MK5 Golf GTI

General => Random Chat => Topic started by: MattPoss on June 05, 2010, 05:17:16 pm

Title: Valentino Rossi ...
Post by: MattPoss on June 05, 2010, 05:17:16 pm
Knowing there's a few other Moto GP fans on here, this isn't good news! (

Happened in this mornings final warm up after going fastest yesterday. Apparently it was at 120mph! Can't believe it, just before Silverstone aswell :sad1:

Title: Re: Valentino Rossi ...
Post by: jhtrophy on June 05, 2010, 05:19:39 pm
yeah gutted!!!! thier talking about 6 races!!!! bet he is back in 3.
Title: Re: Valentino Rossi ...
Post by: MattPoss on June 05, 2010, 05:30:14 pm
Lets hope so!

Stoner crashed yesterday aswell, all this is paving the way for Lorenzo to win it this year. Talk of Stoner going off to Honda next year aswell which could be interesting, would leave a slot for Rossi to try winning it on a Ducati before retiring if he wanted?!

Title: Re: Valentino Rossi ...
Post by: RedRobin on June 05, 2010, 05:38:19 pm
Oh dear! Hope he's okay. He's the hero of the Italians of course.

On a happier note:

Title: Re: Valentino Rossi ...
Post by: MattPoss on June 05, 2010, 08:19:20 pm

Now thats more like it RR :drool:

Title: Re: Valentino Rossi ...
Post by: chungster on June 05, 2010, 09:55:51 pm
that was a monumental high side thats for sure! the boy went flying.......
Title: Re: Valentino Rossi ...
Post by: S2 Ant on June 05, 2010, 10:01:52 pm
Mmmmm i really need to get myself to more GP races !!!
Drool at those girls, some real hotties in there - the mrs can stay at home too !!!
Title: Re: Valentino Rossi ...
Post by: jhtrophy on June 06, 2010, 09:53:20 am
to be fair to lorenzo, he looked gutted, he knows the championship is his but he dont want it like that, stoner wont win another championship, think he has been desroyed mentally, as for danny!!!! he has that ride just cos he is spanish (repsol spanish company) he needs to sack his manager and go to moto 2, way too small for the big bikes!! dude weighs 49 kilo!!!!
Title: Re: Valentino Rossi ...
Post by: cal tdi on June 06, 2010, 08:51:27 pm
The mans a god hope he's back in the saddle soon
Title: Re: Valentino Rossi ...
Post by: MattPoss on June 07, 2010, 07:13:24 pm
as for danny!!!! he has that ride just cos he is spanish (repsol spanish company) he needs to sack his manager and go to moto 2, way too small for the big bikes!! dude weighs 49 kilo!!!!

Not too sure I agree with that. Sure he's a very small guy on a big bike but he can obviously ride it, he's nearly always around the front (normally 1st) into Turn 1, and after yesterdays performance I still think he's in the right place in the Moto GP.

What would be interesting is if the rumours were true and Stoner took Dovizioso's ride and freed up a seat on a Ducati, would Rossi step in and have a year trying to win it on a Ducati before retiring?! Only time will tell.

One a side note, anyone else going to Silverstone?!

Title: Re: Valentino Rossi ...
Post by: jhtrophy on June 07, 2010, 07:19:11 pm
i agree that he is a good rider, he has the best team with most money, he has had 4 years to set it up and still only pulls one or two out of the  bag a year, as for yesterday, mr honda is there and four hondas are mixing it up at front!!! :signLOL: the stoner to honda thing is supposed to be done deal, time will tell, would love rossi to go duc but think lorenzo will. as for silverstone, should be there for sat :happy2:
Title: Re: Valentino Rossi ...
Post by: MattPoss on June 07, 2010, 07:31:39 pm
I suppose I see what your saying, he should have a lot more to show for his 4 years work. Would love to see Rossi win it on a Ducati before defecting to 4 wheels.

I'll be at Silverstone from Thursday until Monday, just bought a 8ft x 5ft Union Jack flag which will be getting Smith #38 written on it, hopefully going to send it down the crowd on the warm up lap for the race on Sunday so look out for it, hoping Eurosport pick up on it with the aerial views :grin: :happy2:

Title: Re: Valentino Rossi ...
Post by: jhtrophy on June 07, 2010, 08:15:12 pm
ha ha! nice one, ben spies will have one up, should know track.
Title: Re: Valentino Rossi ...
Post by: MattPoss on June 07, 2010, 09:13:21 pm
yeah, looking forward to seeing Spies.

Kenny Noyes and Toni Elias are looking good in the Moto 2 aswell. It should make some good viewing action, I was gutted when they dropped the 250's as i'm a huge 2 stroke fan but so far I must admit i'm liking the Moto 2 class quite a lot!
