MK5 Golf GTI
General => Random Chat => Topic started by: VC on May 26, 2010, 05:30:31 pm
anyone got her number? :laugh:
...till the legs fell off (
:drool: :drool: :drool: :drool: :drool: :drool: :drool: :drool: :drool: :drool: :drool:
Ashley cole, why oh why oh why :stupid: :stupid:
she is so over rated, but id still smash her.
I'd hump that till the neighbours complained of the smell :drool: :drool: :drool: :drool:
How can anyone say she is over rated :surprised: :surprised: :surprised:
she loks good in that pic, but more recently she is pure bone. be nice to see some curves and maybe less of her bones
i gotz the bone riiiight here :laugh:
show us, we can compare her bones and yours bones :surprised:
you want to see my schlong dude? :chicken:
:chicken: :signLOL:
she loks good in that pic, but more recently she is pure bone. be nice to see some curves and maybe less of her bones
Well trust me i could give her something to swallow everyday to help her put a few pounds on :wink:
she loks good in that pic, but more recently she is pure bone. be nice to see some curves and maybe less of her bones
Well trust me i could give her something to swallow everyday to help her put a few pounds on :wink:
I thought you were happy with your R 32 brakes. :P
Oh trust me this thing weighs more than that.
I have to get the wife to help me take a leak as the doc said i can't do any heavy lifting :signLOL:
well just goes to show having a lead toilet seat is silly. plastic ones are so much lighter
Oh man...there is some good old testosterone going around this forum.
"till the legs fell off".....amazing!!! :signLOL:
they would only fall off because theres no meat holding them in place. :wink:
id be going in dry though, with plenty of talc. its the only way.
Such good news! Quite apart from fancying Cheryl I really think she's a great gal and I even like some of her music since Girls Aloud. Footballer Cole is a tool and has proved himself totally unworthy of her.
He's a crap footballer aswell in my opinion
I'd read she was now with Will-I-am! :stupid: :surprised:
Good for her, glad she dumped that prick! Gotta say she don't do a whole lot for me, way too skinny :sad1:
finally someone who agrees with me
fat birds rock
Looks just like my Ex-Wife :laugh: :laugh:
I wouldnt go that far SY but i much prefer kimberly Walsh from girls aloud :jumping:
Yeah Kimberley is nice too but Cheryl is where it's at :wink:
Spandex; a privalidge not a right. :laugh:
I wouldnt go that far SY but i much prefer kimberly Walsh from girls aloud :jumping:
....Oh yes!! Kimberly has a certain warmth about her - Very down-to-earth and can go down on me anytime she likes.. In my dreams!
My my you guys are shocking. :signLOL:
cheryl, sarah and kimberley would do me, if you are going down go down fighting :evilgrin:
Am I the only one who remembers she's a (edit) thug? Great gal indeed. She's spent long enough being his beard though.
But yeah, I'd smash it.
Ah messr Danza.
Good hooning? Anything to report?
Great time, Dave. Few minor niggles, but wouldn't be a Ring trip without them.
The Bora of win is absolutely epic, real giant killer.
Am I the only one who remembers she's a racist thug?
:confused: :confused: :confused: :confused:
You can hardly call her Racist just cos she hit some woman that happened to be coloured.
Point taken, I seemed to remember some witnesses collaborating the accusation she used racist language, but that didn't stick - just the aggravated assault. So as she was cleared of it, I should have chosen my words better.
Original post edited.
Gotta think who she was married too aswell :innocent:
Point taken, I seemed to remember some witnesses collaborating the accusation she used racist language, but that didn't stick - just the aggravated assault. So as she was cleared of it, I should have chosen my words better.
Original post edited.
Gotta think who she was married too aswell :innocent:
....Exactly! You'll call anyone the first name you can think of about the person who makes you angry: If they're fat you'll call them a fat slob, if they look Jewish you'll call them a fecking yid - It's that simple and doesn't make you a fattist or racist etc etc.
You can hardly call her Racist just cos she hit some woman that happened to be coloured.
Pfft, tell that to The Daily Mail!
Am I the only one who remembers she's a racist thug?
:confused: :confused: :confused: :confused:
You can hardly call her Racist just cos she hit some woman that happened to be coloured.
I was there the night that happened!
And Mater, you can't use coloured, that's racist too.
Mr Cherry, if you want her number, I know people who know people... :wink:
And Mater, you can't use coloured, that's racist too.
:confused: :confused: :confused:
Is it ???????
I don't think so.
thts true, that is actually a racist remark. dont really think any guys of ethnic origin would actually be bothered though. none of the guys i work with are.
It's amazing how foooked up the UK is with Political Correctness :stupid:
I suppose if i had said Black i'd be racist for saying that because they are technically not black they are dark brown.
If i had said Afro Carribean again i'd be racist as a lot are born in the UK.
If i said what i call a mate in work i'd get lynched :scared: :grin:
It will allllllll change when i take over the universe :signLOL: :signLOL:
It will allllllll change when i take over the universe :signLOL: :signLOL:
:scared: :scared: :scared: :scared: :scared: :scared: :scared: :scared: :scared: :scared: :scared: :scared:
Don't worry Ian i will let you keep the fridge :grin: :grin:
thts true, that is actually a racist remark. dont really think any guys of ethnic origin would actually be bothered though. none of the guys i work with are.
I don't think coloured is racist :chicken:
maybe if you're Colonel Sanders and speaking with a Kentucky drawl 'bout the coloured folks ya got werkin' on yawr cotton fields...
/racism in reverse?
I think you've raised the fundamental point, Neo - It's only racist according to context.
I do think that whereas real racism should be severely stamped on, the UK law makers have over-reacted and are simply ridiculous.
Anyway, back on topic:
^ As a musician, this is why I highly rate Miss Cheryl Tweedy.
I'd love to play her my lurve floot :evilgrin:
thts true, that is actually a racist remark. dont really think any guys of ethnic origin would actually be bothered though. none of the guys i work with are.
I don't think coloured is racist :chicken:
maybe if you're Colonel Sanders and speaking with a Kentucky drawl 'bout the coloured folks ya got werkin' on yawr cotton fields...
/racism in reverse?
Regardless - it's not PC. But let's not loose sight of the purpose of this thread!
Good point...
Back O/T
Now, if Cashley's got any sense whatsoever, there'll be some half decent pics/vids of her soon enough :party:
Good point...
Back O/T
Now, if Cashley's got any sense whatsoever, there'll be some half decent pics/vids of her soon enough :party:
He better not otherwise he might be getting a visit from "The Management" :fighting: :fighting:
Unless of course he email's them all to me for my approval first :laugh: :evilgrin: :laugh: :evilgrin: :laugh: :evilgrin: :laugh: :evilgrin: