MK5 Golf GTI
All Things Mk5 => Mk5 General Area => Topic started by: VC on January 22, 2009, 08:41:56 pm
right then my blue MK4 R32 has just been won with the buy it now option on ebay for £12500.00
it had been getting bids steadily during the week and just log in in now i get an email saying someone has bought it, happy days
should be good news but my paranoid mind is awake as per usual
the email i read is as follows:
Dear very.cherry,
I'm Mark and I just bought the Golf trough ebay. It's a present for my wife's birthday but I will not pick up the car until Tuesday and I was wondeing if you can send me a scanned copy of the V5 DOCUMENT for a HPI check.My email address is and my phone no. 02032-xxxxxx.
Best Regards,
Mark xxxxxx
theyve not seen the car and have asked no questions.
to me it seems like good news the car has sold.....but my fear is someone is either trying to clone the car or something and then i hand over the address of where it is too (in case by some miracle the winner is reading this the car has plenty of stealth security so dont even think about it).
they can hpi with just the reg surely? too much info being requested? its alot of money to spend on something youve never seen
all advice, thoughts gratefully appreciated guys
what would you do?
what should i say back to him?
anyone want to wash my car?
am i paranoid
the Reg should be enough, whats his ebay feedback like , i can check his name etc for you if you have the full name and address ?
If they are genuine they will understand you are not about to hand over that kind of info. Have they paid a deposit?
yep, the reg is more than enough, sounds to me like someone is trying to clone the car
the Reg should be enough, whats his ebay feedback like , i can check his name etc for you if you have the full name and address ?
his details are:
invidiascooters ( 37)
Positive Feedback (last 12 months): 100%
Member since: 20-Nov-05 in United Kingdom
thats all i have from ebay until i invoice him i guess, but not sure what to do next, email him?
If they are genuine they will understand you are not about to hand over that kind of info. Have they paid a deposit?
no, no deposit as yet, i think that will be down to me to request one first, do you think i should secure money and hand over only the reg number for the time being?
yep, the reg is more than enough, sounds to me like someone is trying to clone the car
i want the sale but glad i'm not the only one thinking this
now this:
Dear very.cherry,
Hello Mate
I have no idea what is going on here but I did not buy this item. For some reason I seem to have bought 4 cars in the past couple of hours
- invidiascooters
so i lose all my current bidders and listing fee's then?
Again if he's genuine he'll be happy to hand over a deposit to secure the car.
now this:
Dear very.cherry,
Hello Mate
I have no idea what is going on here but I did not buy this item. For some reason I seem to have bought 4 cars in the past couple of hours
- invidiascooters
so i lose all my current bidders and listing fee's then?
No E-bay should re-fund your listing fees once this fella complains that his account has been hacked. Unlucky mate, I was hoping that would be a genuine sale for you :sad:
now this:
Dear very.cherry,
Hello Mate
I have no idea what is going on here but I did not buy this item. For some reason I seem to have bought 4 cars in the past couple of hours
- invidiascooters
so i lose all my current bidders and listing fee's then?
nope, ebay will reimburse the costs
oh my lord. there are some real real arses out there trying to fook over honest people alll day long! its sad, the lengths they go to!!!
sorry mate not good news, i was about to tell you his name was Shane not Mark too, time to spam his inbox :evilgrin:
had some good interest in it too
gunna take me all night to work out how to get this relisted without paying relist fee's
well if its someones account getting hacked then theres a car cloner on the prowl, maybe i should publish his email and phone number as on the original email
sorry mate not good news, i was about to tell you his name was Shane not Mark too, time to spam his inbox :evilgrin:
"My email address is and my phone no. 02032-878872
Best Regards,
Mark Hughes"
i have to wait ages to open a resolution and i need the car relisted sooner than that, this prick just cost me £16.00 :mad:
well ebay wont be rufunding me, the concept of 'buy it now' is not familiar with them!
Dear very cherry,
We're writing to let you know that any recent bids by may have been placed by someone who was not authorized to use that account. We're currently restoring the account to its true owner and have canceled all recent bids.
These are the items that have had bids removed:
As a result of the bid cancellation, there is a possibility that the current high bidder has changed. You can always view the current status of any item by going to the individual item page. (Please be sure to refresh or reload the page to view the most up-to-date information.)
Thank you for your understanding.
eBay Trust and Safety
odd are always in favour of the bad guy these days
had some good interest in it too
gunna take me all night to work out how to get this relisted without paying relist fee's
well if its someones account getting hacked then theres a car cloner on the prowl, maybe i should publish his email and phone number as on the original email
Report it to your local police - they will be very interested.
Report it to your local police - they will be very interested.
....Most definitely!
I thought "scam" the second I read about them asking for a scanned V5 - A good forger would have exactly what's needed.
Yet another reason why I never ever use eBay. It's unfortunate but some people can't be trusted.
Police are having a tough time fighting travelling criminals in high performance cloned vehicles - seriously pass the contact details on to your local constabulary.
i will do :happy2:
i'm now in full paranoid mode lol
i've got someone who wants to come and see it on sunday and is bringing their dad with them. he says he's a named driver on his dads company policy so it means he will be fully comp on mine according to him. no documents no driving for him tho, even then i dont like the idea of test pilots
i will do :happy2:
i'm now in full paranoid mode lol
i've got someone who wants to come and see it on sunday and is bringing their dad with them. he says he's a named driver on his dads company policy so it means he will be fully comp on mine according to him. no documents no driving for him tho, even then i dont like the idea of test pilots
Im not to sure what you meant but i would not let any one test drive my car, by all means take him on a test drive, but you should be driving.
i will do :happy2:
i'm now in full paranoid mode lol
i've got someone who wants to come and see it on sunday and is bringing their dad with them. he says he's a named driver on his dads company policy so it means he will be fully comp on mine according to him. no documents no driving for him tho, even then i dont like the idea of test pilots
that will be for cars he owns though, i doubt he will be covered for your car
damn i hate selling cars, far to nieve at it
surely though you would want to drive a car you were intending to buy? i love the plan of not letting him drive it, or anyone until they own it.
so even if he turns up with proof of insurance then i should say no to him actually being in the driving seat? one of my mates said that i shouldnt let him drive it on sunday as his insurance company might not answer the phone for confirmation, that and the banks are shut so it would be his word and a bit of paper (would i put him off if he thinks its fine but i still say no?). the car wont move to a new home until all cash is cleared or is usable
should i demand bank transfer only with a cash deposit do you reckon? not just with the guy on sunday if he's interested, but as a general rule? not sure if i trust bankers drafts.
i could have avoided all this by px'ing it in when i bought the new one but they offered me a mere £6.5k :surprised: so naturally words like.........."cha" and "right" and "monkeys my fly outta my xxxxx first" lol
selling cars, not fun with so many dishonest people about at the moment :confused:
A test drive is to check the car is in the stated condition you can tell this from the passenger seat, i would only let them drive it if it was a deal breaker. There insurance will only cover them third party so if they stuff it you or they will be payingi think.
And bankers draft is the best way. :happy2:
Just to echo what Topcat said - if he's on somone elses insurance as a named driver, he is almost certainly not covered fully comprehensive to drive yours. What I've done in the past is told anyone coming to view that if they want to drive the car, they'll need to bring down an insurance certificate with their details, specifically showing they are covered to drive my car i.e. with the make model and registration number stated of mine on it.
One of my mates let someone test drive their Lancia Delta Integrale years ago and they planted it into a drystone wall. They weren't covered = my mate £10k+ out of pocket.
Yeah, I've never let anyone drive my car when selling private.
I drive and ask them what they want me to do and follow their instructions (as long as it's safe and legal !! :grin: )
With regards payment I'd be very very careful these days ... make sure you have swotted up on how to identify forged notes if they are paying cash.
If they want to pay with a bankers draft, ask them to phone through to you the cheque number and issuing branch address and telephone number in advance. Then check the bank details (address & tel. no. are correct) and ring the bank and ask them to confirm everything is OK with the cheque. :happy2:
if you except banker s draft make sure it clears first before you let him have the car,as this happened to a mate of mine when he sold his atra gti-he got payed by bankers cheque & let the guy have the car & documents thinking that bankers drafts are fool proof,took it to the bank & it was forged & as every body else has mentioned make sure they are insured..sorry to be adding more to your worries
Mate i was in your position last week selling my MK5 GTI, the only acceptable methods of payement are:
Bankers draft ( but pay this into your bank before you hand over the keys, the bank will know straight away if its a forgery, and can tell you if you can draw funds against it immediatley
Cash: cash is king, but again do the transaction in a bank, pay it in before you hand over the keys, that way the bank will spot genuine fakes etc, and once its in, theres no comebacks ( this is how i sold mine for 10K ) but phone your bank and ask if cash is okay because of money laundering laws, and bring ID with you.
Telephone transfer: can take from one hour to 3 days, check with your bank, they will tell you how long it takes to clear.
Cheque: if the guy insists on paying by cheque - he gets the car 6 working days later when the cheque has cleared.
Best places to advertise i found were autotrader ( still the most viewed ) and pistonheads ( got alot of enquiries via site )
I was also nervous about it, and was sure i was being scammed, but it was genuine, and i sold my car successfully, good luck.
thanks for all the advice guys, its genuinely appreciated :happy2:
Mate i was in your position last week selling my MK5 GTI, the only acceptable methods of payement are:
Bankers draft ( but pay this into your bank before you hand over the keys, the bank will know straight away if its a forgery, and can tell you if you can draw funds against it immediatley
Cash: cash is king, but again do the transaction in a bank, pay it in before you hand over the keys, that way the bank will spot genuine fakes etc, and once its in, theres no comebacks ( this is how i sold mine for 10K ) but phone your bank and ask if cash is okay because of money laundering laws, and bring ID with you.
Telephone transfer: can take from one hour to 3 days, check with your bank, they will tell you how long it takes to clear.
Cheque: if the guy insists on paying by cheque - he gets the car 6 working days later when the cheque has cleared.
Best places to advertise i found were autotrader ( still the most viewed ) and pistonheads ( got alot of enquiries via site )
I was also nervous about it, and was sure i was being scammed, but it was genuine, and i sold my car successfully, good luck.
fantastic, thanks for taking the time to write that.
i've now contacted the guy to say that i'm not comfortable with him driving and hope it doesnt put him off and he's fine with it which is good news
lets see what tomorrow brings
Good Luck VC, hope all goes well. :driver:
Good Luck VC, hope all goes well. :driver:
cheers mate, he should be here any minute. just been out for a drive in it and forgot just how good it really is, so different to the MK5
heres hoping