MK5 Golf GTI

All Things Mk5 => Mk5 General Area => Topic started by: benje on May 18, 2010, 06:16:05 pm

Title: mpg issues on ed30
Post by: benje on May 18, 2010, 06:16:05 pm
hi, having to travel a little further to work and is costing in fuel now, mpg in my 8 mile journey to work never seems to be more than 22mpg even if i change before 2k rpm driving like a vicar, when the car sits in traffic at the lights it literally plumets down in 17-18 range and it is just on tickover, anyone had issues or is the mpg guage just miles out, i have lowline by the way
Title: Re: mpg issues on ed30
Post by: MAT ED30 on May 18, 2010, 06:19:13 pm
what fuel u running ?
Title: Re: mpg issues on ed30
Post by: Janner_Sy on May 18, 2010, 06:21:53 pm
first of all check your tyre pressures, my fuel economy seemed o drop, and it turned out to be the tyres on 27psi instead of 31psi.  fuel economy jumped up about 5mpg average after that.

alternatively could b a faulty PCV.  My uel economy was poor prior to me getting the BSH stage 2 catch can
Title: Re: mpg issues on ed30
Post by: MAT ED30 on May 18, 2010, 06:23:11 pm
u should only be running car on super unleaded on the ed30 / gti engine
Title: Re: mpg issues on ed30
Post by: benje on May 18, 2010, 06:24:21 pm
what fuel u running ?

pretty much bp ultimate or optimax, just put some tesco 99 in tho, my trip on 1 is saying 22.4 and on setting 2 23.6
Title: Re: mpg issues on ed30
Post by: benje on May 18, 2010, 06:43:01 pm
first of all check your tyre pressures, my fuel economy seemed o drop, and it turned out to be the tyres on 27psi instead of 31psi.  fuel economy jumped up about 5mpg average after that.

alternatively could b a faulty PCV.  My uel economy was poor prior to me getting the BSH stage 2 catch can

i just went out and checked my tyre pressures as i havent since i had wheels done fewe months ago, pressures were at over 40 psi, could this be a reason, i have let them down to 32 now, also thought of fitting the upgrade version dump valve or pcv thing, will this help
Title: Re: mpg issues on ed30
Post by: CarrG on May 18, 2010, 06:45:12 pm

Short journeys are killer on mpg tho. My daily round trip is 5miles starting/stoping 4 times, but i take the toddler or i'd ride. I only manage 20mpg.
Title: Re: mpg issues on ed30
Post by: paulk on May 18, 2010, 06:46:32 pm
more psi in the tyre better the mpg so i doubt thats the fault.....
Title: Re: mpg issues on ed30
Post by: Janner_Sy on May 18, 2010, 07:01:11 pm
40 psi seems a tad high IMO, my car manual states 31mpg front and rear on a heavy load, and my car is heavier as standard than the GTI.  it also wouldnt cause the low MPG, if anything the opposite.

PCV could be at fault. 

is your car mapped??
Title: Re: mpg issues on ed30
Post by: benje on May 18, 2010, 07:06:38 pm
40 psi seems a tad high IMO, my car manual states 31mpg front and rear on a heavy load, and my car is heavier as standard than the GTI.  it also wouldnt cause the low MPG, if anything the opposite.

PCV could be at fault. 

is your car mapped??

no standard, seems a little slower tham used to be but it could be me getting used to it, does release an air whoosh noice when you let of the gas, sometimes it doesnt pull like it remember
Title: Re: mpg issues on ed30
Post by: Saint Steve on May 18, 2010, 07:06:56 pm
Sounds about right your mpg, short journeys will only get you around 25mpg. Running Air con will increase this also.

If you live in a rural area wth little stop start hold ups then you would get nearer 30mpg.

Ive owned 3 Mk5 GTi's , All have been no better then 27 average. I live in and around a city. Lots of traffic lights per square mile.

Warmer conditions improves the mpg slightly, and tends to drink slightly more on colder days with the combo of short journeys. The FSi engine will not function ecomanically on short trips.
Title: Re: mpg issues on ed30
Post by: robern2 on May 18, 2010, 07:11:01 pm
My journey to work is 2.7 miles, mine never drops below 26 mpg (runs on vpower)
Title: Re: mpg issues on ed30
Post by: Saint Steve on May 18, 2010, 07:13:17 pm
^^^ whats your average speed on that short journey though??

To have 27mpg at 2.7 miles, you cant have many stop starts chap.

Title: Re: mpg issues on ed30
Post by: robern2 on May 18, 2010, 07:17:58 pm
Its 26mpg, avarage speed is probably around 35-40
Title: Re: mpg issues on ed30
Post by: MAT ED30 on May 18, 2010, 07:20:48 pm
do u ever drive it hard ? it might need a good hard drive  :driver:
Title: Re: mpg issues on ed30
Post by: robern2 on May 18, 2010, 07:21:55 pm
I sure do, just not on the journey to work it's not worth it.
Title: Re: mpg issues on ed30
Post by: Saint Steve on May 18, 2010, 07:22:43 pm
Yes, at that average speed, your mpg will be higher.

I dont think theres much wrong with the O.P's mpg, if he lives in a High density traffic area, ie like inner London etc as an example, then it will be low.

Title: Re: mpg issues on ed30
Post by: Janner_Sy on May 18, 2010, 07:25:11 pm
Yes, at that average speed, your mpg will be higher.

I dont think theres much wrong with the O.P's mpg, if he lives in a High density traffic area, ie like inner London etc as an example, then it will be low.


from my house two the nearest supestore about 2.5 mile away, there is so much traffic congestion and 7 sets of traffic lights  to go through.  as a result my mpg through there is normally sub 20Mpg
Title: Re: mpg issues on ed30
Post by: benje on May 18, 2010, 07:27:48 pm
Yes, at that average speed, your mpg will be higher.

I dont think theres much wrong with the O.P's mpg, if he lives in a High density traffic area, ie like inner London etc as an example, then it will be low.

thanks for the replys, there may come a time soon that i have to consider her going, only problem is getting a nice diesel, scirocco and gtd are way too much money and no real upgrade either, the car has done 39k and apart from a few stonechips is like brand new but its gonna cost me £80-£100 a month instead of £20, oh dear
Title: Re: mpg issues on ed30
Post by: CarrG on May 18, 2010, 07:30:49 pm

Prob better spending it on fuel.

Diesels are not great on short stop start journeys.
Title: Re: mpg issues on ed30
Post by: Saint Steve on May 18, 2010, 07:32:21 pm
The money your save running a derv on short journey goes completely out the window when your gonna change car. Derv burners only make sense if your doing galatic motorway trips.

Im contemplating buying a second cheap runner but to spend another 5k and then tax, fuel and insure, makes the golf a reason just to run it rather then a cheaper ,more economical runner.
Title: Re: mpg issues on ed30
Post by: Janner_Sy on May 18, 2010, 07:50:12 pm
You need a diesel octavia vRS then.  

Cheaper than all the other options, for what is essentially exactly the same car with an 'inferior' badge.

The diesel VRS has identical suspension to the petrol vRS.  Plus petrol vRS handles just as good as the GTI, (iirc, On the performance car test track the vRS was 0.4 of a second slower than the GTI, which isnt bad considering the additional 100Kg of weight it carries)  Whereas from what i read, the Golf GT TDI runs different suspension to the GTI.

looks lovely in white

lovely interior

I went in a friends diesel vRS and was pretty impressed(it was stage 2 mapped with DPF delete, aout 220Hp) and it went like sh!t off a shovel, whilst staying above 45mpg.  that same road earlier in my own car at similar speeds i was below 20Mpg.  
Title: Re: mpg issues on ed30
Post by: Smudgster on May 18, 2010, 08:42:47 pm
I do a round trip of 5 miles to work and home in my ed30 and am averaging between 22mpg and 25mpg so seems about right m8!! :happy2:
Title: Re: mpg issues on ed30
Post by: no golf clubs at all on May 18, 2010, 08:46:49 pm
^^^^ me too mate. 23-26 mpg on town short commute, it improved when I powered off the heated seats, the ac, the heated mirrors and the big feck off speaker in the boot.
Title: Re: mpg issues on ed30
Post by: benje on May 18, 2010, 09:13:11 pm
any idea why when you sit in stationarry traffic it instantly drops from early 20s to 17, its only on idle????
Title: Re: mpg issues on ed30
Post by: prepree on May 18, 2010, 09:22:49 pm
Have you disconnected the battery recently, as when i did my mpg went south until the ECU reset itself which took a couple of tanks.
Title: Re: mpg issues on ed30
Post by: B3n on May 18, 2010, 09:25:14 pm
You need a diesel octavia vRS then.  

Cheaper than all the other options, for what is essentially exactly the same car with an 'inferior' badge.

The diesel VRS has identical suspension to the petrol vRS.  Plus petrol vRS handles just as good as the GTI, (iirc, On the performance car test track the vRS was 0.4 of a second slower than the GTI, which isnt bad considering the additional 100Kg of weight it carries)  Whereas from what i read, the Golf GT TDI runs different suspension to the GTI.

looks lovely in white

lovely interior

I went in a friends diesel vRS and was pretty impressed(it was stage 2 mapped with DPF delete, aout 220Hp) and it went like sh!t off a shovel, whilst staying above 45mpg.  that same road earlier in my own car at similar speeds i was below 20Mpg.  

Bloody hell mate you should be doing my job :grin:

In my GTi I get on average 25mpg on my route to work which is around 4miles town driving alot of it stop start. In my old GTSport 2.0tdi 140 I would average 28mpg so belive me a diesel wont make alot of difference. Plus i much prefer driving the GTi :driver:
Title: Re: mpg issues on ed30
Post by: benje on May 18, 2010, 09:26:33 pm
no, no battery issues, its weird it just drops when u stand still and goes up when u drive?
Title: Re: mpg issues on ed30
Post by: animal on May 18, 2010, 09:34:26 pm
I'm staggered that the GTI doesnt do better than mid 20's MPG on stop-start commutes. My commute is a 30 mile round trip and I average 25-27mpg in an R32, averaging between 25-35mph.
Title: Re: mpg issues on ed30
Post by: Jules86 on May 18, 2010, 09:46:58 pm
I'm staggered that the GTI doesnt do better than mid 20's MPG on stop-start commutes. My commute is a 30 mile round trip and I average 25-27mpg in an R32, averaging between 25-35mph.

Thats what im thinking, my 32 rarely dipped below 20mpg in London!

My work drive (which is fairly busy regardless of the time) from walthamstow to lewisham (including hammering it through the blackwall tunnel with windows down)

Title: Re: mpg issues on ed30
Post by: Hedge on May 19, 2010, 07:49:10 am
any idea why when you sit in stationarry traffic it instantly drops from early 20s to 17, its only on idle????

Yes but you are measuring miles per gallon and while stationary doing no miles.
Title: Re: mpg issues on ed30
Post by: vRS Carl on May 19, 2010, 08:18:17 am
As Ian has said it will drop quite a bit when stood still Idling.

The car is measuring how many miles you are doing per gallon of fuel. If you are sat still your still burning off fuel but not going anywhere. So all the computer understands is "Fuel Burning Car not Moving" therefore you overall average will start to drop

Mine does it all the time.
Title: Re: mpg issues on ed30
Post by: Ifti on May 19, 2010, 09:51:01 am
I think the OP's mpg seems about right for a short journey.
I do around 50 miles per day, 25 miles to work and back. Since most of it is on the motorway I used to see around the 35mpg mark in my ED30, which i thought was impressive.

In my derv I'm now seeing around the 75-80mpg mark! lol. Driving casually as I did on my way to work and back in the ED30.
You do need to be doing longer journeys in a derv though - it takes much longer to get the oil to temperature etc then a petrol.
Nevertheless, a tank of fuel used to do me for a week in the ED30 - around 300 miles or so to a tank.
In the derv I get around 700-800 miles to a tank full - over 2 weeks worth or driving for me!

Im saving tons, but have no fun in driving! lol
Title: Re: mpg issues on ed30
Post by: Richn83 on May 19, 2010, 09:52:14 am
Also on a short journey, you have the cat warm up process, where fuel gets injected twice per cycle, and the computer doesnt have so many data points to construct its average from so will be more heavily affected by the stationary phase of your driving, if all you do all week is your commute you would be better off resetting your number 2 computer and using this as your average commute consumption.

R32 figures are good, and I bet it sounds great through the tunnel! not been through blackwall since getting GTI but the dartford tunnel wasnt that impressive with the standard zorst.
Title: Re: mpg issues on ed30
Post by: Hedge on May 19, 2010, 09:54:15 am
Having recently bought the R32 listening to you TFSI boys go on about MPG does make me laugh.

 :signLOL: :signLOL:
Title: Re: mpg issues on ed30
Post by: animal on May 19, 2010, 10:11:14 am
Having recently bought the R32 listening to you TFSI boys go on about MPG does make me laugh.

 :signLOL: :signLOL:

I'm actually feeling a bit better - I thought the GTI was quite a bit better on economy that the R32 (and probably is on a longer motorway run) but looking at the figures being talked about here, for my commute to work I am no worse off in the R than I would be in an Ed30  :happy2:

Out of interest, and slightly off topic - I though the average consumption figure on the DIS was stored until you manually reset it, but it appears to reset every time I use the car? Also, are the 'pages' of data (1 & 2) the same or does average MPG 1 differ to average MPG 2 in someway - hope that makes sense?
Title: Re: mpg issues on ed30
Post by: mackit on May 19, 2010, 10:13:43 am
I thought MPG1 was the MPG for the last journey covered, i.e. from engine start to turn off, and MPG2 is the MPG since the last time it was reset, i.e. the average of all journeys since last reset.
Title: Re: mpg issues on ed30
Post by: Richn83 on May 19, 2010, 10:18:47 am
number one resets with engine turn off (if its greater than 2 hours) and 2 is only reset by the user or untill it reaches the end of its timing abilities either loops over on the mileage or hours driven.
Title: Re: mpg issues on ed30
Post by: animal on May 19, 2010, 10:28:35 am
number one resets with engine turn off (if its greater than 2 hours) and 2 is only reset by the user or untill it reaches the end of its timing abilities either loops over on the mileage or hours driven.

I thought so - cheers.
Title: Re: mpg issues on ed30
Post by: Saint Steve on May 19, 2010, 04:29:54 pm
Having recently bought the R32 listening to you TFSI boys go on about MPG does make me laugh.

 :signLOL: :signLOL:

I forgot to mention. After our trip out to the Pub the another night Ian. Both Myself and SparkyCraig left the pub, and both checked our Miles per Gallon from our 30 mile trip back, both doing same speeds, craig in the R32 and me in my Edition 30 following behind. We both clocked exactly the same mpg figure of 29.1mpg when we arrived back in Southampton!!.
Goes to show an R32 on the motorway is just as efficient as the 2.0tfsi.

DAM!!!!  :signLOL:
Title: Re: mpg issues on ed30
Post by: Hedge on May 19, 2010, 04:55:25 pm
Craig's is still too quiet though.  :wink:
Title: Re: mpg issues on ed30
Post by: stealthwolf on May 19, 2010, 05:00:37 pm
I do shift work and do the same journery at different times of the day. It's about 10 miles.

If I go to work around 8am, during rush hour, it takes me 40-45 mins and averages 22-25mpg.
If I go to work around 8pm, when it's dead, it takes me 20-30 mins ans averages 30-35mpg. 
Title: Re: mpg issues on ed30
Post by: edd666999 on May 19, 2010, 05:24:34 pm
in my gti i do a 7mile trip to work and get about 32-36mpg...
Title: Re: mpg issues on ed30
Post by: markc on May 20, 2010, 01:10:09 pm
Pulled up at work this morning, M62 from Milnrow to Leeds, 41.6mpg  :happy2:
Title: Re: mpg issues on ed30
Post by: JPC on May 20, 2010, 02:32:03 pm
have the finished all the central reservation work on the m62 yet? doing my head in! lol
Title: Re: mpg issues on ed30
Post by: john_o on May 20, 2010, 02:35:49 pm
yes  :happy2:

(but in reality it aint gonna help your avg speed  :signLOL:)
Title: Re: mpg issues on ed30
Post by: markc on May 20, 2010, 03:35:03 pm
have the finished all the central reservation work on the m62 yet? doing my head in! lol

No they haven't unfortunately.  I'm sick and tired of it too  :sad1:
Title: Re: mpg issues on ed30
Post by: andyvits on May 21, 2010, 12:10:35 pm

I have a standard 2007 Gti Edition 30 (DSG) & I always run Super Unleaded.

My commute to work is 105 Miles each way (A303 and M3:- takes around 2 hrs). If i drive like a vicar (literally) I can get 34 MPG, drive it like my hair is on fire and i get around 29 MPG. When I first got my car and tried a really frugal extra urban journey and it only returned 34 MPG. As the advertised Extra Urban MPG for this car is circa 46 MPG, I took it back to VW Dealer for them to check. They said that it was fine...... and they are all like that (what is the point of these figures when you can never get anywhere near them?!).

So my recommendation is for the sake of 5 MPG drive it like it should be driven (But stay safe).

Cheers, Andy
Title: Re: mpg issues on ed30
Post by: animal on May 22, 2010, 12:21:58 am
That is one hell of a commute! That must almost be Yeovil to London?

Granted published figures don't tend to be realistic in terms of real driving - but, all published 'official' figures are relative to each other as the test regime is strictly controlled, so you can make like-for-like comparisons on paper at least.
Title: Re: mpg issues on ed30
Post by: andyvits on May 24, 2010, 10:51:06 am

Commute is Yeovil - Bracknell several times a week. I can tell you every bump on the A303 :-)