MK5 Golf GTI
General => Shows, Events and Meets => Topic started by: RedRobin on June 15, 2010, 12:29:52 pm
I've just spoken to Kate @ JKM and they would be fine for Saturday morning October 16th.
Ignore the date on this graphic below, but here's the info from last year's session:
Who's up (or down) for it?
PROVISIONAL list (no commitment yet):
1 - RedRobin
2 - Hedge (voyeur)
3 - vRSy
4 - vRS Carl (wearing a slingshot)
5 - muckipup
6 - S2 ant
7 - Gti_mad (voyeur if not rolling)
8 - KRL (voyeur)
9 - gillm
10 - theo
11 - Saint Steve (King Of The Bourbons)
12 - chungster
13 - vRStu (a welcome voyeur)
14 - stealthwolf (always willing)
15 - WhiteGTI (spinning the rollers backwards)
16 - Thor (spoilt for choice)
17 - BlueGraphite (noobie)
18 - cmdrfire (pissing excellence as usual)
19 - dajonic
20 - Teutonic_Tamer (long distance trucker!)
21 - Mandy (fluttered her eyelashes and got a freebie. Otherwise a voyeur)
22 - ianjmclean (newbie)
23 - jacknelle (rider from the past)
id be up for some JKM action, obviously this is really early so doubt many will be able to confirm. Its a bit of a trek though lol
I would probably be up for it even though their dyno is not Fridge friendly (without pulling fuses that is).
Nice if you can, Sy :happy2:
Yep, very early but one for the diary and important to book JKM even provisionally before they get too busy to fit us in.
No commitment yet but a feeler about likely attendance. I'll start a list soon and make it provisional.
Its also a Porsche Club GB track day at Goodwood so somewhere else to go afters. :party:
Im up for it :happy2:
Work dependant as always though
Is the Porky Day the 9th?
Methinks I'll provisionally organise it for the 9th if so and send Kate a link to this thread. Judging from the past we'll be able to attract enough peeps to make it happen. I've already got stuff happening in September so it isn't too early to reserve a date really.
If John is making the trip down I may join him.. :wink:
Let us know which date you go for Robin so i can whack it in the Diary. Hopefully i wont be working :happy2:
Let us know which date you go for Robin so i can whack it in the Diary. Hopefully i wont be working :happy2:
....Let's go for the 9th so that Fridge Man can go and play with his Porky afterwards.
I'll modify the OP and start a provisional list there.
Yep, I can confirm that I'm off on the 9th and will be attending. :happy2:
thats tooooo far for a RR for me! :sad1:
Weak excuse.
I drove there from Catterick & Germany :P
i would be up for this RR as hopefully will have my eddy by then if not il jus come 2 look at every1 else's cars :P
Weak excuse.
I drove there from Catterick & Germany :P
For a RR day? Now that's dedication :happy2:
:congrats: robin.
Add me please :drinking:
Added and updated.. Link emailed to JKM.. :drinking:
put me on the list robin, who knows i may have a sorted Stage 2 map by then :wink:
I'm up for this. Pop me on the list. It would be rude not to travel all of the 10miles down the road to JKM. Will be interesting to see what the car ends up running :smiley:
dammm the quattro!
dammm the quattro!
Its not a proper quattro despite what people say.
Proper quattros don't have Haldex's. :smiley:
You can still run at JKM but the fuse for the Haldex needs pulling. :wink:
Put me down although I won't be going on the dyno as I would not be comfortable with my haldex being unplugged.
Put me down although I won't be going on the dyno as I would not be comfortable with my haldex being unplugged.
There's no problem with it as all it means is your car runs in 2WD but the results might not be 100% accurate.
more bourbons then
more bourbons then
Strings are Pulled. I will be there :happy2:
Erm elllo all. Can I come and play in the 335?? Providing Im not on holiday on thoose dates, I could be well up for this? See if we can get neil down as well? I could have the highest BHP from a sootchucker on the day, providing they can RR it properly, as they are renowned for being a bit tricky.
Let me know :drinking:
Erm elllo all. Can I come and play in the 335?? Providing Im not on holiday on thoose dates, I could be well up for this? See if we can get neil down as well? I could have the highest BHP from a sootchucker on the day, providing they can RR it properly, as they are renowned for being a bit tricky.
Let me know :drinking:
at least you've warned us and will be good to see the new motor
yup i'll be up for my annual trek to JKM for their infamous RR days!
whether i put the Roc on the roller is another matter.
@ Oli - you will probably have to wait until the end as they have to turn the dyno round for arse-end drive cars. :wink:
List updated :happy2:
I might turn up in the SlingShot to put you all to shame :evilgrin: :laugh:
I might turn up in the SlingShot to put you all to shame :evilgrin: :laugh:
Erm elllo all. Can I come and play in the 335?? Providing Im not on holiday on thoose dates, I could be well up for this? See if we can get neil down as well? I could have the highest BHP from a sootchucker on the day, providing they can RR it properly, as they are renowned for being a bit tricky.
Let me know :drinking:
at least you've warned us and will be good to see the new motor
If people require face masks if the Derv burner runs, i have plentyfull supply at "No cost" to forum users :happy2:
as long as no one has a plntiful supply of sling shots :sick:
I'm liking the Slingshot look. :evilgrin:
I'm liking the Slingshot look. :evilgrin:
Please not the "Un-opened Mankini"outfit on your Kitchen side Ian :scared:
Please not the "Un-opened Mankini"outfit on your Kitchen side Ian :scared:
Who says its unopened? :grin:
^^^^^^ hahahaha pmsl were on earth do you find this stuff robin
By day, he drives around, showing off his DRLs to the coppers in the hope of explaining what they are, whilst playing his panpipe. By night he scours the internet for VAG babes and dodgy pics. Let me introduce you to the one and only, RedRobin!!!
I think I'd like to come along for some voyourism if that's ok. :innocent:
I think I'd like to come along for some voyourism if that's ok. :innocent:
Dont tell fibs. You want to have a nosey at the Silver SlingShot don't you. :happy2:
Dont tell fibs. You want to have a nosey at the Silver SlingShot don't you.
Maybe he wants to see Hedge's slingshot? :signLOL:
It's too early to be able to tell whether I'd be able to attend this. I won't find out till August at the earliest. But if I can, I will!
I think I'd like to come along for some voyourism if that's ok. :innocent:
Dont tell fibs. You want to have a nosey at the Silver SlingShot don't you. :happy2:
Why do i get a cold shiver at this thought :scared:
Im not gonna ask why the packet has been opened Ian.
By day, he drives around, showing off his DRLs to the coppers in the hope of explaining what they are, whilst playing his panpipe. By night he scours the internet for VAG babes and dodgy pics. Let me introduce you to the one and only, RedRobin!!!
:congrats: :congrats:
By day, he drives around, showing off his DRLs to the coppers in the hope of explaining what they are, whilst playing his panpipe. By night he scours the internet for VAG babes and dodgy pics. Let me introduce you to the one and only, RedRobin!!!
i no when i met him the over week i asked him were he gets them all from but he would'nt tell :signLOL: :signLOL:
and steve glad you've changed your mind :congrats:
To be fair, unless I am re-mapped by then, I will only be there to socialise, and not to run on the rollers!
To be fair, unless I am re-mapped by then, I will only be there to socialise, and not to run on the rollers!
....No problem, Oli :happy2: - I'll rejig the list specifically for rollers and voyeurs nearer the time. What I was keen to do by starting this thread was to judge the amount of interest and get the date provisionally booked at JKM so it could all happen.
I'd like to come along, Robin, as long as you guys don't mind me turning up in my ED30 with standard output. :ashamed:
I'd certainly like to pick everyone's brain about their experiences of the different mods available.
Plus, it will be a few days after my birthday so the missus may give me some mod spending money. :party:
I've added you to the list, mackit, and there's absolutely no shame in being standard - In fact, it's very useful to dyno a standard car to then judge how accurate the plots might be and/or as a datum for everyone else.
Look forward to meeting you anyway, though that might be earlier at Inters next weekend :drinking:
Would have been there but had something booked that weekend from way back. :sad1:
Pretty far in advance!! I'll come along though.
Yep, I know, Chris - But JKM get much busier than they used to and it would be a shame to start this ball rolling too late to get a booking. Mind you, I often don't know what day of the week it is, let alone what month we're in.
I'll resurrect or start a new final thread nearer the time for everyone to confirm their attendance or not and if they're a rock 'n roller or a voyeur.
Sounds good Robin! Thanks for organising it! :smiley:
Mind you, I often don't know what day of the week it is, let alone what month we're in.
Just to help Robin, if you are out in your Speedos and its cold its Winter and if its warm its Summer. :laugh:
But this is England! The weather is unpredictable and sometimes cold in Summer, especially when only wearing Speedo's or, as Carl does, a slingshot.
But this is England! The weather is unpredictable and sometimes cold in Summer, especially when only wearing Speedo's or, as Carl does, a slingshot.
:grin: :grin: :grin: :congrats: :congrats: :congrats:
RR, Please can you add me on the list for this one. :happy2:
RR Could you please also add me to the list.
Put me down but October is a long way away...
RR Could you please also add me to the list.
....Will do :happy2:
Spoke to Kate @ JKM this morning and the date is reserved for us :happy2:
At this rate I better check if there's a max number!
Sorry it's so far in advance but I didn't anticipate the big response and I know that JKM need booking well in advance nowadays.
it appear's i will have a new toy by then so will more than likely be rollin if i've had any mods by then that is :signLOL:
it appear's i will have a new toy by then so will more than likely be rollin if i've had any mods by then that is :signLOL:
you will have mods if i see u :evilgrin:
i was just thinkin the exact same thing mat :evilgrin: :signLOL:
Dwayne, you must try and resist :laugh:.................. odds of winning the Thunderball draw are better :grin:
RR - I'm lovin the little ditties you've add next to everyones name, :grin: :grin:
Hi Robin,
I believe JKM can handle about 25.
Can you add me to the list please? :happy2:
What sort of money will it cost? (i've not read thru the whole thread so sorry if it was in there)
I'd like to have my car RR'd to see what its doing if possible
Usually around the £30 mark (JKM will confirm through Robin nearer the time no doubt)
so is the date set - 9th October?
bit of a bummer was thinking of doing a few laps round castle combe again at the Audi Driver Day now they've opened it up to rest of VAG. Ah well.
The Audi Driver day was very good last year. I fear my allegiances may be tested here. :sad1:
The 2th or 16th would be very good. :smiley:
The Audi Driver day was very good last year. I fear my allegiances may be tested here. :sad1:
The 2nd or 16th would be very good. :smiley:
A clash with Castle Coombe would be unfortunate.
Personally speaking I like to combine as many things as I can in one spot.
The 2th brings Apple Affair @ West Dean plus Saywell International @ Goodwood :happy2:
The 16th brings a GRRC trackday as well. Either way would be better than the 9th.
Sorry to be awkward. :sad1:
And don't forget who lives up the road from Combe so might well be going to the Audi day :wink:
And don't forget who lives up the road from Combe so might well be going to the Audi day :wink:
Who that then? :confused:
If it's not any of the following:
Keira Knightly
Lucy Verasamy
Lucy Pinder
Sandra Bullock
Cheryl Tweedy
Then I'm not interested :laugh:
If it's not any of the following:
Keira Knightly
Lucy Verasamy
Lucy Pinder
Sandra Bullock
Cheryl Tweedy
Then I'm not interested :laugh:
Ahh, you're out of luck then Carl as it is Kelly Brook and Elle MacPherson :P
Kelly Brook yeah :drool:
Elle MacPherson nope :sick:
Kelly Brook yeah :drool:
Elle MacPherson nope :sick:
Are you sure?
Positive. She is a Munter :sick:
Can I be added to the list....was just asking about rolling roads a little while back. Would be good to see how many ponies are still in the standard car.
If it's not any of the following:
Keira Knightly
Lucy Verasamy
Lucy Pinder
Sandra Bullock
Cheryl Tweedy
Then I'm not interested :laugh:
Sorry Carl, most of that list is :happy2:, but as for...
( (
i'm too torn with Combe Track Day :popcornsoda:
i'm too torn with Combe Track Day :popcornsoda:
Sounds painful :surprised:
i'm too torn with Combe Track Day :popcornsoda:
You need a fast car for that then Andy ??? :chicken: :wink:
i'm too torn with Combe Track Day :popcornsoda:
You need a fast car for that then Andy ??? :chicken: :wink:
the lighter, lower, wider, slower one will suffice :happy2:
Im up for a RR date shuffle aswell, as coombe Race day is a good event normally.Weather Permitting
Positive. She is a Munter :sick:
Kelly Brook yeah :drool:
Elle MacPherson nope :sick:
Positive. She is a Munter :sick:
Are you sure?
Should of gone to Specsavers :drool:
I'll find out from JKM if the date can be moved..
There is no problem in having the date moved for this event.
Actually to be honest, Jim wanted to go to the Castle Combe track day aswell anyway as we had good fun at the recent Audi Track day :happy2:
Robin please call or Email the office on Monday and we will see what other dates are free.
Keith :smiley:
There is no problem in having the date moved for this event.
Actually to be honest, Jim wanted to go to the Castle Combe track day aswell anyway as we had good fun at the recent Audi Track day :happy2:
Robin please call or Email the office on Monday and we will see what other dates are free.
Keith :smiley:
you mean the recent VW Track day there (although you were having fun wiv a couple of Audi's there i seem to recall :wink: )
There is no problem in having the date moved for this event.
Actually to be honest, Jim wanted to go to the Castle Combe track day aswell anyway as we had good fun at the recent Audi Track day :happy2:
Robin please call or Email the office on Monday and we will see what other dates are free.
Keith :smiley:
....Cheers, Keith :happy2:
Kate has emailed me this morning and 16th is available so let's go for that.
Added to my Diary and still coming but as always work dependent :happy2:
16th is good for me! :happy2:
16th October is much better for me. Otherwise I would have had to come down straight after a nightshift!
What time do these events normally kick off? Only I'd be coming straight off the night shift so might need a kip in the car first.
Sorry just read the first post...if you see someone fast asleep in his car, that'll be me just tap on the window :happy2:
:happy2: from me.
Still wish they would dyno mine on N2O :sad1:
Should be able to take 150 jets by then and 490bhp/560lbft. :innocent:
16th :happy2:
Should be able to take 150 jets by then and 490bhp/560lbft. :innocent:
In the words of Scotty from Star Trek
"It's armed now. Press this one, 30 seconds later, POOF! Once it's activated, there's no way to stop it. :driver: :driver:"
Or more likely
"She cannae take anymore Captain…..She's gonnae blow!!!" :signLOL:
"She cannae take anymore Captain…..She's gonnae blow!!!" :signLOL:
I knew a girl like that...
"She cannae take anymore Captain…..She's gonnae blow!!!" :signLOL:
I knew a girl like that...
In the Interest of forum Knowledge........ contact Number please :wink:
Ahh so you have met my ex bitch then :signLOL:
Ahh so you have met my ex bitch then :signLOL:
and you let her go!!!!!!! :signLOL:......
Relationships are like driving. You make all your mistakes in a clapped out banger before you get your Ferrari :wink:
I know it's still a little way away but what with all the cars turning up to this RR, is there a variety of exhausts and intakes on peoples cars? Really interested in your feelings and feedback with your kit before and after fitting and looking forward to seeing and hearing them all in the flesh.
I know it's still a little way away but what with all the cars turning up to this RR, is there a variety of exhausts and intakes on peoples cars? Really interested in your feelings and feedback with your kit before and after fitting and looking forward to seeing and hearing them all in the flesh.
....That's one of the nice things about a rolling-road meet, we invariably chat about our different mods and even give others a ride sometimes. You can learn a lot about a mod you were considering.
Put me down as a provisional - health and good fortune willing. But I don't know if it will be the GTI or the RS4 I turn up in. Obviously, the RS wont go on the rollers!
I am still planning on coming along although I won't be on the rollers :happy2:
sorry guys i'm away on my
hols fingers crossed road trip to croatia then :party:
sorry guys i'm away on my hols fingers crossed road trip to croatia then :party:
Where's your sense of priority? :grin:
sorry guys i'm away on my hols fingers crossed road trip to croatia then :party:
Where's your sense of priority? :grin:
my priority is trying to get a couple of days sailing when i'm there :wink:
sorry guys i'm away on my hols fingers crossed road trip to croatia then :party:
Where's your sense of priority? :grin:
my priority is trying to get a couple of days sailing when i'm there :wink:
You Yatchy's are all the same :P
put my name down . i might have something special by then !
List updated.
Still provisional at the moment but I'll revise to be final in next few weeks. :happy2:
I cant make the 16th, as I'm in Egypt - Not a tough choice though- Egypt or Portsmouth! Have fun, and take lots of pics
List updated.
Still provisional at the moment but I'll revise to be final in next few weeks. :happy2:
cheers robin . still not got the car back yet tho !!!!!!!!!!!!!!
be good to catch up
Robin, would it be possible to run the M3 at this meet? I know it's FWD preferred but could you ask the question just to see anyway? Kate should remember me as WhiteGTI from the previous meets at JKM also, and she is normally quite accomodating about things!
Thank you!
P.S. You all surely want to hear that glorious straight-six sing don't you??! :evilgrin: :evilgrin: :evilgrin:
@ Chris:
I just had a chat with Kate... No problemo... You'd have to go on the dyno last because JKM would spin the rollers round.
Also I'll have time, as Kate said, to put on my ear-defenders and go off and hide and sulk. I used to have a straight-six Beemer :notworthy:
Yes, she knows who you are - A valued customer. :drinking:
Brilliant! Thanks Robin, no problem about going on the dyno last, I'd stay to see you all on the rollers anyway so it doesn't make a difference :smiley: :smiley:
Hahaha it's a shame I won't have an exhaust on by then, because that would sound pretty special! But at a cost of £3500, its looking like being a long way off!
Thanks for checking that out Robin, looking forward to it! :happy2:
Oh man.....super angry. Don't want to fill this thread with non relevant posts but i will now not be able to make this day. :sad1:
While i was away from my car some absolute tonk drove into the rear, passenger side of my bumper and caved it in. To make things worse they just drove off and left no note. Left with an excess payment of £250 and now a claim on my policy. Around £1700+ worth of damage and car in for 3 weeks. Goes in Sept 28th so with regret i am going to have to pull out of this.
I'm really sorry to hear this, mackit :sad1:
Fecking scum who walked away! :fighting:
mate, that's just sickening. Hope you get it sorted.
Thanks guys.
Thread link here:,19165.0.html
could i bring my r32 down for a run?
could i bring my r32 down for a run?
its a 2WD set up they have unfortunately.
you could run it in that mode of course with fuse pulled.
yeah thats what i meant i was under the impression that the best way to run them was in 2wd anyway as the haldex messes with the results
yeah thats what i meant i was under the impression that the best way to run them was in 2wd anyway as the haldex messes with the results
I know where you read that and its a load of tosh :smiley:
By all means run on JKM's Dyno in 2WD but I bet you get the same results at Surrey Rolling Road. :wink:
yeah thats what i meant i was under the impression that the best way to run them was in 2wd anyway as the haldex messes with the results
Be good to see you their Chris. They will run your R32, normally after they have finished running the front wheel drive cars 1st. :happy2:
yeah thats what i meant i was under the impression that the best way to run them was in 2wd anyway as the haldex messes with the results
Be good to see you their Chris. They will run your R32, normally after they have finished running the front wheel drive cars 1st. :happy2:
Run it normally? Don't think so.
To run at JKM you need to pull the Haldex fuse but the results will be the same as from SRR or any other reliable 4WD dyno. :confused:
I am doubtful for this now as i'm away with work and not sure of return date yet. :sad1:
Robin still leave me on the list please as i wont know for definate till a couple of days before hand. :smiley:
No problem, Carl - You'll be kept a place. :happy2:
[ There are strong rumours on the internet that a certain juicy Lucy V might be attending ] :evilgrin:
[ There are strong rumours on the internet that a certain juicy Lucy V might be attending ] :evilgrin:
If that was true then come hell or high water i would be there :love: :drool: :evilgrin:
[ There are strong rumours on the internet that a certain juicy Lucy V might be attending ] :evilgrin:
If that was true then come hell or high water i would be there :love: :drool: :evilgrin:
.... :laugh: Which is EXACTLY why I said it :evilgrin:
You'll have to make do with a vid instead:
Are there still places available for 16/10? I should hope to have Stage 1 Revo fitted by then and would be interested in seeing some figures :grin:
I'm a noob so please be gentle with me :innocent:
Should be fine Ian, see the first post.
Normally expect between 20 and 25 runners and several voyeurs. :smiley:
Are there still places available for 16/10? I should hope to have Stage 1 Revo fitted by then and would be interested in seeing some figures :grin:
I'm a noob so please be gentle with me :innocent:
....Yep, no prob, I'll add ya to da list :happy2:
i am going to turn up un the wifes pug estate, just for the meet i think.
might even run it for a laugh, all 1.6 litres of it
Will be good to meet you, Sy :happy2:
Hi Red, could you please add me to the list?
Will be bringing a Furby VRS or maybe my special toy (its non-VAG though so maybe not allowed?).
You may remember me from previous JKM days - brought an old skool Scirocco GTII to the last one I attended.
Hey, jacknelle - I remember you :happy2:
No prob with non-VAG cars - It's a forum dyno-day as opposed to a car brand day.
Looking like i'm going to have to give this a miss guys :sad1: At a RR day the weekend before (was hoping to do both RR days) and Pod the weekend after so don't think the enemy will be to pleased if i'm doing 3 weekends in a row as we are house hunting at min and need to find one asap.. :scared:
It's a chuffing long way for me too but was going to do it anyway to get a DD rollers figure. I have 2 of them now, so not quite as important. :wink:
Enjoy though chaps and I shall be looking forward to the results.. :happy2:
See ya at The Pod :happy2: Safe Journeys.
Looking like i'm going to have to give this a miss guys :sad1: At a RR day the weekend before (was hoping to do both RR days) and Pod the weekend after so don't think the enemy will be to pleased if i'm doing 3 weekends in a row as we are house hunting at min and need to find one asap.. :scared:
It's a chuffing long way for me too but was going to do it anyway to get a DD rollers figure. I have 2 of them now, so not quite as important. :wink:
Enjoy though chaps and I shall be looking forward to the results.. :happy2:
Shame to hear that. Was hoping to see how the cars compared!
Looking like i'm going to have to give this a miss guys :sad1: At a RR day the weekend before (was hoping to do both RR days) and Pod the weekend after so don't think the enemy will be to pleased if i'm doing 3 weekends in a row as we are house hunting at min and need to find one asap.. :scared:
It's a chuffing long way for me too but was going to do it anyway to get a DD rollers figure. I have 2 of them now, so not quite as important. :wink:
Enjoy though chaps and I shall be looking forward to the results.. :happy2:
Shame to hear that. Was hoping to see how the cars compared!
Well if you're going to Pod mate? :wink:
Crikey not long til this is here - everyone set?
It now being 1st October, I'll start a new thread for peeps to confirm their attendance. I'll post a link here when done and lock this thread.
So this thread will now be locked so to avoid confusion or duplication.