MK5 Golf GTI
All Things Mk5 => Mk5 General Area => Topic started by: GEE on May 12, 2011, 05:59:05 pm
Tues night i parked for a couple of hours, came back to the car and found someone had keyed (deeply too) all over my car.
Drivers side - 2 scratches the whole length
Boot - across the whole thing
Passengers side - right down the whole length.
I am so upset. what kind of person does that!!
went to VW who said the scratches have gone all the way through all the layers of paint and are too deep to repair, and it will need a respray.
they reakon about £300 per panel, and there are 6 damaged panels. that is over a months pay to me....
Am devastated.
Thats awful - im so sorry someone has done that to your lovely car. I would be completelly devastated as im sure you are.
Maybe someone on here could offer some advice on perhaps buffing the paint using cutting compounds and the like to reduce the visibility of the damage.
Hope it gets sorted soon
:fighting: :fighting: :fighting:
I get so pi**ed off by people not respecting others peoples things, gutted for you mate, i hope that you can get past this and still find joy in your ED30.
Gutted for you mate. Some people are just jealous of what you have worked hard for! Hope you get it sorted!
Get onto the council and see if there is any cameras in the area you where parked mate, sorry to see the damage, its this sort of thing that make your blood boil :sick: would it not be cheaper to go through the insurance??? I know you will lose out especially in this day and age of high premiums.
I hate little chavy bleeders who think cos they cannot have something they will damage it instead :fighting:
I hope they grow up and get something they treasure and someone sets it on fire.
gutted for you mate..can you go through your insurance to get it sorted
It makes me sick to the core to see this! :sick: :sick: :sick:
Hope you can sort it out, might be worth doing an insurance job on it.
Terrible mate,so sorry for you. :sad1:
thanks for the support everybody....there were no cameras in the area....the police have given me a crime ref number for the insurance, but i reakon it may be better to pay for the respray myself as if i claim from insurance my quote next yr will go up pretty high......
it is so spieful/evil/malicious..... wish i saw who it was!!!
This is absolutely dreadful!
Why would someone even think of doing this, sucks.
Hope you get it sorted out and it doesnt take too much hassle.
Sh1t happens - I've just had a 2/3 repray with a new N/S front wing, chrome plinth and bonnet because my R32 was vandalised by people trying to break into our garage.
I feel for you, I really do but best not to get to worked up about it as it'll eat away at you. It's horrible and you feel really targeted but try to put it behind you. At least it didn't happen at home like mine did. I still walk out to every morning wondering if they've come back.
Is it not cheaper just to claim on the insurance? The excess should only equate to price of one panel and because it's a non-fault vandalism claim, you shouldnt get get stung too badly when you renew.
Gutted for you mate... what is it with people and not respecting others stuff?? :fighting:
I would also say insurance would prob be better as the hike and excess would prob work out cheaper than paying for it yourself
Gutted for you mate... that's my worst nightmare. Pure evil. Good advice from animal, as hard as it will be, don't let it eat you up. Where abouts did this happen?
That is awful, whoever did this must be a jealous and cowardly.
My Twingo had £1500 worth of damage, which is £500 over my wage, I had to go through insurance and it has put my premium up £300ish each year! Despite it being a none fault claims mate :(
Just something to think about, wish I saved up as it would've worked out less! £500 insurance and £300 for 3 years (last 3 years on insurance database) that's £1400 in total.
Didn't want to be the bearer of bad news but just trying to help!
it happened in a car park at 5ways in the centre of Birmingham.
yes i need to balance insurance cost vs cost of me paying for the respray
PS - if you look at the picture of the boot, the scratch damages the light cover and the chrome gti you reakon the insurance will pay out to replace those too?
Thats really bad. It's just jealously who ever did it can't afford to or own a car like yours so they've got to ruin it for you. I've had a lot of problems the past 2 years since owning my GTi (Stealing the badges/Trying to nick the wheels!!).
I think in this day and age everyone can expect their car to be damaged/broken into/stolen at somepoint whether its parked in public or on your drive. A few weeks ago a load of cars where me mate lives where spray painted with swear words and pictures of male genitalia. :sick:
it happened in a car park at 5ways in the centre of Birmingham.
yes i need to balance insurance cost vs cost of me paying for the respray
PS - if you look at the picture of the boot, the scratch damages the light cover and the chrome gti you reakon the insurance will pay out to replace those too?
Completely mindless. I don't understand why someone would have so little respect for someone else's expensive property so as to want to wreck it.
The insurance would pay out to return the car to original condition including light clusters and badges.
I can recommend a good paintshop in South Yardley which I've used before if you wanted to use them to get a quote if you're considering paying for it yourself.
Maybe ring your local VW dealer and ask them which bodyshop they use for approved repairs.
Hope you get it sorted mate.
Arseholes!!!! Had it done to my last car but just one side.....hate parking up and leaving mine now!!!! :sad1:
If it's OEM then yes without question. If you've added it and it's listed on the policy, then yes. If it's not declared, youre out of luck.
I just read back my first post, I hope I didnt come across too hard hearted - it is bl00dy awful, but I made a conscious effort not to let it get too me. I can afford a nice car, they can't. The car can be put right. They will always be low-life scum and will get their comeuppance sooner or later. Fortunately, is doesnt happen that often.
All the best sorting it. And make sure you push to use a VW body shop. That way, all the corrosion warranty to properly covered and they know the car a lot better than your average pikey insurance bodyshop. The guy that did the insurance quote for my insurance co. was a complete cowboy. Who ever attacked my car obviously gave it a good kicking too. Glass was hanging out the wing mirror, chrome plinth was dented and cracked. Insurance body shop talked about gluing the glass back in and I'm sure he was looking for a way to bodge the chrome grill too. VW picked up every little imperfection without any prompting. They even replaced the front wing because the kick had buckled it - the other guy didnt even notice.
Quote was double from VW but you pay the same excess regardless of where it goes, so insist on VW. There is extra leg work in it for you, as you need to submit the VW quote your self, but worth it in my mind.
I can only echo what people have already said. Really feel for you. :sad1:
Makes me sick and if I caught someone doing this to my car, no-one would be able to restrain me from doing it to them. I've had it done to my old diesel one twice and it just made my blood boil!! :fighting:
it happened in a car park at 5ways in the centre of Birmingham.
yes i need to balance insurance cost vs cost of me paying for the respray
PS - if you look at the picture of the boot, the scratch damages the light cover and the chrome gti you reakon the insurance will pay out to replace those too?
Yes they will, have too, mine damage a sticker on my sill and a scratch on my light, all of which were replaced ;)
If I could do it again I wouldn't of gone through them mate!
That knocks me sick!! Some little scum bag oxygen thief who should have been an abortion is either jealous and / or has no respect for other people's property :fighting:
I hope you get it sorted mate, my only concern is that once you've got it all sorted, it will be targeted again... :sad1:
it happened in a car park at 5ways in the centre of Birmingham.
yes i need to balance insurance cost vs cost of me paying for the respray
PS - if you look at the picture of the boot, the scratch damages the light cover and the chrome gti you reakon the insurance will pay out to replace those too?
Yes they will, have too, mine damage a sticker on my sill and a scratch on my light, all of which were replaced ;)
If I could do it again I wouldn't of gone through them mate!
Why not?
Thats really saddening..utter morons..worst thing is you spend so much money and get it sorted and it's repeated some months down the road..
what do you do? Its unfortunate that the society we live in has such utter imbecile scumbags who can't respect other peoples hard earned valuables..
Its happened know and although heart wrenching just concentrate on finding a very good workshop and get it restored as to how it was and enjoy it..
thanks to everyone for your posts....its good to know there are people in the world who have some morals and can relate. your post didn't appear too harsh...its true what you said. yes i am gutted and upset but I am not gonna let it cause me to be filled with hatred and revenge... gotta just get it repaired and move on...... if i ever saw anyone key another car i would'nt just ignore it and walk off.... i would make sure justice was done.
thanks for advice JJ about place...i am gonna try the VW approved place in Perry Bar and see what they say...
its good to know they will replace the chrome badge and the light housing too.
Absolutely gutted for you :sad1:
My car got done last year, and my previous car was done 3 times.
dirty scumbags. its harsh mate. feel for you. cant believe they went round the whole car in broad daylight...
thanks to everyone for your posts....its good to know there are people in the world who have some morals and can relate. your post didn't appear too harsh...its true what you said. yes i am gutted and upset but I am not gonna let it cause me to be filled with hatred and revenge... gotta just get it repaired and move on...... if i ever saw anyone key another car i would'nt just ignore it and walk off.... i would make sure justice was done.
thanks for advice JJ about place...i am gonna try the VW approved place in Perry Bar and see what they say...
its good to know they will replace the chrome badge and the light housing too.
Which place is that? Clarke and Evans? if you aren't going through Insurance give me a call as know the estimator pretty well and when ur over this end pop over for some tea/coffee I'm only 5 mins from them
Sorry to see this happen to your car :sad1:
Hopefully you get it sorted soon :smiley:
it happened in a car park at 5ways in the centre of Birmingham.
OMG. I park around there sometimes. Which car park was it?
Gutted for you mate. Even though it's not my car, this kind of sh*t still makes my blood boil! :fighting:
it was opposite AMC cinema, just down from tesco in private flats carpark. i wont be parking there again!
@Goranot - thanks mate. it is a place called 'Fix auto - Bham north', on church rd in perry bar. they are a VW approved place. will see what they say and may get back to u. cheers
One word Bast**ds :fighting: :fighting:
it was opposite AMC cinema, just down from tesco in private flats carpark. i wont be parking there again!
Just spoke to my sister and she says that round there it's rough, which is why she always gets me to park elsewhere!
Oh mate I feel genuinely devastated for you :sad1:
Had my bonnet done last year and I was well pissed off but the whole car, I'd be reaching for the razor blades. What make it even more annoying is that is so hard to convict anyone of doing it without good CCTV or an eye witness.
Don't let the police take a laid back approach either. Make sure they do a full CCTV trawl, extensive door to door in the area it was damaged and get them to check that area for similar incidents either recent or historic just in case there is evidence of a grumpy resident in the area doing it previously.
Again mate, so gutted for ya. Would it not be worth going down the insurance route?
Thats absolutely disgusting. Can't understand what makes someone to something like that. I mean they actually walked round the whole car, not like they just did it in the passing.
cnuts :mad:
absolutey devestated for you mate, id be sick to the stomach buddy, honestly hope you get it sorted, bloody tosser who did it, he/she will get it mate dont worry,
That's quite honestly a viscous act of vandalism :surprised: :sad1:
Very sorry to hear.
I hope you can get the panels new again for lowest cost and least hassle available.
I don't know where you are GEE but I can recommend you someone in Northampton who can do a very good job (my car's a testimonial) at less than £300 a panel :happy2:
Fookin bunch of wangers i just can't believe someone would do this!!!
what the feck goes through there head :stupid:
really sorry for you mate i would hate this to happen to me :sad1:
i hope whoever did this has a great life of sh*t :mad: :mad: :mad: :mad:
Fecking disgraceful :fighting:
it happened in a car park at 5ways in the centre of Birmingham.
yes i need to balance insurance cost vs cost of me paying for the respray
PS - if you look at the picture of the boot, the scratch damages the light cover and the chrome gti you reakon the insurance will pay out to replace those too?
I'm in Birmingham, dont tell me you were in the Tescos car park - gutted to see mindless damage like that...
What the f*ck is wrong with people :stupid: dont understand what goes through these peoples heads???? I know how you feel mate i had mine keyed last summer all the way down the drivers side and it makes you feel sick to the stomach, mine wasnt half as bad as yours!! i feel for you mate.
So sorry to see.
Hope you get is sorted with as little inconvenience as possible and the little bleeder has a nasty injury....what goes around!
Ah thats so wrong you just want to :fighting: :fighting: :fighting:
i had it happen to my old car luckly only on one panel, but its still heart breaking
@rdfcpete - thanks... i will see what the approved garage quotes first but may get back to you.
@Redev - not tesco's car park but further down the hill opposite AMC....ladywood basically.
@Boothy - the police saidthere are no cctv cameras there. The pc said the only way they might catch someone is if the offender is caught doing it again and then confessess to doing mine. i almost laughed out loud down the phone!! fat chance.
anyway...its over now,,,,hopefully i will post up pics once it is repaired and it will be a good ending to the thread! :innocent: :smiley:
it happened in a car park at 5ways in the centre of Birmingham.
yes i need to balance insurance cost vs cost of me paying for the respray
PS - if you look at the picture of the boot, the scratch damages the light cover and the chrome gti you reakon the insurance will pay out to replace those too?
Yes they will, have too, mine damage a sticker on my sill and a scratch on my light, all of which were replaced ;)
If I could do it again I wouldn't of gone through them mate!
Why not?
Like I said previously, the amount I've ended up paying extra each year in insurance I couldve had it sorted without the need for them mate.
I,ve just had mine nicked and from the first moment I've had a sense of calm about the whole situation...But that mindless act of vandalism really has pissed me off.You must be going mental.
it happened in a car park at 5ways in the centre of Birmingham.
yes i need to balance insurance cost vs cost of me paying for the respray
PS - if you look at the picture of the boot, the scratch damages the light cover and the chrome gti you reakon the insurance will pay out to replace those too?
Yes they will, have too, mine damage a sticker on my sill and a scratch on my light, all of which were replaced ;)
If I could do it again I wouldn't of gone through them mate!
Why not?
Like I said previously, the amount I've ended up paying extra each year in insurance I couldve had it sorted without the need for them mate.
You need to change insurance companys then - when I've had non-fault stuff put right in the past, its not made too much of a difference.
Just got the first estimate come through for the respray
Labour: £1,466.80
Paint Materials: £648.43
Parts: £339.45
Additional Items: £132.50
Total Excl VAT £2,587.18
VAT @ 20 % £517.44
Total Incl VAT £3,104.62
its gonna have to be an insurance job.... i cant pull that sort of money out of my pocket....
I hope you were sitting down, not that makes any difference
Absolutely disgusted mate. Don't know what to say.... :(
GEE i am nearly 1500 miles from Brum and my blood is boiling on reading this and seeing the photos. I am so so sorry that you are going thru this, there is not much i can say that has not been said but try and remember that you are so much better than the pure SCUM that did this to your car. An insurance job it has to be mate, best of luck at renewal time. Dont beat yourself up on this as if filth do this in broad daylight they will do it anywhere, you are blameless and a victim of mindless jealous cowards. All the best GEE, the Diesel Junior
GEE this makes me sick to my stomach!what goes around,comes around!they will get there comeuppance :evilgrin:
GEE this makes me sick to my stomach!what goes around,comes around!they will get there comeuppance :evilgrin:
Couldnt agree more... karma! :notworthy:
Just got the first estimate come through for the respray
Labour: £1,466.80
Paint Materials: £648.43
Parts: £339.45
Additional Items: £132.50
Total Excl VAT £2,587.18
VAT @ 20 % £517.44
Total Incl VAT £3,104.62
its gonna have to be an insurance job.... i cant pull that sort of money out of my pocket....
Thats not good is it!
Have you thought about a wrap instead?
Man, that's dreadful :confused:
I hate mindless scum that haven't got the integrity to go out an earn a living and get a kick from damaging someone else who does. I just hope their life is Sh*t day in day out as they deserve no better. Until they can show respect to others they are going nowhere. Most have gone out and earned what they have and proud to own a nice car.
I had my last car stolen and house broken into, but you know what, I have never had a car stolen until the age of 44, they will come a cropper at some point, I just wish I could be there to look long and deeply into their eyes when they do. What goes around comes around.
The only thing you can do is try to let the event cause financial frustration only, try not to lose sleep over a disrespectful waister :fighting:
thanks for the comments people..
what do you think about the quote? is that about right to respray 7 panels?
a mate of mine paints for lexus. he's doing six panels on mine .£600. and before anyone says owt he ain't no cowboy. he's sh*t hot and takes pride In every job he does. he's done work for me before and I've been more than pleased
Just got the first estimate come through for the respray
Labour: £1,466.80
Paint Materials: £648.43
Parts: £339.45
Additional Items: £132.50
Total Excl VAT £2,587.18
VAT @ 20 % £517.44
Total Incl VAT £3,104.62
its gonna have to be an insurance job.... i cant pull that sort of money out of my pocket....
Morning Gee,
Firstly I would like to offer my condolences as I truly believe nobody deserves this to happen to their own property, honestly if I saw somebody do that to somebody else's car let alone mine I don't think I could control myself. God know what I would end up doing to them, I find it hard enough biting my tongue watching people throw litter on the floor.
With regards to your quote, it sounds a little expensive although I am not saying there is not a lot of work involved. Personally though I do not think you should be paying much more than £250.00 per panel. My GT is going in for a small bit of paint next month and that is what the chap told me there and they are an authorised Mercedes Benz accident repair center.
Keep up posted and chin up!
Just got the first estimate come through for the respray
Labour: £1,466.80
Paint Materials: £648.43
Parts: £339.45
Additional Items: £132.50
Total Excl VAT £2,587.18
VAT @ 20 % £517.44
Total Incl VAT £3,104.62
I agree with everyone, i only hope the person or persons that did this to your car have terrible lives.
With regard to the quote, once you go over your excess amount it does'nt really matter how much it is. Get it done where you feel the best job will be done. Good luck hope they make a fantastic job and you are proud as punch when you star driving it again after it has been done. Chris
its gonna have to be an insurance job.... i cant pull that sort of money out of my pocket....
Just got the first estimate come through for the respray
Labour: £1,466.80
Paint Materials: £648.43
Parts: £339.45
Additional Items: £132.50
Total Excl VAT £2,587.18
VAT @ 20 % £517.44
Total Incl VAT £3,104.62
its gonna have to be an insurance job.... i cant pull that sort of money out of my pocket....
:surprised: Ouch, thats going to hurt anyone's pocket. Its just disgusting how no one can respect someone else's pride and joy. I attended the All types VW show near Rhyl on Sunday, left my car in the general car park. When i returned someone had stolen the front valance from my anniversary, also destroyde the front arches in doing so. :fighting: :fighting: Cant get hold of a replacement for love nor money!
Hope you get your car sorted
Feel for you mate that is shocking. :surprised: :surprised:
If you catch the little barstewardss then i think you should be allowed to do the same thing to them but with scalpels covered in salt & dog sh*t :fighting: :fighting: :fighting:
:surprised: was horrified when I saw that. I really don't understand what drives people to act like that and damage someone else's possessions. Feeling really badly for you mate, especially with that repair bill :/
Hopefully it won't affect the insurance too badly.
:surprised: Ouch, thats going to hurt anyone's pocket. Its just disgusting how no one can respect someone else's pride and joy. I attended the All types VW show near Rhyl on Sunday, left my car in the general car park. When i returned someone had stolen the front valance from my anniversary, also destroyde the front arches in doing so. :fighting: :fighting: Cant get hold of a replacement for love nor money!
Hope you get your car sorted
Thats just brutal. I cant beleive someone would do that!! :fighting:
:surprised: Ouch, thats going to hurt anyone's pocket. Its just disgusting how no one can respect someone else's pride and joy. I attended the All types VW show near Rhyl on Sunday, left my car in the general car park. When i returned someone had stolen the front valance from my anniversary, also destroyde the front arches in doing so. :fighting: :fighting: Cant get hold of a replacement for love nor money!
Hope you get your car sorted
Thats just brutal. I cant beleive someone would do that!! :fighting:
The major problem alex i have now is that i cant find a replacement OEM valance, all the ebay examples are replica, spoken with all my local dealers and been told its no longer available to order, perfect time, considering im trying to sell the anni to upgrade to an ED30. :sad1:
Ah thats awful buddy :sad1:
If I see any ill let you know for sure
two words .......... F**ckin Wa**ers