MK5 Golf GTI
General => Random Chat => Topic started by: VC on February 21, 2011, 07:36:04 pm
Normally i know my rights when purchasing and paying for things but this time around i'm a little confused as to what i can and cannot do.
Basically bought a pair of items for my truck priced at £95.00 each not including postage, they werent in stock so payment details were left with the company (reputable although hard to get hold of) so that as they arrived they would be dispatched and my card charged (visa debit)
so £95 x 2 = £190 (not including postage)
so they arrived, i was happy and then just now ive checked my online statement and ive been charged £560.00 :surprised:
Obviously i didnt agree to that. I will obviously call the company tomorrow, but to be prepared what are my rights if they state thats the price?
it isnt obviously and they have massively over charged me, can i do anything through the bank? ie claim an amount has wrongly been removed without authorisation?
i need to know what i can and cannot do really
Im sure if they are reputable enough, a quick phone call/email will suffice and all will be well at the end of that day. if not, then if you paid via credit card you can have a quick convo with your card issuer, explain to them and prove they are advertised at a certain price, then they will get in touch. Obviously they have a lot more clout that your average customer ;)
ive just downloaded the 2011 prices and catalogue and its clear they are £95 each so i do have some proof
mental amount to overcharge though, they must have realised they were doing it
If push comes to shove, you're covered by distance selling rules and can return them for a refund.
Probably an honest mistake, well, you'd hope.
They probs had difficulty running the card through, and have ran it through a few times without realising.
Like someone has said already if you have paid on your credit card then you will be covered. The company should be able to simply put it back onto your card. If you have made a cock up and misread the price then you are still able to return the goods (as long as you are quick) due to the distance selling regulations. You should inform the company you are doing so.
If you get into a problem with the company your credit company will fight your case for you. Collect all evidence and be prepared to have to pay the full amount and then get it reimbursed later.
Good luck :happy2:
If push comes to shove, you're covered by distance selling rules and can return them for a refund.
Probably an honest mistake, well, you'd hope.
they can definately have them back at this money :fighting:
They probs had difficulty running the card through, and have ran it through a few times without realising.
that was my initial thought, 3 x £190 is £570 so almost £560
i wont be taking prisoners getting this sorted thats for sure, i guess i am liable for postage return costs if i reject them
is it worth mentioning that although the parts were received and signed for there was no invoice with them, no record of my payment
If push comes to shove, you're covered by distance selling rules and can return them for a refund.
Probably an honest mistake, well, you'd hope.
they can definately have them back at this money :fighting:
They probs had difficulty running the card through, and have ran it through a few times without realising.
that was my initial thought, 3 x £190 is £570 so almost £560
i wont be taking prisoners getting this sorted thats for sure, i guess i am liable for postage return costs if i reject them
Yes the rules of distance selling state your are responsible for the return postage
If push comes to shove, you're covered by distance selling rules and can return them for a refund.
Probably an honest mistake, well, you'd hope.
they can definately have them back at this money :fighting:
They probs had difficulty running the card through, and have ran it through a few times without realising.
that was my initial thought, 3 x £190 is £570 so almost £560
i wont be taking prisoners getting this sorted thats for sure, i guess i am liable for postage return costs if i reject them
Yes the rules of distance selling state your are responsible for the return postage
p1sser... but i suppose if worst case scenario happens its better to be bathed for postage than for £560
Reading time.
Section 3.48 states that delivery costs ARE included. :wink:
They won't have any proof that you agreed to the higher price anyway, beacause the card payment would have been put through with the customer not present option.
Reading time.
Section 3.48 states that delivery costs ARE included. :wink:
:notworthy: superb mate, thankyou :drinking:
i am hoping this is just a mistake, although cant see how overcharging me by such a large amount can be, feeling better now i have the consumer rights in front of me :smiley:
They won't have any proof that you agreed to the higher price anyway, beacause the card payment would have been put through with the customer not present option.
thats what im thinking, which would also indicate i didnt authorise it potentially.
not having a receipt or invoice or bill of sale isnt a good sign either
That a pretty hefty overcharge... hope you manage to sort it out without too much bother!
i'll update the thread with how i get on, but glad i was checking the online account tonight thats for sure!
Hope you get it sorted, I'll imagine they will just admit a mistake was made and refund you :smiley:
My thoughts would be to contact the seller and see how you get on. If they are difficult to get hold of or don't play ball then contact the card issuer and advise them that you do not recognise the transaction and most certainly did not authorise it. Banks don't fcuk around and they will drag the money straight back from the seller regardless and then worry about sorting it out later.
That should spur the seller into action quite quickly.
well called them, explained that i bought a product for £190 and was charged £560 and they have no record of me :confused:
i suggested that they find my details :fighting:
theyll be calling me back in about half an hour, if they havent called by lunch i'm phoning the bank :chicken:
They have no record :surprised: :confused:
I'd give them the 30 mins and then ring back. If no joy then i'd hang up and call the bank straight away.
yeah that worried me too, they asked me for the details to which i obviously told them i havent received any :fighting2:
thats why theyre off looking for them.... considering they only charged my card yesterday i wouldnt have thought the hunt would have been that hard :confused:
Am I missing the name of this company? or are you protecting their identity for now?
If they have to be avoided it would be good to know who it is.... :drinking:
^^^^ seconded
subd to this one :fighting:
I have recently been the victim of a banking fraud and I can assure you that the banks will react quickly to protect their interests and if you tell them you've not authorised the payment they'll drag it back from the company via the Visa/MasterCard network.
At this point I don't see a need to name the company - It's a matter between the OP and them.
i could name the company but i dont think i need to at this stage :happy2:
i'm giving it until 10:05 then they would have had an entire hour to find my details :chicken:
8 mins and counting :party: :party: :grin:
after being put on hold i got transferred, reminded them who i was and that i called an hour ago..
"yup just sorting it now i'll call you in a minute" [click]
er.... hanging up on me does not inspire confidence and if their version of a minute is anything like their version of half an hour i could be waiting a while :fighting2:
i'm a patient guy though, i'll give them some time
I'm patient like you but I'd give them 30 more mins max!!!
Then i would be straight on to the bank.
Hope you get it sorted quickly mate :happy2:
paying over the phone for things like this is always going to be a trust issue regardless of who you buy from but ive never encountered this sort of thing before, thats why i started a thread so people could see what happens and hopefully learn from the results.... or my mistakes :grin:
...anyway 20 minutes gone, no call.
calling at 10:35 for the last time for an answer, then it will be the bank next :popcornsoda:
10:39 called back, receptionist put me on hold and then told me he's with a customer so could i call back later :confused:
... time to call the bank. 8)
Time to name and shame the scum bags!! Obviously trying to pull a fast one.
Yeh call the bank mate. As stu says they don't hang around
well.. that didnt go as hoped.
The legal department were very sympathetic but they cant do anything.
For them to be able to act i need to have a record of the sale, they would use this to then see what i should have paid vs what was taken from the card and then claim the money back for me
but because this was done over the phone and not the internet or in person there is no record of the transaction because the company didnt send me one, they only send the goods
the bank said all i can do is take it up with the trading standards but then i it would be MY responsibility to prove i didnt buy or agree to £560 worth of goods and not the company i bought it from admitting i only bought £190 :fighting:
how fcukin unfair is that!
so this is boiling neatly down to a "my word against theirs" scenario
i'll attempt to phone the company again......
Surely they can see the transaction is to a company and if you tell them that you didn't authorise that much then i can't see why they can't stop it. But i guess they know what they are talking about.
Feel for you their mate and i hope you get a resolution quick :sad1:
as far as they are concerned i could simply have bought something and then now be attempting to get my money back and keep goods, i need proof of purchase.
i understand that, but if i dont have it because the company didnt send it then i'm left high and dry
I'm not sure that is entirely the case mate. So far as I understand you simply advise them that you didn't authorise the transaction. You will likely have to sign a disclaimer form.
receptionist now knowing who i am stuttered and then said the guy is in a meeting :chicken:
i explained why i really needed to speak to him and i was transferred to credit control who stated they couldnt help and transferred me back as they dont handle the payments :chicken:
so what i have now discovered is that two business's are trading from one address and there is a central receptionist, the credit department although processed the payment dont hold the invoices belonging to the other business as they are separate.
so back to the receptionist i went, keeping my friendly voice on i requested that he be interrupted and she tried although informed me the line just rang and rang and that i should keep trying to call back throughout the day.
she was pretty decent with me to be fair and told me her shift finished at lunch time and a new receptionist would be on, i should then ring and ask to speak to the managing director and gave me his name.
did you not get a dispatch note or picking note with the items?
I'm not sure that is entirely the case mate. So far as I understand you simply advise them that you didn't authorise the transaction. You will likely have to sign a disclaimer form.
nope, because i admitted to buying goods and receiving them its the amount in dispute not the actual transaction as a whole unfortunately, so i need proof which i dont have other than a bank statement showing the excessive amount
this is turning into a royal PITA
did you not get a dispatch note or picking note with the items?
no, the only paperwork that came with the goods was a printed address form stuck to the outside of the box
I'd get in the car and drive to where they are. It's a lot harder to fob somebody off when they are in your face! Regardless of all the disputes your still entitled to return anything you purchase that you ain't seen within 28 days so couldn't you just send them straight back regardless?
ive got the overwhealming urge to send them back, but the way things are going i'd be a little nervous that i would then be out of pocket and have no goods either - the company dont seem to be that reliable, mad considering they are very well known and have been trading for many years
as for driving to them, i would if they werent all the way up in hampshire
Hampshire you say.... :jumping:
Maybe now is a good time to reveal the company details :evilgrin:
Oh that sounds promising H, we could do bacon butties en route ;-)
dont see why not :smiley:
Very famous in the VW world, more so in the aircooled
These boys?
18 Premier Way
Abbey Park Industrial Estate
SO51 9DQ
They are actually part of a much bigger concern -
In 1997 The Dormobile Ltd Company became available and after 2 years negotiation the Dormobile name and goodwill were purchased from the Official Receiver. The company was supported and then sold to SHB Hire Group in 2002.
SBH4X4 was the name that appeared on the statement
i was oblivious though to the hire company side of it all as i went via this site:
if they play up, mention you wil go to all the land rover sites and magazines and inform them of what they have done.
That said you havent spoken to the director yet, so you might still be OK
Looks like Philip Gadsby may be the financial director :innocent:
Edit - Scratch that he's left.
well he called back.
they list two prices on the website for the product i bought apparently and after following his instructions over the phone he showed me where they were
one product - old stock and no longer available is £95
the other is £275 and is the new product and this isnt clear at all
i was clear with what i was buying at the time and the confusion has been at their end, i thought i was buying the £95 product.
he has said that he cant do a pair at that price but will speak to his suppliers to see what he can do with the price, although doubtful he will get it down to £190
ive stated that that is the money and the product i was buying and the error lies with them which he has admitted to (although verbally). i asked to return them for a refund to which he said he would accept but there would be my postage cost plus he would insist on a heavy handling fee :fighting:
apparently talking to his suppliers is going to take the rest of the day and he's promising to call me back first thing in the morning
I R not a happy cherry :chicken:
guy i'm dealing with is called Jim Bullock and the MD is called Mike Street.
Jim is wary that his name is on the line and doesnt want to damage it nor me be unhappy so i guess i just have to sit and wait
Appointed as secretary on 05 Nov 2008 (Document)
Oh that sounds promising H, we could do bacon butties en route ;-)
I'll come and could bring some toys :evilgrin:
returns is one thing, i know id have to pay postage on that, but can he honestly charge me a handling fee if it doesnt declare it on their website?
i can see me being without product, refund and a hole in the bank account
I don't see how he can charge a restocking fee if it's not declared.
Have you thoroughly checked all the packaging as it may just be a small receipt stuck somewhere. It's highly odd that a company wouldn't provide a receipt. I have bought stuff over the phone before and always been given a receipt which has the invoice and next to payment details "customer not present"
I know it's a pain but i would wait to see what he says tomorrow. I would log all calls to and from as well. That way if you do have to seek legal advice you can show you have been reasonable and given the company ample time to sort this out of their own accord.
Im pretty sure that under the sale of goods act if they advertise something at the wrong price that is their fault not yours and they have to cover it not you. Your best bet would be in the meantime speak to CAB and find out what options are available to you.
I would also ask to speak to a supervisor at your bank and explain you did not authorise a transaction for £560 and want it stopping. I wouldn't even bother explaining the rest for now just tell them that transaction is not authorised and say, as Stu has mentioned, your happy to sign any paperwork to that effect.
well he called back.
they list two prices on the website for the product i bought apparently and after following his instructions over the phone he showed me where they were
one product - old stock and no longer available is £95
the other is £275 and is the new product and this isnt clear at all
i was clear with what i was buying at the time and the confusion has been at their end, i thought i was buying the £95 product.
he has said that he cant do a pair at that price but will speak to his suppliers to see what he can do with the price, although doubtful he will get it down to £190
ive stated that that is the money and the product i was buying and the error lies with them which he has admitted to (although verbally). i asked to return them for a refund to which he said he would accept but there would be my postage cost plus he would insist on a heavy handling fee :fighting:
apparently talking to his suppliers is going to take the rest of the day and he's promising to call me back first thing in the morning
I R not a happy cherry :chicken:
How come?? Suerly they are his overheads and he knows his own margins? c0ck.
yeah that was my thought too :smiley:
he will either honour the original price or he wont, cant see whats so hard to work out unless the decision is not his
I think we can safely say you wont be dealing with them again.
Mistakes are understandable and inevitable. However, the way they are rectified marks the quality of the company you are dealing with.
VC put Dormobile in google with trading standards next to it :wink: you see the amount of problems people have had with them, If I'm buying off an internet company I always put there name in and see if there business comes up with any thing on trading standards. Call me paranoid but thats life these days
Sorry to here the problems your having mate hopefully it will be sorted to your satisfaction.
I just looked at that but its first post was 2009? although if you look to Lot 447 Lot details it says Dormobile ceased trading in 1994 :surprised:
this would now explain why he was concerned about the reputation :confused:
maybe a gentle word saying i am publishing my story on the internet would make sure he plays fair when i speak to him tomorrow, assuming he phones - but if not i'll definately be calling him
Well finally had time to read your thread and peruse their website. they are blagging you mate !
First things first, report the problem to the Advertising Standards Agency, they have just become responsible for marketing on websites, take a screen shot and email it to them and get a reference number.
When/if he calls you back in the morning and states he will not match the price just explain that this is the reference for the ASA and under the circumstances you do not want to go any further but have already reported and next step is trading standards (who i am sure will be interested in them) looking at their track record, immediately report an overcharge with your bank/credit card and get them on the case ! If it was your bank account tell them you have fraudulently been overcharged.
Pressure Pressure Pressure will get you your desired outcome.
If you need any advice or pointers just PM me mate and i will give you my number. (I am an online retailer so know how it works)
Well finally had time to read your thread and peruse their website. they are blagging you mate !
First things first, report the problem to the Advertising Standards Agency, they have just become responsible for marketing on websites, take a screen shot and email it to them and get a reference number.
When/if he calls you back in the morning and states he will not match the price just explain that this is the reference for the ASA and under the circumstances you do not want to go any further but have already reported and next step is trading standards (who i am sure will be interested in them) looking at their track record, immediately report an overcharge with your bank/credit card and get them on the case ! If it was your bank account tell them you have fraudulently been overcharged.
Pressure Pressure Pressure will get you your desired outcome.
If you need any advice or pointers just PM me mate and i will give you my number. (I am an online retailer so know how it works)
thats very very interesting mate, although ASA start on the 1st of March?
or am i reading it wrong?
They do officially !
But if you call them and report it now, guess who will be one of the first on their list !
They are results driven so want all the help they can get.
input appreciated dude :happy2:
more ammo.
The most important thing is your bank/credit card
retailers sh1t themselves when the bank calls to revoke payment systems because of miss representation on websites or overcharge !
:jumpmove: :jumpmove:
yeah but the bank dont want to know, as far as they are concerned if i have no proof of purchase (physical) then they cant act, and ive spoken to both the card dept and the dispute dept - both say the same so only offer empathy and tell me to take it up with the company
I thought you had an email from checkout and then the price was different when the product arrived ?
input appreciated dude :happy2:
more ammo.
Take the cnuts down :fighting: :fighting: :evilgrin:
I thought you had an email from checkout and then the price was different when the product arrived ?
nope no emails, items were ordered over the phone. an email would get the card issuer going but alas no such luck
sorry, must have read that bit in my head !
As I said if you need anymore help just PM.
cheers dude :happy2:
i'm going to see what the morning brings... or what i bring to it :laugh:
Oh that sounds promising H, we could do bacon butties en route ;-)
I'll come and could bring some toys :evilgrin:
I fancy a day out can i come too, got some leave to use up. :wink:
well, waited all morning and no call.
been trying to call them this afternoon and the receptionist tells me the lines are engaged each time.
Hope you get it sorted,nothing worse than being ripped off. :sad1:
i guess i now have the dilemma of do i send the product back without the communication and risk losing money and product without or do i just sit, wait and carry on being treated like an idiot :stupid:
My thoughts would be to have it sent back, tracked and then demand a refund knowing they have it (if they ever speak to me again)
if i dont have it can i claim on the card, but i suppose it would be back to proof again of the initial purchase
well, face on floor he called back!
wont bore you with the conversation details but long and short of it he will take them back for a refund. I have to pay the postage out to me and the return postage even though i know i'm only liable for the return as the mistake at point of sale wasnt mine
wasnt going to argue it as i think the deal is on a knife edge as it is, items being collected from me tomorrow with delivery to them expected for monday at the latest, he's then promising to phone me to confirm the arrival and arrange the refund.
one big fat lesson learnt here about phone orders thats for sure :chicken:
Nearly sorted now though.
One thing for sure it's been a great read. ( not sure which smiley is apropiate ) :smiley: :chicken: :fighting2: :rolleye:
the point of writing it all onto here was for people to learn from my experience which hopefully some have.... i know i have, and the end is almost in sight :pomppomp:
By way of a thanks why not send him a few of these.
- thinks i ought to have the money in my account first :grin:
I've been closely following this thread.
I think only twice have I ever bought something over the phone. Can't for the life of me remember what one of them is but the other was a day at Bannatyne's spa (mother's birthday).
It really is hit and miss sometimes with companies. Recently bought some duragloss off a website that I'd never heard of. The only reason I used them was they had it in stock and used paypal. Could have been a scam website but thankfully wasn't.
I think the annoying thing is one of the main points of using a credit card is the ability to claim the cash in the event of a problem. Banks are also supposed to protect their customers. It's miserable that you've been failed in this way. I guess you're lucky they have even thought about refunding. Hope the misery is over soon though.
WOW what a crock of turds this has turned out to be VC...hope you get your wonga back on Monday. :happy2:
Customer services from companies these days is absolutley shocking with joe public having to take on the ball ache of chasing these douchbags to get your hard earned back... :fighting: