MK5 Golf GTI

All Things Mk5 => Members Rides => Topic started by: monte on August 17, 2010, 07:25:23 pm

Title: My New Wheels...Hmmm...I'm not sure (***UPDATED ON PG6***)
Post by: monte on August 17, 2010, 07:25:23 pm
Well I have finally bought some more wheels for the ED30. TBH I'm not sure if I like them  :ashamed: I think they will look a whole lot better in Anthracite  :happy2: cos the hypersilver is  :sick:

Let me know your thoughts!!!  :popcornsoda:


Title: Re: My New Wheels...Hmmm...I'm not sure
Post by: edd666999 on August 17, 2010, 07:28:14 pm
they look ok, suit the car but i wouldn't have chose them over std ed30 wheels  :happy2:
Title: Re: My New Wheels...Hmmm...I'm not sure
Post by: paulk on August 17, 2010, 07:31:34 pm
what size are they ?
Title: Re: My New Wheels...Hmmm...I'm not sure
Post by: Andy on August 17, 2010, 07:33:00 pm
wheels look good but ..would look better in anthrite or black
Title: Re: My New Wheels...Hmmm...I'm not sure
Post by: monte on August 17, 2010, 07:34:45 pm
They are 18x8.5J ET45 and I have been assured no rubbing or my money back  :innocent:
Title: Re: My New Wheels...Hmmm...I'm not sure
Post by: paulk on August 17, 2010, 07:37:46 pm
to be honest im not sure , i love the look of the wheel but just doesnt seem to gell...was the same when i put the bbs calitos on my car loved the wheels just didnt gell....
Title: Re: My New Wheels...Hmmm...I'm not sure
Post by: monte on August 17, 2010, 07:42:45 pm
I know what you are saying.....I'm thinking the same  :ashamed: I think if they were anthracite they would look alot like Gary's old MTM's....not as big though

Title: Re: My New Wheels...Hmmm...I'm not sure
Post by: paulk on August 17, 2010, 07:45:32 pm
maybe....its a shame to paint brand new wheels though.....
Title: Re: My New Wheels...Hmmm...I'm not sure
Post by: RENNTAG on August 17, 2010, 07:54:02 pm
i like them, think it looks good.
agree anthracite would look better though.
i want wheels like this  :happy2:
Title: Re: My New Wheels...Hmmm...I'm not sure
Post by: Greeners on August 17, 2010, 07:54:28 pm
Huff's would have looked better!  :P
Title: Re: My New Wheels...Hmmm...I'm not sure
Post by: monte on August 17, 2010, 08:05:17 pm
Huff's would have looked better!  :P

Title: Re: My New Wheels...Hmmm...I'm not sure
Post by: 182_blue on August 17, 2010, 08:11:36 pm
As they are im not a fan much prefer the ed30 OEM's, perhaps Anthracite is the answer ?
Title: Re: My New Wheels...Hmmm...I'm not sure
Post by: T88OMM on August 17, 2010, 08:15:10 pm
I think an inch bigger would have filled the arch better...ooohhhh eeerrrr!  :wink:

I like them but I think they need to be darker Carlo  :drool:
Title: Re: My New Wheels...Hmmm...I'm not sure
Post by: bodger00 on August 17, 2010, 08:15:53 pm
Anthracite for me  :party: VW R look alikes.......ish :smiley:
Title: Re: My New Wheels...Hmmm...I'm not sure
Post by: keano on August 17, 2010, 08:20:25 pm
I like them myself. Anthracite is perhaps the way forward  :happy2:

Ps. What is the car lowered on? (and dont say springs  :grin: )
Title: Re: My New Wheels...Hmmm...I'm not sure
Post by: monte on August 17, 2010, 08:27:37 pm
As they are im not a fan much prefer the ed30 OEM's, perhaps Anthracite is the answer ?

I think an inch bigger would have filled the arch better...ooohhhh eeerrrr!  :wink:

I like them but I think they need to be darker Carlo  :drool:

Yeah I think they would look alot better on ANY other colour GTi but Silver.

well I get my Pescara's back from Powdercoat Tomorrow, so they should look nice in Satin Black! I will get these alloys done in Anthracite later on in the year.... If I don't sell em first  :ashamed:

I like them myself. Anthracite is perhaps the way forward  :happy2:

Ps. What is the car lowered on? (and dont say springs  :grin: )

They are H&R's Mate  :happy2:
Title: Re: My New Wheels...Hmmm...I'm not sure
Post by: pitsirikas on August 17, 2010, 08:39:36 pm
I think they will look a whole lot better in Anthracite

IMHO anthracite is something "between"...if you know what I mean.

Leave them hypersilver or go for blacks...

Something like this...

Title: Re: My New Wheels...Hmmm...I'm not sure
Post by: Greeners on August 17, 2010, 08:41:44 pm
I'd go for Black too!  :happy2:
Title: Re: My New Wheels...Hmmm...I'm not sure
Post by: paulk on August 17, 2010, 08:42:03 pm
those look spot on but are they 19s
Title: Re: My New Wheels...Hmmm...I'm not sure
Post by: gazbutS3 on August 17, 2010, 08:43:20 pm
What wheels are they Monte?, they do look like the bimotos. I'd go for a dark anthracite maybe like the ones I had :smiley:
Title: Re: My New Wheels...Hmmm...I'm not sure
Post by: wigit on August 17, 2010, 08:44:28 pm
anthracite ftw  :party:
Title: Re: My New Wheels...Hmmm...I'm not sure
Post by: WhiteGTI on August 17, 2010, 08:53:15 pm
I like it a lot!  :happy2:
Title: Re: My New Wheels...Hmmm...I'm not sure
Post by: JPC on August 17, 2010, 08:56:11 pm
They are the bi-moto reps right?

They need to be an inch bigger carlo! lol they do look a little small, and painting them darker will only make them look smaller :(
Title: Re: My New Wheels...Hmmm...I'm not sure
Post by: RedRobin on August 17, 2010, 08:58:37 pm
Anthracite! Rim details in black get visually lost unless something like Huffs.

They look too ordinary as they are, imo - Sorry but there's no point giving you anything than an honest opinion.
Title: Re: My New Wheels...Hmmm...I'm not sure
Post by: paulk on August 17, 2010, 08:58:54 pm
can anyone photoshop them darker for him ?...
Title: Re: My New Wheels...Hmmm...I'm not sure
Post by: Gene Hunt on August 17, 2010, 09:10:39 pm
As they are im not a fan much prefer the ed30 OEM's, perhaps Anthracite is the answer ?
..........sorry same here.
Title: Re: My New Wheels...Hmmm...I'm not sure
Post by: Greeners on August 17, 2010, 09:11:28 pm
Anthracite! Rim details in black get visually lost unless something like Huffs.

They look too ordinary as they are, imo - Sorry but there's no point giving you anything than an honest opinion.




Title: Re: My New Wheels...Hmmm...I'm not sure
Post by: monte on August 17, 2010, 09:24:17 pm

They look too ordinary as they are, imo - Sorry but there's no point giving you anything than an honest opinion.

Exactly what I'm after Robin  :happy2: I just keep thinking that those wheels in silver, on a silver car don't look sporty at all. They kinda remind me of the 16" alloys that you get on a TDi Golf  :ashamed:

They will def need a change of colour if I am to keep em  :wink:


The Best set of Gloss Black Alloys I have seen on a GTI.  :happy2:  I had to look twice, to check that they were 18's when I first saw them at Inters. The design makes em look huge!
Title: Re: My New Wheels...Hmmm...I'm not sure
Post by: RedRobin on August 17, 2010, 09:31:05 pm
I don't agree with you, Nath - Your black BBS looked 'lost' without the red edging and the distinctive Rocco wheel spokes look a bit wasted in black. But each to their own.
Title: Re: My New Wheels...Hmmm...I'm not sure
Post by: Greeners on August 17, 2010, 09:36:06 pm
I don't agree with you, Nath - Your black BBS looked 'lost' without the red edging and the distinctive Rocco wheel spokes look a bit wasted in black. But each to their own.

And I don't agree with you so  :P

I just feel the Gloss black picks up light and reflection far better than any silver could.  :happy2:
Title: Re: My New Wheels...Hmmm...I'm not sure
Post by: RedRobin on August 17, 2010, 09:37:39 pm
I agree that an extremely high gloss (when kept as clean as you do) does help via reflection  :happy2:
Title: Re: My New Wheels...Hmmm...I'm not sure
Post by: john_o on August 17, 2010, 09:44:41 pm
I like them :happy2:
need to be an inch bigger though.

2 options spring to mind

1. paint the infill in black (where the lip is) leaving the spokes silver
2. paint the spokes black having the infill silver


having a black / dark silver line put into the centre of each spoke from centre to wheel edge
Title: Re: My New Wheels...Hmmm...I'm not sure
Post by: monte on August 17, 2010, 10:41:52 pm
can anyone photoshop them darker for him ?...

I would be great if someone could photoshop me some different colours.  :happy2:

I like them :happy2:
need to be an inch bigger though.

2 options spring to mind

1. paint the infill in black (where the lip is) leaving the spokes silver
2. paint the spokes black having the infill silver


having a black / dark silver line put into the centre of each spoke from centre to wheel edge

might be a bit harder to photoshop, but if someone wants to try?

Here is an example of how good Silver wheels look on Tornado Red Gti's.  Its a bit trickier on a Reflex silver Gti.  :sad1:

Title: Re: My New Wheels...Hmmm...I'm not sure
Post by: paulk on August 17, 2010, 10:58:18 pm
have to say i wasnt keen on my silver calitos on reflex silver, the crome rim was lost...iv seen the wheels on grey and black cars and loved them ...i just didnt like them on my car
Title: Re: My New Wheels...Hmmm...I'm not sure
Post by: minty7815 on August 18, 2010, 12:16:50 am
Photoshops a nightmare to use to change colours where there are reflections etc.....but ok to replace wheels


Title: Re: My New Wheels...Hmmm...I'm not sure
Post by: CAPTAIN BRITAIN on August 18, 2010, 08:53:35 am
Nice wheels, and i agree with everyone else about the colour  :happy2:
Title: Re: My New Wheels...Hmmm...I'm not sure
Post by: TurboTrev on August 18, 2010, 09:03:24 am
Backward step IMHO - prefer the original ED30 wheels to those.  Sorry.
Title: Re: My New Wheels...Hmmm...I'm not sure
Post by: joesgti on August 18, 2010, 09:09:41 am
go for gloss black carlo, there'l look the dogs!  :happy2:
Title: Re: My New Wheels...Hmmm...I'm not sure
Post by: andrewparker on August 18, 2010, 09:25:05 am
Photoshops a nightmare to use to change colours where there are reflections etc.....but ok to replace wheels :jumping:

Nah, it's dead easy!

Dark anthracite looks nice...

Title: Re: My New Wheels...Hmmm...I'm not sure
Post by: pitsirikas on August 18, 2010, 10:12:40 am
Dark anthracite looks nice...

Can we see them in black please? :grin:
Title: Re: My New Wheels...Hmmm...I'm not sure
Post by: monte on August 18, 2010, 10:13:51 am
Photoshops a nightmare to use to change colours where there are reflections etc.....but ok to replace wheels :jumping:

Nah, it's dead easy!

Dark anthracite looks nice...


WOW Andrew, That looks a million times better,  :notworthy:  You didn't do that with MS Paint now did you? I would love to know how to do what you did there.
Title: Re: My New Wheels...Hmmm...I'm not sure
Post by: andrewparker on August 18, 2010, 10:25:08 am
WOW Andrew, That looks a million times better,  :notworthy:  You didn't do that with MS Paint now did you? I would love to know how to do what you did there.

Haha, no, MS Paint was not featured!

I basically used the pen tool (in Photoshop) to create a selection of the parts of the wheel that we want to change colour, so the rim and spokes. I then duplicated this shape into a new layer (so as not to destroy the originals) and then just played with the levels to decrease the brightness but ensure I don't loose any of the reflections (white areas).
Title: Re: My New Wheels...Hmmm...I'm not sure
Post by: monte on August 18, 2010, 10:30:11 am
^^^well thats gone way over my head mate  :ashamed:  I will learn how to do it one day. Thanks again for your work bud.
Title: Re: My New Wheels...Hmmm...I'm not sure
Post by: matsu on August 18, 2010, 11:58:24 am
the anthracite looks sweet cos there needs to be a difference between the car and wheels imo.
 its the reason in my mind why high silver looks good on black/red/grey..but not on reflex silver.
but that thought process doesnt work on black car and greeners car proes it.
go with anthracite or black mate.... its aggressive :evilgrin:
ill shut the door on me way out lol..... :booty:

Title: Re: My New Wheels...Hmmm...I'm not sure
Post by: matsu on August 18, 2010, 11:59:11 am
I think they will look a whole lot better in Anthracite

IMHO anthracite is something "between"...if you know what I mean.

Leave them hypersilver or go for blacks...

Something like this...


that is a bit over the top for me and yet i love it... hard as nails
Title: Re: My New Wheels...Hmmm...I'm not sure
Post by: gazbutS3 on August 18, 2010, 12:10:05 pm
I would try a little darker still, but not black :smiley:
Title: Re: My New Wheels...Hmmm...I'm not sure
Post by: rdfcpete on August 18, 2010, 01:01:06 pm
I wouldn't be unsure about them Monte, they look okay fella, but agreed you can definitely do some work to make them look tremendous, particularly on a Silver car.

I'm with Gaz ^, I don't like 'black' wheels, nothing too dark as I'm all about subtlety and in this case I think some kind of grey/mild anthracite would look the dogs on Bimotos Monte  :happy2:
Title: Re: My New Wheels...Hmmm...I'm not sure
Post by: Top Cat on August 19, 2010, 11:14:43 am
I like the wheels but the centre section around the bolts area doesn't look right to me, so i would go for gloss black.  :happy2:
Title: Re: My New Wheels...Hmmm...I'm not sure
Post by: monte on August 20, 2010, 05:58:12 pm
Well these wheels are now off the car because my Pescara's are back on sporting a sexy Satin Black powder coat  :happy2:
Title: Re: My New Wheels...Hmmm...I'm not sure
Post by: monte on August 20, 2010, 06:12:06 pm
Well It was always on the cards that when I got another set of wheels that I would either sell my Pescara's or Powder coat them. I decided to powder coat them in Satin Black.
I am over the moon with the results  :smiley: Makes the car look real mean  :evilgrin:

Tomorrow I am gonna, a) spray my front/rear VW badges in Satin black, and  b) replace the cam follower  :happy2:

Here are a couple of photo's....

Title: Re: My New Wheels...Hmmm...I'm not sure
Post by: RobH on August 20, 2010, 06:20:57 pm
Carlo that looks awesome :drool:

Alot better than the other multispoke things you had on the car!
Title: Re: My New Wheels...Hmmm...I'm not sure
Post by: Sunglasses Ron on August 20, 2010, 06:21:25 pm
Told you satin black was the way forward...  :drool: :wink:
Title: Re: My New Wheels...Hmmm...I'm not sure
Post by: matsu on August 20, 2010, 06:24:37 pm
yep mean looking!
love it!
Title: Re: My New Wheels...Hmmm...I'm not sure
Post by: monte on August 20, 2010, 06:38:16 pm
Thanks guy's  :smiley:  I got to give these chaps a plug for doing a really flawless job with the Powder coat. Total Wheel Works in Nottingham are the fella's  :happy2:

They can do all sorts of finishes (wet painting/powder coating etc) and at £40 a wheel its a great price too  :notworthy:

They had some Massive 20" AMG rims wet painted in gloss piano black  :drool: :drool: :drool:

Here is the website. Not an amazing site, but their work is excellent......
Title: Re: My New Wheels...Hmmm...I'm not sure
Post by: monte on August 20, 2010, 06:46:57 pm
A couple more....

Title: Re: My New Wheels...Hmmm...I'm not sure
Post by: Boothy on August 20, 2010, 06:49:00 pm
Looking tidy Monte! :happy2:
Title: Re: My New Wheels...Hmmm...I'm not sure
Post by: Saint Steve on August 20, 2010, 07:18:41 pm
Much Betterer Monte  :congrats:

Suits well with the Silver :happy2:
Title: Re: My New Wheels...Hmmm...I'm not sure
Post by: stealthwolf on August 20, 2010, 07:51:36 pm
very nice and a massive improvement over the other rims.
Title: Re: My New Wheels...Hmmm...I'm not sure
Post by: Gti_Mad on August 20, 2010, 08:42:23 pm
wow they look  :drool: :drool: :drool:

now after seeing this mine are definately goin away 2 be refurbed in gloss black  :driver:
Title: Re: My New Wheels...Hmmm...I'm not sure
Post by: monte on August 20, 2010, 08:44:21 pm
wow they look  :drool: :drool: :drool:

now after seeing this mine are definately goin away 2 be refurbed in gloss black  :driver:

 :confused: So you don't like my Satin Black then???  :sad1:

Title: Re: My New Wheels...Hmmm...I'm not sure
Post by: Saint Steve on August 20, 2010, 08:47:33 pm
Gloss and Satin Black look the best,

although my "Blue Boron effort" was good too  :chicken:

Title: Re: My New Wheels...Hmmm...I'm not sure
Post by: Saint Steve on August 20, 2010, 08:53:03 pm
wow they look  :drool: :drool: :drool:

now after seeing this mine are definately goin away 2 be refurbed in gloss black  :driver:
No, you need to do the Detroits In gloss with a silver lip :wink:  :laugh:
Title: Re: My New Wheels...Hmmm...I'm not sure
Post by: Top Cat on August 20, 2010, 08:53:51 pm
I likey  :notworthy:  great choice.

Title: Re: My New Wheels...Hmmm...I'm not sure (NEW PICS PG4)
Post by: T88OMM on August 21, 2010, 01:57:35 pm
That looks AWESOME Carlo, just need a Blueflame now to finish it off  :wink: :laugh:
Title: Re: My New Wheels...Hmmm...I'm not sure (NEW PICS PG4)
Post by: monte on August 21, 2010, 02:04:24 pm
Just done the front and rear VW badges in Satin black  :happy2:  (first picture, the badge has got some oily marks on  :ashamed: they have come off though).

Title: Re: My New Wheels...Hmmm...I'm not sure (NEW PICS PG4)
Post by: monte on August 21, 2010, 02:08:15 pm
That looks AWESOME Carlo, just need a Blueflame now to finish it off  :wink: :laugh:

Thanks Tom  :happy2:  Yeah I'd love a Blueflame  :drool:
Title: Re: My New Wheels...Hmmm...I'm not sure (NEW PICS PG4)
Post by: RobH on August 21, 2010, 03:29:18 pm
That looks AWESOME Carlo, just need a Blueflame now to finish it off  :wink: :laugh:

Thanks Tom  :happy2:  Yeah I'd love a Blueflame  :drool:

Blueflame and the front eddy splitter satin black would be awesome :grin:
Title: Re: My New Wheels...Hmmm...I'm not sure (NEW PICS PG4)
Post by: Saint Steve on August 21, 2010, 03:34:29 pm
^^2nd that. Chin spoiler needs a colour change to go with whats been done carlo :happy2:
Title: Re: My New Wheels...Hmmm...I'm not sure (NEW PICS PG4)
Post by: monte on August 21, 2010, 03:58:36 pm
^^2nd that. Chin spoiler needs a colour change to go with whats been done carlo :happy2:

Sounds like a good idea  :happy2:

I was thinking about changing the red lipstick (don't tell Robin) to either silver or white. Since I changed to the R32 brakes which I had I black powder coated the red lipstick doesn't really match up with anything now :ashamed:

I love the look of the black calipers and black wheels.


Also Steve, love your mirrors in black  :wink:   Did you do them yourself? Are they still like that?

Title: Re: My New Wheels...Hmmm...I'm not sure (NEW PICS PG4)
Post by: Saint Steve on August 21, 2010, 04:18:28 pm

That was when they were wrapped in Carbon Fibre wrap.( Mirror housings)

Looks great but gets very "Tired" looking after a while and also the wrap tries to shrink back to its origonal size, and looks pap.

Mine are Now Painted Gloss Black to go with wheels, front chin, and Front grill and Rear diffuser section. :happy2:. I brought a spare pair and sprayed them Black gloss.

Title: Re: My New Wheels...Hmmm...I'm not sure (NEW PICS PG4)
Post by: monte on August 21, 2010, 04:34:15 pm
That was when they were wrapped in Carbon Fibre wrap.( Mirror housings)

Looks great but gets very "Tired" looking after a while and also the wrap tries to shrink back to its origonal size, and looks pap.

Mine are Now Painted Gloss Black to go with wheels, front chin, and Front grill and Rear diffuser section. :happy2:. I brought a spare pair and sprayed them Black gloss.


I know what you are saying about the carbon  :wink: Although my diffuser is still ageing well I think I will be spraying it Satin Black soon.

The gloss black mirrors look real classy  :happy2: Your monza's look amazing in gloss, and for some reason (like nath's gloss rocco wheels) they look massive. They look more like 19's.

Title: Re: My New Wheels...Hmmm...I'm not sure (NEW PICS PG4)
Post by: Andy on August 21, 2010, 06:42:07 pm
looks excellent :notworthy:
Title: Re: My New Wheels...Hmmm...I'm not sure (NEW PICS PG4)
Post by: Gti_Mad on August 21, 2010, 06:48:05 pm
wow they look  :drool: :drool: :drool:

now after seeing this mine are definately goin away 2 be refurbed in gloss black  :driver:

 :confused: So you don't like my Satin Black then???  :sad1


no mate i like your satin black wheels they look the nuts espicailly now you've done the badges 2

its just i dont wana copy you  :signLOL:
Title: Re: My New Wheels...Hmmm...I'm not sure (NEW PICS PG4)
Post by: monte on August 21, 2010, 09:17:24 pm

no mate i like your satin black wheels they look the nuts espicailly now you've done the badges 2

its just i dont wana copy you  :signLOL:

Oh I see mate, I was looking at your signature and I thought that your Huffs/monza's were satin. I realise now that you have got an Ed30 in silver  :congrats:

So what wheels are on the Ed30?.....Pescara's?

Title: Re: My New Wheels...Hmmm...I'm not sure (NEW PICS PG4)
Post by: paulk on August 21, 2010, 09:34:58 pm
mate that looks stunning the black  :drool:
Title: Re: My New Wheels...Hmmm...I'm not sure (NEW PICS PG4)
Post by: Gti_Mad on August 22, 2010, 04:59:35 pm
yes mate at the min its sat on pescara's but i have a set of white wormed monza's 2go for refurb and paint so wen i send them off il send my pescaras aswell

now just gota decide on colour/colours  :signLOL:
Title: Re: My New Wheels...Hmmm...I'm not sure (NEW PICS PG4)
Post by: gazbutS3 on August 23, 2010, 12:25:03 pm
looks great Monte :happy2:
Title: Re: My New Wheels...Hmmm...I'm not sure (NEW PICS PG4)
Post by: Greeners on August 23, 2010, 10:36:32 pm
Love the satin look Carlo!  :happy2:
Title: Re: My New Wheels...Hmmm...I'm not sure (NEW PICS PG4)
Post by: monte on August 29, 2010, 10:44:23 pm
looks great Monte :happy2:
Love the satin look Carlo!  :happy2:

Thanks guys  :happy2:  I really like the Satin pescaras but I think they are gonna need a silver pinstripe. Neils wheels here, are really set off with the thin pinstripe.


Also regarding the other wheels I bought at the start of the thread..... I think I am gonna sell em. But before I do, can anyone photoshop them in gloss black?

I know its a long shot but....If anyone with a set of 18" Monza's fancies a swop for the alloys on page1 let me know  :wink:
Title: Re: My New Wheels...Hmmm...I'm not sure (***UPDATED ON PG6***)
Post by: monte on August 30, 2010, 11:57:21 pm
Well today I had a play with some silver pin stripes to see if they looked ok. They are just the set you buy on eBay for £3.99. I wanted to try them before committing to paint. They are 6mm arched decals, but I think if I have em painted properly I will go for 4mm.

What do you think? Should I leave em all black or get the pinstripe?  :smiley:

Crappy phone pics.  :ashamed:


Title: Re: My New Wheels...Hmmm...I'm not sure (***UPDATED ON PG6***)
Post by: rdfcpete on August 31, 2010, 12:18:12 am
 :drool: :drool:

Pinstripe for me dude on a silver car... and I don't even really like rim lips usually!  :wink:
Title: Re: My New Wheels...Hmmm...I'm not sure (***UPDATED ON PG6***)
Post by: RedRobin on August 31, 2010, 08:20:53 am
Definitely 'pinstripes' - They visually help separate the black wheel from the black tyre and look smart instead of that 'black steel wheel utilitarian' look.
Title: Re: My New Wheels...Hmmm...I'm not sure (***UPDATED ON PG6***)
Post by: Saint Steve on August 31, 2010, 09:02:17 am
Pinstrip is a winner  :happy2:
Title: Re: My New Wheels...Hmmm...I'm not sure (***UPDATED ON PG6***)
Post by: joesgti on October 05, 2010, 04:23:41 pm
pics of 19" monza's please...............
Title: Re: My New Wheels...Hmmm...I'm not sure (***UPDATED ON PG6***)
Post by: monte on October 05, 2010, 10:43:09 pm
pics of 19" monza's please...............

I know, I know.....I have had em on a week already, but I haven't had any time to clean the car  :ashamed: Its so filthy, I am embarrassed to take some pics  :ashamed: :ashamed: :ashamed:

All I can say is, they are perfect :wink: I am in love with my car all over again  :love:

I did manage to do the screw-delete mod today though  :happy2: so hopefully I wont get that annoyed little rub anymore from big bumps etc.

I am in two minds as to getting some new tyres anyway. I have seen some new 225/35/R19 Conti's that are going cheap. These may solve my rubbing issues, because the tyres at the moment are 235/35/R19.

My monza's are 8Jx19 ET45. Do you guy's think the 235's will rub now I have done the screw mod? or Should I go for the 225's.

Carlo.  :smiley:

Title: Re: My New Wheels...Hmmm...I'm not sure (***UPDATED ON PG6***)
Post by: swf7y on October 06, 2010, 12:22:44 am
Problem with black alloys are that pictures never do them justice. They always look better in person. However, 'pinstripe' looks  :happy2:
Title: Re: My New Wheels...Hmmm...I'm not sure (***UPDATED ON PG6***)
Post by: Mackie1 on October 06, 2010, 02:50:31 pm
Pinstripe looks great pal :happy2:
Title: Re: My New Wheels...Hmmm...I'm not sure (***UPDATED ON PG6***)
Post by: Saint Steve on October 06, 2010, 04:09:42 pm
Problem with black alloys are that pictures never do them justice. They always look better in person. However, 'pinstripe' looks  :happy2:

Thats so correct  :wink:
Title: Re: My New Wheels...Hmmm...I'm not sure (***UPDATED ON PG6***)
Post by: No-fear on October 06, 2010, 04:11:12 pm
Definitely 'pinstripes' - They visually help separate the black wheel from the black tyre and look smart instead of that 'black steel wheel utilitarian' look.

I agree with Robin.

Title: Re: My New Wheels...Hmmm...I'm not sure (***UPDATED ON PG6***)
Post by: BenR on October 06, 2010, 05:40:21 pm
Like the pinstripe! pics of monza's needed

I would definately do the 225 tyre or maybe even a 215 tyre! I have 215's on my wheels and they are 8.5 wide and no rubbing at all.
Title: Re: My New Wheels...Hmmm...I'm not sure (***UPDATED ON PG6***)
Post by: swf7y on October 06, 2010, 11:36:59 pm

I would definately do the 225 tyre or maybe even a 215 tyre! I have 215's on my wheels and they are 8.5 wide and no rubbing at all.

Currently, I have 225/35/19 on 8.5J ET45 - no rubbing and lowered as much as possible on coilovers. Previously when I had 235s on the back they did rub quite a bit. One thing to note, my arches haven't been rolled. I'm not sure how much that would help though.

Problem with black alloys are that pictures never do them justice. They always look better in person. However, 'pinstripe' looks  :happy2:

Thats so correct  :wink:

I only know because I have gloss black alloys and although they may not float everyones boat, they sure look better than they do in any picture  :happy2:
Title: Re: My New Wheels...Hmmm...I'm not sure (***UPDATED ON PG6***)
Post by: monte on October 06, 2010, 11:49:29 pm

Currently, I have 225/35/19 on 8.5J ET45 - no rubbing and lowered as much as possible on coilovers. Previously when I had 235s on the back they did rub quite a bit. One thing to note, my arches haven't been rolled. I'm not sure how much that would help though.

...... I have gloss black alloys and although they may not float everyones boat, they sure look better than they do in any picture  :happy2:

I am gonna order some 225's  :happy2: If I get em sooner rather than later I will still get a decent price for the 235's I have on at the moment. They have at least 7mm tread probably 8mm, so they should sell quick.....even though they are Kuhmo's  :ashamed:

Also I know what you all mean about the black wheels. When I took em to my local tyre fitter, he said that he thought I had made a mistake powder coating em. He changed his mind once the tyres had been fitted and they were back on the car. He was stunned how good they looked in the flesh so-to-speak.

The powder coating is a great finish, and they will serve me well as my winter/track wheels. :smiley:
Title: Re: My New Wheels...Hmmm...I'm not sure (***UPDATED ON PG6***)
Post by: RobMKV on October 07, 2010, 12:04:36 am
Dont like  :chicken:

Title: Re: My New Wheels...Hmmm...I'm not sure (***UPDATED ON PG6***)
Post by: RedRobin on October 07, 2010, 10:05:16 am

Dont like  :chicken:


^^^^ I do like  :happy2:
Title: Re: My New Wheels...Hmmm...I'm not sure (***UPDATED ON PG6***)
Post by: swf7y on October 07, 2010, 11:00:45 am

Dont like  :chicken:


^^^^ I do like  :happy2:

X2  :laugh:
Title: Re: My New Wheels...Hmmm...I'm not sure (***UPDATED ON PG6***)
Post by: No-fear on October 07, 2010, 11:46:05 am

Dont like  :chicken:


^^^^ I do like  :happy2:

x3 Like, lets you see the lower profile tyre with the bigger 19" rim.
Title: Re: My New Wheels...Hmmm...I'm not sure (***UPDATED ON PG6***)
Post by: stealthwolf on October 07, 2010, 02:54:01 pm

Much better than before.
Title: Re: My New Wheels...Hmmm...I'm not sure (***UPDATED ON PG6***)
Post by: Garth on October 07, 2010, 03:13:48 pm
I prefer silver wheels.... but I am getting old so what do I know! :grin:
Title: Re: My New Wheels...Hmmm...I'm not sure (***UPDATED ON PG6***)
Post by: andrewparker on October 07, 2010, 03:51:32 pm
Problem with black alloys are that pictures never do them justice. They always look better in person.

I'm sure it's possible, but it's certainly not easy.

This is straight out the camera (on a very dull day), but in order to get any definition in the wheels I've had to over-expose the shot, meaning other areas have excessive highlights.

Title: Re: My New Wheels...Hmmm...I'm not sure (***UPDATED ON PG6***)
Post by: Moschops on October 07, 2010, 08:51:47 pm

Dont like  :chicken:


^^^^ I do like  :happy2:

Me likey... :happy2:

x 5.... :smiley:

x3 Like, lets you see the lower profile tyre with the bigger 19" rim.
Title: Re: My New Wheels...Hmmm...I'm not sure (***UPDATED ON PG6***)
Post by: chungE on October 07, 2010, 09:05:17 pm
Was gona ask for better pics but the ones on this page are fine, i like  :happy2:
Title: Re: My New Wheels...Hmmm...I'm not sure (***UPDATED ON PG6***)
Post by: dmac1969 on October 07, 2010, 09:19:45 pm
I like too , very nice! :happy2:
Title: Re: My New Wheels...Hmmm...I'm not sure (***UPDATED ON PG6***)
Post by: rdfcpete on October 07, 2010, 09:32:35 pm
Problem with black alloys are that pictures never do them justice. They always look better in person.

 :drool: :drool:
Not yours is that Andrew?
Title: Re: My New Wheels...Hmmm...I'm not sure (***UPDATED ON PG6***)
Post by: RobMKV on October 07, 2010, 09:59:19 pm
The pics at top are my old car, 19'' CH, takes some time to paint them.


Looks good i think so did it on a few past cars -


Title: Re: My New Wheels...Hmmm...I'm not sure (***UPDATED ON PG6***)
Post by: andrewparker on October 07, 2010, 10:00:44 pm
Problem with black alloys are that pictures never do them justice. They always look better in person.

 :drool: :drool:
Not yours is that Andrew?

Tis indeed. Bit of work to do yet but it's getting there :smiley:
Title: Re: My New Wheels...Hmmm...I'm not sure (***UPDATED ON PG6***)
Post by: rdfcpete on October 07, 2010, 10:03:54 pm
Stunning - I didn't realise you had black Huffs chap  :happy2: