MK5 Golf GTI
All Things Mk5 => Members Rides => Topic started by: Dan648v on December 29, 2011, 07:52:02 pm
ive had my edition 30 a while now and more and more stuff is changing so thought id throw up some pics before i lose track of whats been done!
the cars got quite a few added extras that most will be able to see.
this is the car after i gave it a quick clean not long after getting it home and giving it a wash
from the start the plan was to go stage 2 so over time i started to collect parts when they came up for sale. i was looking at getting a BCS tbe but then a VWracing exhaust came up for sale and i snapped it up and heat wrapped the downpipe while it was off.
while i was searching for parts a neuspeed p-flow came up for sale so i got that aswell. now i know i didnt need this to go stage 2 but wanted abit more noise and good gains can be had on stage 2 with an inlet so i thought why not! fitted pic below (with neuspeed heatsheild)
i then fitted the tbe and while i was there fitted both lower powerflex engine mounts and forge (front & back) quickshift
that was a busy day and all mods started to make the car very nice to drive! the exhaust isnt too boomy but barks when you plant the loud pedal which is great!
after all that i fitted a neuspeed boost gauge in the drivers air vent just to keep an eye on the boost psi till it was mapped!
Since adding all the parts i started to look at mapping and since getting the car id already decided on revo so started to talk to a tuner id used before and took advantage of the 10% off deal in dec! :party:
i went straight to revo stage 2 and made 305@the hubs and hubs :driver:
ill be doing a better write up on the company i used (RDT in doncaster) im on revo settings B6 T2 F8
Looks brilliant, what else is planned?
Lovely looking car :driver:
What softwae you planning on going with mate?
gave the car another clean today to try get a shine on it!
-started with a 2 bucket wash
-1 coat of poorboys black hole
-1 coat of dodo juice purple haze
-wheels sealed with poorboys ex-p
-tyres dressed
not 100% happy with the results and this was just a quick fix for winter before i can get a machine polisher on it in the new year
What softwae you planning on going with mate?
im using revo fella.
Really nice mate. A black eddy is just beautifull. I'm not being biased though... :happy2:
Cars looking fantastic if i didn't have my tractor then i would be driving one of these :driver: :driver:
keep up the good work!!!
scott :happy2:
PM'd you bud!!!
Cracking! :happy2:
Lovely car.... your from donny are you? :happy2:
Stunning looking car there fella! :happy2:
Is that a Camaro I see in the background?
Looks like one to me. Nice car you have
Lovely car.... your from donny are you? :happy2:
im from near leeds but went to doncaster for my mapping mate, about 50 miles or so!Stunning looking car there fella! :happy2:
Is that a Camaro I see in the background?
its a pontiac trams am 'smokey and the bandit' style! its my dads car, 6.6l v8 but weighs the same as a small country :wink:
cheers for the comments lads! just had my graphs sent over from will@RDT so gonna put a few up in a min
Well not as such but got my graphs sent over from will@RDT from my revo remap so thought id put them up!
Please note this was on a hub dyno so all figures at the hubs not flywheel and im on revo settings B6 T2 F8
First graph shows before and after for torque and horsepower on seperate grpahs
Second graph shows the final run i think it was before with new figures over new figures!! :driver:
Why the dip in both hp and torque at 3500rpm?? :surprised:
not sure what it is to be fair? we tried having a look and tweaking the figures on revo settings but nothing cahnged it. car is manual so no dsg limitations? car has no boost leaks, not sure on clutch wear but it doesnt seem to slip on the road? cant of been wheelspin cause its bolted to the dyno via the hubs?
You on standard fuel pump ?
My standard fuel pump couldnt keep up with the requested fuel and dipped in the mid range! Fuel setting 9 should be kept on if you dont have a upgraded HPFP. I see people using 9 at stage2+ aswell.
Is there a particular reason for such a low timing ?
edit: You seem to have a dip on stock power.
T2 is very low. What fuel are you using?
Should at T4 at least. Maybe higher if your getting low CF values.
You on standard fuel pump ?
My standard fuel pump couldnt keep up with the requested fuel and dipped in the mid range! Fuel setting 9 should be kept on if you dont have a upgraded HPFP. I see people using 9 at stage2+ aswell.
Is there a particular reason for such a low timing ?
edit: You seem to have a dip on stock power.
im running a standard vw pump at the mo? you think this could be a prob? not sure on the timing, it was and is always run on shell vpower, i can ask will.
T2 is very low. What fuel are you using?
Should at T4 at least. Maybe higher if your getting low CF values.
car was run on shell vpower and always is, i think we tried higher timing but cant remember why it went back? CF values?
Its a possibility.
However Revo says fuel should be set at 9 on standard internals. The lower the number the more fuel.
Timing is very low, mine is set at 6 at the moment for Vpower 99ron (revo Stage2. The lower the number is for people who can get good fuel i.e USA.
Stage 1 Revo recommend settings is B6 T5 F9 so how on earth stage2 is set at 2.
Go back there and data log the fueling. :happy2:
Its a possibility.
However Revo says fuel should be set at 9 on standard internals. The lower the number the more fuel.
Timing is very low, mine is set at 6 at the moment for Vpower 99ron (revo Stage2. The lower the number is for people who cant get good fuel i.e USA.
Stage 1 Revo recommend settings is B6 T5 F9 so how on earth stage2 is set at 2.
Go back there and data log the fueling. :happy2:
Just edited that for accuracy, to avoid confusion.
CF - Correction Factor. They amount the the ECU has to retard timing, to avoid knocking.
From REVO documentation.
Timing Adjustment:
Range 0-3 91(US)/95(Euro) Octane Fuel
Range 4-6 93(US)/98(Euro) Octane Fuel
Range 7-9 Unleaded Race Fuel over 100 Octane
Cheers for the replies lads. I've passed it onto Will so just waiting to here back now on what he thinks. Passed on a link to this thread aswell
while its been dry and cold ive taken the golf for a good old drive and put it through its paces and that dip is definately not noticeable on the road!! this thing pulls like a train!
timing may be low but thats where no knock was detected, the timing did get put at 4 and made more torque and no extra power and started to introduce the slighest bit of knock at the top end. to introduce knock, however minute it is is pointless if i gain no power and torque!
this is not something that i or will wanted so the timing was pulled back! this is not a track car and is a daily that i wanted safe for many years to come, ive had cars on the limilt of tuning before and its not what i wanted from the golf!
i understand revo suggest certain settings for different states of tune but my wants and the characteristics of my engine are different to others and the car is where i want it to be so in honesty im not fussed :booty:
as for the curve and dip in power, this isnt the first graph ive seen like that and looking at my standard power it has the same dip as after revo! if i felt this on the road it would be a different matter but there is not hesitation or power loss!
i trust Will (who afterall is the Revo tuner) all smiles from me :happy2:
just took delivery of these aswell, waiting on the warm weather now
:happy2: Aslong as you cant feel the dip and your happy thats all that matters.
Good kit there, i have the same. I advice to take out the blue adjuster platforms as the car sits perfect without it. i.e no rubbing
Cheers mate. Also heard that because it's a hub dyno and more accurate than normal strap down dynos this dip can be one more apparent, who knows?
Rear adjusters?
You got a pic of your car? Feel free to post it in here
Here you go -
Thats how it is at the moment!
Looks well, Love the grey, was looking at that colour till my black one came up!
so Your all the way down at the back? How much on the front?
Fronts at that time were halfway, but now all the way down. didnt change much as still i can clear 1or2 fingers through the arch/wheels.
Same with the back, all the way down no adjusters.
Yeah i picked her up for for a steal price at just 13k miles on the clock.
well quite a few updates!! been a good few weeks for me!!
firstly, while hungover i decided to waste some time and try my luck with VW and try get my build number and plaque, emailed jenny @VW customer services and got through it seems when this landed at my door 4 days later!!
secondly, my retention docs got exepted to put my private plate on the golf (youll see where the username comes from :wink: ) so that got put on using legal pressed plates!!
finally, i had a quiet dry weekend with no plans so i decided to crack on and fit my coilovers. all went relly well apart from running out of daylight!!
got her up in the air and got busy, fronts went on pretty easily and the backs even easier!
-set the back all the way to low with both adjusters still in
-set the fronts and all the way done but wound back up by an inch
first impressions are great, its an AP coilover kit, ride is near on the same as stock, the tiniest bit stiffer but i like that!! the winner for me is tho that i love the stance now and how the car sits!! over the moon!!
i went for a blast and got some snaps while the sun was out! enjoy and comments welcomed lads :happy2:
Love the stance of your car, sits perfectly. Do you find it handles a little better?
Handles very well!! Little firmer ride than stock, less body roll, definately confident in how it handles now!!
Cheers for the comments :happy2:
looks great pal, for the money you can't fault the AP's :happy2:
Now then mate what's the email address for Jenny at VW customers services as haven't got a number either?
Yeah for the price I paid there deco a good investment, have changed the car completely!!
Not sure on the address now fella, it was in the build plaque group buy thread, 6 or so pages in.
been a while since i updated this and have changed a few things so thought id fire some pics up.
first big change is the brakes, since going stage 2 i found the standard brakes were ok if you didnt get yourself in trouble but i wanted more so i settled on the nqsbbk kit and started collecting bits. i bought some boxster 986 calipers off ebay, ground down the pad pegs and refurbed them in red with new stickers, got a fitting kit off daveb and put them on with grooved mtec discs and mintex m1144 pads which are bedding in nicely!
there pretty snug behind the standard pescara but with a 5mm spacer alls good!!
first impressions are awesome, my standard brakes were hardly dead but these are brilliant, perfect bite and pedal feel and not even bedded in yet, plus they look awesome in the sun. i also treat the rear to the same discs and mintex m1144 pads while i was at it :happy2:
on the look out for new wheels for summer at the mo and quite liking these
8.5" et 45 fronts and 9.5" et43 rears :party:
Looking very nice Dan, love the brakes too..........I want some or more to the point need some :signLOL:
That's a high quality finish on those calipers Dan.
may I ask what the brakes cost all together, there's only a few guys that fancy refurbing their own calipers, it's not hard and good results are achievable
Excellent. I purchased the same grooved M-Tec disks for mine. Finding them good so far myself. :happy2:
That's a high quality finish on those calipers Dan.
may I ask what the brakes cost all together, there's only a few guys that fancy refurbing their own calipers, it's not hard and good results are achievable
Cheers Dave, not only for the fitting kit but for bringing the knowledge to the forum!
I'll split it down for you all:
£200 for 986 calipers
£250 fitting kit from Dave
£80 for Mintex m1144 (Porsche calipers)
£4 eBay Porsche stickers (6of)
A tin of paint and some patience :happy2:
Now I could of left it at that but wanted fresh clean discs (didn't need new discs)
£189 for front and back grooved Mtec disks with included Mintex pads ( front and back pads)
obviously I'm only using the rear pads as the front pads included are for the ed30 calipers.
Thanks for all the comments guys!
Fitted some led sidelights today ( my hands are now red raw!!!)
Chucked some led rear plate lights in aswell, seems to really smarten the car up!
Waiting on the postman for my next updates :drool:
Looking good, i need to get mine on.
Are you using 312 discs or 330mm ?
:happy2: looking good mate, really like the 3dr black eddy's! nice and clean, stance is perfect and loving the breaks! good finish. interested to see whats coming in the post :popcornsoda:
Looking good, i need to get mine on.
Are you using 312 discs or 330mm ?
I'm running std ed30 discs, 312mm :happy2:
Cheers jay! One package has been signed for by a neighbour who's not in :mad:
And the other has been posted by a member today :happy2:
Great Stoppers Dan :drool: :drool: :drool:
I really can't imagine how people put up with the standard Gti system…Esp when they go stg1 or even higher :scared:
I keep thinking about changing my brakes again. Don't get me wrong I love my S3 brakes all round, and they perform great, but they weigh a metric tonne. :surprised:
Cheers monte!
Yeah that's what swung me, these are lightweight and cheap consumables! And stop like you wouldn't believe!
And if that wasn't enough they look cool behind a pescara :happy2:
I need some 986 calipers in my life.
Great work mate :happy2:
Cheers monte!
Yeah that's what swung me, these are lightweight and cheap consumables! And stop like you wouldn't believe!
And if that wasn't enough they look cool behind a pescara :happy2:
Sexy as a sexy thing covered in sex juice :drool:
I also need this brake set up in my life :laugh: really nice ED30 mate
Cheers for the comments lads!
Just waiting on the postman now :laugh:
UPDATE TIME :evilgrin: :evilgrin:
been a long time coming with this update but alot came at once in the post and with holidays and work the car took abit of a back seat really.
first update is i got a autotech rear arb of w8 performance! so far great bit of kit! fitted really easy, its currently on the medium setting and im getting alot less body roll and feels so much more planted in all aspects of driving! the back now happily and confidently follows the front wheels, hopefully even more so when i fit my WALK kit (when time allows) and me being me couldnt leave it alone so i painted and laquered it in red before i fitted it!
next update is a random one and one i never had in my head before i randomly saw them and knew i had to had them and knew how they would look!
.............can you not spot what ive done????
maybe this pic will help............
now this mod will be marmite but i love em!!! :P :evilgrin:
now with any aftermarket panel there is always the chance of non vw standard when it comes to shape, quality and panel gaps but thankfully my bet paid off and im happy!!
outside of this my only other purchase is some lm reps! same as our fellow members keanos but i have a feeling mine are slightly different in spoke design but that helps with the nqsbbk fronts im running and is allowing me to run a smaller spacer than was first planned!
now the specs of these are:
front: 18x8 et 42 215 40 18
back: 18x9 et 42 225 40 18
now ive gotta run a 5mm spacer to clear the nqsbbk but its just not enough, the wheel turns but doesnt give enough breathing space. so im gonna get some H&R 8mm hubcentric front spacers then she'll be fine and dandy :happy2:
the wheels scrub or im not happy then ill be getting r32 front brakes and then dont have to run any spacer! but for now the goal is to get them on and over ther nqsbbk!
comments welcome as usual :happy2:
:happy2: nice motor mate! loving the mods you have done.
i aint a fan of marmite but i am a fan of the CF wings! are they the slightly wider wings or are they std size wings just in CF?
Cheers fella :happy2:
Standard size wings in full carbon fibre! Widened ones would of helped with the wheels but it's no drama
got bored on my day off today so changed thee old girls oil, the filter was perished and crumbling so probs a good job i got to it when i did!!!! :fighting:
-i bought a canbus friendly hid kit for the dipped beams, bought special h7r bulbs which are meant for inside non projector lights. they have a special strip around the bulb to stop the dazzling of other drivers and can confirm by a friend there not bad when im following them! 6k bulb so nice and white but not too intrusive
- ive just bought 2 new tyres off camskill for the LM's, they just need a good polish and sealing before they get put on! :party:
oh and bought my VW Harewood 2012 tickets :smiley: hopefully the weather keeps off and my car will make it to the clubstand!!
Cheers fella :happy2:
Standard size wings in full carbon fibre! Widened ones would of helped with the wheels but it's no drama
What make are those wings? :smiley:
JESUS :embarrassed: That will look proper when all finished :wink:
Cheers lads!
Danish- not sure on the make, off a company I got some evo bits off in the past, I'll have a look on the invoice later on for you
Quick update
H&R 8mm front spacers are here, tyres all fitted to the lm's and ready to go on once there polished and sealed.
I'm also in the process of booking in to get my revo stage 2 file updated and linear throttle put on! :smiley:
Oh and to prevent heat soak I've bought a Airtec twin spec front mount to help keep temps down, thinking now I might aswell buy a bloody pump and go stage 2+ and save some money!
fianlly got round to fitting my dream wheels onto the ed30 and after many journies and different calculations ive done it!!
BBS LM reps over NQSBBK porsche front brakes :party: :party: :party:
all seems good so far, pics and specs are below!
finally specs are:
front: 8x18 et42 wheel, 8mm hubcentric spacer, final et34. tyre: 215 40 18 Conti sport 3 (not much stretch because of there comfy sidewalls)
rear: 9x18 et42 wheel, 225 40 18 falken fk452
brakes are: 986 boxster/cayman front calipers, daveb fitting kit and std 312mm discs
suspension: AP coilovers, all the way down at back and maybe 3 or so threads left at front.
i reckon with a falken tyre at the front i could keep the 215 at the front and get a better stretch giving more clearance but i got the conti's cheap so tried that tyre spec out instead of wasting money on new tyres for them not to fit.
these are my summer/show wheels but can confirm i can still give some stick and it still goes and havent felt much scraping yet!! :smiley:
after putting my BBS's on i realised how rusty my disks looked and how scabby my rear calipers looked! let the look down really so i took the sun this morn as a sign to get the paint out! i know with me going to vw harewood on the clubstand i wouldnt have been happy with them looking like they were!! :ashamed:
i painted the centres of my discs matt black in a high temp paint and the rear calipers in the same paint as the front Porsche calipers so now they match all round!
all in all for a days work im pretty pleased! pics below
this was the worst rear :sick:
turned into this.......
looks much better with the wheel back on
also while i was there i did the front discs and tidied up some chips on the front calipers
comments welcomed as usual guys! off for a beer now cause its boiling :drinking:
Looks amazing! Loving the wings!! :happy2:
Cheers stu :happy2:
Car looks stunning Dan,excellent job :happy2:
Cheers Andy :happy2: see you Sunday!
Looking great. Any more pics of your rears? Im looking to get some CH Reps 18x9 et45 so should fit i hope!
I can get you some more no probs, will be tomora nite now
I run et42 18x9 on the back so stick out 3mm more than your et45 would. I run a 225 40 18 on the rear and don't scrub :happy2:
before i went to vw festival at harewood i got a friend to give it a few passes with buffer to make the pearl paint pop and so chuffed with how it came out so thought id put up a few more pics of the car
and 2 photos i got from the clubstand at vw harewood
thought it looked super shiny :happy2:
Cheers Andy :happy2: still looking pretty good now just got abit of tree sap on it, bloody trees!!
Cheers Andy :happy2: still looking pretty good now just got abit of tree sap on it, bloody trees!!
yeah mine as well or did have until the massive pour down of rain today :signLOL:
Glad it helped your end, mines still covered! Oh well I'll get the clay bar out at the weekend :grin: any excuse
How do you rate the AP coilovers?
I like em joe, mine are all the way down on the back with the adjusters in and 2-3 threads left on the front and it sits well enough for me. The body roll was reduced loads obverse he stock set up. The only down point for me is there not so good on rebound and can seem abit crashy but the only a <£500 set of coilovers so can't expect the world!
But yeah there good for me :happy2:
Reasonably comfortable for a daily?
Sorry joe I missed your question completely pal, I use mine daily on pretty crappy roads to be fair and I have no probs with them :happy2:
Fitted my Airtec twin spec cooler yesterday, all went on pretty well and looks stealthy behind the grill in satin black!
First reactions without the map changed is that the car sounds different? Deeper almost, weird I know. Sounds good tho! Also it seems to pull abit harder but that could be a placebo effect
I would put pics up but photo bucket is being a tard!! :mad:
Also the car is booked in at Statllers sheffield for a revo stage 2 update and linear throttle putting on. While I'm there they are gonna fit my new cam follower and update my revo sps switch for me :happy2:
here are the pics from fitting the Airtec Twin spec cooler, no its not forge but i got it off a forum member for a good enough price to give it a go so i did! glad i did aswell! :happy2:
so first off i stripped down the front end and remounted the horns out the way on both sides
i then set about mounting the cooler and cutting the pipes to fit, bit of a pain but i took my time and worked slow, checking twice and cutting once!
and this is what i ended up with! had a few stops inbetween buit start to finish was about 3 hours but i had a few coronas and the sun was blazing so im not fussed!
with the bumper back on and looks pretty stealthy now! all you can see really at first glance is the silicone pipes from behind my open fog grills.
these are just some random pics i took after a clean and one i found that someone took while on the clubstand at Vw harewood 2012
comments and questions welcomed folks :happy2:
very nice mate
loving the progress with this :happy2:
looks tidy dude :smiley:
cheers lads!
im booked in for the Revo stage 2 update on Tues 11th Sept at Statllers so my next update will be from there :driver:
comments and questions welcomed folks :happy2:
....Stunning couple of photos! :congrats: :congrats: :congrats: :congrats:
When are you at Statllers Dan? I may pop down if it is next week :happy2:
Cheers robin :happy2: it's appreciated!
Hurdy I'm there tues 11th at lunchtime, feel free to pop by, should be there for abit.
Cheers robin :happy2: it's appreciated!
Hurdy I'm there tues 11th at lunchtime, feel free to pop by, should be there for abit.
I'm at Midland VW that day for the Race Haldex controller fitting. Shouldn't be there too long so may be back by then. If I am I'll swing by. :happy2:
Sounds interesting! Progress is moving fast on the R I see! Different league to the polo?
Yeah go for it, I'm always for putting names to faces :happy2:
Sounds interesting! Progress is moving fast on the R I see! Different league to the polo?
Yeah go for it, I'm always for putting names to faces :happy2:
Definitely a different league to the Polo. :happy2:
Hopefully meet up Tuesday then.
I bet! Hopefully see you then, wouldn't mind a nosey round the R :smiley:
Looking great. Could you take some pics of your rear wheels for me, looking down the wing and down towards the floor? I just want to compare my wheels with yours and how much they stick out!
Yeah I can get you some pics tomora joe. Just the rears?
looking at the pics i think the intercooler would fit my tdi :pomppomp:
Can you put gti/s3 coolers on the tdi's Andy?if so I imagine it would fit...
well yesterday i made the trip to Statllers in sheffield for my Revo stage 2 update!! :smiley:
got there for lunchtime and met up with Steve, had a quick chat through what was to be done, verified the car with revo and we got cracking! steve download the relevant files plugged it into the car and started updating!
With the car update Steve then set on with updating my sps switch, i now have the below settings:
Performance A: B6 T2 F8
Performance B: B7 T4 F7
Performance C: B8 T5 F6
With all the revo things seen to Steve quickly changed my cam follower for me and pulled out a good cam follower, now i don't have receipt in my files for it being replaced so could be the original? but for £20 its now changed.
i went for linear throttle and so glad i did! anyone who hasnt tried it i guarantee youll love it or at least i do! :happy2:
I drove home on performance setting B and good god the car goes now :driver: it has no hesitations it just bloody pulls and pulls hard at that! the traction control light hardly comes on now and the power is so usable!
SOOOO......all in all i had a good day at Statllers and would defo recommend them! had some good banter with Steve, good quality organised workshop and very reasonably priced! ill defo be going back :happy2:
Looking great. Could you take some pics of your rear wheels for me, looking down the wing and down towards the floor? I just want to compare my wheels with yours and how much they stick out!
Power? How'd the Airtec do?
Steve didn't have time to dyno it so power I'm not sure? Along the line tho I'm gonna get it dyno'd using the settings I've got
Do wheels tuck in more, the more you lower it? Cheers for the pics :happy2:
Nice car you got there matey. I was talking to you about your cf wings. Glad your pleased with it. Steve really is a top guy. Would have been nice to see some dyno figures though but he's a man down at the mo. :happy2:
Do wheels tuck in more, the more you lower it? Cheers for the pics :happy2:
Was that you gazon? Nice to meet you bud :happy2: yeah shame about the dyno but I'll Pop back when he's got more time.
Yeah joe, the more you lower it the more theyll tuck!
how much are the porsche break set ups?
Dan i thought will from RDT mapped the car last time,how come you did'nt use him again ? love the carbon BTW
how much are the porsche break set ups?
Cost me around the £500 mark without new pads and discs but that was my choice!
Dan i thought will from RDT mapped the car last time,how come you did'nt use him again ? love the carbon BTW
Will did map it the first time round, he is no longer a revo agent, he's dropped them due to bad customer service. That's the only reason I didn't go back! Statllers did the stage 2 update, installed linear throttle and setup my sps :happy2:
cheers what mm are they? i had 330mm on my focus rs so want big stoppers again :)
Mine are the NQSBBK kit, parts bought through daveb off the forum, they use the standard 312mm ed30 discs. There are bigger kits available like a 330mm kit. Have a search, I'm sure you'll find some useful info
bought myself some THS FR3 top engine mounts from awesome gti today, waiting on those to show up! think the standard mounts on stage 2 are starting to struggle!
and now starting to research how to dewiper the rear window.... :party:
well not much has been happening recently due to work and the rain :fighting:
but i did get a delivery im hoping to get on pretty soon
also.....we had one good day of weather in yorkshire so me and the better half took her car out to clean the cobwebs out! vtec aint no boost :P but with new geo on adjustable camber arms and sticky tyres she handled :happy2:
well today i excepted that autumn/winter was upon us and changed my wheels and put my winters on :sad1:
gonna miss the look of the LM's but didnt wanna wreck them with what looks like a crappy winter coming! ill let the pics do the talking...
how i started...
gave the LM's a wash and put them away for now...
only one more addition since i havent been arsed to put my THS mounts on is this....
comments welcomed as per usual :happy2:
Have you read the thread about tyre storage? There's some important tips in it. If not, do a Search to find it :happy2:
Yeah I had a read robin :happy2:
I've always deflated mine to around 1.0bar and just stacked them, always been fine for me. These wheels will be fine cause of the stretch on the tyres they actually stack rim to rim (with foam covered cardboard Inbetween) :smiley:
.......i have aquired an the form of carbon :scared: :scared:
stumbled across something while randomly browsing the net and had to have it, impulse buy? not sure but i wanted it :party:
and it is..................this!!!
A nice matching Seibon Carbon Fibre boot to go with my Carbon front wings! Looking to get it on in the new year with a de-wipered rear screen and just a subtle 'Edition 30' badge
Got a nice Autumny pic the other day so ill share that aswell!
That real carbon bootlid is going to look great with your carbon wings, all on a black car. Very nice indeed :happy2:
Looks awesome! Hope it fits well!
.......i have aquired an the form of carbon :scared: :scared:
stumbled across something while randomly browsing the net and had to have it, impulse buy? not sure but i wanted it :party:
and it is..................this!!!
A nice matching Seibon Carbon Fibre boot to go with my Carbon front wings! Looking to get it on in the new year with a de-wipered rear screen and just a subtle 'Edition 30' badge
Got a nice Autumny pic the other day so ill share that aswell!
Do make a review of that boot lit, fitment weight and everything us CF nutters could use to convince ourself we can't live without :smiley:
Cheers lads!
I think it'll bring the car together and make abit more sense of the wings aswell as look good and save some weight! i couldn't resist!
Ill weigh everything as and when I take it off and see what's saved weight wise! :happy2: hopefully the fitment is good, seibon is pretty good quality so ill see how I fare.
Not sure when it'll go on but ill keep you updated. :smiley:
Where did you get it from?
Cheers lads!
I think it'll bring the car together and make abit more sense of the wings aswell as look good and save some weight! i couldn't resist!
Ill weigh everything as and when I take it off and see what's saved weight wise! :happy2: hopefully the fitment is good, seibon is pretty good quality so ill see how I fare.
Not sure when it'll go on but ill keep you updated. :smiley:
Regarding Seibon fitment:,14020.0.html
:wink: :happy2:
Do make a review of that boot lit, fitment weight and everything us CF nutters could use to convince ourself we can't live without :smiley:
....Stop it, Jake!! You are a very bad influence!
Yeah I'd had a read over that Danish before I fitted my wings, I think it should fit ok but ill hold judgement for now.
Ill do a little RR style review when I get round to fitting it for people to see the differences.
Don't think ill be adding anymore exterior carbon after this, maybe some custom inside stuff but don't wanna go ott!
Beautiful :drool:
Come on Dan you need to get it fitted asap :signLOL:
Cheers rob and andy :happy2:
Knowing me it won't stay in the garage for long :innocent:
Get the Carbon on! :party:
Haha I've been so busy at work I haven't had time mate
I've sourced a rear screen and a de wiper grommet so just need to stick those in and swap the boot over.
Can't decide if I want a gti spoiler on it or not?
Please say your keeping it carbon & not spraying it black to match the car? Bare carbon parts look really good on black & grey cars
Awesome :drool:
Is on my shopping list too. :innocent:
It's staying bare carbon just like my wings! :happy2: it'd be a crime to paint it. It's bloody lovely, I'm not hiding it away on a black car
Don't forget to weigh both to see your weight saving :party: :party:
Gonna weigh it with no glass and with glass and then the standard one when it comes off to get the total saving :happy2:
Gonna weigh it with no glass and with glass and then the standard one when it comes off to get the total saving :happy2:
:happy2: :happy2:
i think your car is nice mate, but i'd love to see your dads car.
has he got a moustache a la burt reynolds lol
wow i really need to update this! didnt realise it had been so long!
Have you got any pics of the hids mate?
Intrested to see what the hr7's look like as I'm wanting to upgrade my bulbs.
Sent from my GT-I9300 using Tapatalk 2
I'll try get you one fella, might prove a little hard with an iPhone but ill give it a go for ya. Take a look back here tomora :happy2:
I'll try get you one fella, might prove a little hard with an iPhone but ill give it a go for ya. Take a look back here tomora :happy2:
Top one cheers
Sent from my GT-I9300 using Tapatalk 2
great thread!
Love that bootlid!!
lots of pics for you all!!
first off someone asked for pics of my hid h7r lights so here you go! never been flashed once because of the brightness and people say there not intrusive when im following them
during the snowy time ive been pretty quiet with the car but took chance yesterday to refurb one of my LM's which got messed up when i got pushed into a curb by some twit who decided he wanted my lane while i was still in it!!! :fighting:
which ended up giving me this on my front passenger wheel.... red mist!!!!
so i set about sanding by hand.......
that was 3 different types of sanding leading up to wet & dry! pretty pleased how it came out to be fair, just need to buff it now and relacquer it to keep em safe and fit some new tyres back on for when the better weather comes! :smiley:
just gotta get this bootlid sorted now, dragging my heels with it a little this space
lots of pics for you all!!
first off someone asked for pics of my hid h7r lights so here you go! never been flashed once because of the brightness and people say there not intrusive when im following them
during the snowy time ive been pretty quiet with the car but took chance yesterday to refurb one of my LM's which got messed up when i got pushed into a curb by some twit who decided he wanted my lane while i was still in it!!! :fighting:
which ended up giving me this on my front passenger wheel.... red mist!!!!
so i set about sanding by hand.......
that was 3 different types of sanding leading up to wet & dry! pretty pleased how it came out to be fair, just need to buff it now and relacquer it to keep em safe and fit some new tyres back on for when the better weather comes! :smiley:
just gotta get this bootlid sorted now, dragging my heels with it a little this space
Cheers for the light pics mate 8)
Sent from my GT-I9300 using Tapatalk 2
No probs fella :happy2:
Hello Dan..have you got normal lights with your hid kit -tried them in mine but there was no beam pattern and dazzling every body
Good job on the LMs
Evening Andy! How's you?
Yeah I've got std Gti lights, the hid kit has H7r bulbs which have a special strip around the element which helps with beam pattern and anti glare. I got them off eBay if I remember rightly?
And cheers Joe :happy2:
Cheers for the info-i will have a look at them bulbs
what bulbs did you put in!thing i will try the 4300k
I've got 6k in mine Andy, but 4300k is meant to be very close to the light output of std xenons! :happy2:
Nice car dude!
Cheers :happy2:
I managed to find a few spare hours on mothers day so dragged my dad outside and got a hand fitting my Seibon Carbon boot!
Where to start?! got all the boot plastics off to be left with alot of loom and bolts! took the lights out and boot handle and stripped the loom back and fed it back out of the boot, popped the struts off and hinges and it was free!! and bloody hell was it heavy! i forgot to weigh it as it was freezing but it was a 2 man job carrying it!
We reversed all the jobs and the Seibon unit was on!
Few things to note:
-the boot lock needs nuts and bolts as there are no captive threads in the Seibon boot
-the holes for the boot badge dont line up (2 of 3 did) and some material needs filing away to let it fit on the inside (no damage to the carbon)
-its now very light so be careful letting it open as it will now smack you in the chin!!! :wink:
Apart from that alls good!! No pics of fitment but will get some when the weather allows (you'll see the problem im having below!) Weight wise the Seibon unit must easily be less than half the weight of the standard unit, the difference was crazy!
I now am sourcing a new GTI spoiler to fit to it and a top brakelight to fill the hole. Pictures below, enjoy :happy2:
When the suns out ill give her a clean and youll see how the weave pops in the sun just like the front wings!!
I had a spare Sunday and the weather was better so thought id get outside and fit my THS upper engine mounts that ive had in a box since September last year :laugh:
so i set off by ripping the engine bay apart to get to all the bolts, pretty easily done! :happy2:
didnt take any progress pics but you can see the shiny new mount hiding down there
not long back i bought some mis-ordered 42dd shifter bushes off a forum member and modded the selector so i could get a split pin through the side-side bar to hold the bush nice and tight. First impressions- awesome!! for the money probs the best mod ive done to date! such a better more precise shift.
and waiting on my latest purchase off the forum, Forge DV return pipe and also some new front rubber from Camskill for the summer wheels! :party: went for some 215 40 18 Falken FK452 to match my rears on the LM's
Considering how small the 42DD bushes are they do make quite a difference right :happy2:
I also like the feel after getting them fitted, now i need my AKS tuning bushes for the gearcable mount fitted to make it perfect :drinking:
For the cost and the size it's a really good mod! I got a deal on mine but would of been happy to buy new for this difference!
I've seen the AKS bushes, not entirely sure what they do? Although now after doing the 42dd's I do know where they go :signLOL:
Have you got yours fitted yet Danish?
Blue DV hose will look great on their Dan :happy2: :drinking:
Thanks again for that Rich, sound guy, got it fitted and pics but ill have to upload it later when I'm back on the laptop. Looks good tho :drinking:
Nice start to getting some colour in there :happy2:
Definitely a touch of colour mate. I really liked it but I have more black hoses than blue.
Glad your happy with it :happy2:
For the cost and the size it's a really good mod! I got a deal on mine but would of been happy to buy new for this difference!
I've seen the AKS bushes, not entirely sure what they do? Although now after doing the 42dd's I do know where they go :signLOL:
Have you got yours fitted yet Danish?
No not, yet i'm afraid. They are for the bracket that holds the outer part of the gearcables onto the gearbox, you can see the bracket on your picture :smiley:
You've got abit of money to get a black one now rich :happy2:
Yeah found where they go Danish, have heard the difference is as noticeable as fitting 42dd bushes so interested if it makes it that good again?!
Yep :happy2:
I too have the 42 DD shifter bushes as well as the AKS bushes.
Nice cheap and cheerful mods that make a decent difference.
Intrigued now with the AKS bushes, might get some when I've got a few pence for a little mod laying around.
Would you say it was a noticeable difference Rich?
I had too much done in one go to be able to nail it down individually unfortunately Dan.
No worries. I'm sure ill invest in some at some point. See if any more reviews pop up in the meantime. Got my laptop with me today so ill get a pic up of the Forge pipe fitted this aft
No worries. I'm sure ill invest in some at some point. See if any more reviews pop up in the meantime. Got my laptop with me today so ill get a pic up of the Forge pipe fitted this aft
Had a speedy delivery off Cupra r yesterday so took advantage of the sun and got it fitted straight away, my Forge DV return pipe in blue.
Wanted to get abit of colour in the engine bay and this is my start, always liked the forge hoses so thought it would be a good place to start!
while i was in there aswell i cleaned and re-oiled my p-flo filter, so much crap came out! might have to keep and eye on that and service it abit more.
Booked in today with Steve at statllers for a revo re-tweak on the rollers, roll on the 29th :happy2:
got a little sunshine so thought bugger this im getting my summer wheels on, so cleaned the car and fired them on!
also my Statllers visit has been and gone!! had a good day and met Hurdy (nice guy and evil car! :drool: )
got there bright and early and the car got strapped down by Steve, ran through what i wanted from the car and he got on it
ran the car up on the settings it was on from when i was RDT and produced a figure, Steve plugged the laptop in and got busy running the car up while changing settings within the revo here and there. The more the car was run the better it started to sound, nice and crisp!
Steve asked what plugs were in it (NGK Iridiums) and said they could probs do with a change so i got some Nology Silver tipped plugs off him there and then! Made more power and more torque so happy with that for the money!!
Heres the graph from when we were done, broken lines being old power & torque, solid lines being new power & torque. Its meant to be abit of a heartbreaker dyno so im happy with that!
Originally when i drove into Statllers i was B6 T2 F8 and when i left i was B8 T5 F7, both times on a Stage 2 Revo Linear Throttle map.
The car now is so much better!! alot more low down pull as you can see from the graph and the car just keeps on pulling! All in all a happy lad and just wanna say thanks to Steve and Craig @ Statllers, nice genuine lads and good customer service!!
That looks excellent :happy2:
What are the wheels exactly?
ohh very nice Dan :happy2:
ohh very nice Dan :happy2:
Cheers mate, how's your coming along?
The wheels are BBS LM reps, 8x18 et42 front with a 8mm spacer and rear 9x18 et42 :happy2:
ohh very nice Dan :happy2:
Cheers mate, how's your coming along?
The wheels are BBS LM reps, 8x18 et42 front with a 8mm spacer and rear 9x18 et42 :happy2:
Coming along nicely now after the turbo was sent back to get a check over.Its now at 220bhp am now saving up for the s3 intetcooler and the hard pipes of dark side developments
Sounds good! Will go even better with the new additions on :happy2:
I absolutely love this car on those wheel. looks mint! :happy2:
Cheers Shaun :happy2: pmd you back
Sounds good! Will go even better with the new additions on :happy2:
Hope so Dan or i willhave wasted £800 :signLOL:
Oh right haha well here's hoping :happy2: did you get your lights Sorted in the end?
Oh right haha well here's hoping :happy2: did you get your lights Sorted in the end?
I put the hid kit back in with the h7r bulbs but not tested them as yet thou
Any help guys?
On the look out for some speakers for my front doors, 3 way components, anyone got any recommendations?? Looking at hertz at the mo
Any help guys?
On the look out for some speakers for my front doors, 3 way components, anyone got any recommendations?? Looking at hertz at the mo
Go to squeeguk. Audio guru. And he will help you out & get you the best price! :happy2:
Sweet, I'll have a look and see what it comes up with, cheers Chris :happy2:
Thanks to Luis (squeeguk) got myself some nice hertz esk163l 3 ways on the way to me :happy2:
They'll have to wait till I'm back from turkey to be fitted tho!
Been a while :smiley:
Managed to get a day off work the other day so I set about fitting the Hertz 3-way components up front in my ed30, only managed to get one side in cause I ran out of time!
From what I can hear there a 100 times better than what vw put in!!
Just gotta wait for my day off tomora now to put the passenger side in.
Big thanks to squeeguk for sorting me out with the speakers and custom adapters for the mids :happy2:
Did you have a mid in there in the first place? Im going to do a similar fitting soon hopefully
I thought I had but no. Just a tweeter up top and the woofer type one at the bottom right of the door from vw.
Defo an improvement I recommend, give squeeguk a pm, sure he'll sort you something out. :happy2:
Looks good! Can't wait to get these fitted to mine too, as the standard system is somewhat lacking!
Just one question - have you got these running through and amp, or just using standard VW wiring? (Maybe a noob question, but trying to get back to grips with audio wiring, as well as the mk5 canbus!).
Yeah the standard stuff is defo lacking once you put things like these in!
I'm running mine through a rns510 with no amp and it seems fine, haven't really turned it up since I only have the drivers side finished so far. You do need to buy an autoleads adapter for the woofer for the fronts and that comes with a wiring adapter that's needed! Apart from that I just used normal speaker wire to fit everything else in :happy2:
On another note I got my autobrite snow foam lance today so gonna give that a go later on today! :party:
Call me childish but I find this cool! Always wanted one and today I gave it a whirl! :jumpmove:
Autobrite snow foam lance with Autobrite magifoam through a karcher k4 :fighting:
Loved it lol aww the little things in life hey!
Waiting on the more carbon in the post as well, nothing massive but every little counts :happy2:
nothing massive but every little counts :happy2:
That's what I keep telling our lass!! :grin:
The car looks awesome mate. See you at Harewood House!
loving the boot sell me it :)
Yeah the standard stuff is defo lacking once you put things like these in!
I'm running mine through a rns510 with no amp and it seems fine, haven't really turned it up since I only have the drivers side finished so far. You do need to buy an autoleads adapter for the woofer for the fronts and that comes with a wiring adapter that's needed! Apart from that I just used normal speaker wire to fit everything else in :happy2:
On another note I got my autobrite snow foam lance today so gonna give that a go later on today! :party:
Did you run fresh wiring or use the oem stuff?
nothing massive but every little counts :happy2:
That's what I keep telling our lass!! :grin:
The car looks awesome mate. See you at Harewood House!
Thought someone might find that :grin:
Yeah I'll be there, see if I can get next to you this year, was a little lost on the end last year, wouldn't mind some pics of the two!
loving the boot sell me it :)
By the looks of your progress so far fella you look like you can afford new :P
Yeah the standard stuff is defo lacking once you put things like these in!
I'm running mine through a rns510 with no amp and it seems fine, haven't really turned it up since I only have the drivers side finished so far. You do need to buy an autoleads adapter for the woofer for the fronts and that comes with a wiring adapter that's needed! Apart from that I just used normal speaker wire to fit everything else in :happy2:
On another note I got my autobrite snow foam lance today so gonna give that a go later on today! :party:
Did you run fresh wiring or use the oem stuff?
I used the Oem stuff that's fed through the doors from vw into the crossover then new stuff from the crossover to the woofer, mid and tweeter :happy2:
Just a random pic from last nights venture out with the other half, seemed to be shining loads! Lovely summers night :smiley:
the auto brite snow foam is excellent-Car is looking good Dan see you at Harewood
It's pretty cool I've gotta admit that, makes washing a lot easier! Shame half the house and the dog got covered lol :laugh:
Looking forward to harewood now, should be a good day if this weather carries on and we get a full stand! :drinking:
Got a delivery yesterday, mmmmm carbon!
Nice little touch for the front! Nice and quick to fit and 10 times better looking than the black one :smiley:
Also picked up some stickers from japfest2 so thought I'd try em on and see if I liked them? Only on the back wheels mind.....let's see if they stay
Waiting on some blue samco coolant hoses now so the next update will be and engine bay one I imagine! :happy2:
Very nice, can I ask where you got badge from? Is it replacement all in carbon or just the front?
Cheers :happy2:
I got it off a forum member fella so not too sure where you get them from, just came up at a good price :happy2:
It's a carbon badge but the behind is oem with all the tags and fixings in the right places
Love a mk5 on LMs :happy2:
Little update. Got some forge coolant hoses off a member to match my DV pipe i already had and had a few hours spare yesterday so thought I'd fire them on.
Pretty easy job to do and brightens the bay up loads! Now working on painting my chopped engine cover, had it sat around for ages since I took it off at Statllers for the cam follower to be changed! Hopefully I'll have it finished and on fro VW Festival @ Harewood this weekend!
Car looks great mate! Looking at your thread isnt good for my wallet! Overall, was it worth upgrading the speakers? Thinking of doing mine soon.
Haha glad i could be of some help!! I would say so! I can defo tell the difference! I love music so it was always gonna be a good upgrade for me :smiley:
I'm thinking about upgrading the back speakers and a pig the fronts eventually, but at the moment I've just sold my sub be ause I don't need it anymore these are such an improvement! :happy2:
Loving the mods Dan- wish I could get forge hoses for mine :sad1:
Cheers andy :happy2:
Sure I saw some forge boost pipes on eBay this morn for a diesel? That's abit more hidden than the coolant pipes tho. German engine bays are just so dark and plasticky, it needed brightening up!
I'm just waiting for the lacquer to dry on my engine cover now then I can get that built up and on, this is the blue I went for, ford racing puma blue.
have to go and have a look on e bay :happy2:Love the colour you have done the engine cover
Yeah it's a nice blue, just summit I had at the back of the paint cupboard lol. Thought why not!
Hhmmmm sat here looking at the rain and thinking winter wheels.
Do I
A- refurb my std pescaras anthracite grey and get some eagle f1's wrapped round them (refurb and 2 tyres needed)
B- buy some 18' matt black rotiform blq's
whats the boot like mate? any problems?
It's good fella! The fits good and it's miles lighter! Not posted in here in a while! I've bought a supermoto for the commuter to work so that's been taking all my money :) cars just been getting cleaned and used!
Almost a year since I've been in here :laugh: :confused:
Again not done much!
Put my summer Wheels on and went to spring dubs on Sunday in the old girl! And it's sparked up the love to do a few things and get active again.
I've put on a black rear badge (which I don't know why I've not done it sooner?!) looks miles better and only for £15!
Fancied a change up front so I've bought some depo projectors that I'm gonna hook up soon and run my 6k hids through, always fancied the xenon look!
Few service items to keep it running tip top and countless coats of wax and that's about it! I'll have to dig out the dslr and get some more recent pics up
Thought I'd put up some more up to date pics, these were parked up before heading down to Spring dubs last Sunday! Can't wait for the weather to perk up abit more :driver:
A pic I got after a coat of wax at the weekend! :innocent:
And this has been my daily for the last year and a bit and why I've not been on here so much! Such a laugh and a money pit
Got some depo projector lights to fit and smooth front grill so hopefully the weather holds off at the weekend so I can get them on!
Ooh very nice Dan,keep lookin at them xenon for sale to put on mine
Well @maxitrol (;u=164) it's easy to do! And certainly updates the front! For the money I'd recommend them. Yet to drive at night with them but I've put 6k hids in the dipped beam and nightbreakers in the full beam :)
Just waiting on some magnets to show up from China then I can put my smooth US front grill on. Got a load of auto finesse cleaning stuff in the post too to smarten it up and get rid of my grey grills. Can't decide now if I want autoglym hd wax as my next wax or splash out and get swissvax shield?...
Looks good Dan with the new lights in,did you do the bixenon mod
Looks good.
I'm tempted to get some auto finesse wax next, probably spirit. Could be a good choice for you to add to your af collection
Which mod Andy? I did the 6oclock mod if that's what you mean?
Yeah the auto finesse has a good range! Looking at there rejuvenate as a pre wax cleaner, looks very good for the price!!
Of the light harness you plug in a wire comes of and comes into the central electrics so the shutters in the lights use xenon bulbs
Ah right these are depo reps so just plug in and go :)
Gonna code in Vcds for xenon without shutter and I'll be good to go! (He says hoping!)
Oops sorry Dan should of read your post properly :ashamed:
Got me worried there mate! :)
How's yours coming along? Any more on the turbo kit front? @maxitrol (;u=164)
car is coming on nicely,just got the boost pipes all done,just a matter of getting the money together now in between doing our new house as well
Just another damp day up north! Gotta say I love these lights, one of those mods I should of done sooner! Can see loads better at night with the hids in these.
Now it's just sat there with no mot as it ran out last week without me knowing, wish you'd get sent a reminder, would be miles easier!!
Got my US smooth grill to go on, new plates and magnets to stick together first tho and bought my tickets for vwfestival 2015 as a reason to polish it up and get out! :)
Passed it's mot this morn with no advisories which was nice! Only job he had to do was adjust my depo lights as they were a it ski-whiff:)
Time for a bath!
Loving what you've done with this. The carbon fibre looks ace. Are the headlights aftermarket? I'm after new headlights and debating whether to stick with standard or go for projectors. After seein this I think it'll be projectors :drool:
Cheers @Rholtby (;u=11994) !
Yeah the headlights are depo projector lights off eBay, I couldn't justify the price for 2nd genuine xenons. These are bang on for the money and look awesome with some hids in them. I stayed with std gti ones for 2 1/2 years then changed to these. Defo glad I did :)
Looks great, really nice looking mk5 that!
Cheers Wayne :happy2:
Looks nice, but what is the Rydell edition?
Any pics of the bulbs at night?
Also do you have a link to the bulbs / HIDs? Just installed a set on my TDi but still have the standard bulbs running at the moment. Did you upgrade the side lights as well?
@lewisako (;u=11510)
That's the only pic I have of the lights at the mo, the hid kit is a 6000k can is friendly kit, nightbreaker osram full beams and led sidelights. No links for any of it tho sorry dude, bought it all ages ago and was running them in my std lights, they came off eBay tho. Loads of choice on there, sure it was summit like UK hids? I remember gb flags in the ad :thumbup:
Looks nice, but what is the Rydell edition?
Not sure what you mean by that dude?
@lewisako (;u=11510)
That's the only pic I have of the lights at the mo, the hid kit is a 6000k can is friendly kit, nightbreaker osram full beams and led sidelights. No links for any of it tho sorry dude, bought it all ages ago and was running them in my std lights, they came off eBay tho. Loads of choice on there, sure it was summit like UK hids? I remember gb flags in the ad :thumbup:
Thanks dude. How hard were the HIDs to install? Pretty straight forward? And what's the 6 o'clock mod?
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It's pretty straight forward to fit it all yeah, I just took my time and all was fine. Only really one place for everything to go so it all went together. One thing I did like about the depo projectors was that cause there based on oem lights they actually had a spot underneath to attach the hid ballasts to so there hidden!
The 6 o'clock mod it to do with the way the hid bulb sits it the holder, either with the element on the bulb at 12 o'clock or at 6 o'clock, some have found with the element at 12 o'clock the light pattern shows a big shadow on the floor so people turn the bulbs round to hide this. A quick search will show you more :thumbup:
Working on my smooth grill today In-between giving the 30 a wash.
Stuck 5 n35 magnets on the back of the plate and grill with some ridiculously strong sticky crap! Magnets are perfect cause it finds the same home everytime you put the plate on! Easy peasy.
Picked up some adhesive backed felt from a local fabric shop and covered the back of the plate to help reduce scratches on the grill front from the magnets and trimmed it up! Pretty happy with it for a diy mod. :)
Just gotta wait for a spare 5 mins and fit it up with all the badges attached
Just for reference the grill is from xenonzk and the plates were off eBay with the magnets aswell.
Looks nice, but what is the Rydell edition?
It's a secret :booty:
Looking good!
I really need to sort out some magnets for my plate... Running it in the window isn't smart :ashamed:.. I like what you've done with the felt too, might have to do something similar! Thanks :happy2:
Cheers @Morgen (;u=10797) :happy2:
Yeah I thought it was a good idea, saw someone had done on here a while back so thought I'd give it a go! Pretty pleased with the outcome, gonna get it fitted up on Sun and see how it's come out!
Didn't fancy the plate in the window, police round my parts are pretty keen!
Got a few bits done today!
Fitted my new smooth grill, switched over my carbon vw badge and edition 30 badge onto it, repainted my engine cover, prefer it to the purple that was meant to be blue on there before, it doesn't match the forge hoses but does match the coolant lids. Pretty happy with it!
Decided to jack up the back and take out my adjusters on the rear coils, got me another 10/15mm drop
One niggle I've always had is with my Neuspeed intake was that it didn't have a heatshield/air feed so I decided to make one! Only got a pic of the cardboard stencil I made and the metal one I've made from it is drying in primer in the shed! Bit of black paint and heat proofing and I'll get some pics fitted!
Been meaning to get around to doing NeoDyium(sp?) magnets on my plate for a while now. buying a private plate so will be my chance to do it
Greta work!
Cheers @Tfsi_Mike (;u=293) :happy2:
Gotta admit the magnets are a neat little trick! I've got 5 on each side and I don't think it's coming off without a good yank! What I like is All the main work is in the prep and the plate goes in the same place everytime!
Doing the Seibon bonnet?
Wow Dan under the bonnet lookin excellent
Doing the Seibon bonnet?
I'd thought of it, did actually miss out on one for a decent price but changed my mind last minute! Think Eddie on here has one fitted to his black track car and it does look pretty sweet! Let's never say never ;)
Wow Dan under the bonnet lookin excellent
Cheers Andy! Looking forward to seeing it with my heatshield fitted!
How's yours coming along? Fitted those hoses yet?
Seibon CF hood :happy2:
Haha thanks for that @danishmkvgti (;u=237) nothing like abut of temptation!!
Sorry to hear about your car, glad all got out safe and ok! :drinking:
Did it survive the accident Jake? Will it be for sale?
Did it survive the accident Jake? Will it be for sale?
The car is a write off unfortunately Mike, looking at a new car as we speak
Hope you find summit good Jake and you'll be back on track soon!
Here's a pic of my heatshield in primer just before I layed down some gloss black! Impressed with myself, may make zero difference but enjoyed making it and now the filter has a air feed direct off the front of the car like most expensive CAI on the market. Next pic in the bay!
Snuck out 10mins early before work and got my air feed fitted up. finished it up with some gloss black paint, lined underneath with heat reflective tape and ran a rubber edging seal around all the edges for that pro look!! :smiley:
Based the design on some Revo ones I'd seen and now probably the only person running one with a Neuspeed CAI. You can see my cold air feed I ran up from my front open grill aswell, again if it makes a difference then great if not it was sat in the shed anyway :happy2:
That looks good Dan
Cheers Andy! Chuffed with how it came out, looks like it came with the Neuspeed so I'm happy with that! It feels better on the butt but I'll put that down to placebo! ;)
Looking very nice. :drinking:
Some logs before and after would have been nice. To check efficiency. :happy2:
Yeah it could of proved if it's doing anything. I've got vcds and it's only 3 bolts to take it off so never say never. But for now it's there and it cost me basically time to build so if it helps it's a winner, if not nothing lost :happy2:
Took a ride out to FittedUK at wetherby racecourse today, was meant to be going to TOTB but took a rain check-literally!! Last minute and decided to go see what it was like!
Pretty good show, nice spread of cars with an ok atmosphere!
One I picked of mine from out in the car park! The rear has settled now after taking the adjusters out of the AP's! Sits miles better!
Then my fave 3 cars in the show
Thought about going myself, but the weather decided it for me! Looks like some nice cars there though.
We got there for 10am Andy so we got perfect weather till 1pm then got out just in time cause it started raining! I was happy with that tho, had a good look round so it felt worth it!
Some really nice cars there and obviously a bit of rubbish as well. I'd go back next year!
You will have to go down next year Dan as yours will be the first on the list :signLOL:
I didn't go till about 12 today so we got soaked lol some decent cars though. Shame that not many proper cars that get driven get into show n shine it's all about scraping the floor these days!
You will have to go down next year Dan as yours will be the first on the list :signLOL:
Haha I'm game for that Andy! There best be some cars alongside me tho :happy2:
I didn't go till about 12 today so we got soaked lol some decent cars though. Shame that not many proper cars that get driven get into show n shine it's all about scraping the floor these days!
Yeah I get that Mitch, loads of air ride and splits and there called builds?! Not really!! Well not in my eyes. I couldn't do a lot of shows like this tho cause it's just same cars, same people, different showgrounds!
I did have a good look round the car park on the way out and to be fair there was better daily used stuff out there :smiley:
Mine will be there so that's 2
I'm sure you'd be able to twist a few more arms! Vw fest filled up quick :happy2:
You will have to go down next year Dan as yours will be the first on the list :signLOL:
Haha I'm game for that Andy! There best be some cars alongside me tho :happy2:
I didn't go till about 12 today so we got soaked lol some decent cars though. Shame that not many proper cars that get driven get into show n shine it's all about scraping the floor these days!
Yeah I get that Mitch, loads of air ride and splits and there called builds?! Not really!! Well not in my eyes. I couldn't do a lot of shows like this tho cause it's just same cars, same people, different showgrounds!
I did have a good look round the car park on the way out and to be fair there was better daily used stuff out there :smiley:
I did plan on strolling round the car park but it was pissing it down. And yeh my friends go to a show virtually every 2 weeks and 90% of cars they've seen before. I usually do 1 or 2 a year like this and try to get to TRAX but missed it this year :(
Vw festival is the one I want to do this year! At harewood house
And yeh bags and wheels isn't a build for me, and a lot just pay somebody to do it (not all but a lot) which kind of takes away a lot of the fun.
A lot of this is just jealousy from me like haha
Nah I get that @Mitch H (;u=11699)
If I do a few shows I try make them different ie vwfestival, TOTB, trax, time attack. Totally different cars and disciplines!
I'll be at vwfestival on the clubstand, always love that show, awesome atmosphere and cars! Good to meet some members, Lots of old cars aswell as new to mix it up.
The main prob I have with some shows is the people who build cars to gain likes and try 'be different' to chase trophies and When they don't they're unhappy!
Build a car for you and if people like it fair enough :happy2:
Cheeky little shot from fitteduk car park!
LM's and indeed the car look awesome.
Well done :)
Cheers dude :happy2: @bonelorry (;u=7168)
Still looking good Dan
Just realised I follow you on insta! Car is looks great buddy
Still looking good Dan
Cheers Andy! :happy2:
Just realised I follow you on insta! Car is looks great buddy
Really? What's your user name?
Still looking good Dan
Cheers Andy! :happy2:
Just realised I follow you on insta! Car is looks great buddy
Really? What's your user name?
MITCHHICKEN if I remember rightly :)
Ah no way, with the R32 rear end?
Really smart set up! Loving the new darker wheels too, I'm tempted to do the same to my pescaras for winter! Keep meaning to do it but can never be arsed getting the tyres taken off :smiley:
Ah no way, with the R32 rear end?
Really smart set up! Loving the new darker wheels too, I'm tempted to do the same to my pescaras for winter! Keep meaning to do it but can never be arsed getting the tyres taken off :smiley:
Haha I sell and fit tyres for a living so I don't struggle there :P yeh glad I did the r32 rear :) was an excuse to get a bcs system too which sounds sweet. I think I'm gunna get the front bumper resprayed after the winter and do the front centre splitter in the same grey as the rear diffuser so it all ties in :)
Ah well there's no excuses for you then!! :smiley:
I'll get em done at some point, the powdercoater i use usually have a quick turnaround on popular colours.
Yeah that would smart be a smart little touch on the bumper! I've seen r32 bumpers with the chrome grill painted that sort of grey and that looked good as well.
Tried out a new product from auto finesse this morn called revive, pretty good at bringing back faded old plastic! Definitely see the difference :happy2:
Think it'll only get better with a few coats, not bad for bringing back a 8 year old untreated grill!
Ah no way, with the R32 rear end?
Really smart set up! Loving the new darker wheels too, I'm tempted to do the same to my pescaras for winter! Keep meaning to do it but can never be arsed getting the tyres taken off :smiley:
Haha I sell and fit tyres for a living so I don't struggle there :P yeh glad I did the r32 rear :) was an excuse to get a bcs system too which sounds sweet. I think I'm gunna get the front bumper resprayed after the winter and do the front centre splitter in the same grey as the rear diffuser so it all ties in :)
In the same line of work as me Mitch :happy2:
Ah no way, with the R32 rear end?
Really smart set up! Loving the new darker wheels too, I'm tempted to do the same to my pescaras for winter! Keep meaning to do it but can never be arsed getting the tyres taken off :smiley:
Haha I sell and fit tyres for a living so I don't struggle there :P yeh glad I did the r32 rear :) was an excuse to get a bcs system too which sounds sweet. I think I'm gunna get the front bumper resprayed after the winter and do the front centre splitter in the same grey as the rear diffuser so it all ties in :)
In the same line of work as me Mitch :happy2:
Where you work? Or you got your own place? :)
Work at Sg Petch,richmond fast fit
Had an awesome day out at vwfestival yesterday, good to meet some new and old members and have a look round some cars!
Finally got a pic in front of the Harewood House of my car!
Got my pescaras back from powder coat in a light anthracite, new centre caps and now waiting on 4 new eagle f1's as2's to be fitted
They look excellent Dan
Cheers Andy! It was LSN in castleford that did them. Second set I've had done by them, always happy with what they do. :happy2:
Great build thread buddy...I like what you have done.....
Cheers deano :happy2:
Hopefully the rain will hold off for me at some point and I can get the pescaras put on!
Look forward to the pics
Finally snuck them on! Weather really has turned crappy now. Oem pescaras in light anthracite and 4 new Goodyear eagle f1 as2's! Loving the new look, always fancied a dark set on wheels on it and love the contrast to the Carbon!
Looking good. Really suit the car :happy2:
Cheers dude! Glad I pulled the trigger on the colour choice! And the tyres seem to be awesome in the little amount of dry weather we've had!
Also fixed a little niggle that had been driving me crazy!!
My gearstick had lots of side to side movement when in gear, more so in 2,4,6 than 1,3,5 but bad all round!
Traced it back to a little plastic bush that fits into the side-side selected mount on top of the box that was missing? Literally just pushes onto it below where the gear cable goes. £5 later from VW. And all sorted, back to precise gear changes!
I love winter and rain :sad1:
Looks steathy with that Carbon :happy2:
Great looking car!
Had this spoiler in the shed for the last year and everytime I try it on I can't get on with it? Was meant to be gti style but it sticks up to much for me so I've decided to sell it on and sourced an oem gti spoiler for the seibon boot! Decided I finally wanted to fit one to it.
How much are you looking for, for the spoiler? It's like that, that I've been looking for, for a while. :drool:
I'll pm you Eddie :happy2:
Bit of an update...
Decided to keep my pescaras on for summer instead of the LM's and get some use out of the eagle f1's, so I Bought some 10mm eibach spacers for the back, looks miles better spaced out abit, even picked up some new VW bolt covers aswell.
Sold the spoiler above, just couldn't get on with it, looked too out of place for me. Sourced an oem spoiler in black already and stuck it on today just gotta wait for it to dry on and I can get a better pic.
Yeah looks better with the oem spoiler
Miles better Andy! Just hoping it stays in the same place I've taped it in :laugh: otherwise that could be fun!
It'll take some getting use to as I've never had a spoiler on the carbon boot and it's been on for 3 yrs or so now :smiley:
Id not drove the edition for 2 weeks so took the sun on Easter Sunday as a reason to get some fresh vpower in a took it to shake the cobwebs off.
Forget how good these things are sometimes :smiley:
Just looked through the whole thread, nice work and a good read. Out of curiosity, where were the LM reps bought from?
Cheers dude :happy2:
The LM's? I got em from a company called Sorted in Barnsley. They had loads of choice when it came to wheels, nice lads and even let me go put the wheels on before I bought them!
Really liking the way this is going!
How do you find the ap Coilovers? Can you still give it some on crap roads? As I live near some pretty crap roads :)
Cheers Mitch :happy2:
For how much the AP's cost, there pretty basic entry compared to the big boys, they do really well! Been running them for 3 1/2 years now and they've been faultless! Even better since I took the rear adjusters out last year for a few more lows.
They ride pretty much like oem as far as comfort goes and people often comment on how there not crashy or too harsh, kinda fits the ed30 in my eyes!
But yeah can take a back road no probs, I've got arb's and walk on mine but suspension still has a lot to do with it, lots of potholes and speedbumps near me and aslong as you drive with consideration for them your fine :happy2:
Id not drove the edition for 2 weeks so took the sun on Easter Sunday as a reason to get some fresh vpower in a took it to shake the cobwebs off.
Forget how good these things are sometimes :smiley:
Bugger that's nice
Cheers duck :happy2:
I've made a small mess in my trousers :drool:
I've made a small mess in my trousers :drool:
:grin: haha cheers dan!
lookin forward to seeing it at fitted uk meet if we get a stand
Lovely car
I hope so dude! @maxitrol (;u=164) 2nd year they've screwed us for a stand otherwise.
I tried to write in the stand thread about how fitted seems to favour there pals when it comes to stands etc, seems most shows are going that way and abit stuck up, not sure it posted tho.
Do love vwfestival tho :happy2:
Cheers @S800BRN (;u=1993)
Busy weekend for the ed30!
Finally after buying the kit back in Feb I got a nice enough day to do my cambelt and water pump! Pretty easy in the end, took us 2.5 hours which I didn't think was bad, old belt looked alright but had been on for 5 years so thought better safe than sorry!
Then here's a boo boo for you, back in 2012 I bought a whiteline WALK kit off this forum in a group buy and turns out while tidying my dads garage yesterday they stayed on a shelf and not on my car lol :laugh: what a divvy! so I got those fitted up, only driven the 1 slow mile home so not seen a difference yet!
Then there is my bargain mod I've fallen in love with, a cheeky little add on splitter to the bottom of the bumper, not too much but just enough to know it's there! Always felt the front was lacking something so I'm pretty happy with the outcome.
Here's to some Spring motoring! Fancying swapping out my neuspeed intake for a Revo one next but we'll see...
Still looking good Dan..good shout on the cam belt and the walk kit should make a difference
Just can't believe I thought I'd fitted them Andy and forgot all about them! :stupid:
Looking forward to doing a few miles and seeing if I can feel a difference!
Defo have more confidence in it now the belt is done! I know some people push them when there on low miles but it was the age of it that what niggling at me.
Heading out to cars in the park near Leeds on the 8th so I'm glad I'm all sorted to get there :smiley:
@Dan648v the splitter looks good, what's it off?
Splitters just a universal one I came across through a Facebook page :happy2:
Took a trip to VW today to pick up my latest buy, followed the crowd with my spare £40 and picked up a Rev G to swap out for my Rev D.
Had only done 2500miles on the Rev D and didn't feel to have lost any power but thought I'd give the G a go after tuners recommendations.
First impressions seem good. I'm off to a local show on Sunday so I'll be putting some miles on so I'll see how it fairs up on a journey out.
Took a trip out to Cars in the Park at Newby Hall, Ripon today.
Great day out with loads of sun! First time at this show and if your local I'd defo recommend it!
Was great to get out in the car again after not driving it for ages! Makes me realise why I love this car so much.
I was quite pleased it stayed clean, put the fresh coat of Swissvax I'd put on yesterday to good use!
Have to admit aswell now after putting some miles on since swapping my diverter valve the G has defo given me a smoother and most responsive drive over the D!
Took a trip out to Cars in the Park at Newby Hall, Ripon today.
Great day out with loads of sun! First time at this show and if your local I'd defo recommend it!
Was great to get out in the car again after not driving it for ages! Makes me realise why I love this car so much.
I was quite pleased it stayed clean, put the fresh coat of Swissvax I'd put on yesterday to good use!
Have to admit aswell now after putting some miles on since swapping my diverter valve the G has defo given me a smoother and most responsive drive over the D!
looks bloody excellent Dan :drool: :drool:
Cheers Andy!
It was a sports/prestige show so it got abit of attention but when it's surrounded by 6/7 figure cars it got a little swallowed up! Great day out tho.
They do a spring one now and a Autumn one at Lotherton Hall? Might check that one out considering its £8 a car :happy2:
Checking the dates now to see if I can make it to anymore VW shows, fancy Cumbria vag....
Come to GTI International, July 9-10th at Shakespeare Raceway. I will be there on Sunday along with most of the others on here I believe. If you do come you may have to stop me from licking your car though :grin:
Cheers Andy!
It was a sports/prestige show so it got abit of attention but when it's surrounded by 6/7 figure cars it got a little swallowed up! Great day out tho.
They do a spring one now and a Autumn one at Lotherton Hall? Might check that one out considering its £8 a car :happy2:
Checking the dates now to see if I can make it to anymore VW shows, fancy Cumbria vag....
Yeah get your self to Cumbria show,should be pretty good
Haha cheers @dansmith180 (;u=9450) :grin: just had a look and it'd be 320 mile round trip and don't think my little lad would hack the travelling! Shame cause I've always fancied gti international.
@maxitrol (;u=164) yeah I've just taken it to the other half and apparently I'm already committed to btcc at Croft that day :(
No worries mate,bloody he'll i was going to take my lad to that and Croft is just down the road
Yeah that is quite a treck, where about a are you then?
I'm from near York up north dude! Bit of a trek to most shows for me and now with a 1 yr old it makes it tricky. That's why I love vwfestival because it's about 10 miles away :grin: that and it's a great show! Not a great spread of stuff up here
Yeah I try get to at least 1 btcc a year, crofts obviously closet so like to go there. Usually good to look round the pits there too and the teams let you get up close! Kinda fancied CumbriaVag aswell, I'd just about convinced myself to go lol.
Oh yeah my mate went to uni up there, pretty far away from most stuff as you say. Nice an cheap up there though :jumpmove:
Nice up here but not cheap tho haha. I think people call it 'Harrogate Tax' :fighting:
I suppose I at least have nice views to look at while the government is bending me over!
Hahaha, my mate said it was well cheap for him up there in terms of rent and going out compared to down our way (Berkshire) although he wasn't in the nicest bit to be fair.
Yeah depends where he was based to be fair, like you say dude there's always good spots and bad ones.
You should move where he was then you'd have some spare cash to bolt a tte420 onto that new lump of yours :innocent:
Hahaha, yeah well luckily I pay a pittance to my patents at the moment which is why I can afford all this nonsense. Problem is TTE420 leads to diff or 4WD :rolleye:, its a Nanodrive covered slippery slope with debt at the bottom :fighting2:
True! There has to be a line somewhere!
I'd say choose your spec based on what you want from the car and budget then just do it once and do it right :happy2:
Sometimes messing around with specs can get you spending money that is more than a well sorted car in the first place.
Now that is one mean looking ED 30!! :happy2: :congrats: :congrats: :congrats:
Awesome ED30! :drool:
Cheers lads!! :happy2:
Took my little lad to feed the ducks at a nearby lake after work and thought I'd get a few pics!
It appears to of rained sand so not the clearest of reflections but that swissvax is still earning it's money :innocent:
Loving driving it in this warmer weather!
Looks great mate! Can't beat the black/grey combo.
Cheers Mitch! Glad I did it in the end!
Managed to bag a Revo intake off my mate for a bargain before he traded in his 6R :drool: only done 1000miles so I'm looking forward to getting that fitted up then sell my Neuspeed on. See what all the hypes about
Found myself with 30minutes free time this afternoon so fired the Revo kit on I've just got off a mate. Good fit, good sounds, seems to pull better? Happy dan.
A quick dive out always results in a pic or 2!
Gotta say I'm suprised by the Revo, not for power but for the drivability? Car defo seems smoother on and off light loads.
^wow. Smitten
The new air filter would do that. People bang on about how going aftermarket wont give any extra gains, which is finez but they always forget to mention how the turbo is happier earlier on giving a much more responsive and lower down torque drive.
I fitted an oversize to my 18t agu and that thing flipping lifts off. If it werent for dsg it would have me off the lights (im stock im dv issues). Love driving that thing around town. Hehe 
The noise is the problem for me now. It was fine on the rat bucket a3, duno about in this. Its a bit too refined for me.
Exactly! ^^^
It seems to be a lot happier now, an oem feel and drive through the pedal but a lot more power with it :signLOL:
Suits it really well with the Revo map! I guess just an advantage of matching software and hardware.
After a few miles tho I can say the Revo is quieter than the Neuspeed, kinda miss that spool noise I got from the Neuspeed.
Can anyone point us in the right direction for the black washer and expansion tank tops?.......
Can anyone point us in the right direction for the black washer and expansion tank tops?.......
AKS or awesome GTI :happy2:
I'd rather give my money to AKS :happy2: cheers dude!
Any idea on price? Get Alex to accidentally leave some in your car while its there :grin:
I might have the black caps kicking around in my garage after I sold my Mistress, I'll have a look in a few weeks once I get home. No money needed as the surplus now.
I'd rather give my money to AKS :happy2: cheers dude!
Any idea on price? Get Alex to accidentally leave some in your car while its there :grin:
Not sure, can't imagine they're much. Martin has just reminded me I might actually have the black washer cap as I now have the Forge one. If you're not in a rush I can ask Alex next time I speak to him? Probably will in the next few days if not I'll see him on Saturday, mean time I'll look for my washer cap.
I'd rather give my money to AKS :happy2: cheers dude!
Any idea on price? Get Alex to accidentally leave some in your car while its there :grin:
Not sure, can't imagine they're much. Martin has just reminded me I might actually have the black washer cap as I now have the Forge one. If you're not in a rush I can ask Alex next time I speak to him? Probably will in the next few days if not I'll see him on Saturday, mean time I'll look for my washer cap.
I might have the black caps kicking around in my garage after I sold my Mistress, I'll have a look in a few weeks once I get home. No money needed as the surplus now.
Cheers lads, no rush at all! Was just looking while fitting my Revo cai and thinking I'd swap the blue ones out to tidy things up!
Anything you have get in touch and I'll sort you out some beer tokens :happy2:
Got some post through from @dansmith180 (;u=9450) today, nicely donated his black washer cap to me for nowt and even threw in some spare samples from his work! :happy2: what a lad! Cheers dude!
So I've got that and the coolant cap to fit now that Dan also sorted for me through Alex at AKS. Never really liked the blue caps, they never seem to get clean enough so a good upgrade for the clean freak in me
No worries mate, it means when I finally see your car for real you can't be too mad at me for leaving finger and tounge prints all over the carbon bits :laugh:
I might have the black caps kicking around in my garage after I sold my Mistress, I'll have a look in a few weeks once I get home. No money needed as the surplus now.
I could send some quids for them if you want?
Cheers again for the cap Dan :happy2:
Got em fitted up and they make a nice subtle change
I now wanna change the look of my engine cover, don't really wanna chuck money at a TTS cover so will have to rethink this one...
I might have the black caps kicking around in my garage after I sold my Mistress, I'll have a look in a few weeks once I get home. No money needed as the surplus now.
I could send some quids for them if you want?
That's just reminded to go look for them, if I find them I'll let you know Mike. :happy2:
Felt like I'd not bought anything for a while so bought some heko deflectors to see if I like em and my first set of wiper blades since I bought the car, 5 years to be exact!! :signLOL: I guess when you do about 1500miles a year they don't really wear out, so treat it to some Bosch aero twins :happy2:
Carbon anyone?...
Nice ass :ashamed:
Cheers Mike :love:
Ooh i do like a nice arse :drool:
1500 miles!! This even less than @maxitrol (;u=164) :P
Just less than me. 1600 last year, probably 2k this year lol
Haha lads why do we have em?! :laugh:
My mot is due by the 9th July so we'll see what this year has been like! Made an effort to enjoy it abit more this year.
Only on 700miles at the moment :signLOL:
Well today was D day....ed30 passed its mot! No advisories either which was nice :happy2:
And the miles.....1023 since last year lol. Not sure whether to be proud or sad :stupid:
Good to see it passed mate,think mine will be the same mileage when mine gets done
Really should use it more! It's just time and work :sad1: I do have fun when I use it tho!
My Heko deflectors showed up so fitted those, not grabbed a pic yet.
Also in talks with Steve @ statllers about going stage 2+ :driver:
Hoping to sneak it in and get sorted before VW festival
Your ed30 looks lovely! I feel really sorry for my poor car sometimes.. Gets around 10k miles of abuse each year :ashamed: I wish I could only cover 1-2k miles per year :sad1:
Really should use it more! It's just time and work :sad1: I do have fun when I use it tho!
My Heko deflectors showed up so fitted those, not grabbed a pic yet.
Also in talks with Steve @ statllers about going stage 2+ :driver:
Hoping to sneak it in and get sorted before VW festival
Now that sounds a good plan
Your ed30 looks lovely! I feel really sorry for my poor car sometimes.. Gets around 10k miles of abuse each year :ashamed: I wish I could only cover 1-2k miles per year :sad1:
Cheers @Morgen (;u=10797) ! It's not from choice, where I work there's just no parking that's not an arm and a leg so I use my bike most days and the edition as a toy! Wish I could use it abit more but not too much lol
I know right @maxitrol (;u=164), I keep trying to nail Steve down for date to go over but he's not too fast at coming back.
Statllers is closing for all of August to finish their race cars so I'm struggling to get summit sorted! Hoping he gets back to me soonish
Spent this morn unseizing my rear drivers caliper, the sliders were full of crap from the corroded coating, free'd off quite easy so hopefully it'll stay that way!
Best do anyway cause I've just booked in with Steve at Statllers in August to go to stage 2+. He's gonna fit some autotech internals & follower, upgrade my Revo and tweek on the dyno so I'm looking forward to that!
And my cheap mod for this week was a little metal beesting aerial, had a short polo one on it and the radio reception went crap, checked it out and it looked like a cat had been nibbling on it! Bloody things.
how much does steve charge for autotech internals fitted?
you fitting a cooler before map?
He's quoted me £350 supplied and fitted for the Autotech internals :happy2: @mitchh (;u=3159)
I've got a Airtec front mount fitted already so should be alright on that front dude!
In prep for vwfestival next week and generally just cause they needed it I decided to refurb my brakes!
It was a bit of an after thought as originally I wanted to change my brake fluid, it's never been done in the years I've had it so thought I best get it done.
So first up I flushed 2 litres of fluid through and then set about sanding and prepping everything! Gave the calipers a good scrub and got rid of all loose crud!
Painted the calipers in red enamel and the disc bells, edges and shields in heatproof satin black. All I need to do to finish the job is put my new decals up front. All in all they look miles tidier
Looks good Dan
Looks very sharp Dan! :happy2:
Cheers lads :happy2:
This time next week I'll be at statllers :evilgrin:
The attention to detail by placing all of your locknuts on their end in piles at each wheel is :happy2:
Too often people ram their impact gun through the bolts and drop them where they land leaving you foraging when putting them back on!
Haha cheers Luke!
Never noticed it before but yeah I'm quite OCDish :grin: miles better than cleaning all the crap off the threads or trying to find the one that rolled away when you weren't looking!
i sprayed my new S3 calipers with hammerite. wish i just stuck with my trusty brush and caliper paint.
cars looking mint :happy2:
Cheers dude!
You could always give em a brush over when there fitted up? I got this enamel from a local car boot and it worked really well! Enamel paint works well just gotta be confident as it goes tacky quick and build layers to avoid runs :happy2:
"Never noticed it before but yeah I'm quite OCDish"
Two axle stands and two trolley jacks :stupid:
PLEASE... Splash out on another pair of axle stands buddy _ this sort of lash up makes me wince!
At least put your wheels under the car....
Love this car!
Hey at least it was matching axle stands front and jacks at the back! :grin:
And don't worry I put 2 axle stands under the rear arms, unless I've missed it over the years, but you can't put jacks and stands in the same place on the sills so there has to be an order it's done in. This pic was just taken last min before the car came down :happy2:
Looks a nice car pal!
Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
Well that was a fun day!
Got to Steve @ Statllers for early morn and was lucky to get straight in! Early bird and all that I suppose.
First up Craig got my rs4 return valve and Autotech internals fired in. I wasn't intending on fitting the rs4 valve but off Steve's recommendation I thought why not while I'm here, glad I did to be honest.
Once that was sorted Steve uploaded the Revo stage 2+ file and linear throttle map :happy2: I ran this throttle mapping on stage 2 and it felt so much more controllable so opted for that again.
Ran the car up on settings B8T6F6 and it pulled abit too much timing back on the top end, So after a chat I decided I wanted a 100% safe useable car all day long and that's what Steve was sent off to adjust too!
Car came back with 350bhp 360ftlb on B8T4F6 :party: I was happy with that!
My Airtec twincooler let me down with heat soak big time so if that ever breaks I'll upgrade it to something more efficient! But for a 25degree day I'm happy!
Pulls like a goodun now, a lot more punch in the mid range and the torque holds on strong, I'll post up my graph once Steve mails it over :smiley:
Now I've got a fun filled weekend of cleaning getting ready to meet Andy and the lads at Vw festival on Sunday! :happy2:
Very nice mate good results. Looking sexy as usual too :drool:
You did well getting in this month, I know he's mega busy at the minute. I need to get myself booked in soon.
Lovely figures by the way! I really should start putting more money away for that k04..
Cheers @dansmith180 (;u=9450) :happy2: considering it's been rained in a little and kept safe I'm happy with it!
@AJP (;u=11926) I know! I had contacted him back at the start of July and fair play to him he pulled out the stops to get me in!
He was saying he's meant to be shut for all August to finish all his cars but little jobs keep sneaking in and filling days!
He's got his very tasty 6r that he's currently sorting out an 8 injector setup for (and a gt40) 2 gt30 Porsche turbos with engines waiting and of course his 2.5 widetrack 6r! So yeah I did well to fit in :laugh:
Nice numbers Dan,bet it drives a lot better now
A lot better Andy! Smoother for one, pulls harder and sounds abit better too!
Glad I did it
Took a drive out to Vwfestival at the weekend with a few of the forum lads, was good day out and the sun graced us with its presence after lunch!
Car ran great on the way out there and back, defo drives with abit more oomph about it now! Revo stage 2+ :happy2: thumbs up from me!
Had a little stare off with my best mates stage 2+ dsg 6R as well :evilgrin:
Lovely as always! Nice figures too!
Cheers dude :happy2:
gutted i missed it. nice pics :happy2:
Can't believe you did dude @Spankiee (;u=9906) I knew I shouldn't of told you to put those brakes on lol!
I hear you had a bit of nightmare? Were they fighting you...
Finally got my graph off Steve, only a pic of the laptop tho! Bit annoying but hey ho here it is
Lovely car mate, love the carbon bits that you have added grey and black always work well together! Some very nice figures after the remap too :)
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Awesome thread and Awesome looking car mate :notworthy:
Cheers guys!
Probs 2 of my favourite bits on the car are the carbon wings and boot! Some say sacralige to fit the parts to an edition 30 but I love it! Saying that I've seen a lot worse done to them lol. Defo gets people to double take it as the panels can look dark at some angles and really light at others.
yeah the disk locator screws snapped on both sides. vw didn't lube them up when previous owner had disks changed :sad1:
not the end of the world just makes it a PITA getting the wheel on. also had a few leeks so got that sorted and a full brake fluid change done as it was filthy.
anyway all seems ok now. R-tech on tuesday :happy2:
yeah the disk locator screws snapped on both sides. vw didn't lube them up when previous owner had disks changed :sad1:
not the end of the world just makes it a PITA getting the wheel on. also had a few leeks so got that sorted and a full brake fluid change done as it was filthy.
anyway all seems ok now. R-tech on tuesday :happy2:
the retaining screwsthat hold the disc on can be a pain to get out--i now use at work
a impact driver to get them out
i realised after i should of used an impact bit thingy. ohh well.
got back from R tech yesterday. was a long old day.
300hp i got and 307ftlp. that will do me nicely. it was like 31 degrees outside though so intake temps were struggling and my battered air con rad didn't help.
I popped over to the stand at VW fest but no one was about. Your car looks great. I love the carbon wings. I'm due wing replacements so may go the same route. Looks great on black.
lets hope the weather forecast is right and supposed to get warm
She's still looking fine as hell :drinking:
Looks great Dan, and those carbon panels :laugh: So nice!
See a lot of posts about rear calipers sticking, is it easy to diagnose/ notice? Makes me wonder if it's ever something if missed on mine. Although my rears have been renewed a couple of time
Lovely looking car mate. Rear calipers do seem quite a common problem on mk5's. Mine both stuck badly a couple of years ago and I first noticed a drop in acceleration/mpg, and then noticed how hot the wheels were getting!