MK5 Golf GTI
General => Shows, Events and Meets => Topic started by: Richn83 on May 13, 2011, 10:09:49 am
Well we had the first one last Wednesday and there is plenty of interest in a second one weather dependent this one will be at a pub with a nice beer garden and a big car park! Date is set for Wednesday 1st June and we will aim to rock up for 8.00pm giving everyone time to get back from work and fed.
Suggested venues are the Black Swan near Effingham and the Anchor near Wisley. As with all good meet threads we need a list :party: so stick your names down if your interested, I will bring along my VCDS cable and netbook if anyone is interested or needs something coding or checking!
1. Richn83
I'm definitely on for this one!
1. Richn83
2. animal (James)
1. Richn83
2. animal (James)
3. S2 Ant
1. Richn83
2. animal (James)
3. S2 Ant
4. bendy
1. Richn83
2. animal (James)
3. S2 Ant
4. bendy
5. critter (chris)
1. Richn83
2. animal (James)
3. S2 Ant
4. bendy
5. critter (chris)
6. Fastmonkey (Mark)
This is coming along nicely, now we just need the weather to hold :party:
If it rains we should tap into your knowledge of Woking's under cover carparks !
If it rains we should tap into your knowledge of Woking's under cover carparks !
That makes me sound seedy! But yes if the weather isnt up to much then a multi-storey it will have to be!
Not sure if the people who have said yes to the Wednesday have seen but the JnH meet is on the day after Thursday the 2nd, do people want to combine the two or shall we stick with the Wednesday night?
I'm up for doing something local on the 1st tbh......
I'm happy to go with both.
The other meet is too far away for me now i have to travel out of London for work as i live up in Herts. even this meet is a stretch to get to to be fair
we all sti up for this? :smiley:
Yeah still up for this as it seems to be that we all still want this rather than Jekyl and Hyde (more local) only caveat I will add is my company got bought out on Monday and the final deal is closing Tuesday and I will find out if I still have a job! so if worst comes to worst I might be drinking in town to drown sorrows with my colleagues! :sad1:
^^^ oh blimey, fingers crossed for that then Rich.
^^^ oh blimey, fingers crossed for that then Rich.
Yep hope all will be ok and I will be along! Will be along anyway as long as beers dont ensue!
Sorry to hear that mate. hope it all sorts itself out.
well let us know when you here if you can.
Good luck :happy2:
Which venue are we going for? and what time?
Think the most popular was the Black Swan near Effingham.,+Leatherhead,+United+Kingdom&ll=51.306258,-0.454559&spn=0.043624,0.066605&t=h&z=14 (,+Leatherhead,+United+Kingdom&ll=51.306258,-0.454559&spn=0.043624,0.066605&t=h&z=14)
Doesn't look like I will find anything out today so will be along later the address for those with sat nav:
The Black Swan
Old Lane
KT11 1NG :happy2:
Thanks Rich. See you later :happy2:
Oh what time?
Sorry i couldn't make this last night, had to work at short notice.
Many turn up ? Any pics ?
It was the same 3 characters as last time, me Bendy and Critter and unfortunately no pictures will have to do that next time hopefully we might actually get an R32 along to join in :grin:
So when are we going to do the next one? :evilgrin:
Rare beasts those R32's......... :grin:
Go with the flow with the next date...........
I meant to check the date yesterday as I couldnt remember if it was this week or next, but I didnt get the chance.
I am very keen to support these local meets so apologies again for a second no-show.
I hope the work situation works out for you Rich. No one needs that sort of uncertainty.
They are rare, we all had a theory the first time that you couldn't afford the go juice, but after the second no show from your two i'm beginning to think it might be turbo jealousy! :signLOL:
Cheers Animal I hope it does too it looks positive that I will have something they just couldnt organise a piss up in a brewery and its the not knowing whats going on thats killing me :fighting:
Maybe we should try and squeeze one in over the next two weeks should be some good weather and we can get out of sequence with the Jekyl and Hyde meet?
sounds like a plan.......
Going to be some good gti vs R32 banter at the next one I feel !
sounds like a plan.......
Going to be some good gti vs R32 banter at the next one I feel !
Yeah :laugh: although you always have the extra 2 cylinders and a throaty sound. So what dates would everyone like to propose for this banterous event?
Sorry guys i completely forgot about this and as i dont get on here much at work now i never browsed thru to remind myself
Im up for another meet soon so we are not too close to the JnH meet.
Which evening is best for people? Wednesday still the best?
I'm all up for these local mini meets let me know when the next one is and I will check my diary be good to meet some new fellow dubbers
Yes we will have to get the next one organised. Hopefully everyone will come this time.
Probably best to organise so it's not too close to the monthly JnH meet? The JnH date seems to have switched from the third Thursday to the first in a month, so Thursday 7th July is probably the next - I haven't posted anything yet.
Thanks for the heads up Robin.
We intend to make this meet fall half way between the JnH meets so people can attend both without having to be out two nights in a row as this is what happened last time.