MK5 Golf GTI

All Things Mk5 => How to Guides / Troubleshooting => Topic started by: Boothy on June 30, 2010, 06:27:15 pm

Title: Yet another Air Con woe......
Post by: Boothy on June 30, 2010, 06:27:15 pm
Well after finally getting my simple but very awkward boost leak sorted my bloody air-cons just packed up! I can't f**king believe it :sad1:

I know there are lots of post in relation to compressors being duff etc but I was hoping somebody might just give me some advice diagnosing what might be the issue before the credit card comes out to play.

 Its been working fine however when they fixed the inter-cooler pipe (that was leaking oil too) they must have steamed or jet washed the back of the radiator and the bottom of the engine bay where the bumper goes underneath as its very clean indeed. That was on Monday and the air-con has been working fine all day Tuesday and first thing this morning however when I've started the car later this eve its just blowing warm, regardless of the setting.
 When I got home I checked that the fans at the front were working and they were both turning however when I turn the air-con on or off now they don't move. Also when its in Econ mode and I turn it off the revs don't drop at all and there's no noticeable change in noise etc. I don't know what that means but remember reading somewhere that it was important with regards to air-con.
 I've checked every fuse in both boxes and they are all okay.
 Just where they have steamed/jet washed there are too sensors. One connects directly onto the rear of what I believe is the compressor (located just below the alternator) and then one on the far-ish left that appears to be connected directly onto one of the metal air-con pipes? I'm wondering if some liquid might have got in there somehow and caused the issue? They are ridiculously hard to get to with my sausage finders so I've sprayed a bit of penetrating fluid on in the hope it will force any moisture out.

Somebody please tell me it sounds like something cheap (but don't lie)!

 :sad1: :sad1: :sad1: :sad1: :sad1: :sad1: :sad1: :sad1: :sad1: :sad1: :sad1: :sad1:
Title: Re: Yet another Air Con woe......
Post by: x2dazee on July 02, 2010, 11:18:32 pm
If theres no noticeable leaks  - regas the Air Con ??
Title: Re: Yet another Air Con woe......
Post by: Boothy on July 02, 2010, 11:22:03 pm
 No noticeable leaks mate. Checked the system for pressure and it seems ok.
Title: Re: Yet another Air Con woe......
Post by: Tarmac_Terrorist on July 02, 2010, 11:44:35 pm
I had exactly the same issue with  a pug 206 GTI i had a few years back. I didn't get the 'click' when turning the system on etc.
I had only had the system regassed 2 months earlier. Dealer suggested some kind of air lock in the system.
Another re-gas and check for leaks with UV light & die in the system and all was well.

As long as it's not the dreaded compressor. Fingers crossed
Title: Re: Yet another Air Con woe......
Post by: Boothy on July 03, 2010, 02:46:29 am
The whole forum should cross there fingers for me mate as I really can't afford a new compressor.  It's booked in to the stealers on Tuesday so hopefully it'll be something simple.
 So come Tuesday, everyone please cross your fingers for me.
Title: Re: Yet another Air Con woe......
Post by: Boothy on July 06, 2010, 02:14:54 pm
Just had a call from the dealers about my air con.
£190 so far for the diagnostic, part and re-gas. Faulty pressure switch or something? Although they can't guarantee that it will defo be the problem it needs fixing before they can highlight another fault, if there is one. Fingers crossed.
Title: Re: Yet another Air Con woe......
Post by: Boothy on July 06, 2010, 04:43:13 pm
Right. The dealers have now charged me £190.00 to tell me my compressor is fooked. Great stuff. There saying the pressure valve was faulty and the only way they could check the compressor was to replace this first. Can anyone on who's in the trade confirm that. It seems a bit ridiculous that they can't check a compressor without the other part and whats the odds on both going faulty at the same time!

Not a happy bunny :sad1: :fighting:
Title: Re: Yet another Air Con woe......
Post by: Gene Hunt on July 06, 2010, 07:13:02 pm
Why didn't they just ''borrow'' the part to check that it was at fault rarther than replace it first ?.
Title: Re: Yet another Air Con woe......
Post by: Boothy on July 06, 2010, 07:20:37 pm
God only knows mate. The service manager is due to ring me tomorrow but I'm not impressed.
 They said it was leaking gas even though it was blowing fine and has been for ages. I them that the system just doesn't kick in when you press the button and surely the pressure switch wouldn't cause that. I still think its related to the electric. Too much of a coincidence after the jet wash and the odds on  compressor and switch going simultaneously when everything was working ok must be one in a million.
Title: Re: Yet another Air Con woe......
Post by: Britishlion on July 07, 2010, 06:46:38 pm
Any news Boothy ???

 :confused: :confused: :confused:
Title: Re: Yet another Air Con woe......
Post by: Boothy on July 07, 2010, 06:57:36 pm
Spoke to the service manager who was a good bloke really. Brought the technician out for me to speak to and he explained there reasons for replacing the pressure sensor. They showed me the old one and pointed out where it was leaking etc too.
 They originally quoted me nearly £750 for the compressor and fitting and all the other dealers were similar. I called back down to see what they'd do and managed to get it for £600. It's still a lot but considering I didn't buy the car from them and don't service it there either I can't grumble.
 Although I didn't think that at first so I rang VW directly to see what they would do. And guess what they did? SQUAT!
 I can get the part cheaper but no where will guarantee the part etc unless I more or less replace the entire system so I opted for the dealers with a 2 year warranty on it.

Absolutely gutted though.
Title: Re: Yet another Air Con woe......
Post by: vRS Carl on July 07, 2010, 08:18:09 pm
Looking at it now you have got the price down to £600 thats basically you Paying £40 for them to diagnose the fault.

Feel for you mate. £600 is a lot to pay out for one part. But just think though when it's boiling hot outside you will be able to keep cool again :happy2:
Title: Re: Yet another Air Con woe......
Post by: Boothy on July 07, 2010, 08:36:29 pm

Feel for you mate. £600 is a lot to pay out for one part. But just think though when it's boiling hot outside you will be able to keep cool again :happy2:

I know mate. I suffer from hayfever really badly and having the Windows down on a hot day makes it a hundred times worse. It makes the aircon not only a luxury but a necessity so when the sun comes out to play again it'll be £600 of utter bliss!  :smiley: :laugh:
Title: Re: Yet another Air Con woe......
Post by: Drapoon on July 09, 2010, 11:32:04 am

Feel yopur pain

my car was 9 days out of warranty & the air con packed up.

I had a suspect fooked compressor, turned out to be the pressure switch which was fitted last week & had no problems since.

Dealer told me that when they went to re-gas the car they could hear the pressure switch leaking from a mile away yet when I had it re-gassed eleswhere a week earlier both I and the mechanic didn't hear a thing!

I managed to wangle 100% parts 50% contribution to labour after a lot of ballache & visits to various dealers. I just hope that's the end of it & the compressor doesn't go next!
Title: Re: Yet another Air Con woe......
Post by: Boothy on July 09, 2010, 11:35:30 am
VW told me that they would consider a recall on the crap compressor if enough people complained. Maybe a should start a petition!
Title: Re: Yet another Air Con woe......
Post by: Drapoon on July 09, 2010, 11:40:40 am
Yep it's a total joke - £674 for a new one form my local dealer aswell!

I know a forum member selling a compressor cheap if you are interested?

I can fwd you his details for you to enquire

I almost bought it to fit myself but luckily didn't need it in the end.   

Title: Re: Yet another Air Con woe......
Post by: stevie_p on July 09, 2010, 11:43:02 am
VW told me that they would consider a recall on the crap compressor if enough people complained. Maybe a should start a petition!

im in for that!! mines goin in next thurs for supected compressor failure, even though the compressor was changed 10months ago under warrenty!!!!!! & now its no longer under warrenty :sad1:
saying that if it is the compressor i will be demanding they sort it for free as there is no way i will be paying for another 10 month after a new 1 was fitted.
Title: Re: Yet another Air Con woe......
Post by: Boothy on July 09, 2010, 11:43:37 am
Thanks for the offer mate but I'll pass. I want to get the unit brand new with the 2 year warranty and lots of come back should they fit it and it not be the issue.

Cheers for offering though Drapoon.
Title: Re: Yet another Air Con woe......
Post by: Drapoon on July 09, 2010, 01:20:37 pm
No worries chap :happy2:

Luckily my dad is a mechanic so fitting for me would have been quite simple

good luck  :smiley:
Title: Re: Yet another Air Con woe......
Post by: fiddlermay2003 on July 18, 2010, 03:20:17 pm
Had a problem with my air con.  (2007 Ed 30) No gas and radiator fan kept coming on all the time.The local dealer fixed it under (extended) warranty. They were prepared to change the compressor and the radiator but it was something much simpler  - not sure what . Had it done at GILDERS (Chesterfield)  Very obliging so far. I'm sure they would advise you of my problem and  it's solution.

I had showed them the following ** .  Let me have your e-mail address if you can't get it and I will send a photo by e-mail. I STILL don't know exactly how to get a photo on this site through photo bucket.  It is always explained to me as though I AM some sort of computer genius who really KNOWS how to do it. Oh well....I live in hope.

Paul Webber.

Title: Re: Yet another Air Con woe......
Post by: Boothy on July 18, 2010, 03:29:34 pm
I think there are instructions within the 'New members' section but...........

1: Sign up to Photo Bucket

2: Click on the large blue box that says 'Upload' and select the photo/s you want

3: Once its uploaded click on the image and then at either the bottom or the left of the screen there should be 4 x boxed with various headings such as URL, IMG etc.

4: Highlight the IMG (the bottom box) and then copy it with a right click.

5: Post what ever your going to post and then copy the IMG code from Photobucket into the same place. It should come up with something in brackets. Post your post and it should work.