MK5 Golf GTI

All Things Mk5 => Mk5 General Area => Topic started by: mafri on July 23, 2010, 08:09:33 pm

Title: 3rd Service - Dealer has used Magnatec 5w40...
Post by: mafri on July 23, 2010, 08:09:33 pm
Today I had my 3rd annual service done - a good experience at the dealer, especially as they've agreed to replace one of my Monza 2s under warranty, which had a tiny bit of white worm around the wheel nuts...

However, now that I'm home I noticed a litre bottle of Magnatec Professional 5w40 in the door pocket, and sure enough the invoice says they've used Magnatec for the service. The back of the bottle says it meets VW 502 00 and VW 505 00, but to be honest I haven't got a clue what that means. I've always used Edge 5w30 before...

I'd like to presume that the dealers know what they are doing - but is 5w40 ok for my car?

I'm particularly keen to get it right as it's getting Revo'd on Tuesday!
Title: Re: 3rd Service - Dealer has used Magnatec 5w40...
Post by: Bogwoppit on July 23, 2010, 08:36:18 pm
Assuming you drive a GTi? If so, it's not the correct oil for your car. The oil needs to meet VW spec 504.00, go back and should loudly at them.
Title: Re: 3rd Service - Dealer has used Magnatec 5w40...
Post by: 94Luke on July 23, 2010, 08:39:25 pm
Assuming you drive a GTi? Is so, it's not the correct oil for your car. The oil needs to meet VW spec 504.00, go back and should loudly at them.

Title: Re: 3rd Service - Dealer has used Magnatec 5w40...
Post by: Saint Steve on July 23, 2010, 08:47:17 pm
Today I had my 3rd annual service done - a good experience at the dealer, especially as they've agreed to replace one of my Monza 2s under warranty, which had a tiny bit of white worm around the wheel nuts...

However, now that I'm home I noticed a litre bottle of Magnatec Professional 5w40 in the door pocket, and sure enough the invoice says they've used Magnatec for the service. The back of the bottle says it meets VW 502 00 and VW 505 00, but to be honest I haven't got a clue what that means. I've always used Edge 5w30 before...

I'd like to presume that the dealers know what they are doing - but is 5w40 ok for my car?

I'm particularly keen to get it right as it's getting Revo'd on Tuesday!

Oh no!!! wrong oil , as said should be longlife 504.00 in there. Was it Breeze in Shirley??
Title: Re: 3rd Service - Dealer has used Magnatec 5w40...
Post by: Sparky Craig on July 23, 2010, 08:53:37 pm
You mean Peter Cooper in Shirley Steve.... :)  :signLOL:
Title: Re: 3rd Service - Dealer has used Magnatec 5w40...
Post by: Saint Steve on July 23, 2010, 08:59:29 pm
You mean Peter Cooper in Shirley Steve.... :)  :signLOL:

Spread the the bubonic plague dont they  :signLOL:
Title: Re: 3rd Service - Dealer has used Magnatec 5w40...
Post by: mafri on July 23, 2010, 09:20:30 pm
Everybody's right!

I bought my GTI new from Breeze in Shirley (they're the ones who put on a uni-directional tyre pointing at the back of the car......), and decided to move to Peter Cooper in Hedge End......

They've been pretty good up until now, in fairness - how much of a problem is the 'wrong' oil? Is there something I can point to which will demonstrate why they've got it wrong?

Is the situation bad enough that I shouldn't be re-mapping (at JKM!) on Tuesday?
Title: Re: 3rd Service - Dealer has used Magnatec 5w40...
Post by: Saint Steve on July 23, 2010, 09:24:32 pm
Im suprised that Hedge end Coopers have made this cock up, unless the cars history on their database was still on time and distance for your car and not long life regime?. Perhaps a call in the morning or pop round as the Workshops are open till 12 noon AFAIK.

Never had issues with oils before, but i did make them change the cars History on the database as longlife instead of T&D which it was when i checked.

Title: Re: 3rd Service - Dealer has used Magnatec 5w40...
Post by: mafri on July 23, 2010, 10:55:46 pm
Looking at the service book, they've ticked 'no' to long life oil - despite the last service (carried out by them) being a 'yes'!

Would the oil be right if it was on time and distance...?

Aren't all oil changes supposed to be long life these days?
Title: Re: 3rd Service - Dealer has used Magnatec 5w40...
Post by: bacillus on July 23, 2010, 10:58:35 pm
If I'm not mistaked VW has mandated that LL oil be used regardless of service regime.
Title: Re: 3rd Service - Dealer has used Magnatec 5w40...
Post by: Tarmac_Terrorist on July 23, 2010, 11:08:13 pm
That's right - VW issued a technicl bulletin approx Feb 2009 IIRC stating that even cars on Time & Distance schedule should be filled with Longlife oil.

Martins of Basingstoke incorrectly charged me extra for Longlife in May 2009. I never bothered to challenge them though.

Winchester Motor Company (VW service centre) do actually use LL oil on T & D servicing as per the bulletin - these were the only dealers to to do this when I inquired around at my last service earlier this year.

I'm sure somone posted up the bulletin number on here about a year ago
Title: Re: 3rd Service - Dealer has used Magnatec 5w40...
Post by: Russ_leeds on July 23, 2010, 11:12:48 pm
so the t&d schedule is no good then? dunno wat im on but ill check 2morro
Title: Re: 3rd Service - Dealer has used Magnatec 5w40...
Post by: andrewparker on July 24, 2010, 07:38:30 am
I'm on time and distance servicing and they've always, as I understand is correct, used 5W 30.
Title: Re: 3rd Service - Dealer has used Magnatec 5w40...
Post by: Gene Hunt on July 24, 2010, 08:12:48 am
That's right - VW issued a technicl bulletin approx Feb 2009 IIRC stating that even cars on Time & Distance schedule should be filled with Longlife oil.

Martins of Basingstoke incorrectly charged me extra for Longlife in May 2009. I never bothered to challenge them though.

Winchester Motor Company (VW service centre) do actually use LL oil on T & D servicing as per the bulletin - these were the only dealers to to do this when I inquired around at my last service earlier this year.

I'm sure somone posted up the bulletin number on here about a year ago mate is a tech for vw (does mine for beer tokens) & he always uses the long life oil & mine is on time-distance.
Title: Re: 3rd Service - Dealer has used Magnatec 5w40...
Post by: Mandy on July 24, 2010, 08:34:57 am
so the t&d schedule is no good then? dunno wat im on but ill check 2morro

My service is done on T & D but I always ask them to use longlife oil.

You need to decide which schedule suits you best, Longlife schedule if you tend to drive longer distances, motorways etc... T&D schedule if you tend to do short trips, not as much motorway etc...

Title: Re: 3rd Service - Dealer has used Magnatec 5w40...
Post by: mafri on July 24, 2010, 09:43:16 am
I have just got off the phone to the dealer - who insist that the 5w/40 is the correct oil. They reckon I am on time and distance (although the book says they used longlife last time, and I though I was on a longlife regime -how do I check?). They say there are still different oils for T&D and longlife, and that 5w40 is definitely right for me.

In those circumstances I couldn't really push it further without ammo - does anyone have something I can point out to show the spec and/or the technical bulletin about longlife?

Title: Re: 3rd Service - Dealer has used Magnatec 5w40...
Post by: Saint Steve on July 24, 2010, 07:14:04 pm
I went to Peter coopers this afternoon to pick up a as it turns out a complementary bottle of longlife oil :notworthy:

There are two oils on their shelf, one is castrol SLX 5-30w oil (longlife III) and 5-40w Time and distance which was in a green bottle. Yours should of been the Castrol SLX stuff, which is the correct stuff, if you specified it on your service.
How much were you charged for your oil change?

It should be near £50 AFAIK for the longlife oil.
Title: Re: 3rd Service - Dealer has used Magnatec 5w40...
Post by: Russ_leeds on July 24, 2010, 10:04:02 pm
sound cheers mate yeah it is t&d, but thats more suited to me :happy2:
Title: Re: 3rd Service - Dealer has used Magnatec 5w40...
Post by: Gene Hunt on July 25, 2010, 10:05:30 am
My mate who works for VW got me a top up bottle yesterday & it's Castrol SLX Longlife III 5-30w & on the label is a sticker which has '' Volkswagen recommends castrol''.
Title: Re: 3rd Service - Dealer has used Magnatec 5w40...
Post by: mafri on July 26, 2010, 09:50:12 pm
Well I'm still confused - I thought that the dealer changed me onto Longlife at the previous service (and they also ticked longlife oil in the service book), but this time both the service book and the sticker they've put on the windscreen indicate it's T&D.

Is the oil they've put in ok for T&D? I'm not sure how much (if) to kick up about this, if it doesn't make a material difference with the sort of mileage I do (two 9 mile journeys each day, typically, plus some mixed personal stuff) then I might leave it. Failing that, is it worth phoning VW customer services to get chapter and verse about which oil they should have used?

Title: Re: 3rd Service - Dealer has used Magnatec 5w40...
Post by: Mako V12V on October 26, 2010, 10:12:52 pm
Mafri - how did you get on with this as my stealer has just done exactly the same!
Title: Re: 3rd Service - Dealer has used Magnatec 5w40...
Post by: icenutter on October 26, 2010, 10:25:27 pm
It goes like this; longlife oil is definately higher quality, that's why it lasts longer.  For T&D servicing you can 'get away with' cheaper oil, and that's what VW recommend.

If you are happy with T&D servicing, then in theory your car will be just fine with the standard oil. But if you want 'the best' for your pride and joy, then you might want to spend more on the better oil.

Personally speaking I do about 6,000 miles a year, so am a classic T&D candidate.  But to save confusion at the dealer my car is on longlife and I book it in once a year for a 'longlife' service.  I'm sure someone will come along and tell me I'm wasting money, but I'm happy with that.

Title: Re: 3rd Service - Dealer has used Magnatec 5w40...
Post by: Teutonic_Tamer on October 27, 2010, 03:34:51 pm
That's right - VW issued a technicl bulletin approx Feb 2009 IIRC stating that even cars on Time & Distance schedule should be filled with Longlife oil.
The bulletin was actually released about September 2008 - with the instruction to be implemented from December 2008.
Title: Re: 3rd Service - Dealer has used Magnatec 5w40...
Post by: Teutonic_Tamer on October 27, 2010, 03:49:12 pm
I have just got off the phone to the dealer - who insist that the 5w/40 is the correct oil.
Technically, they are correct - but ONLY for services carried out by DIYers, home mechanics, independent workshops, etc.  But for all official VW franchised workshops, they MUST only use LongLife3 oils, even when the car is on T&D.

They reckon I am on time and distance (although the book says they used longlife last time, and I though I was on a longlife regime -how do I check?).
Hmmmm . . . . double check your service book.  IF they ticked the LongLife oil box - that doesn't necessarilly mean you are on the LongLife service regime.  The easiest way to tell what you WERE on - is simply to count back the time and/or the distance between the previous services.  If it is more than 10k miles, or more than 12 months - it is LongLife servicing regime.  But 10k miles or less, or 12 months or less - then it is Time and Distance regime.  OK, if it say 13 months, or 11k miles - then there is usually a period of 'grace' - that could mean that it was on T&D.

To check what you are on now - read this post:,13502.msg285802.html#msg285802

They say there are still different oils for T&D and longlife, and that 5w40 is definitely right for me.
As above in this reply - yes, there ARE different oils for T&D and for LL - but the STEALER is ONLY allowed to use LL - even if your car is on T&D.

In those circumstances I couldn't really push it further without ammo - does anyone have something I can point out to show the spec and/or the technical bulletin about longlife?
Read this thread:,17940.0.html
Title: Re: 3rd Service - Dealer has used Magnatec 5w40...
Post by: Teutonic_Tamer on October 27, 2010, 03:58:23 pm
It goes like this; longlife oil is definately higher quality, that's why it lasts longer.

For T&D servicing you can 'get away with' cheaper oil, and that's what VW recommend.
NOT correct.  VW will 'allow' 502.00 oils to be used - but when the car is serviced at a VW workshop - then ONLY LL oils are to be used.

If you are happy with T&D servicing, then in theory your car will be just fine with the standard oil. But if you want 'the best' for your pride and joy, then you might want to spend more on the better oil.
Huh - the T&D service regime is considerably better for your car than the LongLife service regime.

But T&D oils are worse for your car than LongLife oils.

The best overall for your car is T&D service regime, but with LL oils - and I think most peeps on here know that.

Personally speaking I do about 6,000 miles a year, so am a classic T&D candidate.  But to save confusion at the dealer my car is on longlife and I book it in once a year for a 'longlife' service.  I'm sure someone will come along and tell me I'm wasting money, but I'm happy with that.
You ARE wasting money - you are paying to have a 2 yearly 20k mile 'inspection service' every one year.  What you should be doing, is to be put on the T&D regime - then one year you just pay for the much cheaper 'oil change service', then the following year, you have the bigger inspection service, and repeat for the next two years.

ETTO, though.
Title: Re: 3rd Service - Dealer has used Magnatec 5w40...
Post by: Rob GTI on October 27, 2010, 11:45:22 pm
I'd definately use the LL oil considering you will be remapping in the next week or so. Read TTs post in the stickies on the "other" forum:-
Title: Re: 3rd Service - Dealer has used Magnatec 5w40...
Post by: richtung on October 28, 2010, 04:16:43 pm
Ive recently had my car serviced at Gilbert Lawton Manchester -Im on a T&D regime. The service was a 20k Service.

I checked the service book and in the column "long life oil" its ticked "NO"... If they have indeed used the T&D oil, does this contravene their own guidelines?

Cheers folks

Title: Re: 3rd Service - Dealer has used Magnatec 5w40...
Post by: Mako V12V on October 28, 2010, 04:27:02 pm
Richard, what spec of oil was used and the one litre top up you should've received, is it VW 502,503,504 or 505?
Title: Re: 3rd Service - Dealer has used Magnatec 5w40...
Post by: richtung on October 28, 2010, 04:50:40 pm
Richard, what spec of oil was used and the one litre top up you should've received, is it VW 502,503,504 or 505?

top up oil? i didnt get any.. i wasnt aware i was entitled to a 1 litre top up. I went and got a litre of Castrol Edge afterwards  :ashamed:
Title: Re: 3rd Service - Dealer has used Magnatec 5w40...
Post by: AnSGTI on October 28, 2010, 04:59:56 pm
It would seem the majority of steelers put 10W40 in if the car is on time and distance - my car currently has 10W40 in it and it should have 5W30
Title: Re: 3rd Service - Dealer has used Magnatec 5w40...
Post by: Mako V12V on October 28, 2010, 05:39:41 pm
Title: Re: 3rd Service - Dealer has used Magnatec 5w40...
Post by: Teutonic_Tamer on October 28, 2010, 08:25:20 pm
Not all stealers are using the wrong oil.  I think it seems to be those w@nker stealers who (a) think they can get away with it, and (b) don't give a toss about protecting the VW 'brand'.
Title: Re: 3rd Service - Dealer has used Magnatec 5w40...
Post by: mafri on October 28, 2010, 08:36:36 pm
Thanks to Sean and others for replying. Unfortunately, it was all a bit late for me, as I decided to leave it to the wisdom(!) of the dealer and to leave it.

I'm now going to get a oil and filter change to 5w30 at my local VW independent - they've got a decent rep, and (particularly as this isn't the first time they've let me down) the dealer won't be seeing any more of my money. That'll see me through to the next 'proper' service.

It's a pity, when I next change my car I will be reluctant to go VW as their dealer network is so poor - you'd think that VW HQ would wake up to that fact.
Title: Re: 3rd Service - Dealer has used Magnatec 5w40...
Post by: skifast on October 28, 2010, 09:32:16 pm
give vw customer service a call and ask them what should be used  by vw dealers ,if the dealer has'nt done it right ,see if they can do anything about it.    i'm suprised that a main dealer uses castrol as vw's own brand of oil is quantum.
Title: Re: 3rd Service - Dealer has used Magnatec 5w40...
Post by: Teutonic_Tamer on October 28, 2010, 10:12:59 pm
give vw customer service a call and ask them what should be used  by vw dealers ,if the dealer has'nt done it right ,see if they can do anything about it.
Sadly, you've probably got more hope of urinating through the eye of a needle.  Another forum member has already tried approaching VW UK HQ - after they put 10w40 in it - VWUK tried to state that 505.00 was a better spec than 504.00!!!!!  :fighting:

i'm suprised that a main dealer uses castrol as vw's own brand of oil is quantum.
That isn't correct.  Quantum is VW UKs brand for the 'independent motor trade' - Quantum, whilst being made by Castrol for VW UK - is not officially recognised by VW Germany (for the sake of main dealer servicing).
Title: Re: 3rd Service - Dealer has used Magnatec 5w40...
Post by: skifast on October 29, 2010, 12:44:31 am
thanks for explaining the relationship between  castrol ,quantum and a mechanic friend of mine looks after my car he orders from TPS so my car gets the quantum 5w 30 oil.Who tells the tech in the dealers which oil to use? does he decide,or is it on the job sheet
Title: Re: 3rd Service - Dealer has used Magnatec 5w40...
Post by: ub7rm on October 29, 2010, 07:37:33 am
I imagine it depends on what the best deal they can get on a big drum of the stuff and nothing more academic than that.  Last year my dealer was using Mobil 1 oils, this year they used Quantum. 
Title: Re: 3rd Service - Dealer has used Magnatec 5w40...
Post by: Teutonic_Tamer on October 29, 2010, 12:06:11 pm
thanks for explaining the relationship between  castrol ,quantum and a mechanic friend of mine looks after my car he orders from TPS so my car gets the quantum 5w 30 oil.Who tells the tech in the dealers which oil to use? does he decide,or is it on the job sheet
You're welcome.

The job sheet from VW Germany will state the correct specification oil, but the brand of oil is purely dependent on the bulk oil supply contract for the individual dealership.  Most are Castrol, but some are Shell, and a few are Mobil.
Title: Re: 3rd Service - Dealer has used Magnatec 5w40...
Post by: Teutonic_Tamer on October 29, 2010, 12:09:24 pm
I imagine it depends on what the best deal they can get on a big drum of the stuff and nothing more academic than that.  Last year my dealer was using Mobil 1 oils, this year they used Quantum.
Official dealers should not be using Quantum (unless this has been specifically agreed in advance with the customer).

But I think I know why they are using Quantum . . .