MK5 Golf GTI
All Things Mk5 => Mk5 General Area => Topic started by: Edition_30_P on June 28, 2010, 09:58:36 am
Hi Guys!!
I would like to know which Map you would gor for out of APR and Revo and, most importantly why?? I'm looking to get my Car mapped soon but, really stuck for a decision :laugh:
In advance I'm really grateful for any replies and advice from ya!! :happy2:
Not on a MK5 but on our previous 1.8 225bhp TT we had an apr map from Awesome GTI.
They swear by APR and I swear by them.
Got to say when the time is right for the golf it to will have an APR.
The difference is incredible !
What was it that swayed you towards APR? How did you find the performance and have you ever encountered any problems regarding the software?
No we had it on the car for about 12 months and left it on for new owner, the main area to be honest was it felt torquerer !
It just felt like it pulled so much quicker in lower range and MPG got slightly better in higher end motorway cruising.
But to be honest did not buy it for better MPG, if you are venturing near manchester nip in and they will put a seven day trial on for you for free !
Software I never had an issue and it just made the car feel like a car should feel.
The big player's software is pretty much of a much for the generic stage 1/2 - you're going to be getting a well researched product that'll do what it says on the tin.
Some people like different aspects of different types though.
APR's cruise switch is a great idea and Jim knows his stuff at Awesome.
REVO's ability to fine tune boost/fuel/timing to make it more custom to your car and tastes is excellent
A lot of it is also down to the relationship with the tuner.
REVO seems to offer a bigger and more flexible approach to modding further down the line, their cars generally make more power too (if going by dyno lottery and 1/4 results is any measure)
Thats what I'm looking for! I just want power and don't want to feel restricted with any plans to further my mods in the future! Also, I've seen that Revo do deals on they're maps and look after they're customers really well. Haven't ever seen anything like this from APR though!!
APR does go like stink though. Haven't experienced Revo before!!
Look at Jonnys 2.0TFSI leader board on the forum, I think pretty much all the fastest cars are REVO.
One thing in favour of REVO is they only do software - so you can mod everything else as you please, they don't care what you buy from who, they'll just adapt the software to get the best out of what you have.
Some APR tuners are, for example, are a bit sniffy about fitting anyone else's HPFP etc - preferring the "approved" parts line... so doing everything the APR route can end up costing you twice as much for the same power.
The big player's software is pretty much of a much for the generic stage 1/2 - you're going to be getting a well researched product that'll do what it says on the tin.
Some people like different aspects of different types though.
APR's cruise switch is a great idea and Jim knows his stuff at Awesome.
REVO's ability to fine tune boost/fuel/timing to make it more custom to your car and tastes is excellent
A lot of it is also down to the relationship with the tuner.
REVO seems to offer a bigger and more flexible approach to modding further down the line, their cars generally make more power too (if going by dyno lottery and 1/4 results is any measure)
No mention of Custom Code, Mike?
Revo purely because everyone raves about it.
Tried an APR free trial map on my Edition 30 and it was awesome, never got around to testing the sure there both good though.
i was going to post in that massive thread reply from PDT reference tuners copying software they have bougt from ebay onto peoples cars claiming to be 'custom', but cant find it
My local tuning company is tuninwerkes in London. He is an APR dealer. I had the APR trial on the Car and was blown away.! I was told thT on the computer out of 320bhp I was told my car had 315bhp. Even though the Revo says you get 300bhp from the stage 1 map I still hear that the Revo Cars are faster than APR Cars!?
Very confussing! Thank you for all your comments... Keep em all coming! Need to make my mind up soon!
Would anyone recommend any other maps or are these the two to go for?
No, by all means there's Jabba, APS, Superchips and a few other choice genuine custom tuning houses. Very few people have proper ability and more importantly the R&D, those that do are well known and you can expect quality, research and you will find. Lots of people claim to have this level of ability, most just talk in jargon to fake it.
Then, there's the so called "custom" tuners who buy generic crap off the net which only changes a few parameters on the car to fudge an increase in power. Usually accompanied by a dodgy dyno/claimed output, these cost less, but produce less and will (unless I'm proven wrong) be destructive in the end.
Be wary of anyone doing fly-by-night sh*te, you've got a £xx,xxx car, scrimping on a couple of hundred pounds which represents a minute percentage of your car's value will NOT pay off in the long run. Buy sh*t, buy twice.
Stokey, did I forget them?? Oh well....
given the choice again, i think id either go jabba for a proper from the ground up custom map, or REVO for that year around adjustability
I've only got experience with the Revo stuff, but i must say i do like the switch that you can get to adjust things, or just turn on the anti-theft mode. That said, i've no idea if APR or others offer anything similar.
given the choice again, i think id either go jabba for a proper from the ground up custom map, or REVO for that year around adjustability
Couldnt have put it better myself ^^^^
I have APR and I'm having issues with it, the anti carjacking function cuts in occasionally and not when I press the required sequence just randomly. Awesome keep telling me to just lock it out and it won't happen. I think why should I, what if I get carjacked? They don't seem overly bothered in the 3 occasions I've called them about it. I'll be switching to revo I think in the future
same thing happened to TFSI_mike
Interesting, they said this was something they had "never heard of"
PDT made some excellent posts on mapping in a recent thred on here, complete common sense :happy2:
i had an interesting chat with a fellow pirelli owner yesterday over remaps and the infamous misfire and what one firm suggested to cure it $$$$ :scared:
PDT made some excellent posts on mapping in a recent thred on here, complete common sense :happy2:
I think this was the reply you refer to: (copied and pasted)
Only you can answer the question that you really want answered, "is it worth trying to save £200 and take a risk"
The chances are that the remap will work fine, but you will always have a niggle in the back of your mind asking is what you have as good as REVO/GIAC/ or a properly tuned custom map from a pro tuning company.
The company you have mentioned, I know nothing about so I can comment but just by looking at the front page of their website its clear that they have no dyno to use to develp their files and that they buy their files from a 3rd party and get them sent by Email. The question you must then ask is not wether the company that you are dealing with is any good, but if the people they buy their files from are any good, and wether they have been professionally developed and tested, and if the file writer and the reseller can both make profit out of the £211 (249 minus the VAT) after covering their costs?
I say it may be worth trying, but make sure you log your car afterwards with VCDS and look at blocks 115 and 20. This will tell you if the ignition is advancing correctly and you will see the boost levels that have been 'mapped in' then check the EGT (exhaust gas temsp) and the AFR (air-fuel ratios) are ok under load then check block 4 (intake air temp) after a few runs and see if the boost level is adequate for the intercooler, anything above 45 degrees is getting too hot.
^^^all of the above would have been done by a REVO dealer or a mapper that cares about their customers cars long term reliability, is this included in your £249 remap? doubt it.
thats the one :drinking:
Had a perfect example of 'you get what you pay for' in today, someone bought a remap for £125 and met the 'mapper' (I use the term mapper loosly on this occasion) in a carpark, then a whole 18 mins later the job was complete.
All that had been done was to write a bog standard PD150 map into a PD130 ECU with just a few minor changes. :signLOL:
thats a 20brake increase for £125. bargains :grin:
Im going to try writing an M3 map into my BMW 330d in the morning :laugh:
Firstly, thank you all for assisting me in which to go for and also getting a bit of knowledge on the way. Secondly, you never guess what happened today! :surprised:
Yesterday at Inters my mate went to the Revo stand and was enquiring about a map for his 2.0TDI Sportback. They said they were doin a special where u get the SPS Box free. My mate didn't get the SPS Box as it only turns the map on and off on Diesels. So he got it mapped from 140bhp to 185bhp for £290!! Wicked deal eh!?
When I was with him today we were scootin around our neck of the woods (South London) and I was in my Ed30. His Car is now quite quick but, not as quick as mine :grin:
3 hours later he calls me and tells me he has bad news. So i thought someone had hit him. He told me that his Turbo and ECU had gone!!
We got the Car recovered to Tuningwerkes and apparently its the Revo Map that has caused this!! I'm waiting for 100% confirmation before I say NO to Revo but, if this is the case.... APR here I come!!!!
Software won't directly cause the issue and taking it to a Non Revo dealer they are immediately going to blame the recently added software :stupid:
After my experience with another mapper at GTI i highly recommend Ben and Nico @ Shark Performance, they take the map and writes it for your car giving you the best performance instead of a generic remap - thus giving me out of a 200BHP engine 257BHP and improved MPG.
Wrote a map for a new S8 and gave the boy nearly 600BHP!!! so well worth a look and not as expensive as REVO.
Firstly, thank you all for assisting me in which to go for and also getting a bit of knowledge on the way. Secondly, you never guess what happened today! :surprised:
Yesterday at Inters my mate went to the Revo stand and was enquiring about a map for his 2.0TDI Sportback. They said they were doin a special where u get the SPS Box free. My mate didn't get the SPS Box as it only turns the map on and off on Diesels. So he got it mapped from 140bhp to 185bhp for £290!! Wicked deal eh!?
When I was with him today we were scootin around our neck of the woods (South London) and I was in my Ed30. His Car is now quite quick but, not as quick as mine :grin:
3 hours later he calls me and tells me he has bad news. So i thought someone had hit him. He told me that his Turbo and ECU had gone!!
We got the Car recovered to Tuningwerkes and apparently its the Revo Map that has caused this!! I'm waiting for 100% confirmation before I say NO to Revo but, if this is the case.... APR here I come!!!!
:popcornsoda: :rolleye:
I'd bet my left knacker that this is not anything directly to do with Revo.. Turbo might of been on it's way out already etc and the map may of finished it off (but so would any software).. As for the ECU being gone, i'm not entirely sure what you mean there mate? :confused:
True!! Well, I'm not blaming anyone! Like I said I'll wait to see the outcome but! :happy2: I still want to test the Revo as I have tested the APR software.
honestly give Ben a shout he will take the map you have save it and then show you the difference, this service is free :)
Wrote a map for a new S8 and gave the boy nearly 600BHP!!! so well worth a look and not as expensive as REVO.
I thought the S8 was a N/A 5.2 V10 (444bhp)? :confused: Can't see how they can extract 156bhp out that with a simple map in a hurry..
I was thinking the said thing about the Turbo! As Tuningwerkes is our local and was just down the road thats wheree my mate took it.
I've heard a few good things about Shark and also been hearing a bit about GIAC, too!! So, I still have a lot of researching to do as to where my Money goes but, I'm not going to be making my decision of this event!!
This type of thing happens all of the time after mapping, a car that has been driven 'normally' for most of its life suddenly has 45bhp and loads of torque released and it gets driven hard for the next few days as the driver gets used to the new found fun.
If it was the remap that caused the failure then EVERY revo map on every 140 Tdi surely blows its turbo after a few miles? well no, but the odd car might have issues when its pushed hard all of a sudden, especially cars that may have had a turbo on the way out already.
The turbo on the PD140's are exremely prone to blowinh, mine blew on a completely standard car at just 13k miles! In the last 6 months I must have changed 20+ PD140 turbo's, but to my knowledge only 1 of these cars was mapped. I also highly doubt that the ECU is dead, how is it dead? what are the symptoms? how has it been tested?
:popcornsoda: :rolleye:
I'd bet my left knacker that this is not anything directly to do with Revo.. Turbo might of been on it's way out already etc and the map may of finished it off (but so would any software).. As for the ECU being gone, i'm not entirely sure what you mean there mate? :confused:
With you all the way there Ben :happy2:, I've blown turbos on derv burners that don't have maps. faulty blower for sure and the additional load has finished it off. :popcornsoda:
how was the Eddy on the way home Thor :jumping:
After my experience with another mapper at GTI i highly recommend Ben and Nico @ Shark Performance, they take the map and writes it for your car giving you the best performance instead of a generic remap - thus giving me out of a 200BHP engine 257BHP and improved MPG.
Wrote a map for a new S8 and gave the boy nearly 600BHP!!! so well worth a look and not as expensive as REVO.
hes done some very big power audi's, i think thats where he made his name to begin with.
Looking at your graph in comparison to mine as well(because im a geek like that :sad1:) your figures are very comparable to mine all the way up until 5k where mine tails of with heat soak, and yours carries on pulling up until 6.5k. :congrats: the shape o both are graphs is very closely correlated which is good
In the interests of total fairness (and donning a flameproof suit) I think you need to consider the following:
1) Only go with a reputable company who have a (very) strong customer reputation to consider, or a company who has built up a rep the hard way, for example, Superchips, APR, Revo have gold standard brands to protect and customer reputation to protect, shark have an awesome rep as an up and coming working hard to build their rep tuner
2) Only go with a company that has great feedback from many users, all above have that (yes everyone of them has customers with niggles (excepting have heard nothing bad about shark but don't have the installed base of SC, APR and Revo all of whom have a few bad press comments which is going to happen when many cars out there prob have hidden issues that only come to light when you rechip but by and large have a very large and very happy customer base) )
3) Ideally decide where you want to end up before you start, i started with superchips (which IMHO are great for modest modification levels and have a great rep with K04 cars with higher levels of mods) because I only wanted a software upgrade on my K03 car I loved the bluefin and the lower cost, and then went for CAI, TBE and HPFP (so with 20:20 hindsight should have probably went Revo from the start cause of fine tuning ability) but to be honest stage 2+ SC has made the power I wanted 275 HP, 315lbft rr on a independant who offer a different chipping manufacturer so believe them! (PSI tuning - in Stoke (newcastle under lyme actually top guys highly recommeded by me!))
4) Finally go with a local tuner who knows what they are doing and can offer a high quality local service / Back up, probably more important than any of above points (I bought my HFP from Dave at PDT, top guy just wish he was closer (really is very very helpful and knowledgeable and I would def trust my car / chip choice to him, JKM and Jabba also great reputations - which is nearest to you?) as I am in the South West / west mids border and he is in the North East and I am Glos, I went SC and PSI, But Dave offered to drive down from the North East, how good is that for service!).
Hope above helps and is more practical than the I love my chip, I make a zillion HP and beat everyone else on the dyno and the others are crap advice which is all too revalent on the forums ;-)
John (hides and awaits abuse)
Ay first it threw me that the day after he got the map this happens! But, I was thinking on the way home it was an ex business Car which had Motor way mileage. So, the extra strain of the map on the Turbo would'nt have helped!!!
I don't want anyone to think I'm blaming Revo because, I'm not!!
Jmspear sums it up very well
:congrats: :congrats:
how was the Eddy on the way home Thor :jumping:
Yeah, how's the new present you bought yourself? :jumping:
That review was bloody helpful, thank you!! My closest dealer is Tuningwerkes in South Croydon, London. Theres AVIT in Slough and The Phirm which aren't too far butthats just me being lazy!! I'm gonna look in to all the other tuners that have been mentioned in this topic and compare
for shark performance your best bet is to go onto briskoda or tyre smoke, as that is where he loiters
That review was bloody helpful, thank you!! My closest dealer is Tuningwerkes in South Croydon, London. Theres AVIT in Slough and The Phirm which aren't too far butthats just me being lazy!! I'm gonna look in to all the other tuners that have been mentioned in this topic and compare
Im in Croydon mate and im looking at AMD for revo with a SPS. Its currently on offer and works out around £630 for both.
How far is AMD from Croydon? The deal at Inters for the Map and the SPS box for the Ed30 priced at 399 was a bloody deal! Probably woulda gone for it but, sttill researching and want to get the right one :happy2:
they are in lakeside
Lakeside isn't too far either!!Thats another option to look into!!
How far is AMD from Croydon? The deal at Inters for the Map and the SPS box for the Ed30 priced at 399 was a bloody deal! Probably woulda gone for it but, sttill researching and want to get the right one :happy2:
That is a good deal! Its quite far mate but ive heard great things about them from various VAG sites.
That tuningwerks is 6 minutes from me!
What kind of things you heard about Tuninwerkes? They are my local but, trying to find out more about them customer service wise and knowledge?
Nothing mate, i dont think they do revo though.
Here is AMD - RM20 3LE
A bit of a drive but i would like that as it would settle the ECU on the drive home. Ive read a few reports of people being unhappy with the remap as they drove only a few miles home and didnt let it 'settle'
If we both went we could sort a deal?
how was the Eddy on the way home Thor :jumping:
Yeah, how's the new present you bought yourself? :jumping:
I think you know I'll have been enjoying myself :driver: , the difference is like night and day. Well happy :grin: :grin:
how was the Eddy on the way home Thor :jumping:
Yeah, how's the new present you bought yourself? :jumping:
I think you know I'll have been enjoying myself :driver: , the difference is like night and day. Well happy :grin: :grin:
399 with the box ... :stupid: crazy cheap
399 with the box ... :stupid: crazy cheap
Shows how much profit is in it, extortionate price normally!
399 with the box ... :stupid: crazy cheap
Yep well happy with the deal, what more do people want. :happy2:
That review was bloody helpful, thank you!! My closest dealer is Tuningwerkes in South Croydon, London. Theres AVIT in Slough and The Phirm which aren't too far butthats just me being lazy!! I'm gonna look in to all the other tuners that have been mentioned in this topic and compare
Im in Croydon mate and im looking at AMD for revo with a SPS. Its currently on offer and works out around £630 for both.
Didn't think it'd take you long Jules.. :signLOL:
Thats sounds like a plan!! If we wnt there together we would more than likely get a deal!!
That review was bloody helpful, thank you!! My closest dealer is Tuningwerkes in South Croydon, London. Theres AVIT in Slough and The Phirm which aren't too far butthats just me being lazy!! I'm gonna look in to all the other tuners that have been mentioned in this topic and compare
Im in Croydon mate and im looking at AMD for revo with a SPS. Its currently on offer and works out around £630 for both.
Didn't think it'd take you long Jules.. :signLOL:
Its more for the SPS anti-theft switch mate, but beats an alarm and mite as well make the most from a bad situation! :evilgrin:
Thats sounds like a plan!! If we wnt there together we would more than likely get a deal!!
I should think so mate. I dont have my car back yet but am looking to do it asap (within the next week if i can) as i think they are stopping the deal on the SPS (its £50 instead of £150)
The SPS Box is £150 and the map is £499. So that was a great deal!! I can't wait to get mapped!! I wanna max my car on the standard Turbo and se what i can get!!
Give them an email mate
Let them know i put you through (ill pm you my email) :happy2: