pm
God-damn hippies. It's like a freakin' love-in around here. Need to draft some boys in to help clear it out.

Title: Re: Apple iMac
Post by: RedRobin on April 12, 2010, 11:19:44 pm

as a graphic designer its just epic! a whole leap in a better direction...

....That's exactly it. Way back in Californian geek's garages the Mac was developed for the creative industries and the PC for the number crunching business world.

Windows OS has greatly improved recently with version 7 but it hasn't got the soul and spirit of Apple products.
Title: Re: Apple iMac
Post by: cmdrfire on April 12, 2010, 11:27:31 pm
....That's exactly it. Way back in Californian geek's garages the Mac was developed for the creative industries and the PC for the number crunching business world.

Windows OS has greatly improved recently with version 7 but it hasn't got the soul and spirit of Apple products.

Communist propaganda! The Apple ][ was originally sold as a kit for homebrew hackers, as was the Altair 8800 which ran Microsoft's BASIC. They were both for the geeks, the creative types, the hackers! The dread calculating machines that IBM sold for business were room-sized affairs, whereas the "micro-computer" was thought to be just for kids messing around at home.
Title: Re: Apple iMac
Post by: RedRobin on April 13, 2010, 12:16:34 am

The Apple ][ was originally sold as a kit for homebrew hackers, as was the Altair 8800 which ran Microsoft's BASIC. They were both for the geeks, the creative types, the hackers! The dread calculating machines that IBM sold for business were room-sized affairs, whereas the "micro-computer" was thought to be just for kids messing around at home.

....Yeah, that's what I said. I just used different words.  :evilgrin:
Title: Re: Apple iMac
Post by: Janner_Sy on April 13, 2010, 08:06:11 am
this is something i have been interested in doing.  however it is quite a hard choice moving from something that you know to something that  you dont.

My work computers exclusively use microsoft office for all our work etc.  Does this work on the Mac as well.  Also can you fit HDMI cables into them to stream films to your TV etc.  What about ani-virus software etc.  I think my bigest doubt would be on what software is available for the macin comparison o the P. is it the same?
Title: Re: Apple iMac
Post by: WhiteGTI on April 13, 2010, 08:12:22 am
You don't tend to need Antivirus software on Macs. There is software available but I don't know of anyone that uses it.
Title: Re: Apple iMac
Post by: tony_danza on April 13, 2010, 10:45:06 am
Running a global estate of firewalls, we've got all sorts of kit as you'd imagine - in the last 4 years I've worked for this client, the Mac's we have doing some serious stuff have never failed. Everything else bombs and bugs like hell.
Title: Re: Apple iMac
Post by: RedRobin on April 13, 2010, 10:58:53 am

"Hello, boyz! I'm Kim Kardashian and I use a MacBook Pro"

She also owns a Ferrari F430 and a Lambo Gallardo Spyder.
Title: Re: Apple iMac
Post by: tony_danza on April 13, 2010, 11:02:56 am
Hasn't she also made some rather exotic home movies??  :laugh:
Title: Re: Apple iMac
Post by: RedRobin on April 13, 2010, 11:09:39 am

Hasn't she also made some rather exotic home movies??  :laugh:

....Bagsy borrow yours! Pleeeeease!
Title: Re: Apple iMac
Post by: tony_danza on April 13, 2010, 11:24:49 am
It's all on the web, Robin. Watch that blood pressure though! Try  :wink:
Title: Re: Apple iMac
Post by: Top Cat on April 13, 2010, 11:49:39 am

Hasn't she also made some rather exotic home movies??  :laugh:

....Bagsy borrow yours! Pleeeeease!

What you want to watch Danza in a home made movie.  :chicken: :chicken: :chicken: :chicken: :chicken: :chicken: :chicken:  :sick: :sick:
Title: Re: Apple iMac
Post by: tony_danza on April 13, 2010, 12:00:58 pm
And now it clicks where I've seen him before.......

Title: Re: Apple iMac
Post by: VC on April 13, 2010, 12:28:41 pm
this is something i have been interested in doing.  however it is quite a hard choice moving from something that you know to something that  you dont.

My work computers exclusively use microsoft office for all our work etc.  Does this work on the Mac as well.  Also can you fit HDMI cables into them to stream films to your TV etc.  What about ani-virus software etc.  I think my bigest doubt would be on what software is available for the macin comparison o the P. is it the same?

install airmouse to your iphone, plug a dongle into the back of your tv then stream the content from your mac to the tv controlling it with your phone wirelessly  :happy2:

you can surf the web like this too, games, forums, porn etc etc etc  :laugh:
Title: Re: Apple iMac
Post by: JPC on April 13, 2010, 01:31:10 pm
And now it clicks where I've seen him before.......


Hey Chris, Got anythin you used to wear in the summer?  :signLOL:
Title: Re: Apple iMac
Post by: mclovin on April 13, 2010, 04:26:50 pm
Macs are great things, I have an iPhone and I'm typing this post on a Mac Mini right now, in fact I have a couple of Macs along with about 9 PCs, 3 servers and a NAS in my house. I love my Macs, they are easy to use, have a lovely interface (OSX) and you don't have to worry too much about viruses as nobody bothers to write any for Macs because they only make up a tiny portion of the number of computers connected to the Internet. In fact I persuaded my Mum and Dad to get one years ago as I was sick of fixing and supporting their old Windows 98 based PC and in 5 years all I have had to do is upgrade the RAM and occasionally update the OS, as others have said here they just work and they are joy to behold, both to use and to look at.

However, and it is important to stress this, PCs have come a long way and are not what they used to be. The introduction of Windows 7 has changed things quite dramatically, Windows just doesn't crash anymore, well, no more than my Mac does (yes, Macs crash too). The old blue screen of death is a distant memory and you shouldn't consider unreliability as a factor when looking at buying a PC, as a decent PC from a big manufacturer will be just as reliable as a Mac, just make sure it's running Win7 and has some decent antivirus software on it (Avast is free and works just fine). The other big issue is games, if you like playing games on your computer you will need a PC, Macs are still light years behind and even hard core Mac fanbois have "secret" PCs stashed around for playing games (yes, even Jason Bradbury). The other big difference is you don't get the lovely shiny packaging that Macs are wrapped up in and, most importantly, the price. Macs are still hugely expensive for what they are, in fact Apple are the only big client computing hardware vendor that still draws a reasonable profit from client computer sales, whilst the big players like Dell and HP pretty much make nothing on home computing devices. One thing to bear in mind, however, is that they hold their value amazingly well. A 2 year old PC is worth next to nothing whilst a 2 year old Mac is still a very saleble item, just have a look on eBay.

In essence, both machines will do everything you could ever want them to and both will do certain things very well, just not the same things. Overall, there is very little between Windows 7 and SnowLeopard to be honest, they are both great operating systems and beneath the skin PCs and Macs are basically EXACTLY the same these days. The only real problem to watch out for is the whole Mac cult, and it is a cult. Steve Jobs even got some of them to buy this weird giant iPod Touch that is named after a tampon, has no practical use and is possibly the most pointless gadget in the world, but they all "just LOVE it" and apparently "Macs are the best computers in the World" and "PCs are for plebs and people with no sense of aesthetics" and so on and so on ad infinitum. This is the single most off-putting aspect of Mac ownership, once you buy one, the urge to act all superior and preachy will creep up on you like a virus and you too could become one of the Mac cult elitist, hanging on to every last word that Steve Jobs utters about his latest gadget designed to suck every last penny out of your wallet... You have been warned!

So yes, Macs are good, but so are PCs these days. It all comes down to what you want to use your computer for, if you like playing games, buy a PC, if you want to feel superior to other computer users, have money to burn and like not having to worry about your computer then buy a Mac.
Title: Re: Apple iMac
Post by: Greeners on April 13, 2010, 04:33:10 pm
Excellent post Mclovin!  :grin: :congrats:
Title: Re: Apple iMac
Post by: RedRobin on April 13, 2010, 04:34:16 pm
Great post and advice, mclovin  :drinking:

I don't take any notice of what Steve Jobs etc says. I've used both PCs and Macs and for me it's a no-brainer. Macs are a joy to use. Also you can't run Apple's Logic Studio Pro on a PC and Cubase doesn't hold a candle to Logic.
Title: Re: Apple iMac
Post by: MAT ED30 on April 13, 2010, 04:40:18 pm
been on pc for years but after getting the first gen iphone i just kept looking at the macs  :drool: so a few months back i thought sod it i am having one and once you get out of the way you worked on a pc they are just so nice and just do the job so well and they look nice too  :rolleye:.I still have a laptop on windows but it just does nothing for me and i wont go back to it
Title: Re: Apple iMac
Post by: tony_danza on April 13, 2010, 04:44:51 pm
I still have a little NC10 for Windows work and it does just fine, anything else I can use one of many in the office - I'm not sure anyone can completely remove Microsoft from their life.

iPhone and Macs are great, the lifestyle/fashion products such as the iPad are turd.
Title: Re: Apple iMac
Post by: RedRobin on April 13, 2010, 04:57:23 pm

I'm not sure anyone can completely remove Microsoft from their life.

....I can't think of a single Microsoft product installed and used on my Macs. I've been very particular about it.
Title: Re: Apple iMac
Post by: WhiteGTI on April 13, 2010, 05:01:40 pm
Do you not like Microsoft then Robin?
Title: Re: Apple iMac
Post by: mclovin on April 13, 2010, 05:01:55 pm

I'm not sure anyone can completely remove Microsoft from their life.

....I can't think of a single Microsoft product installed and used on my Macs. I've been very particular about it.

But I bet you use the Internet, and cash machines and so on... You might not have any MS software installed on your Macs, but you haven't removed it from your life.

I have Mac Office on my primary Mac as it is massively useful for me to be able to view Excel and Powerpoint files on it without having to fire up a PC or run a virtual Windows session on the Mac. Works just fine by the way.
Title: Re: Apple iMac
Post by: RedRobin on April 13, 2010, 05:06:39 pm

Do you not like Microsoft then Robin?

....What on earth gave you that idea?  :wink:

I don't like Bill Gates and Windows 7 is their first interface which I can muster an iota of respect for. Funny how it reminds me of Mac OS X.
Title: Re: Apple iMac
Post by: tony_danza on April 13, 2010, 05:09:14 pm

I'm not sure anyone can completely remove Microsoft from their life.

....I can't think of a single Microsoft product installed and used on my Macs. I've been very particular about it.

Maybe not on your Mac, but it is nigh on impossible to avoid them full stop and if there's something that does a job perfectly ok, then why do so?

Don't get me wrong, I love Macs and I have one but Windows is both useful and irreplaceable in its own right. Jobs is as much of a tool as Gates too....
Title: Re: Apple iMac
Post by: RedRobin on April 13, 2010, 05:10:27 pm

I'm not sure anyone can completely remove Microsoft from their life.

....I can't think of a single Microsoft product installed and used on my Macs. I've been very particular about it.

But I bet you use the Internet, and cash machines and so on... You might not have any MS software installed on your Macs, but you haven't removed it from your life.

I have Mac Office on my primary Mac as it is massively useful for me to be able to view Excel and Powerpoint files on it without having to fire up a PC or run a virtual Windows session on the Mac. Works just fine by the way.

....I did write "installed and used on my Macs".

I have no need to use Excel etc or Office and I use Adobe InDesign instead.
Title: Re: Apple iMac
Post by: RedRobin on April 13, 2010, 05:13:48 pm

I'm not sure anyone can completely remove Microsoft from their life.

....I can't think of a single Microsoft product installed and used on my Macs. I've been very particular about it.

Maybe not on your Mac, but it is nigh on impossible to avoid them full stop and if there's something that does a job perfectly ok, then why do so?

Don't get me wrong, I love Macs and I have one but Windows is both useful and irreplaceable in its own right. Jobs is as much of a tool as Gates too....

....I did write "I don't take any notice of what Steve Jobs etc says". Doesn't anyone bother to read my posts?

There happens to be no place nor need for Windows in my life  :smiley:
Title: Re: Apple iMac
Post by: mclovin on April 13, 2010, 05:15:46 pm

I'm not sure anyone can completely remove Microsoft from their life.

....I can't think of a single Microsoft product installed and used on my Macs. I've been very particular about it.

But I bet you use the Internet, and cash machines and so on... You might not have any MS software installed on your Macs, but you haven't removed it from your life.

I have Mac Office on my primary Mac as it is massively useful for me to be able to view Excel and Powerpoint files on it without having to fire up a PC or run a virtual Windows session on the Mac. Works just fine by the way.

....I did write "installed and used on my Macs".

I have no need to use Excel etc or Office and I use Adobe InDesign instead.

Agreed, but Tony did say "I'm not sure anyone can completely remove Microsoft from their life" and given that you view documents created with Microsoft software on your Mac you clearly have not achieved that...

Pedant? Moi?  :happy2:

As for Adobe products on a Mac, you might not even have that luxury for much longer given the huge, unnecessary fight Steve Jobs has got into with Adobe regarding Flash.
Title: Re: Apple iMac
Post by: mclovin on April 13, 2010, 05:20:43 pm

Do you not like Microsoft then Robin?

....What on earth gave you that idea?  :wink:

I don't like Bill Gates and Windows 7 is their first interface which I can muster an iota of respect for. Funny how it reminds me of Mac OS X.

Aha... a CLASSIC Mac Cult elitist comment if I ever heard one!! It used to be that Windows was "unreliable" or "unstable" but when they fixed that the Mac Cult quickly sent out a memo to change the broken record to "They've copied MacOS".

What rubbish! Windows 7 is actually an evolution of Visa, but given the much publicised issues surrounding Vista they changed the name to something quite different. Vista was an evolution of XP, which was an evoltion of Win 98 and so on, all the way back. Of course, both Windows and MacOS are rip offs of the Xerox PARC, so if you want to play the plagiarism card, both parties are equally guilty.
Title: Re: Apple iMac
Post by: cmdrfire on April 13, 2010, 05:21:04 pm
Don't hate on the Gates man. He's donated billions to charity, has almost single-handedly financed and led the initiative to remove the scourge of malaria from Africa (not quite there yet, not for some years, but has started using some funky genemod mosquitoes), is financing the most promising HIV vaccine ever which is currently being trialled in Africa, and is pushing for new energy generation policies, including a new paradigm of micronuclear, as well as education initiatives for children the world over.

He can probably be pointed at as the single greatest contributor to the social good that humanity has ever seen - yet he still garners all sorts of hatred, simply because when he was at the helm of Microsoft, he acted like a good businessman. Jobs is seen as some sort of messiah figure but he's a dick really.

...and like it or not, Microsoft has touched us all. There are considerable amounts of Microsoft-licensed software in OS X you know, as well as almost every software you use... it's not all just a hippie love in. Adobe InDesign? Almost certainly written using at least some of Microsoft's C/C++/C# libraries and compilers.
Title: Re: Apple iMac
Post by: RedRobin on April 13, 2010, 05:28:09 pm

Agreed, but Tony did say "I'm not sure anyone can completely remove Microsoft from their life" and given that you view documents created with Microsoft software on your Mac you clearly have not achieved that...

Pedant? Moi?  :happy2:

As for Adobe products on a Mac, you might not even have that luxury for much longer given the huge, unnecessary fight Steve Jobs has got into with Adobe regarding Flash.

....And I repeat that I wrote "I can't think of a single Microsoft product installed and used on my Macs" but let's not get pedantic.

As for Adobe, I have been a pre-release tester for Adobe's Creative Suite for many years and consequently am subject to a non-disclosure agreement, so I'll just say that you shouldn't believe everything you read on the internet. There has been friction between Jobs and Adobe for years and there's too much at stake not to resolve matters. It's not an unhealthy friction but just part of evolution and development getting negotiated.
Title: Re: Apple iMac
Post by: RedRobin on April 13, 2010, 05:37:14 pm
Don't hate on the Gates man. He's donated billions to charity, has almost single-handedly financed and led the initiative to remove the scourge of malaria from Africa (not quite there yet, not for some years, but has started using some funky genemod mosquitoes), is financing the most promising HIV vaccine ever which is currently being trialled in Africa, and is pushing for new energy generation policies, including a new paradigm of micronuclear, as well as education initiatives for children the world over.

....Yeah, he can now afford his conscience.

Btw, I didn't claim Steve Jobs was any better. However, I would say he has been slightly better in his business practices.

There's not much point extending this subject - I much prefer Macs and have never liked PCs.. Period.
Title: Re: Apple iMac
Post by: mclovin on April 13, 2010, 06:13:33 pm
Personally I think Mr. Gates found his conscience a while a go and has consistently given back and tried to use his wealth to better the lives of many people on this planet. Mr. Jobs, however, despite his recent health issues has just been focusing on new and inventive ways to make more money, I really find it hard to see how Apple's business practices could be seen as any better than Microsoft's ever were, Steve Jobs has just not been as successful... Yet.

People don't like Microsoft because they were 'elitist' and locked people in to Windows and associated software, but do you think iTunes is any different? And now we're going to have iBooks too? Isn't that just Internet Explorer to Amazons Kindle? God only knows why Jobs is so revered by the Mac cult fanbois.

I appreciate your involvement in Adobe and your requirement to honour your NDA. I too work in the IT industry, at quite a senior level so I am not just spouting stuff that I may have read in the IT press (although it is worth noting that I used to be an IT Journalist and I still have a lot of contacts in the industry). Regardless of what you may or may not know, the much publicised spat between Adobe and Apple has already been harmful to both companies from a PR perspective and I doubt very much that Adobe were best pleased about Steve Jobs openly persuading major Web media providers to ditch Flash from their websites. However, my comment was more of a shot across the bow in reaction to your extremely anti-Microsoft stance which I just find amusing. Personally, I feel that if you hate the anti-competition stance taken by big corporations such as Microsoft then Apple are not your saviour as they are just as bad, seriously, you should be running Linux.

Title: Re: Apple iMac
Post by: Jules86 on April 13, 2010, 06:26:51 pm
Who cares. If you like it buy, i couldnt care who makes the bloody thing  :stupid:
Title: Re: Apple iMac
Post by: mclovin on April 13, 2010, 06:30:03 pm
Nothing wrong with a bit of healthy debate, it's good for the soul.

Title: Re: Apple iMac
Post by: ollie288 on April 13, 2010, 06:34:13 pm
Thanks for all the replies guys.

I will be going to the apple store tomorrow. Do they usually have thier products on display to try? I remember using the iPhone before I bought it.   :happy2:

Title: Re: Apple iMac
Post by: WhiteGTI on April 13, 2010, 06:34:47 pm
Everything is on display everywhere in the apple shops! Fill ya boots!!!
Title: Re: Apple iMac
Post by: ollie288 on April 13, 2010, 06:37:26 pm
Everything is on display everywhere in the apple shops! Fill ya boots!!!

Excellent, theres a few hours gone tomorrow! :laugh:

Title: Re: Apple iMac
Post by: mclovin on April 13, 2010, 06:39:59 pm
Have fun, Apple Stores really are retail therapy at it's best!
Title: Re: Apple iMac
Post by: cmdrfire on April 13, 2010, 06:47:48 pm
Who cares. If you like it buy, i couldnt care who makes the bloody thing  :stupid:

If you've any form of social conscience at all, who makes what your purchase is very important. Would you like to own (say) diamonds that you know people have been murdered for? I'd pay a small premium for "no-murder" diamonds myself (if I were to buy diamonds).

Thanks for all the replies guys.

I will be going to the apple store tomorrow. Do they usually have thier products on display to try? I remember using the iPhone before I bought it.   :happy2:

Noooo! Don't turn to the dark side! Do not join... the Cult of Mac
Title: Re: Apple iMac
Post by: Ifti on April 13, 2010, 06:51:13 pm
I wouldnt mind a MAC, but the price just does not justify the hardware you receive.
For the same price as a standard spec Apple machine, you could pick up a high end desktop PC, with triple the specs of the Mac.
Title: Re: Apple iMac
Post by: MAT ED30 on April 13, 2010, 06:51:20 pm
we are the cult and you will be our soon cmdrfire   :evilgrin:
Title: Re: Apple iMac
Post by: cmdrfire on April 13, 2010, 06:54:57 pm
we are the cult and you will be our soon cmdrfire   :evilgrin:

Nooooooooo!  :scared: must... resist... shiny! but so shiny!
Title: Re: Apple iMac
Post by: WhiteGTI on April 13, 2010, 06:56:00 pm
Dunno what this talk is about price, I don't find them that expensive at all relatively speaking. You can't compare them to a £300 Dell with similar hardware. I'd compare them to e.g. a Sony Vaio, and the prices are relatively similar....

Most probably won't agree with my logic, so ETTO    !  !
Title: Re: Apple iMac
Post by: RedRobin on April 13, 2010, 06:57:42 pm
I'm proud to be born in Macdom and of the cult. I don't really care what anyone thinks about that or which of the computer rivals is the baddest boy - None of them are saints. Nor who has supposed to have copied who. The bottom line is that I strongly favour Macs. Why? - Simply because they are more user friendly and more stylish (and reliable).

The testiments of those here who have swopped their Windows PCs for Apple Macs speaks for itself and speaks volumes. Even the words of those who continue to use both speaks volumes.
Title: Re: Apple iMac
Post by: MAT ED30 on April 13, 2010, 06:58:08 pm
i have both the sony vaio and the macbook pro and the pro is so much faster and easier to use and never crashes and fires up quicker and just being online is faster on the mac
Title: Re: Apple iMac
Post by: mclovin on April 13, 2010, 07:05:39 pm
Apart from the big Macs and PCs in the house, I am now running Snow Leopard on a Dell Mini 10V netbook as well as I need a little computer for personal use to carry along with my work PC when I travel (I cover all of Europe, Middle east and Africa, so I fly every week). Honestly, it's the best £200 I ever spent, faster and infinitely more practical than an iPad for half the price, plus it was a doddle to "hackintosh", took less than an hour.

Is this a Mac Cult item or not? Answers on a postcard please...
Title: Re: Apple iMac
Post by: tony_danza on April 13, 2010, 08:06:49 pm
All the beneft for a 1/3 of the cost. I'd call that an intelligent win.
Title: Re: Apple iMac
Post by: RedRobin on April 13, 2010, 08:42:05 pm

All the beneft for a 1/3 of the cost. I'd call that an intelligent win.

....Lacking any cool factor though.

The iPad might not be one of Apple's finest products (I don't actually know much about it) but if you are hanging out in business with the creatives and fashion world, labels and cool gadgets are rightly or wrongly seen as reflections of where you're at and cool is a winner.

I have much more trust in Apple products anyway.  8)
Title: Re: Apple iMac
Post by: tony_danza on April 13, 2010, 09:14:27 pm
In the world of geek and IT, it would be given far more kudos than pulling out the highest spec Apple. Strange eh.

I suppose it mirrors the difference between the science and art world?
Title: Re: Apple iMac
Post by: RedRobin on April 13, 2010, 09:43:18 pm
In the world of geek and IT, it would be given far more kudos than pulling out the highest spec Apple. Strange eh.

I suppose it mirrors the difference between the science and art world?

....Very much so! Spot on, Mike  :happy2:

And so it brings us full circle to where I posted earlier that the Mac essentially originated, or was adopted widespread, in the creative world and the PC in the business world.
Title: Re: Apple iMac
Post by: tony_danza on April 13, 2010, 09:50:37 pm
Hmm - in my job I use them equally for similar things. At home I use them as you say above, Robin.

I still think the two crossed over each other a long time ago though. Macs are more for specialisms and people making statements, PCs will always be cheaper and have the ultimate power and versitility.
Title: Re: Apple iMac
Post by: cmdrfire on April 13, 2010, 09:51:28 pm
In the world of geek and IT, it would be given far more kudos than pulling out the highest spec Apple. Strange eh.

I suppose it mirrors the difference between the science and art world?

Word. I dig the Hackintosh, even if I think it's crazy (but then so are those bearded men who understand Unix).

....Very much so! Spot on, Mike  :happy2:

And so it brings us full circle to where I posted earlier that the Mac essentially originated, or was adopted widespread, in the creative world and the PC in the business world.

Both Mac and "PC" (Macs are PCs, y'know, so I'm taking "PC" to mean Microsofty stuff) originated in the "creative" hacker world! business machines were different clunky things running FORTRAN. But you're right about the difference in widespread adoption though...
Title: I made the move!!!
Post by: ollie288 on April 14, 2010, 06:38:48 pm
Went to the apple store today with the intention of viewing and asking about them. Ended up walking out with a 27" iMac. Well impressed so far. The screen is awesome!  :drool:
Title: Re: I made the move!!!
Post by: cmdrfire on April 14, 2010, 06:39:44 pm
Went to the apple store today with the intention of viewing and asking about them. Ended up walking out with a 27" iMac. Well impressed so far. The screen is awesome!  :drool:

Hippy. Long-hair.
Title: Re: I made the move!!!
Post by: ollie288 on April 14, 2010, 06:41:11 pm
Went to the apple store today with the intention of viewing and asking about them. Ended up walking out with a 27" iMac. Well impressed so far. The screen is awesome!  :drool:

Hippy. Long-hair.

Well I tested it out and was extremely impressed so I bought it. :happy2:
Title: Re: Apple iMac
Post by: WhiteGTI on April 14, 2010, 07:25:22 pm
Congrats Ollie! You won't regret it  :smiley:
Title: Re: Apple iMac
Post by: Poppa Dom on April 14, 2010, 07:49:13 pm
Nice one!!!  :happy2:
Title: Re: Apple iMac
Post by: RedRobin on April 14, 2010, 07:57:43 pm
 :congrats: :congrats: :congrats: :congrats: :congrats: :congrats: :congrats: :congrats:

Great choice! It'll be my choice soon too.
Title: Re: Apple iMac
Post by: MAT ED30 on April 14, 2010, 08:00:10 pm
 :congrats: :congrats: :congrats:
Welcome to the cult  :evilgrin: 
Title: Re: Apple iMac
Post by: WhiteGTI on April 14, 2010, 08:00:39 pm
Title: Re: Apple iMac
Post by: ollie288 on April 14, 2010, 09:05:47 pm
I couldn't be happier with it!  :pomppomp:

Few questions about my old laptop. Is there anyway to complete wipe the thing so everything is deleted, and there is no history of anything on there. Basically back to how it came.
Title: Re: Apple iMac (help)
Post by: ollie288 on April 14, 2010, 09:55:49 pm
I need to get all my work across to the mac. It is all in Microsoft word, powerpoint etc. I purchased iWork as well. What is the quickest way to move it across. (I have an SD card to use)  :smiley:
Title: Re: Apple iMac
Post by: WhiteGTI on April 14, 2010, 09:56:55 pm
Can you run both computers on your wireless network and just transfer the files wirelessly into the shared folders?
Title: Re: Apple iMac
Post by: ollie288 on April 14, 2010, 10:01:45 pm
Can you run both computers on your wireless network and just transfer the files wirelessly into the shared folders?

Yep could do that. Do I need to go thought all my work and change the format of them to be compatible with iWork or will they automatically do that?
Title: Re: Apple iMac
Post by: RedRobin on April 14, 2010, 10:24:38 pm
Can you run both computers on your wireless network and just transfer the files wirelessly into the shared folders?

....Not really a failsafe connection. Better to use fastest Firewire cable protocol you have.

For future you will also need a nice big external hard drive for Time Machine to automatically back up to. This will also make any future migrations much easier.

For total (well nearly) erasure use the zero overwrite method. Will be slow according to quantity to erase.
Title: Re: Apple iMac
Post by: ollie288 on April 14, 2010, 10:46:34 pm
Can you run both computers on your wireless network and just transfer the files wirelessly into the shared folders?

....Not really a failsafe connection. Better to use fastest Firewire cable protocol you have.

For future you will also need a nice big external hard drive for Time Machine to automatically back up to. This will also make any future migrations much easier.

For total (well nearly) erasure use the zero overwrite method. Will be slow according to quantity to erase.

Cheers RR.
Im just installing iWork. Do you know if I will have to change the file type before I move the documents to my iMac? Or will it automatically be compatible?  :happy2:

EDIT - It does it automatically.  :pomppomp:
Title: Re: Apple iMac
Post by: tony_danza on April 14, 2010, 11:06:43 pm
Google 'DOD erase'.

I'd have bought a Macbook and a big feck off monitor personally - best of both worlds.
Title: Re: Apple iMac
Post by: RedRobin on April 14, 2010, 11:12:20 pm

Cheers RR.
Im just installing iWork. Do you know if I will have to change the file type before I move the documents to my iMac? Or will it automatically be compatible?  :happy2:

....I don't know for certain but Macs generally rely less on the display of the file type. I think it's more reliable not to change anything also because the Mac OS will be programmed to help such Windows to Mac migrations because the Mac is the minority platform and needs to accommodate such moves. It's more typical of the Mac mindset.

Don't forget that you can get free phone tech support to guide you and also there are many help guides on the Apple site.

I strongly advise buying the full 3-year AppleCare warranty.
Title: Re: Apple iMac
Post by: ollie288 on April 14, 2010, 11:28:28 pm

Cheers RR.
Im just installing iWork. Do you know if I will have to change the file type before I move the documents to my iMac? Or will it automatically be compatible?  :happy2:

....I don't know for certain but Macs generally rely less on the display of the file type. I think it's more reliable not to change anything also because the Mac OS will be programmed to help such Windows to Mac migrations because the Mac is the minority platform and needs to accommodate such moves. It's more typical of the Mac mindset.

Don't forget that you can get free phone tech support to guide you and also there are many help guides on the Apple site.

I strongly advise buying the full 3-year AppleCare warranty.

Yeah it automatically does it.  :happy2:

Yep bought apple care and just installed it.  :wink:
Title: Re: Apple iMac
Post by: ollie288 on April 15, 2010, 10:36:06 pm
Right I have just moved everything across from my old laptop, currently just getting used to the controls and everything. It is really simple to use and has impressed me.

Now is there anything that is a must do to the iMac, programmes, settings etc.  :happy2:
Title: Re: Apple iMac
Post by: mclovin on April 16, 2010, 04:38:42 pm
Now is there anything that is a must do to the iMac, programmes, settings etc.  :happy2:

I'm not going to comment on programs and settings, but the first "must do" of Mac ownership is to pop round to your neighbours and let them know that you have a better computer than them!


Welcome to the cult!
Title: Re: Apple iMac
Post by: mclovin on April 16, 2010, 04:42:47 pm
Actually, I will make some comments regarding programs, get hold of a program called Little Snitch, got to be one of my favourite MacOS applications:

Appzapper is quite handy too;

Also VLC...

...and Perian:

Both essential if you watch a lot of video.
Title: Re: Apple iMac
Post by: Ifti on April 16, 2010, 10:02:10 pm
I would absolutely LOVE a MacBook Air!
Cant justify spending that much on one though  :sad1:
Title: Re: Apple iMac
Post by: ollie288 on April 16, 2010, 10:08:20 pm
Actually, I will make some comments regarding programs, get hold of a program called Little Snitch, got to be one of my favourite MacOS applications:

Thanks for that mate, I'll have a look through them now.

Is there anywhere in particular you can find a selection of apps? :happy2:
Title: Re: Apple iMac
Post by: prepree on April 17, 2010, 12:04:44 am
Ollie these might help.

Caffene is one of my most used ( ( (
Title: Re: Apple iMac
Post by: ollie288 on April 17, 2010, 01:25:58 pm
^ Cheers Prepree  :drinking:
Title: Re: Apple iMac
Post by: SteveP on April 29, 2010, 07:49:10 pm
Time for me to upgrade my Mac book pro, anyone got any advise for obtaining the Student discounts  :wink: :laugh:
Title: Re: Apple iMac
Post by: QD MBE on April 29, 2010, 07:51:31 pm
Buy a XP net book and spend the rest on the 6.

Title: Re: Apple iMac
Post by: SteveP on April 29, 2010, 07:53:46 pm
I don't need to spend any more on the 6  :laugh: :laugh:

But it's a good point but I still love my Mac's  :love: :love: :love:
Title: Re: Apple iMac
Post by: QD MBE on April 29, 2010, 07:56:05 pm
Title: Re: Apple iMac
Post by: SteveP on April 29, 2010, 07:58:46 pm
 :signLOL: :signLOL:

That's even made Mrs PG laugh (which takes a lot, miserable cow  :laugh:)
Title: Re: Apple iMac
Post by: JPC on April 29, 2010, 08:34:43 pm
:signLOL: :signLOL:

That's even made Mrs PG laugh (which takes a lot, miserable cow  :laugh:)
Title: Re: Apple iMac
Post by: RedRobin on April 29, 2010, 09:57:51 pm
Time for me to upgrade my Mac book pro, anyone got any advise for obtaining the Student discounts  :wink: :laugh:

....Go to an Apple store with your student 'child' and his/her formal letter of acceptance or similar proof of uni/edu attendance and the rest is eeeeasy. They'll probably discount everything you buy that day and the discount is substantial.

It makes no difference that it's you, the parent, who is making the payment.

Title: Re: Apple iMac
Post by: CocoPops on April 29, 2010, 10:19:42 pm
Or order online  :happy2:
Title: Re: Apple iMac
Post by: ollie288 on April 29, 2010, 10:55:51 pm
The shop I went in were not strict on the ID. (ie no letters or anything)
I just flashed a crappy college card (not even a student card it just lets me print  :laugh:) and they knocked the money off. I dont know if they vary though.  :happy2:
Title: Re: Apple iMac
Post by: RedRobin on April 29, 2010, 11:36:23 pm
They must vary then, because our nearest store was quite strict.
Title: Re: Apple iMac
Post by: JPC on April 30, 2010, 08:15:39 am
Time for me to upgrade my Mac book pro, anyone got any advise for obtaining the Student discounts  :wink: :laugh:

....Go to an Apple store with your student 'child' and his/her formal letter of acceptance or similar proof of uni/edu attendance and the rest is eeeeasy. They'll probably discount everything you buy that day and the discount is substantial.

It makes no difference that it's you, the parent, who is making the payment.


I'll pose as your daughter heading off to uni steve if you buy me some Bose headphones on the day ;)
Title: Re: Apple iMac
Post by: Ifti on April 30, 2010, 09:31:33 am
Ok here I come!
Ive just purchased a new Macbook Pro 13 - the new 2010 version with the 2.66GHz CPU (I always like to get the max spec since upgrading laptops id harder then PCs etc).

I work in the IT industry (Network Manager) but have never even used a MAC before!

I decided to take the chance to get a MacBook even though I have a higher spec Dell Inspiron at the moment as I wanted something portable, yet powerful - hence the 13" - and Im a sucker for good looks! My iPhone has been one of m all time best gadgets, and I would be lost without it - Im hoping the MacBook will be the same!

I only really do the basics at home - check email, web browsing, the occasional document etc - but another reason for purchase is I want to get into the app development side of things and see what I can make......

I have a 2 week wait until mine arrives (ordered through work since I got it at less then half price!), and am a little nervous about how I will take to it, whether it will take me long to get used to it, and so on! Just need to figure out how to move all my iTunes across to it so I can continue to sync and backup my phone, and then move all my emails across from Outlook 2007 into Entourage (I'll need Office 2008 for the Mac) - other then that I should be OK with other stuff I think!

Are there any 'must have' apps I should be looking at?

I use on my current system - whats the Mac alternative (I cant afford Photoshop!)?
Title: Re: Apple iMac
Post by: andrewparker on April 30, 2010, 10:37:47 am
Since when was being able to "afford" Photoshop an issue? :signLOL:
Title: Re: Apple iMac
Post by: Ifti on April 30, 2010, 11:58:01 am
I never seem to be able to find it anywhere else....... a PM would always be appreciated....  :happy2:
Title: Re: Apple iMac
Post by: andrewparker on April 30, 2010, 12:25:45 pm
Just dl a torrent from somewhere...
Title: Re: Apple iMac
Post by: TonyZed on April 30, 2010, 02:33:16 pm
I've always had PC's but bought an Apple laptop from my bro recently. I have to say it is a very nice bit of kit. Everything integrates very well, I suppose because Apple have control of everything from hardware to software (and retailers)

Iphone is great too. :happy2:

Title: Re: Apple iMac
Post by: cmdrfire on April 30, 2010, 03:03:19 pm
Just dl a torrent from somewhere...

Piracy is bad, mmkay?
Title: Re: Apple iMac
Post by: Ifti on April 30, 2010, 03:12:42 pm
I don tlike downloading software packages, since you never know whether someone has messed about and put a keylogger or something in them!
Title: Re: Apple iMac
Post by: prepree on April 30, 2010, 04:37:49 pm
^^^ Gimp is a free programme which you can do a lot of basic PS effects on, i guess if you are looking for the real deal then its time to splash the cash!!  :happy2:

With transfering all of your itunes account i used a programme called senuti (Itunes backwards) very easy to use

Other programmes i use are

Virtual Box

so many different programmes available, i posted some links on one of riches threads, or maybe its this one?? have a search!!