MK5 Golf GTI

General => Random Chat => Topic started by: Msportman on March 05, 2011, 02:06:31 pm

Title: £2 + per litre for petrol announced today!
Post by: Msportman on March 05, 2011, 02:06:31 pm
I see today on the news that there is a serious prediction by economist of over £2 per litre for fuel.

This is going to cause serious problems for many.

GTI's and many other cars will be priced off the road.

Small engined cars will make an even greater resurgence especially 1.2 and 1.4 turbo units is my prediction.

Lucky I only use my good old MK2 16V for 6 months of the year...summer use and track work for my thrills.

Running my Edition 30 would be very painful now.
Title: Re: £2 + per litre for petrol announced today!
Post by: parks on March 05, 2011, 02:15:30 pm
Que the prices of thirsty cars dropping again

Time for a polo gti.....
Title: Re: £2 + per litre for petrol announced today!
Post by: VC on March 05, 2011, 02:23:35 pm
its being offset though, applications have been made to the euro courts to have remote uk regions fuel prices set lower, and also business zones for companies within them to achieve cheaper fill ups.

general public though will have to bear most of the brunt, economists want us to drive smaller more efficient engine cars which is why manufacturers concentrate so hard on them now and less on flamboyant models.

its will become the point where only the affluent will drive big engine cars
Title: Re: £2 + per litre for petrol announced today!
Post by: Nasir on March 05, 2011, 02:36:51 pm
What a joke, it just makes the decision to go diesel even more tempting.
Title: Re: £2 + per litre for petrol announced today!
Post by: h4rdy on March 05, 2011, 03:13:46 pm

Drive slower?

All the people at work complaining about fuel costs all whizz past me on the motorway at 100/110 on the way home!

Moan about getting 25-30 mpg out of a diesel!

I just laugh.

There is not much we can do about it sorry to say, don't think about it drive less and enjoy when you do.

Go on the bus to town, walk.

You say to me 'why should I' but thats the way it is now and we are going to have to accept it.
Title: Re: £2 + per litre for petrol announced today!
Post by: VC on March 05, 2011, 03:16:25 pm
Exactly  :happy2:
Title: Re: £2 + per litre for petrol announced today!
Post by: Nasir on March 05, 2011, 03:42:12 pm
You say to me 'why should I' but thats the way it is now and we are going to have to accept it.

Erm, no we don't have to accept it! We've been fed the same BS everytime. "Oil will run out in 8 years, there's only a few years left", I heard that stuff in 2002! They'll always find a reason to hike the price up, the public are just too numb to do anything about it (including me).
Title: Re: £2 + per litre for petrol announced today!
Post by: tony_danza on March 05, 2011, 03:51:04 pm
Ooooo.. V8 M3s will be looking cheap soon... :popcornsoda:
Title: Re: £2 + per litre for petrol announced today!
Post by: Janner_Sy on March 05, 2011, 03:59:52 pm
i 90% agree with h4rdy in all honesty.

its quite easy to achieve high 30mpg in the tfsi.  Its just immensely boring and nobody does it.  fuel prices are going to continue to go up for the forseable future.  the more it runs out, the more they can increase the price.  so in leading up to 2050 when they predict oil levels wil be depleted we'll see some horriffic hikes.

lets just hope the oil companies start finding deep sea oil wells and the technology to extract it.  but in the mean time as h4rdy says, you have to accept it, sel up and get a diesel, or adjust the way you drive.

as td says, theres going to be some very cheap high performance gas guzzlers coming to the market soon with huge bargains to be had
Title: Re: £2 + per litre for petrol announced today!
Post by: h4rdy on March 05, 2011, 04:04:55 pm
You say to me 'why should I' but thats the way it is now and we are going to have to accept it.

Erm, no we don't have to accept it! We've been fed the same BS everytime. "Oil will run out in 8 years, there's only a few years left", I heard that stuff in 2002! They'll always find a reason to hike the price up, the public are just too numb to do anything about it (including me).

What do you propose? A march on parliament in the name of mk5golfgti?
I will tell you now 15 years ago we had 50 years of air travel left.
That was from a senior engineering executive at BA before it all went global.
We WILL be driving electric cars or the like in ten years time period.
Title: Re: £2 + per litre for petrol announced today!
Post by: Sunglasses Ron on March 05, 2011, 04:10:11 pm
Ooooo.. V8 M3s will be looking cheap soon... :popcornsoda:

 :signLOL: Trust you to find a positive out of a negative Mike..  :grin: :happy2:

Had a passenger run out in a brand spanking C63 AMG earlier. That things spits fuel at ya and you could hear your bank balance going through the injectors and out the exhaust...  :scared: But what a sound it was..  :drool:
Title: Re: £2 + per litre for petrol announced today!
Post by: Sunglasses Ron on March 05, 2011, 04:12:56 pm
You say to me 'why should I' but thats the way it is now and we are going to have to accept it.

Erm, no we don't have to accept it! We've been fed the same BS everytime. "Oil will run out in 8 years, there's only a few years left", I heard that stuff in 2002! They'll always find a reason to hike the price up, the public are just too numb to do anything about it (including me).

What do you propose? A march on parliament in the name of mk5golfgti?
I will tell you now 15 years ago we had 50 years of air travel left.
That was from a senior engineering executive at BA before it all went global.
We WILL be driving electric cars or the like in ten years time period.

As long as they do 12 second 1/4's, I couldn't give a rats ass..
Title: Re: £2 + per litre for petrol announced today!
Post by: Janner_Sy on March 05, 2011, 04:18:30 pm
electric cars arent the future IMO.  everyone wants carbon free, and electric cars are just not even close ot it when you take into account the power generation, that and the range is always as an issue as is disposal of batteries.

Hydrogen cars are where the future will be, once they ascertain the technology to store it safely
Title: Re: £2 + per litre for petrol announced today!
Post by: tony_danza on March 05, 2011, 04:20:17 pm
Ooooo.. V8 M3s will be looking cheap soon... :popcornsoda:

 :signLOL: Trust you to find a positive out of a negative Mike..  :grin: :happy2:

Had a passenger run out in a brand spanking C63 AMG earlier. That things spits fuel at ya and you could hear your bank balance going through the injectors and out the exhaust...  :scared: But what a sound it was..  :drool:

I just don't care, I refuse to get worked up and a Daily Mail style rage - nothing we do is going to change it. Frankly if some clown wants to panic and lose £5k off the value of their car overnight because of the prospect of their fuel bill going up £10/week, like when the crunch hit, more fool them... I'll happily buy that car and convert the £5k saving into burnt fuel.

If it really hits the fan, I might upgrade to a V10  :party:
Title: Re: £2 + per litre for petrol announced today!
Post by: vRStu on March 05, 2011, 04:27:01 pm
£2 + per litre for petrol announced today!

Thats not entirely true is it.  Have you ever thought of getting a job with the Sun or Sport with scaremongering headlines like that??  :evilgrin:

Even Sky limited themselves to
Petrol Prices 'Could Soar To £2 A Litre'

The international development minister said, in a worst case scenario, where terrorists bombed oil tankers or Saudi reserves, the price of oil could rise to $250 dollars a barrel.
Title: Re: £2 + per litre for petrol announced today!
Post by: tony_danza on March 05, 2011, 04:30:42 pm
Since when have we ever let the truth get in the way of a good scaremongering story?
Title: Re: £2 + per litre for petrol announced today!
Post by: RedRobin on March 05, 2011, 04:40:57 pm
I'm with tony_d on this one - Think Positive! Is your petrol tank half-full or half-empty? Mine's always half-full.
Title: Re: £2 + per litre for petrol announced today!
Post by: Sunglasses Ron on March 05, 2011, 04:43:04 pm
Mine's always empty Robin... Not because i'm negative, but because it's Stage 2+ :laugh:
Title: Re: £2 + per litre for petrol announced today!
Post by: RedRobin on March 05, 2011, 04:45:53 pm

Then another reason for me to stay on Stage2.
Title: Re: £2 + per litre for petrol announced today!
Post by: Janner_Sy on March 05, 2011, 04:48:23 pm
Mine's always empty Robin... Not because i'm negative, but because it's Stage 2+ :laugh:
:grin: :grin:
Title: Re: £2 + per litre for petrol announced today!
Post by: ub7rm on March 05, 2011, 04:50:49 pm
I work in the oil industry, on the 'get it out of the ground' side of things and I can tell you that there is absolutely no shortage of oil.  They will be taking oil out of the North Sea long after I'm pushing daisies and I'm only in my 20's ...

You know what the threshold for profit on most of the installations in the north sea is? $12 a barrel :jumping:  Some of the newer installations that are extracting 'difficult' oil are higher at $35-40.  

The reservoirs of old had to be abandoned when about 30% - 40% had been extracted and the technology now exists to get and get most of the rest out.  Of course this technology has a cost but its not why oil is so expensive today.  In fact its mostly a mystery, speculation would be my best guess.  All those reckless bankers have moved into commodities I think!
Title: Re: £2 + per litre for petrol announced today!
Post by: Janner_Sy on March 05, 2011, 04:57:29 pm
drilling for oil stops the sea rising, so its the cure for climate change :laugh:

i think im correct in saying when the extract the oil, to stop the creation of a void under the sea when they remove the oil they replace it with seawater.  \So all this melting ice caps is just a minor issue, extract more oil and fill it up with water.  problem solved.   :grin:
Title: Re: £2 + per litre for petrol announced today!
Post by: RedRobin on March 05, 2011, 04:58:37 pm

I work in the oil industry, on the 'get it out of the ground' side of things and I can tell you that there is absolutely no shortage of oil.  They will be taking oil out of the North Sea long after I'm pushing daisies and I'm only in my 20's ...

....That's what I've heard too and I don't work in the oil industry. I've also heard that further untapped reservoirs of oil are under The Arctic.
Title: Re: £2 + per litre for petrol announced today!
Post by: Hurdy on March 05, 2011, 05:21:10 pm
Mike's idea of a V10 upgrade sounds tempting :evilgrin:

10k miles a year at 15mpg and £2 a litre = £6608 a year in fuel

If the cost of a V10 comes down by £5k as a result of fuel costs that means a years motoring would only have cost you £1,608 - or the equivalent of making fuel 48p a litre for a year :star:

This is all assuming that the V10 doesn't fall in value  by another £5k in the year you have it due to fuel getting to £3 a litre :sick:
Title: Re: £2 + per litre for petrol announced today!
Post by: tony_danza on March 05, 2011, 06:26:51 pm
Man maths FTW.

Same happened when road tax went up, some woman was on the news bleating she'd just bought a Range Rover and had to sell it taking a £4k hit because she couldn't afford the extra couple of hundred pounds a year.

So long as fools walk the Earth, others will prosper!
Title: Re: £2 + per litre for petrol announced today!
Post by: ILoveTuna on March 05, 2011, 06:31:45 pm
Best news ever, if i waste more money on fuel it will force me to drink and gamble less... Result!!  :happy2:
Title: Re: £2 + per litre for petrol announced today!
Post by: 94Luke on March 05, 2011, 06:35:31 pm
Well that's me keeping my scooter then  :signLOL:

Yes my chemistry teacher told me that oil won't run out for a loooooooonng time, it's just going to get horrifically expensive when demand outstrips supply.

Also going with UB7RM, a lot of oil wells out there actually have a lot of oil left in them but we just couldn't/can't access it... yet.
Title: Re: £2 + per litre for petrol announced today!
Post by: RedRobin on March 05, 2011, 06:46:04 pm
Another upside of high petrol costs is that we might see less other traffic on the roads.
Title: Re: £2 + per litre for petrol announced today!
Post by: 94Luke on March 05, 2011, 06:47:24 pm
Another upside of high petrol costs is that we might see less other traffic on the roads.

Yes and no. Less cars maybe, but a hell of a lot more motorbikes/scooters!
Title: Re: £2 + per litre for petrol announced today!
Post by: ub7rm on March 05, 2011, 07:04:29 pm
drilling for oil stops the sea rising, so its the cure for climate change :laugh:

i think im correct in saying when the extract the oil, to stop the creation of a void under the sea when they remove the oil they replace it with seawater.  \So all this melting ice caps is just a minor issue, extract more oil and fill it up with water.  problem solved.   :grin:

Water or gas is used to displace the oil out.  There was a scheme to use the CO2 generated at power stations as lift gas and in turn capturing the CO2 under the sea.  It was technically feasible and the oil co's were up for it (look at how green we are sort of wheeze) but as it involved some government funding the scheme ended up being scrapped.
Title: Re: £2 + per litre for petrol announced today!
Post by: Top Cat on March 05, 2011, 07:37:30 pm


Did anyone see the comic relief program the other night, were lenny Henry and a couple of others went to live in Kibera for 2 weeks.  :chicken:
Msportsman you need a reality check pal. You have forgotten how good your life has been for the last few years were you have enough spare cash to fritter away on buying go faster bits for your car Extortionate prices at that ( APR)   :laugh:  i might add. Life must be really tough if you have to buy a smaller engine car to get buy.  :stupid:
Title: Re: £2 + per litre for petrol announced today!
Post by: 182_blue on March 05, 2011, 08:16:54 pm
A very clever way of making us happy to pay £1.30
Title: Re: £2 + per litre for petrol announced today!
Post by: Saint Steve on March 05, 2011, 08:22:00 pm
 I figured to start smoking again, you get taxed less to kill yourself then buying super unleaded.

I think topcat, if we left our cars in the garage like you are lucky enough to do on a weekly basis, you don't feel the pinch like people have to use their GTi as a daily.

Anymore then 1.50, then the golf will be going, or sit it on the lawn and not use it as much. :sad1:

Never thought bus travel will be a winner, but soon will be if this carries on.
Title: Re: £2 + per litre for petrol announced today!
Post by: 182_blue on March 05, 2011, 08:26:09 pm
I would rather pay £5 a litre than go on a bus  :grin:, i might just pick up a cheap Toureg R50 when petrol hits £2  :laugh:
Title: Re: £2 + per litre for petrol announced today!
Post by: Saint Steve on March 05, 2011, 08:29:28 pm
It's ok for you Shaun, like topcat, you don't drive your car enuff :signLOL:
Title: Re: £2 + per litre for petrol announced today!
Post by: MAT ED30 on March 05, 2011, 08:35:59 pm
 :signLOL: so true Steve
Title: Re: £2 + per litre for petrol announced today!
Post by: Top Cat on March 05, 2011, 08:37:59 pm
Our family car does 17,000 a year so i feel the pain of the prices,  but i have just swapped it for a diseasel, i havn't modded my car for a year because of less funds and a new child, i find it painfu,l but it's not that bad in reality, i have 2 friends that have lost their jobs and houses, and my sister brings her 2 children up without 2 sticks to rub together. Just think this thread needs perspective.  :rolleye:
Title: Re: £2 + per litre for petrol announced today!
Post by: Beddie on March 05, 2011, 08:48:53 pm
We do around 23K a year in the GTi so the increase in fuel prices has started to sting somewhat, averaging just over £100 a week now  :sad1:

As much as i don't want to jump on the panic selling bandwagon i fear the point where i have to be sensible and swap back to a diesel will definitely arrive should fuel ever hit £2 a litre...
Title: Re: £2 + per litre for petrol announced today!
Post by: vRS Carl on March 05, 2011, 08:55:15 pm
Just drive a bit slower and save the blasts for the weekends. Drive at 65mph instead of 70mph. You'll be surprised at how much your MPG increases.

I don't know what the fuss is anyway. It's not as if ALL the oil for the UK comes from Libya  :stupid:

It's just the news making a story and people "assuming" that's what will happen.
Title: Re: £2 + per litre for petrol announced today!
Post by: Janner_Sy on March 05, 2011, 09:21:46 pm
the rest is from iraq :grin:
Title: Re: £2 + per litre for petrol announced today!
Post by: vRS Carl on March 05, 2011, 09:22:57 pm
Afghanistan too if you listen to some Fcukwits :laugh:
Title: Re: £2 + per litre for petrol announced today!
Post by: ub7rm on March 05, 2011, 09:23:14 pm
Has anyone been on a bus or a train recently?  The cost of those is frightening.  Seriously, driving is cheaper!

Oil is sold on the open market, regardless of where it comes from its much the same price.  Oil producers naturally will sell for the highest price they can get for it.  So it doesn't matter where it comes from wrt to price.  Security of supply is a different issue.

Didn't this happen in the 70's as well?  Where's Robin when you need him ...  :signLOL:
Title: Re: £2 + per litre for petrol announced today!
Post by: 182_blue on March 05, 2011, 09:26:07 pm
It's ok for you Shaun, like topcat, you don't drive your car enuff :signLOL:

Sorry you know this how ?  :smiley:
Title: Re: £2 + per litre for petrol announced today!
Post by: Saint Steve on March 05, 2011, 09:43:30 pm
Sorry Shaun, thought it had been publicised many times b4 :grin:
Title: Re: £2 + per litre for petrol announced today!
Post by: boxxer1973 on March 05, 2011, 09:51:23 pm

sure people in the 90's said if prices doubled they would bin gti's but yet we are all still driving them
Title: Re: £2 + per litre for petrol announced today!
Post by: RedRobin on March 05, 2011, 10:00:40 pm

Has anyone been on a bus or a train recently?  The cost of those is frightening.  Seriously, driving is cheaper!

Oil is sold on the open market, regardless of where it comes from its much the same price.  Oil producers naturally will sell for the highest price they can get for it.  So it doesn't matter where it comes from wrt to price.  Security of supply is a different issue.

Didn't this happen in the 70's as well?  Where's Robin when you need him ...  :signLOL:

....Watching let the gear see the stick! No likey, no lightey!  :grin:

Yep, I've seen it all before. The same with bank rates, mortgage rates, fuel, etc etc. Nothing new and still the same knee-jerk reactions.

Ooops! Must go...  A Liam Neeson movie "Taken".... Ch4+1
Title: Re: £2 + per litre for petrol announced today!
Post by: Hedge on March 05, 2011, 10:02:23 pm
Ooops! Must go...  A Liam Neeson movie "Taken".... Ch4+1

Top fillum.  :happy2:

Flight of the Phoenix is ok too,
Title: Re: £2 + per litre for petrol announced today!
Post by: boxxer1973 on March 05, 2011, 10:04:43 pm
I will find you  :popcornsoda:
Title: Re: £2 + per litre for petrol announced today!
Post by: Janner_Sy on March 05, 2011, 10:05:14 pm
Ooops! Must go...  A Liam Neeson movie "Taken".... Ch4+1

Top fillum.  :happy2:

Flight of the Phoenix is ok too,

whgat channel for the flight of the pheonix ian?

silly post, took me 1 button till i saw it on the sky planner, taxi for me :innocent:
Title: Re: £2 + per litre for petrol announced today!
Post by: Hedge on March 05, 2011, 10:05:36 pm
and I will kill you  :scared:

It's after Taken.
Title: Re: £2 + per litre for petrol announced today!
Post by: Janner_Sy on March 05, 2011, 10:11:53 pm
im watching derren brown.  he freaks me out
Title: Re: £2 + per litre for petrol announced today!
Post by: vRS Carl on March 05, 2011, 10:23:09 pm
and I will kill you  :scared:

It's after Taken.

Tell me or you'll stay here till they turn the electricity off for non payment of the bill :laugh:

Awesome film :happy2:
Title: Re: £2 + per litre for petrol announced today!
Post by: Msportman on March 05, 2011, 10:40:52 pm


Did anyone see the comic relief program the other night, were lenny Henry and a couple of others went to live in Kibera for 2 weeks.  :chicken:
Msportsman you need a reality check pal. You have forgotten how good your life has been for the last few years were you have enough spare cash to fritter away on buying go faster bits for your car Extortionate prices at that ( APR)   :laugh:  i might add. Life must be really tough if you have to buy a smaller engine car to get buy.  :stupid:

Uh??  Who said I paid extortionate prices for my car bits?? I didn't as I was looked after very well indeed by Jim at awesome...he is a good acquaintance of mine. Luckily I recouped what I paid for the car and bits I put on it...not something that would happen now.

I just hope it doesn't go to £2 a litre. I am glad I enjoyed my MK5 when I did....the performance was just too good to ignore hence my lead foot that didn't do much for mpg!

I'm into Diesel's right now for good mpg on a daily basis as we do approx 15K a year in our family chariot. Golfs are a people's car and it's such a shame that even in todays world these everyday car's are becoming increasingly expensive. Still the upside will be much cheaper premium cars like the M3's and RS4's which maybe a very nice weekend toy.  
Title: Re: £2 + per litre for petrol announced today!
Post by: Frodo-anni on March 05, 2011, 11:07:46 pm
So as prices creep up, my anni pd will hopefully hold value more, as all Ed30/pirelli's get cheaper, happy days......   :driver:
Title: Re: £2 + per litre for petrol announced today!
Post by: stealthwolf on March 05, 2011, 11:36:28 pm
I need the car for work and for getting to/from satellite places. At the mo, it's still cheaper and quicker to drive around than go by public transport. The moment it does that, I'll get a more fuel-efficient runabout and use that as my main car.
Title: Re: £2 + per litre for petrol announced today!
Post by: RedRobin on March 06, 2011, 09:24:52 am

Ooops! Must go...  A Liam Neeson movie "Taken".... Ch4+1

Top fillum.  :happy2:

....That certainly was a top fillum!  :happy2: I hadn't seen it before.

My teenage daughter decided to go to Paris last summer just with three friends and so I could relate to it very strongly (especially having had the experience of losing a son). I'm afraid that I found the film very emotional and I was perhaps over-identifying with Liam Neeson - He did exactly what I would have wanted to do (in my fantasies) and I was glad he showed no mercy to those scumbags!

In Paris:


^ Fortunately the person who took this photo for them wasn't a cute dude called Peter!

Back on topic, I'm very lucky that I have never needed a car for work and so can more easily swallow higher fuel costs but it's about time that the tax component was reduced! WTF do they do with that money? They don't fund mending potholes properly I know! We're told that some B-roads may never get repaired by local councils in the next 50 years!
Title: Re: £2 + per litre for petrol announced today!
Post by: ub7rm on March 06, 2011, 09:39:13 am
^^  To me thats the biggest issue.  Where is the VFM from the fuel duty and road tax?  I would be a lot less grouchy about the cost if the roads were proactively kept in good condition, winter maintenance was adequate etc.  But we just take this ass invasion with nothing other than a grumble in the newspaper letter page or forum. 

If a builder was round at my house and provided the same lack of service to my property as the govt / la do I'd be slinging him off the job. 
Title: Re: £2 + per litre for petrol announced today!
Post by: rich83 on March 06, 2011, 09:58:45 am
Robin, I think we might have to make a few phone calls!!!  :evilgrin:
Title: Re: £2 + per litre for petrol announced today!
Post by: Sunglasses Ron on March 06, 2011, 11:19:03 am

Ooops! Must go...  A Liam Neeson movie "Taken".... Ch4+1

Top fillum.  :happy2:

....That certainly was a top fillum!  :happy2: I hadn't seen it before.

My teenage daughter decided to go to Paris last summer just with three friends and so I could relate to it very strongly (especially having had the experience of losing a son). I'm afraid that I found the film very emotional and I was perhaps over-identifying with Liam Neeson - He did exactly what I would have wanted to do (in my fantasies) and I was glad he showed no mercy to those scumbags!

In Paris:


^ Fortunately the person who took this photo for them wasn't a cute dude called Peter!

Just picturing Robin in his Liam Neeson role, ploughing/windmilling his way through some unsuspecting Albanians.. :signLOL:

BOT.. I just wonder what price diesel will be if unleaded hits £2 a litre? Food for thought.. :wink:
Title: Re: £2 + per litre for petrol announced today!
Post by: tony_danza on March 06, 2011, 11:37:06 am
Diesel is in shorter supply than petrol and I think more volatile. If you're looking to cut costs, buy a cheaper (than the diesel equivalent) small engined petrol.
Title: Re: £2 + per litre for petrol announced today!
Post by: RedRobin on March 06, 2011, 07:57:09 pm

If you're looking to cut costs, buy a cheaper (than the diesel equivalent) small engined petrol.

....Lupo GTI would get my vote  :notworthy:. And then modify it! Let the carbon see the fibre!
Title: Re: £2 + per litre for petrol announced today!
Post by: Msportman on March 06, 2011, 08:16:41 pm
I hear VAG are developing a 170bhp 1.2 unit....I wonder where they are planning to slot that into?
Title: Re: £2 + per litre for petrol announced today!
Post by: RedRobin on March 06, 2011, 08:30:51 pm
I'm told there's going to be a new Lupo. My source was very certain about it but these things are never certain until you actually see them.
Title: Re: £2 + per litre for petrol announced today!
Post by: mortygttdi on March 06, 2011, 09:51:44 pm
Think Ill stick to my Gt tdi for a few more years...I will have changed just about every thing on the car so I won't have to buy a new one :grin:

To be honest the government are too corrupt to even take any notice of the voting tax payer :mad: so we will just keep paying what ever it goes upto :scared:

I see it like this every one is quite happy going out at the weekend and paying £3-£4 for a pint of whatever 1ltr is more or less a pint so if petrol or diesel was the same price would you still pay it...YES  I have to get to work for 10pm on a night I'm not going through Leeds on no stinking smelly bus, Ill use my car till the cows come home :drinking:

Title: Re: £2 + per litre for petrol announced today!
Post by: Hurdy on March 06, 2011, 10:12:02 pm

If you're looking to cut costs, buy a cheaper (than the diesel equivalent) small engined petrol.

....Lupo GTI would get my vote  :notworthy:. And then modify it! Let the carbon see the fibre!

Someone's been watching too much "Take me out"  :P