MK5 Golf GTI
General => Shows, Events and Meets => Topic started by: JASGTI on September 28, 2011, 11:27:50 pm
VAG owners meet. Check out few cars in the undergrond car park ,then a drink or too in bowl plex upstairs
May pop to this... :happy2:
Oh no I'm on nights next week :sad1: I will be going past so may stop by
Meet on again this thur nite.
I'll prob pop along on my way home :happy2:
Think the misses spotted you today out longwell green around 2? Think she had her lupo sport so did flash(lights) at you. See u thur be good to start putting names to faces
I didn't notice any flashing :sad1: what colour polo? I vaguely recall a red one
Green lupo sport my friend. W reg :smiley:
What colour is yours so I can find you?
Silver with winter black monzas
vag meet thur 26th 7.30 onwords
VAG meet to night
Another good turn out tonight. Next meet shod have a few summer toys on display
Hopefully I'll make it next time :happy2: