MK5 Golf GTI

All Things Mk5 => Mk5 General Area => Topic started by: MrP80 on September 04, 2011, 10:46:35 pm

Title: DSG or Manual?
Post by: MrP80 on September 04, 2011, 10:46:35 pm
Hi Everyone,

I guess this will be a traditional topic but I wondered about DSG v's Manual?

I've always had manual on all my cars, but was thinking the DSG might be good and nice for a change. I've driven one and thought it was great, although wondered if the novelty would wear off.

My main questions are about reliability - having seen how they work there are a lot of bits to go wrong, how do they fair with higher milages? I use my car everyday and go all over the country so want it to be reliable. I've heard as long as you change the oil they are pretty reliable, is this true?

The other thing is around how they are in the snow? As said have to keep driving, and when the snow came (pretty heavy where I was staying) I was still happily driving around despite being in a powerful RWD car - mainly due to being able to keep control. Does the DSG give you the control needed? Us you can't bring the clutch in as needed I'm a bit concerned?

Any thought welcome!

P.S I did try to search but couldn't find an answer


Title: Re: DSG or Manual?
Post by: Janner_Sy on September 04, 2011, 10:52:36 pm
I did a big poll on here about DSG and it seemed the preference,24508.0.html (,24508.0.html)

PS i did a search and that was the first topic that came up  :P
Title: Re: DSG or Manual?
Post by: MrP80 on September 04, 2011, 10:59:48 pm
Thanks I did find that thread, but it doesn't seem to mention anything about long term reliability (can't see horror stories though either) and nothing about control in snow - which may seem odd but is a factor as I know in a manual on the right tyres I can get most places
Title: Re: DSG or Manual?
Post by: Janner_Sy on September 04, 2011, 11:14:23 pm
there is no issue with long term reliability mentioned in there because there are very very rarely any issues at all.

Ive not driven it in the snow yet, but i think it'll be better than manual as theres no clutch control so more control and easier to set off.  Tyres are way way way more important for snow.  I was overtaking rangerovers stuck in the snow on bluebell hill in maidstone last year, in a little FWD car with winter tyres.
Title: Re: DSG or Manual?
Post by: gizmo68 on September 04, 2011, 11:19:59 pm
I personally didn't like the DSG I test drove enough to order one - it jerked the car when it selected 1st and reverse gear (whilst stationary) coupled with the mechatronic unit failure horror stories on the 'net would also mean you would be foolish IMO to own one out of warranty.
I also do A LOT of miles in automatics (HGV's) to know they are not that good ....yet.

HOWEVER if you do lot's of town driving i.e. start stop (or thinking about it if you use the M25  :grin: ) then it would be worth considering.

They do also require a fairly expensive oil change every 40K IIRC?

As for driving in the snow EVERY auto i have driven in the snow without fail has been worse than an identical manual box, but with the correct winter tyres on this will be less of an issue for the 3-4 week a year we get snow bad enough.
Title: Re: DSG or Manual?
Post by: MrP80 on September 04, 2011, 11:26:28 pm
I personally didn't like the DSG I test drove enough to order one - it jerked the car when it selected 1st and reverse gear (whilst stationary) coupled with the mechatronic unit failure horror stories on the 'net would also mean you would be foolish IMO to own one out of warranty.
I also do A LOT of miles in automatics (HGV's) to know they are not that good ....yet.

HOWEVER if you do lot's of town driving i.e. start stop (or thinking about it if you use the M25  :grin: ) then it would be worth considering.

They do also require a fairly expensive oil change every 40K IIRC?

As for driving in the snow EVERY auto i have driven in the snow without fail has been worse than an identical manual box, but with the correct winter tyres on this will be less of an issue for the 3-4 week a year we get snow bad enough.

That was my fears after having a few hire cars in german snow - auto wasn't for me there. Good to hear the other side of the story on reliability. Thankfully I don't have to sit in traffic much - but those times are when I think a DSG would be good

I know it seems strange being concerned about an event that happens a few weeks a year, but there you go...
Title: Re: DSG or Manual?
Post by: Saint Steve on September 05, 2011, 07:37:32 am
I ran a reliability poll on DSG mechantronics units ..All I would say is don't let this put you off a DSG car.I'm on my 4th DSG and would choose Manual again if I had the choice.

what I would say is mech's failure were more of an issue in 57-08 cars, but if your buying from a dealer, warranty would cover any potential spend of circa £1000+ for a replacement DSG ECU (mechs),22943.0.html
Title: Re: DSG or Manual?
Post by: Saint Steve on September 05, 2011, 07:52:42 am
If you put in the search.....

DSG or manual..... You with find 5 pages of thread links or people asking the same question....

search does sometimes work you know...
Title: Re: DSG or Manual?
Post by: Gladiator on September 05, 2011, 08:49:20 am
Love my DSG  :pomppomp:

I do a fair amount of miles so t he auto is great for stop starting etc but then pop her in sport mode or manual using the paddles and it's a different beast, smooth changes and I've never had an issue with the box choosing to change up when you get close to the red line at the same time as using the paddles (resulting in changing up 2 gears as sometimes mentioned). I'd be hard pushed to go back to a manual now but would defo keep my warranty going to cover the mechs as can be very costly.

It's a complete nightmare in the snow though and got stuck for 5 hours last year whilst other FWD cars sailed by me on a slight incline no problem.

Whatever you buy the MK5 GTi won't disappoint  :happy2:
Title: Re: DSG or Manual?
Post by: baldwined30 on September 05, 2011, 09:05:03 am
I personally didn't like the DSG I test drove enough to order one - it jerked the car when it selected 1st and reverse gear (whilst stationary) coupled with the mechatronic unit failure horror stories on the 'net would also mean you would be foolish IMO to own one out of warranty.
I also do A LOT of miles in automatics (HGV's) to know they are not that good ....yet.

HOWEVER if you do lot's of town driving i.e. start stop (or thinking about it if you use the M25  :grin: ) then it would be worth considering.

They do also require a fairly expensive oil change every 40K IIRC?

As for driving in the snow EVERY auto i have driven in the snow without fail has been worse than an identical manual box,

but with the correct winter tyres on this will be less of an issue for the 3-4 week a year we get snow bad enough.

Sorry dude my dsg was great in the snow, foot off and it takes up the slack like 2nd gear in a manual!
Title: Re: DSG or Manual?
Post by: gizmo68 on September 05, 2011, 09:14:40 am
Sorry dude my dsg was great in the snow, foot off and it takes up the slack like 2nd gear in a manual!

The issue isn't pulling away when you have traction, but when you need to 'rock the car' (going from 1st to reverse quickly to gain traction) this is where they are not as good as anything with a manually operated clutch.

The biggest single thing that will make ALL the difference though is the tyres, get some winter tyres on and I doubt if even a DSG will have issues in the snow.

(For the uneducated winter tyres are not just for snow, the tyre is constructed out of different rubber that works best below 7º giving far superior grip in snow, slush, icy or just very cold road conditions  :happy2: )
Title: Re: DSG or Manual?
Post by: JackG on September 05, 2011, 02:29:36 pm
DSG without a shadow of a doubt!  :grin:
Ive always had manual cars but was like you "I fancy a change, sounds like a great gadget"
Took the plunge, got the DSG ED30 and now I love it, I never actually thought a gearchange could sound good but it sounds freaking awsome when it changes gear!

In terms of reliability as long as it's maintained then your be fine! You need to learn how to use a DSG, if you just push the throttle then it will do manuals  :laugh:
If your modding the car then you'll save £400 when you don't need to change the clutch  :signLOL:
Title: Re: DSG or Manual?
Post by: Kiwi on September 05, 2011, 02:58:16 pm
DSG without a shadow of a doubt!  :grin:
Ive always had manual cars but was like you "I fancy a change, sounds like a great gadget"
Took the plunge, got the DSG ED30 and now I love it, I never actually thought a gearchange could sound good but it sounds freaking awsome when it changes gear!

In terms of reliability as long as it's maintained then your be fine! You need to learn how to use a DSG, if you just push the throttle then it will do manuals  :laugh:
If your modding the car then you'll save £400 when you don't need to change the clutch  :signLOL:

I agree, best bit of the car, and I do 30,000 to 35,000 a year, and it's great