MK5 Golf GTI

General => Random Chat => Topic started by: Gene Hunt on May 28, 2010, 06:10:30 pm

Title: Bank Holiday weekend & ..............
Post by: Gene Hunt on May 28, 2010, 06:10:30 pm
.........what are you all doing ?. Me drinking beer & take away tonight.Just getting to the end of my 9th 12 hour shift over the last  11 days so ready for a rest.
Title: Re: Bank Holiday weekend & ..............
Post by: keith on May 28, 2010, 06:16:48 pm
Lying in my bed after a double hernia opp :sad1: 
Title: Re: Bank Holiday weekend & ..............
Post by: wigit on May 28, 2010, 06:19:08 pm
Lying in my bed after a double hernia opp :sad1: 

just made me wince, sure i won't be alone on that, gws  :drinking:
Title: Re: Bank Holiday weekend & ..............
Post by: Gene Hunt on May 28, 2010, 06:19:59 pm
Lying in my bed after a double hernia opp :sad1: 
.......get well soon mate.  :happy2:
Title: Re: Bank Holiday weekend & ..............
Post by: Hurdy on May 28, 2010, 06:24:39 pm
Lying in my bed after a double hernia opp :sad1: 

just made me wince, sure i won't be alone on that, gws  :drinking:

+1 :scared:
Title: Re: Bank Holiday weekend & ..............
Post by: Saint Steve on May 28, 2010, 06:25:14 pm
Get well soon keith. Saturday looks like its gonna be a washout :mad:

Must be a bank holiday weekend :sad1:
Title: Re: Bank Holiday weekend & ..............
Post by: Gene Hunt on May 28, 2010, 06:26:32 pm
Why can't it be like last wekend ?.
Title: Re: Bank Holiday weekend & ..............
Post by: ILoveTuna on May 28, 2010, 06:33:12 pm
I hate bank holidays numpties everywhere stay in and chill for me!!  :signLOL:
Title: Re: Bank Holiday weekend & ..............
Post by: VC on May 28, 2010, 07:11:14 pm
sex. lots of.

beer. lots of.

F1 + beer + sex. lots of.

Title: Re: Bank Holiday weekend & ..............
Post by: stealthwolf on May 28, 2010, 07:22:38 pm
working nights.

Best get ready in a bit.
Title: Re: Bank Holiday weekend & ..............
Post by: Golfgirl on May 28, 2010, 07:25:12 pm
Working 0630-1830 Saturday & Sunday and 1830-0630 Monday & Tuesday  :sad1::booty:
Title: Re: Bank Holiday weekend & ..............
Post by: 94Luke on May 28, 2010, 07:43:35 pm
studying for exams -_-    

Title: Re: Bank Holiday weekend & ..............
Post by: keith on May 28, 2010, 07:53:27 pm
Lying in my bed after a double hernia opp :sad1: 

just made me wince, sure i won't be alone on that, gws  :drinking:
Lying in my bed after a double hernia opp :sad1: 
.......get well soon mate.  :happy2:
Lying in my bed after a double hernia opp :sad1: 

just made me wince, sure i won't be alone on that, gws  :drinking:

+1 :scared:
Get well soon keith. Saturday looks like its gonna be a washout :mad:

Must be a bank holiday weekend :sad1:

Cheers guys  :happy2:
Title: Re: Bank Holiday weekend & ..............
Post by: bacillus on May 28, 2010, 07:58:33 pm
Keith did you have them done laparoscopically?

Hope you recover soon.   :smiley:
Title: Re: Bank Holiday weekend & ..............
Post by: B3n on May 28, 2010, 08:05:33 pm
well gentlemen this weekend ill mainly be getting drunk, dancing like a muppet and generaly making a fool of myself infront of the opposite sex :drinking: :drinking: :star:

And i wouldn't want to spend it any other way :pomppomp:
Title: Re: Bank Holiday weekend & ..............
Post by: RedRobin on May 28, 2010, 08:28:35 pm
It's not this weekend is it? I thought it was next weekend.

Title: Re: Bank Holiday weekend & ..............
Post by: Gti_Mad on May 28, 2010, 08:54:16 pm
yep i shall be doing the same as B3N this weekend  :booty:  :rolleye:
Title: Re: Bank Holiday weekend & ..............
Post by: jimlad09 on May 28, 2010, 09:25:50 pm
booze, driving, babysitting my mate whos broken his ankle and more booze and a bit more driving...obviously not boozing whilst or near the event of driving  :drinking: cheers guys!
Title: Re: Bank Holiday weekend & ..............
Post by: Hurdy on May 28, 2010, 09:35:16 pm

I fancy another visit to Spearmint Rhino. :confused: :drinking:

Title: Re: Bank Holiday weekend & ..............
Post by: Hedge on May 28, 2010, 10:22:00 pm
On call.  :sad1:

Already 2.5 hours into a call with no sight of the end.  :sad1:

I hate Sun.
Title: Re: Bank Holiday weekend & ..............
Post by: cmdrfire on May 29, 2010, 12:58:57 am
I'll be doing some work tomorrow and possibly Monday. Blah.
Title: Re: Bank Holiday weekend & ..............
Post by: Hedge on May 29, 2010, 04:34:19 am
On call.  :sad1:

Already 2.5 hours into a call with no sight of the end.  :sad1:

I hate Sun.

Still hate Sun but it now works so I'm going to bed.  :confused:
Title: Re: Bank Holiday weekend & ..............
Post by: T88OMM on May 29, 2010, 09:30:18 am
Misses has offered to cook me a slap up meal tonight which I gladly accepted and then tomorrow I shall be getting stupendously drunk with the lads  :pomppomp: :pomppomp: :pomppomp:
Title: Re: Bank Holiday weekend & ..............
Post by: gaz b on May 29, 2010, 09:36:13 am

Father in laws 60th last night (ruff as a dog just now) , West Lothian highland games today. My cousin and his wife for drinks and general hilarity tonight, then maybe the pub for a 'super sunday' tomorrow.  :drinking:

Hangover until about Wednesday. :sick:
Title: Re: Bank Holiday weekend & ..............
Post by: Gene Hunt on May 29, 2010, 09:37:55 am
Working 0630-1830 Saturday & Sunday and 1830-0630 Monday & Tuesday  :sad1::booty:
............i worked the last bank holiday  :sad1: BUT bank holiday pay rate tho.  :happy2:
Title: Re: Bank Holiday weekend & ..............
Post by: keith on May 29, 2010, 11:40:13 am
Keith did you have them done laparoscopically?

Hope you recover soon.   :smiley:

Yep 3 incisions, I had a large hernia on my r/h side and another on the left, smaller but for some reason feels sorer. They pushed them back in and fitted mesh, my groin, pelvis and abdomen are in some weird pain, I am not looking fwd to taking a dump :sick:
Title: Re: Bank Holiday weekend & ..............
Post by: Golfgirl on May 29, 2010, 12:01:17 pm
Working 0630-1830 Saturday & Sunday and 1830-0630 Monday & Tuesday  :sad1::booty:
............i worked the last bank holiday  :sad1: BUT bank holiday pay rate tho.  :happy2:

I worked part of the last one too.  Single time though :sad1:
Title: Re: Bank Holiday weekend & ..............
Post by: Frodo-anni on May 29, 2010, 03:21:52 pm
Keith did you have them done laparoscopically?

Hope you recover soon.   :smiley:

Yep 3 incisions, I had a large hernia on my r/h side and another on the left, smaller but for some reason feels sorer. They pushed them back in and fitted mesh, my groin, pelvis and abdomen are in some weird pain, I am not looking fwd to taking a dump :sick:

Had mine done two years ago, not pleasant feeling, didnt drive for 4 weeks. Took about 5 days for the dump lol, so try senna, the herbal laxative, works a treat, wont hurt as much.

Title: Re: Bank Holiday weekend & ..............
Post by: VC on May 29, 2010, 03:29:16 pm
keith dude...wafting love you way fella, sounds very uncomfortable  :scared:
Title: Re: Bank Holiday weekend & ..............
Post by: Gene Hunt on May 29, 2010, 04:52:59 pm
Working 0630-1830 Saturday & Sunday and 1830-0630 Monday & Tuesday  :sad1::booty:
............i worked the last bank holiday  :sad1: BUT bank holiday pay rate tho.  :happy2:

I worked part of the last one too.  Single time though :sad1:
.........thats bad. Thought emergency service get double time for public holidays etc ?. I work for the M.O.D. & we do .
Title: Re: Bank Holiday weekend & ..............
Post by: Oli on May 29, 2010, 05:11:46 pm
Im stuck at home after my ankle op!!!  Nice bottle of wine and fillet steak for dinner though!!
Title: Re: Bank Holiday weekend & ..............
Post by: RedRobin on May 29, 2010, 06:19:29 pm

Im stuck at home after my ankle op!!!  Nice bottle of wine and fillet steak for dinner though!!


Well hung local sirloin for me:



Oven ready:


My butcher buddies:

Title: Re: Bank Holiday weekend & ..............
Post by: VC on May 29, 2010, 06:24:23 pm
OMG RR.... that 1st pic  :sick:

is beef supposed to look like that?

baring in mind i'm a happy vegetarian, i do cook meats for the family but they never look like that though
Title: Re: Bank Holiday weekend & ..............
Post by: RedRobin on May 29, 2010, 06:39:27 pm
OMG RR.... that 1st pic  :sick:

is beef supposed to look like that?

baring in mind i'm a happy vegetarian, i do cook meats for the family but they never look like that though

....That's exactly the point: Most meat-eaters think they know better and don't listen to their butcher.. The very best meat is grown and slaughtered locally and hung for months (hence the dark colour). Most people think it's off and the butchers keep it for themselves and their friends instead of on display.

That  Argentinian meat they serve at Sabine's 'Ring restaurant is crap isn't very good: It's vacuum packed, frozen, and transported across the world, yet everyone thinks it's good, but look at its colour.
Title: Re: Bank Holiday weekend & ..............
Post by: Saint Steve on May 29, 2010, 09:53:45 pm
Yes thats 1st picture looks like its been sliced of a well hung Stallion Horse :sick:
Title: Re: Bank Holiday weekend & ..............
Post by: RedRobin on May 29, 2010, 11:04:05 pm
Yes thats 1st picture looks like its been sliced of a well hung Stallion Horse :sick:

....Well, I can report that a well hung horse's dick tastes very good indeed. It'll taste even better when sliced cold tomorrow. I only cooked it for 40 minutes, so nice bit of pink.
Title: Re: Bank Holiday weekend & ..............
Post by: keith on May 30, 2010, 05:52:46 pm
Yes thats 1st picture looks like its been sliced of a well hung Stallion Horse :sick:

....Well, I can report that a well hung horse's dick tastes very good indeed. It'll taste even better when sliced cold tomorrow. I only cooked it for 40 minutes, so nice bit of pink.

A just burst my stitches reading that. that is so wrong :surprised:
Title: Re: Bank Holiday weekend & ..............
Post by: RedRobin on May 30, 2010, 06:16:56 pm
Yes thats 1st picture looks like its been sliced of a well hung Stallion Horse :sick:
....Well, I can report that a well hung horse's dick tastes very good indeed. It'll taste even better when sliced cold tomorrow. I only cooked it for 40 minutes, so nice bit of pink.

A just burst my stitches reading that. that is so wrong :surprised:

....Of course! This is RedRobin posting.. What do you expect?  :wink: :laugh:

Title: Re: Bank Holiday weekend & ..............
Post by: Janner_Sy on May 30, 2010, 06:35:15 pm
im doing the bupa london run tomorrow for charity. whilst nursing a fooked knee. 
Title: Re: Bank Holiday weekend & ..............
Post by: Hurdy on May 30, 2010, 06:37:26 pm
I'm off to York Monday afternoon to try and get my car under 13 seconds on the 1/4 mile.

Fingers crossed it stays dry. :happy2:
Title: Re: Bank Holiday weekend & ..............
Post by: Golfgirl on May 31, 2010, 12:24:29 pm
Working 0630-1830 Saturday & Sunday and 1830-0630 Monday & Tuesday  :sad1::booty:
............i worked the last bank holiday  :sad1: BUT bank holiday pay rate tho.  :happy2:

I worked part of the last one too.  Single time though :sad1:
.........thats bad. Thought emergency service get double time for public holidays etc ?. I work for the M.O.D. & we do .

Nope, single time plus a day off in lieu.  It's only double time if it's overtime on a bank holiday.
Title: Re: Bank Holiday weekend & ..............
Post by: Gene Hunt on June 01, 2010, 08:05:54 am
Working 0630-1830 Saturday & Sunday and 1830-0630 Monday & Tuesday  :sad1::booty:
............i worked the last bank holiday  :sad1: BUT bank holiday pay rate tho.  :happy2:

I worked part of the last one too.  Single time though :sad1:
.........thats bad. Thought emergency service get double time for public holidays etc ?. I work for the M.O.D. & we do .

Nope, single time plus a day off in lieu.  It's only double time if it's overtime on a bank holiday.
......... :sad1: sorry about that.  :sad1:
Title: Re: Bank Holiday weekend & ..............
Post by: RedRobin on June 01, 2010, 09:07:11 am

I'm off to York Monday afternoon to try and get my car under 13 seconds on the 1/4 mile.

Fingers crossed it stays dry. :happy2:


Well Done mate! You did it!  :drinking:
Title: Re: Bank Holiday weekend & ..............
Post by: JPC on June 01, 2010, 09:17:10 am
where did my three days off go??  :sad1:
Title: Re: Bank Holiday weekend & ..............
Post by: RedRobin on June 01, 2010, 09:24:31 am

where did my three days off go??  :sad1:

....You know what they say, Jay: Time passes quickly when you are enjoying yourself.

Or: Life is like a toilet roll - The less you have left, the faster it goes. [Which applies much more to me, of course]
Title: Re: Bank Holiday weekend & ..............
Post by: tony_danza on June 01, 2010, 09:50:27 am
Good looking meat you have there, Robin  :wink: I try and get everything I can locally in my village and fortunately we have a cracking butcher. That red crap you get in supermarkets is a disgrace. He did me a lovely boned leg of lamb I BBQ'd yesterday for dinner.

Beefwise, I'm a forerib man myself, sirloin is a bit lacking in tasty fat/bone.

Title: Re: Bank Holiday weekend & ..............
Post by: RedRobin on June 01, 2010, 10:03:12 am

Must try that cut of lamb!  :drinking:

Yes, I see the fat veins running through and that's what also helps the taste apparently. The lads usually try and select a sirloin for me with fat veins. Funny though, rib-eye has fat marbling but doesn't taste as good as sirloin.

I had the last of mine cold last night - Just minted and steamed new Jersey Royals to add:


^ Yes, the drink is Ribena. I'm teetotal.
Title: Re: Bank Holiday weekend & ..............
Post by: tony_danza on June 01, 2010, 10:14:37 am
Hmm rib eye is a more a "medium" otherwise it's a bit lacking as you say, anything with loads of fat I tend to cook a little longer just to ensure it melts through and get it really charred on the outside, it gives a lovely, deep flavour. By contrast, fillet I'll each pretty much raw.

Deffo recommend a boned leg of lamb for the BBQ though, it worked extremely well. Thank heavens for the weather this weekend, as we've no kitchen at the moment and we're living off the kindness of others, BBQs and whatever's left in the freezer zapped in the nuclear box!
Title: Re: Bank Holiday weekend & ..............
Post by: RedRobin on June 01, 2010, 10:25:13 am

By contrast, fillet I'll each pretty much raw.

....Me too! Again, selecting it nice and dark:


[Sorry to you VC and veggies about the raw meat pics!]

Isn't that daisy bull plate crazy? - I've got a whole set and each bull is different. Same set for mad looking fish too. 1950's designs on proper ironware toughness.