MK5 Golf GTI
General => Random Chat => Topic started by: NB07 on August 12, 2010, 07:51:54 am
hi dudes and dudettes, sorry ive not been about for a while having a bit of a hard time at home, my fiance told me yesterday that shes been sleeping with one of my best chums for a while. nice ! its been going on behind my back for quite some time but im too stupid to even realise. barstewards has been ringing me up for games of squash and beers a lot lately as well :stupid:
Yikes!. that must be very painful Nick. :sad1:
Its time for the game of squash, but use a cricket bat. :fighting: :fighting: :fighting:
That's a bit sh!t mate.
One good thing that has come out of it though is you now know he isn't one of your best chums.
My advice would be to pack her bags and show her the door. As hard as it may be, once the trust is gone you never get it back trust me.
Make sure you get the engagement ring back, sell it and go and treat yourself to a new mod for the car :drinking: :happy2:
Sorry to hear about this Nick.
I agree with Carl and if the opportunity arises give the 2-faced fecker a few digs. :fighting:
man feel for you, some GTI therapy needed to ease the pain.
Im not going to provide any advice as its a very personal circumstance to you and Im sure you still have feelings for your fiancee.
Just take some time to consider what matters to you most and where you want to be in the near/medium/long term.
Just give us a shout if you need a few guys round for a 'few beers/squash doubles' :wink:
thanks everyone! you know who your real mates are, the people that help yyou spend money on your car! :laugh:
nah im thinking i need to save for a holiday i fancy going snowboarding havent been for 6 years because of her :fighting:
anyone for a forum trip to the alps?! :grin:
So sorry to hear this mate. Hope you bounce back nick!
wow sorry 2 hear this bud..... hope all works out ok for ya
any1 fnacy filling this tw@t in :evilgrin: :evilgrin:
count me in on an alps trip always wanted 2go there :party: :party:
:surprised: Gutted Nick! show her where the door is!
road trip to the alps sounds good! shame i have no monies! :sad1:
Thats a little bit more than a bummer mate, thats a total Feck up, what a cow. Definately do the snow boarding trip and find yourself a little snow bunny out there to keep you warm!
Sorry to hear this Nick, at least you found out now and not when you had tied the knot! Just remember fella, what goes around comes around! :happy2: :wink:
Sorry to hear that mate ,show her the front door!
Sorry to hear this dude, had something similar with me before as well. Onwards and upwards mate!
Boarding trip sounds cool too, not used my board now for a couple of years either !!
Mate, gutting.
I think what's worse is said mate has been hanging out with you more! Was he feeling guilty or trying to keep suspicions at bay?!?! I don't think I could ever do that to anyone, much less look them in the eye and be friendly.
Get rid of both of them. Treat yourself. If you wanna go snowboarding, go for it. Spend £££ and thoroughly enjoy yorself!
nick really sorry to hear that fella, hope to see you at a meet soon matey :fighting:
:mad: What a TW&T!!!
I sorta know how you feel mate. Me and the Mrs split after 14yrs together. Things were going wrong for a while with us, but when she told me she wanted to break up, well I was devastated :sad1:
I am however over it now, although, I have been taken to the cleaners. I was messed up mate :ashamed: She got the new A3 S-line, The house, and most of the stuff in the house. I had some cash in a trust fund, and also a share of my late mum house, so at the time I thought I was doing the right thing.
The best advice I can give you is, don't give anything away, and make sure you keep your house. Just give her and the ex-mate a wide birth.
Good luck Matey. You will get through it.
Jesus christ!!!. Mate youve had enough of late of bad luck, this is sickening to read, especially a "so called" mate.
As said, move her on and enjoy your freedom :happy2:.
Sorry to read this has happened mate :sad1:
$hit Nick that sucks big time!! Really sorry to hear about this mate but the good folks of this forum have already dispensed some sound advice! :happy2:
Anything you need just hola dude! :drinking:
Sorry to hear bout that mate! Sucks big time. Even worse when its a mate! It happened to me with an Ex a few years back and I ended up buying a motorbike. Turns out to be one of the best things that happened!
Count me in for an Alps trip though!
thanks every one you lot rulez! :happy2:
i suppose as robins mum would say "as one door closes another one opens" :laugh:
its quiet a small community where i live and it wont take long for people to realise and hopefully they will be shunned from society! ive decided to move away though as i cant face it so im off to the nice bit of slough in a few weeks :smiley:
after my best mate found out about his misses playing about, he opened up a face book account on behalf of her and posted every explict picture he had of her! then invited everyone he knew and she knew to be friends.
it got closed down about 24 hours after it was created but enough people saw it!! :grin: :grin:
sorry to hear bout this Nick,like as mentioned go boarding clearer your head and sort it out when you get back..the only thing to watch out for is her cleaning the house out while your out so do it first :signLOL:
Sorry to hear about this mate, but as others have said onwards and upwards :happy2:
You'll be surprised at how many fine single 20somethin women are around :drool:
Get yourself down to London for a night out :drinking:
Thats the worse thing that can happen hope you are ok fella.
As for your so called pal set him up mate and go to town on him open right up
I would turn raul maot if it happened to me
What a sh*t mate. Does he not know the fecking rules?
Empty the savings account aswel and sell all her posessions.
Sorry to hear your news. Although the circumstances were different, I've recently become single again after 7 years. You know where we all are if you want to offload anyway :happy2:
Sorry to hear that bud, just split with my misses too so I'm feeling your pain. Just bought the new Ed30 so thats what I'm using to keep me occupied!!
Chin up!
Damn,when the mrs plays around thats real bad,but with your best mate.. f**k
You have my sympathy and best wishes dude.
Dont know why so many men do things like this to their mates :stupid:
Anyway f*ck him onwards and upwards.
Know how your feeling mate, I've just split with my mrs after 3 years. Its gonna take alot of time before I feel good again but these things are usually for the best! Just get out there and enjoy life!