MK5 Golf GTI

All Things Mk5 => Mk5 General Area => Topic started by: George on April 23, 2011, 08:52:37 pm

Title: DSG or Manual
Post by: George on April 23, 2011, 08:52:37 pm
Hi All,

I know this has been asked quite a few times in the past, and I have searched and read the threads. I'm looking for a Edition 30 but not sure wether to look at DSG or Manual. I had my heart set on manual, but after watching some youtube videos and reading the threads on here I'm now undecided. I'd like to hear what your opinions are, what are the best and worse bits of DSG? Are there any features of the DSG gearbox that you don't use?

The idea of being able to keep both hands on the steering wheel whilst attacking a A or B road sounds brilliant.


Title: Re: DSG or Manual
Post by: SteveP on April 23, 2011, 08:53:21 pm
Simple go and test drive both and get what suits you best  :happy2:
Title: Re: DSG or Manual
Post by: MAT ED30 on April 23, 2011, 08:54:03 pm
search above will answer all
Title: Re: DSG or Manual
Post by: Top Cat on April 23, 2011, 08:54:36 pm
I wonder if i have a tinnies left over from last nights pump thread.  :fighting2:
Title: Re: DSG or Manual
Post by: Saint Steve on April 23, 2011, 08:56:02 pm
a thread worth locking?  :signLOL:

Search function and Test drive highly recommended for both.
Title: Re: DSG or Manual
Post by: Hedge on April 23, 2011, 08:57:43 pm
Buckle up.  :driver:  :popcornsoda:
Title: Re: DSG or Manual
Post by: Beddie on April 23, 2011, 08:58:21 pm
Oh noes....

Title: Re: DSG or Manual
Post by: Saint Steve on April 23, 2011, 08:58:46 pm

I've just phoned for a truck load of the butterscotch variety  :signLOL:
Title: Re: DSG or Manual
Post by: Top Cat on April 23, 2011, 09:00:23 pm
Title: Re: DSG or Manual
Post by: Frodo-anni on April 23, 2011, 09:12:40 pm
 :popcornsoda: :pomppomp:
Title: Re: DSG or Manual
Post by: Beddie on April 23, 2011, 09:18:44 pm
I'm gonna go all Vortex.......


And say DSG FTMFW, real men drive Auto and the manual will throw the clutch 5 mins after buying it....  :signLOL:

Title: Re: DSG or Manual
Post by: Top Cat on April 23, 2011, 09:23:19 pm
Beedie casts his line into the water. The conditions are calm and favourable for a good days fishing. His experience tells him the bait he is using could catch a number of fish, but as we all know the first fish to take the bait is often the very common fully scaled. ???

Mat ED 30.  :jumpmove: :jumpmove: :jumpmove: :jumpmove: :jumpmove: :jumpmove:

Title: Re: DSG or Manual
Post by: George on April 23, 2011, 09:24:43 pm
I have to admit I feel slightly embarrassed for starting the thread now.  :ashamed:
Title: Re: DSG or Manual
Post by: MAT ED30 on April 23, 2011, 09:28:33 pm
 :P dont you start you have seen the light and got a proper gearbox  :P
Title: Re: DSG or Manual
Post by: Saint Steve on April 23, 2011, 09:33:58 pm
:P dont you start you have seen the light and got a proper gearbox  :P

anyone got any coke to wash my popcorn down?
Title: Re: DSG or Manual
Post by: MAT ED30 on April 23, 2011, 09:35:51 pm
and you drive an manuel box too oh infact you stall em dont you  :P :signLOL:
Title: Re: DSG or Manual
Post by: Saint Steve on April 23, 2011, 09:38:06 pm
Indeed Matt, my left foot isn't strong enough to hold down a clutch pedal...  :happy2:

Thanks for the reminder lol
Title: Re: DSG or Manual
Post by: Beddie on April 23, 2011, 09:43:07 pm
Ok it's time for a thread ending statement of fact.....  :happy2:

Chuck Norris drives a DSG and he once roundhouse kicked a manual box in the face...

Thread fin.

Title: Re: DSG or Manual
Post by: Nasir on April 23, 2011, 09:45:20 pm
It comes down to what you want, what type of driving do you do? DSG is very quick at shifting and is a very smooth box, but then you could say it's too clinical. The only way to know as pointed out, is to drive them. Don't get hung up on the 0.3 second difference to 60 for the DSG, it will be quicker obviously but that doesn't mean a manual isn't as much fun getting there. Best of luck and you won't lose which ever gearbox you get.

It's a bit harsh to just brush the guy off, he's just looking for peoples views. Yes the topic has been covered a lot, but a lot of other threads have too, if no one ever brought a topic up again then the forum would be pretty slow. Just my 2p.
Title: Re: DSG or Manual
Post by: George on April 23, 2011, 10:21:55 pm
Thanks Nasir. I wasn't just asking "which is best" but wanted a few answers for the questions I asked. I will just have to drive both, unfortunately there aren't any DSGs for sale near me at the moment, but when there is I'll try one out. At least I'm decided on the colour ;)
Title: Re: DSG or Manual
Post by: Hedge on April 23, 2011, 10:53:11 pm
In fairness I have been driving a manuel for the last 5 weeks or so after 2 1/2 years of DSG.

My left knee is killing me and I cannot wait until my new Czech Machine arrives with DSG. Manual is ok if thats what you want but for me DSG wins every time. :smiley:
Title: Re: DSG or Manual
Post by: Janner_Sy on April 23, 2011, 11:03:22 pm
Whilst my car is away having a map developed for it, ive been cutting about in a manual, and i absolutely hate it. DSG has its quirks, but you can around them with a bit of practice or by using the paddles.

Im absolutely hating it with a passion.  Add to that on the way back from mansfield i got stuck in a 3 hour traffic jam on the M25 after some selfish git let his lorry catch fire, and DSG would have made that alot more bearable.  clutch in clutch out, clutch in clutch out, clutch in clutch out, clutch in clutch out.  

And thats considering ive only had DSG for just over a month compared to manual over the last 9 years
Title: Re: DSG or Manual
Post by: Greeners on April 23, 2011, 11:03:43 pm
In fairness I have been driving a manuel for the last 5 weeks or so after 2 1/2 years of DSG.

My left knee is killing me and I cannot wait until my new Czech Machine arrives with DSG. Manual is ok if thats what you want but for me DSG wins every time. :smiley:


Title: Re: DSG or Manual
Post by: Hurdy on April 23, 2011, 11:11:05 pm
DSG....The End!
Title: Re: DSG or Manual
Post by: Janner_Sy on April 23, 2011, 11:15:56 pm
i did a poll a while back here,24508.0.html (,24508.0.html)

Title: Re: DSG or Manual
Post by: George on April 23, 2011, 11:30:09 pm
My local dealer has a MK5 GTi in stock with DSG, it's not a ED30 but it'll do for deciding if I want DSG or not. Apart from sport mode and using the paddles is there anything else I should try with DSG?

Title: Re: DSG or Manual
Post by: Top Cat on April 23, 2011, 11:35:54 pm
It takes few hundred miles to learn how to use a DSG effectively and in your own style, so dont judge it on ten minutes, or you may make the wrong decision.
I personally dont bother with manual mode. I just leave it in drive, then use the paddles when i want, there is lots of combos of use it's whatever suits. I also dont bother changing down below 4th i just let the box change down. even if i am in the mood for using the paddles all the time.  :happy2:
Title: Re: DSG or Manual
Post by: Truckie on April 24, 2011, 01:02:53 am
I also heard that Chuck Norris drove a DSG thats why i got mine. (shhh dont tell him im selling my DSG Edition 30 at the moment)  :signLOL:
Title: Re: DSG or Manual
Post by: no golf clubs at all on April 24, 2011, 09:35:14 am
DSG....The End!

^^^^What he said
Title: Re: DSG or Manual
Post by: alexperkins on April 24, 2011, 09:50:50 am
I also heard that Chuck Norris drove a DSG thats why i got mine. (shhh dont tell him im selling my DSG Edition 30 at the moment)  :signLOL:

Apparently he drove mine too, and as we all know, you don't mess with Chuck Norris
Title: Re: DSG or Manual
Post by: QD MBE on April 24, 2011, 10:01:51 am
The Gayness of this thread astounds me.................................
Title: Re: DSG or Manual
Post by: alexperkins on April 24, 2011, 10:02:59 am
In all honesty, I would have had manual or DSG as I like both in different ways, but DSG was the first one i drove and it was just great
Title: Re: DSG or Manual
Post by: Hurdy on April 24, 2011, 10:14:34 am
The Gayness of this thread astounds me.................................

Group hug QD  :grouphug:

You know you want to. :wink:

Title: Re: DSG or Manual
Post by: George on April 24, 2011, 10:18:45 am
After reading this thread, along with others, and watching youtube videos, DSG does seem like a no brainer, especially on a used car where there's no price difference.

I'll report back tomorrow afternoon after I've driven a GTi with DSG  :party:
Title: Re: DSG or Manual
Post by: Hedge on April 24, 2011, 12:04:44 pm
The Gayness of this thread astounds me.................................

 :sad1: Not everyone carries a spare coil pack like you QD.
Title: Re: DSG or Manual
Post by: openside on April 24, 2011, 09:42:46 pm
DSG, after 20 years driving manual and 2 weeks driving DSG, I would still go DSG takes a bit of getting used to(make sure you keep your left foot planted on the foot rest or risk headbutting the windscreen like i did). Ive got mine in for an oil and filter change next week for around £130 so thats worth bearing in mind, but an essential requirement!
Title: Re: DSG or Manual
Post by: john_o on April 25, 2011, 06:00:59 am
usual banter...  :indifferent:

both are great gearboxes tbh.
manual could do with the throw reducing (easy DIY mod available)
and the DSG goes to another level with a DSG software map.
The DSG is faster no doubt and is so slick (even before the map  :surprised:)

as a new or nearly new car with warranty i'd say go DSG

moving onto secondhand with mores miles and limited or no warranty I think the tide starts to turn a bit.
DSG boxes seem either bullet proof or temperamental with no ryhme or reason to it.
The problem is that if you get issues they can get expensive quickly, a new mechatronics unit or a new ( or refurbished) gearbox required for most issues with DSG.

Manual still not cheap, but add a map and you need to budget for a clutch (and probably a flywheel too!)

As others have said, try both and get a warranty (that will cover the items you expect) if you are so inclined.

Me? I have a manual and enjoy the feeling 'driving' but would equally have loved a DSG, and realise that at some point I may need a clutch but for now its stil hanging on  :innocent: with REVO stg1.
Title: Re: DSG or Manual
Post by: Greeners on April 25, 2011, 09:36:05 am
Agree with John..........

I've had both and it's a tricky one as with many driving conditions (ie everyday driving around town) it has to be DSG, but for spirited driving and any track work then it has to be manual.

No matter how much I tried to fall in love with DSG I couldn't help but feel a little disconnected to the whole gear-changing experience, especially when pressing on.............

My R32 for example had to be DSG in my mind as I just felt it suited the nature of the engine more than a manual.
Title: Re: DSG or Manual
Post by: Kregiel on May 05, 2011, 11:47:32 am
I have both DSG in GT 170 bhp and manual in GTI. They can't really be compared as two different machines in my view. DSG is very smooth and in manual shifts up to 6th at 60 km/h so sometimes you think you're driving a big engine limo as it's so quiet and kinda refined. Personally there are times I fancy DSG over manual for just rolling and taking it easy. GTi in manual is my daily driver as dsg with my missus. I found dsg less engaging than manual despite manual shifting option.
Try both and judge for yourself..
Best of luck
Title: Re: DSG or Manual
Post by: animal on May 05, 2011, 02:18:46 pm
My R32 for example had to be DSG in my mind as I just felt it suited the nature of the engine more than a manual.

Agreed, a manual R32 just doesnt seem right for some reason.

I'm also going to second the comment regarding getting used to it. At the very least make sure you get an extended test.

Have a go at pulling away from stationary (hard and gently), gentle in-gear acceleration, kick-down, really give it some then slow down and drive slowly and smoothly (all in D and S) and of course, play around with reverse too. A three/four point turn (D to R and back several times in quick succession) is a good test. All of the above with give the box a good work out and will most likely highlight some DSG's 'characteristics'. The temperature of the 'box makes a difference too, so have a play at low speed when its hot and cold.