MK5 Golf GTI
All Things Mk5 => How to Guides / Troubleshooting => Topic started by: jimmy-s3 on September 04, 2010, 05:34:11 pm
Ive had my car checked for the cause of a missfire, suspecting it would be a coilpack!
The fault that has come up is EVAP Emission Control Sys: Incorrect flow
With possible causes: EVAP Canister Purge Regulator valve (N80) faulty/jammed
EVAP Canister Purge Solenoid valve (N115) faulty/jammed
EVAP Canister Sealing faulty
Pipes between Tank and throttle body leaky/blocked
Can anyone please help me out as im not sure what all this means or where these parts are on the (AXX) engine?
Any help will be greatly recieved!
I'm sure thats something to do with the charcoal canister as I'm sure it's directly associated with filtering certain gases, it's the black box canister in front of the coolant tank with a couple of silicon/rubber pipes popping out of it.
Cheers Luke,
I'll go and have a look!
Just had a look and everything seems ok!
Ive been doing a bit of searching online and seem to think its the Purge Valve? Does anyone know what this looks like and where it is in relation to the charcoal canister?? Also, what would be up with the charcaol canister to be faulty??
Also, what would be up with the charcaol canister to be faulty??
Do you normally fill your fuel tank to the brim?
No, i only ever fill it 3/4 full.
Also, ive looked at the charcaol canister and one of the connectors on the top twists and pulls off quite easily. Once off, you can see the filter inside the canister but i wouldnt have thought the leak/fault would come from this?
Help me out here please guys!
I used to have this exact same fault
If you look at this pipe check it's not broken like in the pic (or has a hole in it somewhere) it is really easy to remove to check it.
To remove follow the pipe towards the windscreen to where it meets a pipe just behind the coolant bottle. On the sides of it there are 2 connections you push in and then pull the pipe off. Then the bit you can see in the pic that is still attached to the Charcoal Cannister twists 1/4 turn (can't remember which way but will only go one way and not much force) and then just lifts off. May take a bit of a tug but dont yank. Have a good look over that pipe.
They cost about £8 new from a stealer but i just sealed mine with some Gorilla Glue and it hasn't (touches wood) come back.
I've had a look at 2 other people's cars with this fault and that pipe was the problem in all 3 cases (mine included)
Not saying yours will be but it's a good place to start :happy2:
Incidentally if you have to replace the Cannister they are about £95 from a stealer.
Cheers VRSCarl!
Ill check that pipe again in detail tomorrow!
When i checked the charcoal canister at the weekend, the part on the top that twists off didnt seem to have a secure seal to it. It didnt feel it was a tight fit or anything? Is this usual?
Cheers VRSCarl!
Ill check that pipe again in detail tomorrow!
When i checked the charcoal canister at the weekend, the part on the top that twists off didnt seem to have a secure seal to it. It didnt feel it was a tight fit or anything? Is this usual?
No it should be tight. Not so tight it wont move but i would compare it to an un opened bottle of pop.
Check that the rubber o-ring is seated correctly on it.
By the sounds of it if it doesn't feel secure then that is probably the cause :happy2:
Fingers crossed! :happy2:
I got this problem too, I replaced the N80 valve but no luck so I took the charcoal tank off and shuck it up a bit, this kept the code away for a while but it has returned.
I have bought a new charcoal cannister to fit sometime but it doesn't really bother me unless the dash light comes on.
This is quite a common problem and quite often dealers replace both the N80 and cannister but try no to brim the tank as this destroys the valve and cannister.
I sealed the loose hose on the top of the canister and it seems to have fixed the missfire for now!
Just one more question, where is the N80?
Hello All,
I'm new to this forum so be gentle!
Having read this thread a few times to try and cure the emissions light on my dash, i'm in need of a bit of further guidance.....
Once the pipe (N80?) has been replaced, should the dash light go out immediately if that is the source of the problem?Or is it soemthing that is calculated over a set distance before it goes out? \\\ive replcaed the hose, but the ligth still burn strongly!
Thanks in advance
Mine didn't i had to clear it with VCDS.
I had this fault code, I replaced the N80 valve but it never worked. Next I replaced the charcoal canister and the fault has never come back but I make sure not to top the tank off as it floods the canister.
Brilliant, thanks. Now off to have it scanned/cleared..fingers crossed!
I had the exact same problem, senior VW tech says he replaces loads on GTI's. But changing the canister fixes the issue and I will not be 'brimming' the tank again
I know this is really old...but since its location was asked, and never answered...
The N80 EVAP Purge Valve is located here;
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