MK5 Golf GTI

General => Shows, Events and Meets => Old Event Details => Topic started by: joesgti on February 26, 2009, 02:43:24 pm

Title: 3rd forum meet....IDEAS + DATES
Post by: joesgti on February 26, 2009, 02:43:24 pm
Well as the title says, any ideas and dates.

i think karting would be quite fun!! around the midlands again so its in the middle for everyone.

or i was in contact with knockhill track and they said that we could hire the track for a day for 3000-5000 (depending on dates) so the price wouldnt be bad if we had 30-40 cars!! but would you take your car on a track??

or we could just do another RWYB day at the pod when the weather is a lil better.

oh and meets in car parks are pritty boring so is best to actually do something where ever we go!
Title: Re: 3rd forum meet....IDEAS + DATES
Post by: MAT ED30 on February 26, 2009, 02:52:11 pm
there is a rwyb day at york dragstrip its over easter holls
- 14th Annual Mini vs. Beetle Shootout
- Drag Racers Test & Tune
- Run What You've Brung sessions


- Modders/Tuners Shootout Round 1
- Test & Tune for High Performance and Drag Cars
- Run What You've Brung Sessions
- Air-Cooled Eliminations Round 1

Title: Re: 3rd forum meet....IDEAS + DATES
Post by: Hurdy on February 26, 2009, 02:54:24 pm
I wondered when this would pop up. :smiley:

I'm up for another meet, but we will already be seeing each other on a semi-regular basis due to the show season getting into gear.

Here are just a few in the next two months that a few of us will be at..

8th March - Ultimate Dubs :smiley:
14th March - RWYB day at the Pod - again :happy2:
29th March - Spring Festival
12th April - Elsecar Mega Meet.

Knockhill - would be good, but it is waaaay up in Scotland :sad:
Karting - excellent idea :jumping:
RWYB - always good for a laugh and a bit of healthy drag going on (!)

Title: Re: 3rd forum meet....IDEAS + DATES
Post by: joesgti on February 26, 2009, 02:56:22 pm
i was thinking a little bit later, maybe may time, this would give people enough time to plan ahead, and we need this to be the biggest meet soo far!  :smiley:
Title: Re: 3rd forum meet....IDEAS + DATES
Post by: MAT ED30 on February 26, 2009, 03:01:38 pm
gti inters  :smiley:
Title: Re: 3rd forum meet....IDEAS + DATES
Post by: stealthwolf on February 26, 2009, 06:40:28 pm
I'll go, unless philly/steve turns up with another cheesy garlic bread.
Title: Re: 3rd forum meet....IDEAS + DATES
Post by: billyboy on February 26, 2009, 06:58:12 pm
gti inters  :smiley:
:sick:  :sad:
i'll be in france on hol for inters
Title: Re: 3rd forum meet....IDEAS + DATES
Post by: Toast on February 26, 2009, 07:14:04 pm
I say Knockhill :happy2:  Its only an Hour from My house  :laugh:lol
Think Gti Inters would be a good 1 for me 8)

Title: Re: 3rd forum meet....IDEAS + DATES
Post by: T88OMM on February 26, 2009, 07:59:25 pm
GTI Inters would be perfect  :happy2:
Title: Re: 3rd forum meet....IDEAS + DATES
Post by: candy turbo on February 26, 2009, 08:00:09 pm
dont know how much it would cost or any detail but mallory park is a low key track with pretty good access if any one is interested i could try to get more info ??
Title: Re: 3rd forum meet....IDEAS + DATES
Post by: Tfsi_Mike on February 26, 2009, 08:18:19 pm
there is a rwyb day at york dragstrip its over easter holls
- 14th Annual Mini vs. Beetle Shootout
- Drag Racers Test & Tune
- Run What You've Brung sessions


- Modders/Tuners Shootout Round 1
- Test & Tune for High Performance and Drag Cars
- Run What You've Brung Sessions
- Air-Cooled Eliminations Round 1

Something in April would be mint for my 1st meet as I back home on some loooooong awaited leave  :drinking:
Title: Re: 3rd forum meet....IDEAS + DATES
Post by: The wheel man on March 02, 2009, 12:30:36 pm
karting sounds cool.  Also a track day if the price is OK......would be my first so a simple / quiet track is preffered  :happy2:
Title: Re: 3rd forum meet....IDEAS + DATES
Post by: joesgti on March 02, 2009, 12:39:12 pm
does anybody know any decnet go-kart tracks?
Title: Re: 3rd forum meet....IDEAS + DATES
Post by: NEWEY on March 02, 2009, 12:41:58 pm
does anybody know any decnet go-kart tracks?

if your coming to the midlands birmingham wheels has a brilliant track and fast karts
Title: Re: 3rd forum meet....IDEAS + DATES
Post by: joesgti on March 02, 2009, 12:54:20 pm
well i think it should be held around the midlands then its in the middle for everyone to attend  :smiley:
Title: Re: 3rd forum meet....IDEAS + DATES
Post by: JPC on March 02, 2009, 01:01:23 pm
daytona, milton keynes? that would be great! ;)
Title: Re: 3rd forum meet....IDEAS + DATES
Post by: joesgti on March 02, 2009, 01:10:40 pm
daytona, milton keynes? that would be great! ;)

theres one in manchester aswell, lol  :laugh:
Title: Re: 3rd forum meet....IDEAS + DATES
Post by: joesgti on March 02, 2009, 01:12:11 pm
the one at milton keys looks mint compared to manc  :laugh:
Title: Re: 3rd forum meet....IDEAS + DATES
Post by: JPC on March 02, 2009, 04:27:43 pm
ye it is a bit better, although i still love manchester.

i only suggested Milton Keynes so it was more in the middle of the country and more people likely to attend! ;l)
Title: Re: 3rd forum meet....IDEAS + DATES
Post by: SteveP on March 02, 2009, 04:37:41 pm
ye it is a bit better, although i still love manchester.

i only suggested Milton Keynes so it was more in the middle of the country and more people likely to attend! ;l)

The MK one is good and about 15 mins from me, so it gets my vote  :laugh:
Title: Re: 3rd forum meet....IDEAS + DATES
Post by: joesgti on March 02, 2009, 04:40:38 pm
ye it is a bit better, although i still love manchester.

i only suggested Milton Keynes so it was more in the middle of the country and more people likely to attend! ;l)

The MK one is good and about 15 mins from me, so it gets my vote  :laugh:

 :P :P :P about 2 1/2 hours for me  :grin: :grin:
Title: Re: 3rd forum meet....IDEAS + DATES
Post by: Top Cat on March 02, 2009, 04:53:13 pm
ye it is a bit better, although i still love manchester.

i only suggested Milton Keynes so it was more in the middle of the country and more people likely to attend! ;l)

The MK one is good and about 15 mins from me, so it gets my vote  :laugh:

 :P :P :P about 2 1/2 hours for me  :grin: :grin:

And the rest Joe more like 3  :innocent:
Title: Re: 3rd forum meet....IDEAS + DATES
Post by: Caz on March 02, 2009, 10:30:54 pm
yorkshire..  :happy2:  :innocent:  :love:
Title: Re: 3rd forum meet....IDEAS + DATES
Post by: billyboy on March 03, 2009, 10:57:32 pm
daytona, milton keynes? that would be great! ;)
Drop in on the VWR/Racingline crew for a brew, (so i can KEY that car)
Title: Re: 3rd forum meet....IDEAS + DATES
Post by: WhiteGTI on March 04, 2009, 08:46:39 am
MK area is ok for me (coming from Reading area)
Title: Re: 3rd forum meet....IDEAS + DATES
Post by: The wheel man on March 04, 2009, 12:32:53 pm
A couple of suggestions....   Just off the M1 J18   bit further north, in Leicestershire

been to stretton a couple of times, not a technical circuit but plenty fast....1 for big kahunas.  The Whitton mill was OK, ive only been on the small circuit in the wet, good laugh but those karts wernt that fast.  The bigger curcuits have different twin engine karts that looked VERY fast..... karts were spinning off the track on the straights!!!!  :surprised:

Title: Re: 3rd forum meet....IDEAS + DATES
Post by: Toptrump on March 05, 2009, 11:11:47 am
There is also a pretty large one in Warrington, but that might be a bit out of the way for people.

Bit of a bummer about the Easter dates, I am off to Oulton Park for the for start of the new GT season which is on over the 3 days of Easter.  I will get to a meet this year one way or another!  :smiley:
Title: Re: 3rd forum meet....IDEAS + DATES
Post by: joesgti on March 05, 2009, 11:18:31 am
yea, the one at warrington is damn good, (im sure it was the best in the UK at one point) id be up for that but im not sure others would,  :chicken:
Title: Re: 3rd forum meet....IDEAS + DATES
Post by: Toptrump on March 05, 2009, 11:36:32 am
I think it was Joe, I have never been on the large track, but looking at the picture is looks  8).  :smiley:
Title: Re: 3rd forum meet....IDEAS + DATES
Post by: joesgti on March 05, 2009, 11:51:10 am
well id be up for it!!
Title: Re: 3rd forum meet....IDEAS + DATES
Post by: T88OMM on March 10, 2009, 01:42:43 pm
Karitng is a great idea. I would not mind opening a can of whoop ass on y'all!! We just need to find a place where everyone can agree on. I think Milton Keynes is the best idea to date  :happy2:
Title: Re: 3rd forum meet....IDEAS + DATES
Post by: joesgti on March 10, 2009, 01:49:06 pm
Karitng is a great idea. I would not mind opening a can of whoop ass on y'all!! We just need to find a place where everyone can agree on. I think Milton Keynes is the best idea to date  :happy2:

didnt you used to race them or something?

if so your not invited  :signLOL:
Title: Re: 3rd forum meet....IDEAS + DATES
Post by: T88OMM on March 10, 2009, 01:56:50 pm
Yeah I have had plenty of experience in them, Jay aint so bad either. I aint coming if Jonny is driving though, haha!  :happy2:
Title: Re: 3rd forum meet....IDEAS + DATES
Post by: joesgti on March 10, 2009, 02:00:43 pm
you want to set a date? or is TC organising the RR day for the 3rd meet.
Title: Re: 3rd forum meet....IDEAS + DATES
Post by: T88OMM on March 10, 2009, 02:02:26 pm
Wait till TC or Steve P sees this and then we can get it all going. We defo need to set a date soon  :happy2:
Title: Re: 3rd forum meet....IDEAS + DATES
Post by: The wheel man on March 11, 2009, 05:43:28 pm
Yeah I have had plenty of experience in them, Jay aint so bad either. I aint coming if Jonny is driving though, haha!  :happy2:

Love a challenge  :driver:  :evilgrin:
Title: Re: 3rd forum meet....IDEAS + DATES
Post by: The wheel man on March 31, 2009, 08:15:57 am
Any thoughts on this or is the show season on so we will se each other anyway??
Title: Re: 3rd forum meet....IDEAS + DATES
Post by: Caz on March 31, 2009, 09:55:03 pm
i wont be showing my car anywhere this season...

going to donny show and pugfest (i know.. its to suppot my ... but that it...

would be up for a meet near/in my area..  :party:
Title: Re: 3rd forum meet....IDEAS + DATES
Post by: Greeners on March 31, 2009, 09:57:31 pm
you want to set a date? or is TC organising the RR day for the 3rd meet.

As soon as Steve is back I'll get the RR day sorted  :grouphug:
Title: Re: 3rd forum meet....IDEAS + DATES
Post by: joesgti on April 01, 2009, 09:17:24 am
you want to set a date? or is TC organising the RR day for the 3rd meet.

As soon as Steve is back I'll get the RR day sorted  :grouphug:

where at? mats sorting one out aswell.  :smiley:
Title: Re: 3rd forum meet....IDEAS + DATES
Post by: Greeners on April 01, 2009, 09:42:02 am
you want to set a date? or is TC organising the RR day for the 3rd meet.

As soon as Steve is back I'll get the RR day sorted  :grouphug:

where at? mats sorting one out aswell.  :smiley:

Sorry Joe, read your post and thought you wanted an RR day organising?

It has been the forums intention to organise a centrally located RR day since the end of last year. If Mat is organising one we need to make sure the dates are far enough apart to make both feasible.  :smiley:
Title: Re: 3rd forum meet....IDEAS + DATES
Post by: joesgti on April 01, 2009, 09:45:37 am
forum RR day sounds good to me, you have any dates in mind?  :smiley:
Title: Re: 3rd forum meet....IDEAS + DATES
Post by: Greeners on April 01, 2009, 10:00:13 am
forum RR day sounds good to me, you have any dates in mind?  :smiley:

As soon as Mr PG is back on the country I'll get on it!  :happy2: