MK5 Golf GTI

General => Product Reviews => Topic started by: MAT ED30 on January 19, 2009, 04:44:50 pm

Title: Neuspeed rear anti roll bar and neuspeed drop links
Post by: MAT ED30 on January 19, 2009, 04:44:50 pm
I bought my neuspeed rear arb from Awesome last year and and it was great for about 6k miles until one day i has a lot of noise coming from the rear end  :sad:, so a trip to the dealer showed it was down to the arb putting to much stress on the oe droplinks and sending noise up the rear shocks  :sad:.
I had Vw take the Neuspeed arb off and i put the stock one back on to find out all the noise had gone  :surprised:, i phoned Andy at awesome to let him know the problem and he said bring the arb in for him to look at to see if it was bent or out of line.I took it over and Andy, me and Jim had a look and it looked fine  :confused: so after having a chat i asked jim what arbs are on there mk5 and he said the same as yours  :rolleye: so i said lets have a look at the droplinks on yours to see how much pressure they are under and after looking he said to me he thought they would not last long if on the hard setting like mine are  :driver: so he very kindly asked me to try the new neuspeed droplinks to see if this is the prob and the cure
some quick pics of the install
VW droplinks and stock arb
unbolt the stock arb clamps 2 bolt per clamp
and undo the droplinks on the ard and on the arm
and then slide the arb out
you need to keep the arb clamp bolts and the droplink nuts and change the clamp over to the neuspeed arb and put lots of grease on the new poly bushes
and then put the bar back on
and then fit these bad boys   :drool:
the little spacers slide on the bolts 1 on the the top between the bolt and the arm and the bottom one goes between the arb and the droplink  :happy2:

they have been on 2 days now and they have stopped all noise and have made the back stiffer on the corners  :driver:

big thanks to awesome for sorting these out for me (free) as they need to know if there is a problem with the arbs and i will be keeping an eye on them over the next few months
Title: Re: Neuspeed rear anti roll bar and neuspeed drop links
Post by: matt a on January 19, 2009, 06:21:41 pm
Nice looking drop links.  :happy2:
Title: Re: Neuspeed rear anti roll bar and neuspeed drop links
Post by: Top Cat on January 19, 2009, 06:35:40 pm
Great write-up Mat.  :happy2:
Title: Re: Neuspeed rear anti roll bar and neuspeed drop links
Post by: john_o on January 19, 2009, 06:43:59 pm
circlip retained bearing ARB links  :drool: awesome kit too nice to go under the car  :grin:
nice write up Matt  :happy2: and an interesting solution to a wierd problem
Title: Re: Neuspeed rear anti roll bar and neuspeed drop links
Post by: MAT ED30 on January 19, 2009, 06:46:58 pm
circlip retained bearing ARB links  :drool: awesome kit too nice to go under the car  :grin:
nice write up Matt  :happy2: and an interesting solution to a wierd problem

they are as nice as the walk kit  8)
Title: Re: Neuspeed rear anti roll bar and neuspeed drop links
Post by: SteveP on January 19, 2009, 08:43:59 pm
Very good write up Mat, thanks for taking the time to do this  :happy2:
Title: Re: Neuspeed rear anti roll bar and neuspeed drop links
Post by: JPC on January 19, 2009, 09:22:17 pm
mat, whats the pros/cons to this kit as a pose to getting the eibach? im thinking of getting eibach front and back at awesome on wednesday
Title: Re: Neuspeed rear anti roll bar and neuspeed drop links
Post by: MAT ED30 on January 19, 2009, 09:27:58 pm
mat, whats the pros/cons to this kit as a pose to getting the eibach? im thinking of getting eibach front and back at awesome on wednesday

i think the neuspeed one is thicker and is adjustable ie 2 settings ie normal road use or race setup so stiffer  :happy2: if you are doing the back i would get the droplinks they are stunning bits of kit  :drool:
Title: Re: Neuspeed rear anti roll bar and neuspeed drop links
Post by: RedRobin on January 19, 2009, 09:46:31 pm

I'm not convinced about the Neuspeed droplinks - They certainly look strong but VWR have done goodness knows how many hard racing miles on the oem droplinks on lots of VW cars and never had a problem. With V3 coilovers I'm not sure I need a stiffer rear end.

I'm just not very confident about Neuspeed products - They seem to be good at producing good-looking gear that's not needed - I'm particularly referring to that rear triple boot strut thingy. The Turbo Discharge and Charge pipes I bought by them, following Awesome's advice, have had no measurable performance gains.

Just my current opinion.

Title: Re: Neuspeed rear anti roll bar and neuspeed drop links
Post by: MAT ED30 on January 19, 2009, 10:00:39 pm
the thing with vwr is most of there cars are on the track and are very well looked after but mine has done 10k on the neuspeed arb and it was just too much for the vw droplinks on hard setting  :rolleye: most companies bring out lots of cheap crap that they claim do things that they dont and u need to make your own mind up as to what is good for u. I am more than happy with neuspeed and Awesome gti for there help with the problem and will test these out over the next year on the road and on the track so they will get some stick and if they are going to brake i am sure i will find out  :happy2:
Title: Re: Neuspeed rear anti roll bar and neuspeed drop links
Post by: JPC on January 19, 2009, 10:01:42 pm
that boot strut did completely send me running from neuspeed stuff to be honest, but im still keeping an open mind. ill speak to awesome tomorrow, see what the say and de-cipher the sales pitch
Title: Re: Neuspeed rear anti roll bar and neuspeed drop links
Post by: gazbutS3 on January 19, 2009, 10:24:16 pm
alot of its down to cost also Jay, if I remember correctly the front and rear eibach roll bars are not much more than 1 neuspeed roll bar, they may be better but not twice as good
Title: Re: Neuspeed rear anti roll bar and neuspeed drop links
Post by: RedRobin on January 19, 2009, 10:26:43 pm
the thing with vwr is most of there cars are on the track and are very well looked after but mine has done 10k on the neuspeed arb and it was just too much for the vw droplinks on hard setting  :rolleye: most companies bring out lots of cheap crap that they claim do things that they dont and u need to make your own mind up as to what is good for u. I am more than happy with neuspeed and Awesome gti for there help with the problem and will test these out over the next year on the road and on the track so they will get some stick and if they are going to brake i am sure i will find out  :happy2:

....True, and you are right to do what you're doing. Being "very well looked after" means that everything is regularly inspected and serviced as appropriate, so they'd spot a droplink problem.

I've had Eibach (non-adjustable) ARB's on for about 50k miles and had to regrease the bushes and replace a broken mount, but no probs with my oem droplinks.
Title: Re: Neuspeed rear anti roll bar and neuspeed drop links
Post by: RedRobin on January 19, 2009, 10:28:20 pm
alot of its down to cost also Jay, if I remember correctly the front and rear eibach roll bars are not much more than 1 neuspeed roll bar, they may be better but not twice as good

....And the Eibach ARB's aren't so inferior that they warranted changing to match my new VWR suspension.

Title: Re: Neuspeed rear anti roll bar and neuspeed drop links
Post by: gazbutS3 on January 19, 2009, 10:34:48 pm
the Eibachs do have two settings don't they, I'm sure they had 2 sets of mounting holes for the drop links when I had them on the ED30, I could be wrong though :smiley:
Title: Re: Neuspeed rear anti roll bar and neuspeed drop links
Post by: gazbutS3 on January 19, 2009, 10:41:23 pm
yes they do thought so, just been and had a look at your suspension thread Robin and you can see the other droplink mounting holes on your front anti-roll bar in the pic, I borrowed it, hope you don't mind :smiley:

Title: Re: Neuspeed rear anti roll bar and neuspeed drop links
Post by: RedRobin on January 19, 2009, 10:43:03 pm
the Eibachs do have two settings don't they, I'm sure they had 2 sets of mounting holes for the drop links when I had them on the ED30, I could be wrong though :smiley:

....I didn't realise that. Ray West fitted them about 50k miles ago. She's up on the ramp at my VW dealer's tomorrow (service and inspection) - They allow me in their workshop, so I'll have a look. I'm also up at VWR later in the week.

Cheers :happy2:
Title: Re: Neuspeed rear anti roll bar and neuspeed drop links
Post by: MAT ED30 on January 19, 2009, 10:46:18 pm
My car is checked by me every 3 months and serviced every 6 months so I make sure I have things checked on the car and greased up
Title: Re: Neuspeed rear anti roll bar and neuspeed drop links
Post by: RedRobin on January 19, 2009, 10:46:46 pm
O yes! [our posts crossed]

Thanks for that info - Much appreciated!

My faith in VWR is such that I think they would have changed the ARB setting if they felt it more appropriate to their suspension.

Title: Re: Neuspeed rear anti roll bar and neuspeed drop links
Post by: RedRobin on January 19, 2009, 10:49:52 pm
My car is checked by me every 3 months and serviced every 6 months so I make sure I have things checked on the car and greased up

....I'm not capable of that as you are, Matt. I just have mine serviced every 10k miles and plugs changed every 20k (due tomorrow) and trust people like Jim at JKM and the guys at VWR and Dan at my VW dealer to inspect every single time she's up in the air. I'm often present.
Title: Re: Neuspeed rear anti roll bar and neuspeed drop links
Post by: MAT ED30 on January 19, 2009, 10:51:38 pm
Go on fella get your hands dirty LOL it's great
Title: Re: Neuspeed rear anti roll bar and neuspeed drop links
Post by: RedRobin on January 19, 2009, 11:29:03 pm
Go on fella get your hands dirty LOL it's great

...It's not as simple as that. I'm not going to start being a mechanic on a sophisticated modern car at my age, and without equipment. Besides which I would far rather plug directly into the skills and experience of professionals.

Title: Re: Neuspeed rear anti roll bar and neuspeed drop links
Post by: cmdrfire on February 04, 2009, 05:40:50 pm
Go on fella get your hands dirty LOL it's great

...It's not as simple as that. I'm not going to start being a mechanic on a sophisticated modern car at my age, and without equipment. Besides which I would far rather plug directly into the skills and experience of professionals.


It's alright, if you break it you can mostly fix it (albeit after a sleepless night or two... speaking from personal experience!).
Though tbh I'd have suspension and brake parts done by professionals... those bits are kind of important.
Title: Re: Neuspeed rear anti roll bar and neuspeed drop links
Post by: RedRobin on February 04, 2009, 06:08:01 pm
It's simply not my thing - I'm good at other things which don't involve getting my hands oily etc. I just don't have any interest whatsoever in doing any car mechanics myself. A good pro can do such a better job and, very importantly, knows what to do when unforeseen problems arise - As they do!

Anyway, I think that the Neuspeed drop link is a waste of time and money.
Title: Re: Neuspeed rear anti roll bar and neuspeed drop links
Post by: Teutonic_Tamer on August 28, 2009, 01:50:00 am

I'm not convinced about the Neuspeed droplinks - They certainly look strong but VWR have done goodness knows how many hard racing miles on the oem droplinks on lots of VW cars and never had a problem. With V3 coilovers I'm not sure I need a stiffer rear end.

Hmmmmm . . . . the OEM rear drop links are a known problem - mine failed about a week after my uprated ARBs, and the stealer said they'd replaced loads under warranty.

I'm just not very confident about Neuspeed products - They seem to be good at producing good-looking gear that's not needed - I'm particularly referring to that rear triple boot strut thingy. The Turbo Discharge and Charge pipes I bought by them, following Awesome's advice, have had no measurable performance gains.

Just my current opinion.

I tend to agree with you with most Neuspeed stuff, but those Neuspeed drop links do look well engineered.
Title: Re: Neuspeed rear anti roll bar and neuspeed drop links
Post by: Teutonic_Tamer on August 28, 2009, 01:53:49 am
the thing with vwr is most of there cars are on the track and are very well looked after but mine has done 10k on the neuspeed arb and it was just too much for the vw droplinks on hard setting  :rolleye: most companies bring out lots of cheap crap that they claim do things that they dont and u need to make your own mind up as to what is good for u. I am more than happy with neuspeed and Awesome gti for there help with the problem and will test these out over the next year on the road and on the track so they will get some stick and if they are going to brake i am sure i will find out  :happy2:

....True, and you are right to do what you're doing. Being "very well looked after" means that everything is regularly inspected and serviced as appropriate, so they'd spot a droplink problem.

I've had Eibach (non-adjustable) ARB's on for about 50k miles and had to regrease the bushes and replace a broken mount, but no probs with my oem droplinks.

Ahhhhhh - but yours is an early GTI, which had stronger, better rear ARB drop links.  Sometime around 2006, VW modifed the standard spec to a 'cheaper' design.  This might explain why yours are fine, yet newer cars are having issues.  :happy2:
Title: Re: Neuspeed rear anti roll bar and neuspeed drop links
Post by: RedRobin on August 29, 2009, 07:51:38 pm

Ahhhhhh - but yours is an early GTI, which had stronger, better rear ARB drop links.  Sometime around 2006, VW modifed the standard spec to a 'cheaper' design.  This might explain why yours are fine, yet newer cars are having issues.  :happy2:

.....Ahhhhhh, I had no idea that was the case! My GTI is an 06-build (July 2005) and UK 05-plate.

Title: Re: Neuspeed rear anti roll bar and neuspeed drop links
Post by: SteveTDCi on September 01, 2009, 11:10:58 pm
i'd buy those drop links on looks alone and have a glass boot floor put in so everytime i go to tescos i can see them when loading the shopping in :) This place is going to cost me a fotune .....  :happy2:
Title: Re: Neuspeed rear anti roll bar and neuspeed drop links
Post by: RedRobin on September 01, 2009, 11:23:50 pm

There are quite a few different aftermarket droplinks available from across the pond, some are even adjustable.
Title: Re: Neuspeed rear anti roll bar and neuspeed drop links
Post by: Msportman on September 05, 2009, 11:58:11 am
I had Neuspeeds on the MKIV....seemed fine.

I find I don't need to change the stock item's whilst running the KW Clubsports which springs eliminate the majority of roll.

Proof will be on track with my new set up. :wink:
Title: Re: Neuspeed rear anti roll bar and neuspeed drop links
Post by: xxx_mojo_xxx on October 09, 2009, 11:24:27 pm
It's been three weeks since I've had the H&R ARBs installed.  I've developed a peculiar knocking noise - which just so happens to occur when turning aggressively left or right from the rear.  Some times the knocking can happen by simply going over a slightly uneven road.

Title: Re: Neuspeed rear anti roll bar and neuspeed drop links
Post by: MAT ED30 on October 09, 2009, 11:47:30 pm
Kw do front drop links for the clubsports coilovers
Title: Re: Neuspeed rear anti roll bar and neuspeed drop links
Post by: xxx_mojo_xxx on October 24, 2009, 11:55:04 am
Ordered a set of BSH drop links.  Thanks for the tip MATT ED30 :drinking: 

I'll keep everyone posted on how things go once I get them in the next couple of days...
Title: Re: Neuspeed rear anti roll bar and neuspeed drop links
Post by: SteveS on November 30, 2011, 02:42:34 pm
Bit old i know, but...

I wonder if this is my issue with wheel hop and noise.. I don't believe my front droplinks were changed. I should check to make sure there not broken also.

They are the eibach ones. Do they do drop links? (googling now)
Title: Re: Neuspeed rear anti roll bar and neuspeed drop links
Post by: xxx_mojo_xxx on July 16, 2012, 06:04:33 pm
It's been three weeks since I've had the H&R ARBs installed.  I've developed a peculiar knocking noise - which just so happens to occur when turning aggressively left or right from the rear.  Some times the knocking can happen by simply going over a slightly uneven road.

  • From what I read in this thread..are the NeuSpeed drop links likely to resolve this issue? 
    Has anyone had any problems with them? 
    What other alternatives are there out there (i.e. to Neuspeed)?
    Also, can you get drop links for the fronts?

Just to put this mystery to rest... turned out that one bolt was slightly loose on one of the rear shocks.