MK5 Golf GTI
General => Shows, Events and Meets => Old Event Details => Topic started by: Phil Mcavity on April 18, 2009, 02:13:52 pm
A small selection from today, good to meet a few New faces aswell. Enjoyable day and stayed dry :happy2:
Results were pretty much as expected, all except mine which was my own fault but thats another story :ashamed:
GolfGirl (claire) came out top Power today at 278bhp.
Heres the Comedy for the day..... Right double act these two were.
Dave decided to Pull out his secret "distract Phil" Tactic by flashing this at me..
Robins car looked Fabulous on the road again.
Trying to keep up with the LSD Boys
onto the rollers we go....Jim was under the rear of my car looking for my missing 10bhp
Robins New ultra low bucket seats make Jim look ickle!!
Dodgy bunch of Vdubbers...
They are up to something here....
An old Vauxhall managed to sneak its way onto the rollers.Owner didnt want to be named ( Makefish ) Ex Octavia VRS King
and in GM stylie, broken after the Event :evilgrin:
A rare site, a Mk4 on the rollers and looked the bussiness. Done very well producing 200bhp.
Caught StokeBallon trying to remove My miltek and selling it on for a cheap Buck.
and then smuggling it in Hedge's car :mad:
then the fun started, organising the Group shot at the End :laugh: Claire this time in charge
was a good day out! nice to meet everyone and see the cars :drinking:
had a leisurely drive back at 70mph and dominic was teasing me :angry015:
Sorry I couldn't make it down in the end :(
278bhp top score? Modified?
Looks like a great day :happy2:
Had been hoping to come along as I'd like to see how close to the standard figures my car is. Unfortunately I'm working so I couldn't come along. Looking forward to another one of these being arranged later in the year and I'll come along to that one.
Well done to all involved.
Good pics Steve! :happy2:
What you done to your car then? :confused:
P.S. Weather looked a bit crap Darn Sarf!!
Well i chose the wrong time to put some Injector cleaner in my fuel tank, which little did i realise retards the Ignition timing and thus less Hp. Same result would of been achieved if id of left the stuff in the bottle till after the event.
GolfGirls car Coco is stage 1 Revo only.
Well i chose the wrong time to put some Injector cleaner in my fuel tank, which little did i realise retards the Ignition timing and thus less Hp. Same result would of been achieved if id of left the stuff in the bottle till after the event.
GolfGirls car Coco is stage 1 Revo only.
So what did you get?
tried to De-carbon the injectors with Red Ex, but its not best to stick it in the tank before a RR day :fighting:
Hi Phil, I've just registered - it's John with the Leon from today. Did you get the pictures??
just checking my mail. :happy2:
opened the 1st one and its of Phylis!, and it is stunning!. your a star!! :happy2: will post them as they are large photo's! :drinking:
Good stuff. Should have taken a few more really, nevermind. Was good to meet you all.
brilliant pics :happy2:
some more from our new recruit J-T_LCR .
Hope your not scarred for life from it.We are all a mad bunch.
Big thanks to JKM for being such great Hosts.
Look foward to the next day Meet.
Also managed to spy Nadeems (illyan) car on a trailer with his lovelly rims.
Car was off limits to viewing public .
For some reason, his car is known as " The swear Box". i wonder why :jumping:.
They have some fresh idea's but will be re-attacking it next week.
thanks for posting those
thanks for posting those
my pleasure. :drinking:
Evenining All,
Great to catch up with you all today - nice to put a few faces to fonts.
Looked like a good day!
I would have come, but was getting something fixed on mine today so couldn't make it in time! :happy2:
Whose was the MGF at the end of he first pic? Sharpie? :scared: :laugh:
Evenining All,
Great to catch up with you all today - nice to put a few faces to fonts.
likewise Dom, Hope you post more often :happy2:. Dont be a lurker :wink:.
You think us lot were bad, wait till you meet the northern lot from here :signLOL:
Whose was the MGF at the end of he first pic? Sharpie? :scared: :laugh:
Nadeems replace car :wink:
hi john nice one on the pics look good :happy2:
think i'll be having a new sig :wink:
Whose was the MGF at the end of he first pic? Sharpie? :scared: :laugh:
Nadeems replace car :wink:
:scared: Who did he upset? :laugh:
Whose was the MGF at the end of he first pic? Sharpie? :scared: :laugh:
Nadeems replace car :wink:
:scared: Who did he upset? :laugh:
He was still holding on to the Edition 30 spirt today when I saw him in his Edition 30 T-shirt (but driving his wife's R32 :drool:)
Whose was the MGF at the end of he first pic? Sharpie? :scared: :laugh:
Nadeems replace car :wink:
:scared: Who did he upset? :laugh:
He was still holding on to the Edition 30 spirt today when I saw him in his Edition 30 T-shirt (but driving his wife's R32 :drool:)
Can't keep a good man down! :signLOL:
For some reason, his car is known as " The swear Box". i wonder why :jumping:.
They have some fresh idea's but will be re-attacking it next week.
So the new injectors didn't cure his problem? :confused:
For some reason, his car is known as " The swear Box". i wonder why :jumping:.
They have some fresh idea's but will be re-attacking it next week.
So the new injectors didn't cure his problem? :confused:
Nope they didn't, have a look at his ltest thread with the full report JKM did. :sad:
Ecu didnt work either, so back to the drawing board. Sorry if Nadeems updated that on his Post already :smiley:
Thanks Steve - just out of interest - where can I get the window forum decals from - have done a quick search on the forum and can't find anything...
was an interesting drive back - 3 broken down cars causing problems in lane 1, 2 big bread crates in the road plus half an exhaust :scared:
yeh that was dangerous! :driver:
you see that modded astra that was the most hideous car ive ever seen! :sick:
Thanks Steve - just out of interest - where can I get the window forum decals from - have done a quick search on the forum and can't find anything...
was an interesting drive back - 3 broken down cars causing problems in lane 1, 2 big bread crates in the road plus half an exhaust :scared:
plus half an exhaust :scared:
That'll be Stokeballon (dave) up to his old tricks. :laugh:
If you pm any of the mods in here, they will send you in the right direction Dom :happy2:
edit: cheers Nath :happy2:
Yeah got the link - thanks Greenouse - Am sure I saw some smaller than 20cm on cars today, If I want to order something a little more discrete - 120mm x 30mm do I just specify when ordering. Looks like it only accepts a generic order for the large size.
Yeah got the link - thanks Greenouse - Am sure I saw some smaller than 20cm on cars today, If I want to order something a little more discrete - 120mm x 30mm do I just specify when ordering. Looks like it only accepts a generic order for the large size.
If you pay him by paypal just put on note on the payment with your specific measurements. :happy2:
Some great pics in this thread :happy2: 8) :happy2:. Some hysterically funny too :laugh:
It was a particularly nice meet - Some very familiar faces plus some new ones and a very friendly atmosphere (doubtless induced by the Bourbons).
Good to chat 'properly' with you Claire & Gary - Always only very brief in the past.
:sad: :sad: :sad: :sad:
Wish I could have gone to this. Excellent turnout plus some beautiful cars.
I had replaced the air filter, and with the recent oil change, wondered whether I'd get my 8bhp back.
:sad: :sad: :sad: :sad: :sad:
Looks like a great day guys, some brilliant photos too :happy2:
Well finally at home, great day yesterday. Good to meet you all, and thanks to Dom T for the "plip" I now have. My 08 TT owning Neighbour very jealous!
Lots of bourbons left over, twiggy got the hump and hid them!
Any truffles up there...........................
Seriosly, it was a good day, and Twiggy's exhaust was not quite centred in the cut out, so under i went, and we got it sorted!
NB07 - hope you get hold of that Pescara, and then start to sort out your battle -scared alloys.
That MK4 was a nice car, and the IHI A3 was interesting. Good to meet all, and RR seats are the Dogs!!
Cheers all stokey!
cheers stokey its sorted thanks to steve im picking it up in 2 weeks, just gave the wheels a good clean and only one is immaculate, even got in there with a bog brush like you said!
yup that mk4 was uber cool with the bora front end totally different :jumping:
yeh thanks dom for the blip :jumpmove:
Nice pics Steve.. Any other results from the day, RR etc..? Seems like JKM's rollers aren't in a very generous mood again.. :confused: 278bhp from a Stage 1 Revo car is a bit concerning.. Unless the car has faults or crap fuel etc.. :confused:
Any other results from the day, RR etc..? Seems like JKM's rollers aren't in a very generous mood again.. :confused: 278bhp from a Stage 1 Revo car is a bit concerning.. Unless the car has faults or crap fuel etc.. :confused:
Stage 1 only will get 40bhp gain with no other mods. Stock cars came in bang on the money Ben, so Jkm's rollers are fairly accurate.
Depends Ben, If a set of rollers say your car produces X ammount thats more then other rollers then of course you gonna say the one that posted more is the one to believe in.Its a dyno lottery, which no one has the answer. Mine was down 10bhp for shoving redEx in the tank :embarrassed: (which retards the ignition timing) or lowering the octane Rating that the ECU recognises, but all other graphs were bang on the money as my last 3 runs.
:confused: 278bhp from a Stage 1 Revo car is a bit concerning.. Unless the car has faults or crap fuel etc.. :confused:
No her car is running faultless, and isnt done on power. Claire and her Husband ran some other tests prior to going on jkm's rollers which measures the cars estimated bhp.(Cant remember what it was but something to do with air mass flow?) It came out 2bhp out.
So to see 2 stock cars pull stock factory figures, and claires came out near on exactly as they predicted, was some sort of proof that they are fairly accurate and not "Optimistic" as some other roads can be.
Remember she has only a map and nothing else, no exhaust , just standard so 290 teritory would be a reasonable estimate if she had those fitted.
We're back to this same old argument which will never be solved in anyones opinion.
Its not all about chasing "Big numbers" as at the end of the day, thats not the be all and end all.
If stock cars were running alot below stock horsepower then i would agree that jkm's DD rollers could be questionable. But in 3 outings, not one has been uncomprehendable.
If Been on Regals Rollers and didnt take there 251bhp on a stock car as realistic that they gave me. I refuse to believe it.Although torque readings WERE identical at both Locations.
But these are of course my own oppinion so whether anyone doesnt agree well, ill come kick em and nick all their Bourbans from their biscuit Barrels, so be warned :wink:
I had a great day. Was nice to see some familiar faces again and also meet new ones.....everyone was really friendly :happy2:
It was an early start for us - we had to leave at 0630 to get there for 0900 and we didn't get home again until 2115 - went down to the seafront for lunch then stopped off at Newbury to visit a friend on the way home.
I'm pleased with my results, and like Phil said, I got more or less what I was expecting. The reason I travelled all the way to JKM was because I attended a previous rolling road day there in October when my car was standard and got 227bhp which was bang on the money. I wanted to see what difference the Revo Stage 1 had made so wanted to go on the same rollers. Seeing as my first run produced book figure, I am happy that yesterdays 278bhp is accurate. I run Tesco 99 fuel and apart from a misfire on one of my runs yesterday (which didn't affect the power) I have no faults.
Stage 1 only will get 40bhp gain with no other mods. Stock cars came in bang on the money Ben, so Jkm's rollers are accurate.
Depends Ben, If a set of rollers say your car produces x ammount thats more then other rollers then of course you gonna say the one that posted more is the one to believe in.Its a dyno lottery, which no one has the answer. Mine were down 10bhp for shoving redEx in the tank, but all other graphs were bang on the money as my last 3 runs.
:confused: 278bhp from a Stage 1 Revo car is a bit concerning.. Unless the car has faults or crap fuel etc.. :confused:
No her car is running faultless, and isnt done on power. Claire and her Husband ran some other tests prior to going on jkm's rollers which measures the cars estimated bhp. It came out 2bhp out.
So to see 2 stock cars pull stock factory figures, and claires came out exactly as they predicted, was some sort of proof that they are fairly accurate and not "Optimistic" as some other roads can be.
Remember she has only a map and nothing else, no exhaust , just standard so 290 teritory would be a reasonable estimate.
We're back to this same old argument which will never be solved in anyones opinion.
Its not all about chasing "Big numbers" as at the end of the day, thats not the be all and end all.
I agree mate that it's not all about chasing numbers. But it just seems that JKM seem to be the only RR in the country that I have seen that consistantly give low figures on mapped/tuned cars.. 290bhp terriotory is a reasonable estimate, yeah. But it's not 290bhp, it's 278bhp and if I had payed £500 for 300bhp, that is what I would want, not 22bhp less..
I for one don't really care whether my car RR's at 330bhp or 33bhp as it is what it is and still goes like stink (when I can drive it :grin:). But if I was to put mine on JKM's rollers and it pulled around 290bhp then I would seriously question it's accuracy as it goes a lot quicker than 290bhp and would defy the laws of physics if it actually was..
Just seems odd that when some of our chaps run there car at JKM compared to other RR's, they are always way down on what they read elsewhere (even if they are another set of DD rollers like Weston Performance for instance)..
Like you say though, it's going to be near on impossible to prove and you can't fault JKM's accuracy for standard car's figures, but it just seems that modded/mapped cars always seem to pull crap results compared to every other RR in the country.. :confused:
Once I am back on the road I will definately make the long trip down to JKM just to get a comparison.. Be interesting if anything else.. :happy2:
I had a great day. Was nice to see some familiar faces again and also meet new ones.....everyone was really friendly :happy2:
It was an early start for us - we had to leave at 0630 to get there for 0900 and we didn't get home again until 2115 - went down to the seafront for lunch then stopped off at Newbury to visit a friend on the way home.
I'm pleased with my results, and like Phil said, I got more or less what I was expecting. The reason I travelled all the way to JKM was because I attended a previous rolling road day there in October when my car was standard and got 227bhp which was bang on the money. I wanted to see what difference the Revo Stage 1 had made so wanted to go on the same rollers. Seeing as my first run produced book figure, I am happy that yesterdays 278bhp is accurate. I run Tesco 99 fuel and apart from a misfire on one of my runs yesterday (which didn't affect the power) I have no faults.
What torque figure did you get Golfgirl? Have you got your graph to hand to have a butchers at?
At the end of the day it's about the day out more than anything else and RR days are always a great laugh. Just JKM's results puzzle me sometimes though.. :grin:
FRom what I can recall GolfGirl got 310nm of torque.
What torque figure did you get Golfgirl? Have you got your graph to hand to have a butchers at?
I'll scan my graphs in tomorrow as I'm in the middle of cooking our dinner and don't really have time tonight :happy2:
Stage 1 only will get 40bhp gain with no other mods. Stock cars came in bang on the money Ben, so Jkm's rollers are accurate.
Depends Ben, If a set of rollers say your car produces x ammount thats more then other rollers then of course you gonna say the one that posted more is the one to believe in.Its a dyno lottery, which no one has the answer. Mine were down 10bhp for shoving redEx in the tank, but all other graphs were bang on the money as my last 3 runs.
:confused: 278bhp from a Stage 1 Revo car is a bit concerning.. Unless the car has faults or crap fuel etc.. :confused:
No her car is running faultless, and isnt done on power. Claire and her Husband ran some other tests prior to going on jkm's rollers which measures the cars estimated bhp. It came out 2bhp out.
So to see 2 stock cars pull stock factory figures, and claires came out exactly as they predicted, was some sort of proof that they are fairly accurate and not "Optimistic" as some other roads can be.
Remember she has only a map and nothing else, no exhaust , just standard so 290 teritory would be a reasonable estimate.
We're back to this same old argument which will never be solved in anyones opinion.
Its not all about chasing "Big numbers" as at the end of the day, thats not the be all and end all.
I agree mate that it's not all about chasing numbers. But it just seems that JKM seem to be the only RR in the country that I have seen that consistantly give low figures on mapped/tuned cars.. 290bhp terriotory is a reasonable estimate, yeah. But it's not 290bhp, it's 278bhp and if I had payed £500 for 300bhp, that is what I would want, not 22bhp less..
I for one don't really care whether my car RR's at 330bhp or 33bhp as it is what it is and still goes like stink (when I can drive it :grin:), but if I was to put mine on JKM's rollers and it pulled around 290bhp then I would seriously question it's accuracy as it goes a lot quicker than 290bhp and would defy the laws of physics if it actually was..
Just seems odd that when some of our chaps run there car at JKM compared to other RR's, they are always way down on what they read elsewhere (even if they are another set of DD rollers like Weston Performance for instance)..
Like you say though, it's going to be near on impossible to prove and you can't fault JKM's accuracy for standard car's figures, but it just seems that modded/mapped cars always seem to pull crap results compared to every other RR in the country.. :confused:
Agree with you ben , but also there is a slim chance that out of about 7-8 different tested Rollers from anyone from here, that one of them maybe the more accurate then the others.
How can you feel whether your car is 330bhp then something thats 290bhp. How can you interept that?? i cant, doesnt change the Ed30's are flippin fast mapped, but also if comparing something " the feels " a certain hoursepower is very hard to interpret. Power to weight if measuring against other higher powered vehicals is again as we know difficult to measure.Only from vid evidence has proven that but thats were this particular sentance stops.
Revo from memory dont claim 300bhp on their maps. Again depends on where the cars are tested to throw up that senario.
All im trying to say is, a car feels quick but i for one couldnt turn and say to you, your car feels like its got 320 bhp under the bonnet, because i and most others couldnt easily predict that.
There will never be a conclusive answer except in our own minds be happy with the way the car drives and if she can handle the power then HAPPY days, and you know the time to stop chasing these "Bigger" figures
What torque figure did you get Golfgirl? Have you got your graph to hand to have a butchers at?
I'll scan my graphs in tomorrow as I'm in the middle of cooking our dinner and don't really have time tonight :happy2:
It may appear on jkms website also in the coming days.Normally does ben :happy2:
Revo Stage 1 on ED30/Cupra/TTS/S3 etc is qouted at 300bhp mate..
I'm not on about a bum dyno mate, i'm reffering to the performance aspect against other cars (the one that got me in trouble for a start :ashamed:) and more accurately my 1/4 mile / 0-100mph / 30-130mph times. There is no way a 1350kg car with 290bhp would achieve those results IMO.. For a start it would give a power/weight of around 210bhp/tonne which is about what a Nissan 350Z is and a mapped ED30 would chew one of those up and spit it out.. :wink:
I agree mate that it's not all about chasing numbers. But it just seems that JKM seem to be the only RR in the country that I have seen that consistantly give low figures on mapped/tuned cars.. 290bhp terriotory is a reasonable estimate, yeah. But it's not 290bhp, it's 278bhp and if I had payed £500 for 300bhp, that is what I would want, not 22bhp less..
I for one don't really care whether my car RR's at 330bhp or 33bhp as it is what it is and still goes like stink (when I can drive it :grin:). But if I was to put mine on JKM's rollers and it pulled around 290bhp then I would seriously question it's accuracy as it goes a lot quicker than 290bhp and would defy the laws of physics if it actually was..
Just seems odd that when some of our chaps run there car at JKM compared to other RR's, they are always way down on what they read elsewhere (even if they are another set of DD rollers like Weston Performance for instance)..
Like you say though, it's going to be near on impossible to prove and you can't fault JKM's accuracy for standard car's figures, but it just seems that modded/mapped cars always seem to pull crap results compared to every other RR in the country.. :confused:
Once I am back on the road I will definately make the long trip down to JKM just to get a comparison.. Be interesting if anything else.. :happy2:
....You say "crap results" - As far as I'm concerned there's absolutely nothing crap about my 240 bhp results and I don't care two figs what Stage my Revo tuning is called nor what numbers other people think I should be plotting due to my mods. Neither do I equate an amount of money I give Revo to a bhp figure.
On a 'blindfold' test, I defy you to be able to tell whether your car is a 278 or 290 bhp anyway. Different bhp is delivered dynamically at many levels as you drive in the very different circumstances of road use.
You refer to Weston Performance - Well, their dyno plotted the same figures as JKM's on my car.
I'm not on about a bum dyno mate, i'm reffering to the performance aspect against other cars (the one that got me in trouble for a start :ashamed:) and more accurately my 1/4 mile / 0-100mph / 30-130mph times. There is no way a 1350kg car with 290bhp would achieve those results IMO.. For a start it would give a power/weight of around 210bhp/tonne which is about what a Nissan 350Z is and a mapped ED30 would chew one of those up and spit it out.. :wink:
....You are not taking into account the skill of the driver down the quarter mile.
Do you lot not get bored posting the exact same things after every single rolling road, its always the same peeps saying the same old thing :rolleye:
( (
^^^^ :signLOL:
Do you lot not get bored posting the exact same things after every single rolling road, its always the same peeps saying the same old thing :rolleye:
But I also get bored of people saying how their colour of car is the fastest.
Do you lot not get bored posting the exact same things after every single rolling road, its always the same peeps saying the same old thing :rolleye:
But I also get bored of people saying how their colour of car is the fastest.
Well it is!!!! :P :laugh:
Do you lot not get bored posting the exact same things after every single rolling road, its always the same peeps saying the same old thing :rolleye:
But I also get bored of people saying how their colour of car is the fastest.
Agree with you ben , but also there is a slim chance that out of about 7-8 different tested Rollers from anyone from here, that one of them maybe the more accurate then the others.
How can you feel whether your car is 330bhp then something thats 290bhp. How can you interept that?? i cant, doesnt change the Ed30's are flippin fast mapped, but also if comparing something " the feels " a certain hoursepower is very hard to interpret. Power to weight if measuring against other higher powered vehicals is again as we know difficult to measure.Only from vid evidence has proven that but thats were this particular sentance stops.
Revo from memory dont claim 300bhp on their maps. Again depends on where the cars are tested to throw up that senario.
All im trying to say is, a car feels quick but i for one couldnt turn and say to you, your car feels like its got 320 bhp under the bonnet, because i and most others couldnt easily predict that.
There will never be a conclusive answer except in our own minds be happy with the way the car drives and if she can handle the power then HAPPY days, and you know the time to stop chasing these "Bigger" figures
From the Revo web site in the text they claim in excess of 275 bhp,
Do you lot not get bored posting the exact same things after every single rolling road, its always the same peeps saying the same old thing :rolleye:
But I also get bored of people saying how their colour of car is the fastest.
Do you lot not get bored posting the exact same things after every single rolling road, its always the same peeps saying the same old thing :rolleye:
( (
lol thought you'd pop in for a comment aswell.
Couldnt of worded it better Robin. What i was trying to say but youve sumed it in less then 4 paragraphs from me.
Im fed up just as much people saying that jkms rollers are duff aswell.
The same thing pops up everytime, and thats why i wasnt bothered about what everyone else plotted results were.
End of the day , everyones happy there on the day.
Thats all that matters
End of Topic. :smiley:
off to bed now :happy2:
Agree with you ben , but also there is a slim chance that out of about 7-8 different tested Rollers from anyone from here, that one of them maybe the more accurate then the others.
How can you feel whether your car is 330bhp then something thats 290bhp. How can you interept that?? i cant, doesnt change the Ed30's are flippin fast mapped, but also if comparing something " the feels " a certain hoursepower is very hard to interpret. Power to weight if measuring against other higher powered vehicals is again as we know difficult to measure.Only from vid evidence has proven that but thats were this particular sentance stops.
Revo from memory dont claim 300bhp on their maps. Again depends on where the cars are tested to throw up that senario.
All im trying to say is, a car feels quick but i for one couldnt turn and say to you, your car feels like its got 320 bhp under the bonnet, because i and most others couldnt easily predict that.
There will never be a conclusive answer except in our own minds be happy with the way the car drives and if she can handle the power then HAPPY days, and you know the time to stop chasing these "Bigger" figures
From the Revo web site in the text they claim in excess of 275 bhp,
Well done Ian. i can sleep soundly :happy2:
Do you lot not get bored posting the exact same things after every single rolling road, its always the same peeps saying the same old thing :rolleye:
But I also get bored of people saying how their colour of car is the fastest.
Well it is!!!! :P :laugh:
Yeah but you are two colours Nath so that doesn't count... :grin:
Do you lot not get bored posting the exact same things after every single rolling road, its always the same peeps saying the same old thing :rolleye:
But I also get bored of people saying how their colour of car is the fastest.
I don't remember saying my car was the fastest.. :confused: Far from it.. I am reffering to the Ed30 in general, not mine in particular..
Rather than going through the same old posts again and boring TC :grin:, may as well leave it at that. But as I and others have said before, it's more about the day out than JUST figures, something I think we can all agree on.. :happy2:
Here's my graphs...
it's more about the day out than JUST figures, something I think we can all agree on.. :happy2:
....Wholeheartedly agreed :happy2: 8) :happy2:
I for one have never stated JKM's dyno is 'duff' far from it, the figures seem highly reproducible :happy2: its just that they appear to read 'low' , but then most others read 'high' so no ones right :grin:
relatively though they show a +50bhp gain for a remap which is spot on :happy2:
golfs girls dyno plot is superb ....... I love the shape and a big plus for REVO.
Interestingly I noted the following being sad n all :
1. The turbo spool seems later and peaks at 3500rpm compared to APR , which peaks overshoots then drops. I need to drive a REVO car to see how this feels.......
2. I would have expected a flatline or even a slight increase above 5500rpm , it looks like an early dropoff (look at std ED30 and RR's (K03 I know) but they extend 6000rpm and beyond)
3. AFR ratio is sweeeet
Great pics and info :happy2:
Good to see you still around Ben - :happy2:
Here's a link to JKM's web page of plots.
Linky : - JKM Dyno-Day Results Gallery (
I can post my AFR separately if wanted, but it was sweeeeet! A continuous flatline on exactly the right value, achieved just by tweaking the Revo Fuel setting.
Once again kate, a big thankyou, and for not running his car on the rollers, StokeBallon deserves my personal gratitude for straightning my zorst :happy2:
Here's a link to JKM's web page of plots.
Linky : - JKM Dyno-Day Results Gallery (
I can post my AFR separately if wanted, but it was sweeeeet! A continuous flatline on exactly the right value, achieved just by tweaking the Revo Fuel setting.
Good to see yours is back where it should be though Red.. No running issues now I take it?
Here's some of my photos:
And finally.....look at the size of the "Scooby Doo" burger I had for my lunch at Mozzarella Joes on the seafront....... :party: :grin:
Good to see you still around Ben - :happy2:
Takes more than a moody Magistrate and a 15 month ban to keep me away mate.. :wink:
No luck yet with the car then? :sad:
And finally.....look at the size of the "Scooby Doo" burger I had for my lunch at Mozzarella Joes on the seafront....... :party: :grin:
would like to see you take a bite out of that without it all going everywhere.. I'm all of a sudden really hungry now..
And finally.....look at the size of the "Scooby Doo" burger I had for my lunch at Mozzarella Joes on the seafront....... :party: :grin:
would like to see you take a bite out of that without it all going everywhere.. I'm all of a sudden really hungry now..
i want :party: :party:
Good to see yours is back where it should be though Red.. No running issues now I take it?
....None whatsoever since JKM sorted out my turbo leak etc.
:drinking: :happy2:
Now thats a burger :drool: :party:
Here's some of my photos:
And finally.....look at the size of the "Scooby Doo" burger I had for my lunch at Mozzarella Joes on the seafront....... :party: :grin:
It didn't come cheap though..... two of those burgers and two Cokes came to £29!! :surprised: :angry015:
Looking at the menu they also do deep-fried ice cream but after devouring the burger it was the last thing I wanted to eat!
i bet you both felt abit queezey on the way home after that mouthfull!!.
See us Southerners dont do things by half!
wow thats a burger n half claire! :drool:
my moneys on gary helping you with that! i know my misses has big eyes! :laugh: