MK5 Golf GTI

All Things Mk5 => Mk5 General Area => Topic started by: Mk5 GTian on February 27, 2012, 11:44:51 am

Title: AMD Stage 1
Post by: Mk5 GTian on February 27, 2012, 11:44:51 am

Just went into AMD in Woking, Surrey and met the owner of AMD, Simon Howarth.

I was asking about difference between Revo and AMD Stage 1, and he said they are identical apart from the fact that Revo is switchable to stock via a dongle. He also said I could expect around 260bhp!!

The difference in price?

Revo 479 inc VAT plus £180 inc VAT for the dongle.

AMD 349 in VAT, and offered to return it to stock FOC when I come to sell the car! That'll do for me! Booked in.
Title: Re: AMD Stage 1
Post by: james on February 27, 2012, 12:18:20 pm
if you can get to R-tech

Would be a far better map and would be far cheaper  :happy2: 
Title: Re: AMD Stage 1
Post by: GrayMK5GTI on February 27, 2012, 12:18:52 pm
have you done your research on the forum regarding remaps?

It is highly unlikely to get 260bhp from just a remap.  :grin:

Although it has been said that AMD's rollers are a touch on the generous side. . . .  :chicken:
Title: Re: AMD Stage 1
Post by: GrayMK5GTI on February 27, 2012, 12:19:34 pm
if you can get to R-tech

Would be a far better map and would be far cheaper  :happy2: 

I'll second that! my R-Tech map is spot on  :happy2:
Title: Re: AMD Stage 1
Post by: mvb12 on February 27, 2012, 12:27:40 pm
either REVO or APR is switchable through the Cruise stalk. or so i'm led to believe.
Title: Re: AMD Stage 1
Post by: Mk5 GTian on February 27, 2012, 01:20:17 pm
if you can get to R-tech

Would be a far better map and would be far cheaper  :happy2: 

Bit of a R-trek for me mate, tbh (see what I did there?)  :signLOL:

I'll get my coat  :ashamed:
Title: Re: AMD Stage 1
Post by: Mk5 GTian on February 27, 2012, 01:23:51 pm
have you done your research on the forum regarding remaps?

It is highly unlikely to get 260bhp from just a remap.  :grin:

Although it has been said that AMD's rollers are a touch on the generous side. . . .  :chicken:

Yes mate, it's so confusing, lots of different opinions and positions people take on it. At the end of the day, AMD have been doing it since 1987, and someone on here gave me great advice to get it done locally, so you can take your car in easily with issues, and get some support. AMD are 4 miles down the road from mine.
Title: Re: AMD Stage 1
Post by: Hedge on February 27, 2012, 01:29:10 pm
Yes mate, it's so confusing, lots of different opinions and positions people take on it. At the end of the day, AMD have been doing it since 1987, and someone on here gave me great advice to get it done locally, so you can take your car in easily with issues, and get some support. AMD are 4 miles down the road from mine.

The name AMD has but I very much doubt you will find any of the "old" AMD staff still employed. I think most of them started APS.  :confused:
Title: Re: AMD Stage 1
Post by: Mk5 GTian on February 27, 2012, 01:33:27 pm
This was the advice given to me by PDT back in November, which I think is really first class:

"find someone local, that way if you ever need anything you can just call in. I have loads of customers that pay us £££'s to sort things out that they would probably have had done free if they went back to the tuner that did the work for them".

Title: Re: AMD Stage 1
Post by: Mk5 GTian on February 27, 2012, 01:37:50 pm
have you done your research on the forum regarding remaps?

It is highly unlikely to get 260bhp from just a remap.  :grin:

Although it has been said that AMD's rollers are a touch on the generous side. . . .  :chicken:

Gray, here's the thread on my research into it back in November. I asked about which out of 3, and ended up with a list of over 10!,37913.0.html
Title: Re: AMD Stage 1
Post by: mvb12 on February 27, 2012, 01:41:12 pm
I think AMD got some bad reviews on the other mk5 forum, but its a bit lame over there, so since i found this 1 i ain't been back.  :happy2:

moving on swiftly, make sure AMD can give you what you want especially with the aftercare as iirc this was the main issue with them.
Title: Re: AMD Stage 1
Post by: Mk5 GTian on February 27, 2012, 01:46:51 pm
I think AMD got some bad reviews on the other mk5 forum, but its a bit lame over there, so since i found this 1 i ain't been back.  :happy2:

moving on swiftly, make sure AMD can give you what you want especially with the aftercare as iirc this was the main issue with them.

Thanks mate, I will take that on board. I'm so close to them, I'll be knocking on their door if I have any issues.  :happy2:
Title: Re: AMD Stage 1
Post by: RENNTAG on February 27, 2012, 02:45:52 pm
Simon at AMD woking has done a few bits of work on my car including fitting the NQSBBK and i have been pleased with their service. Think i would probably go to R-tech or JKM or someone like that for  remap though as i dont think they have the facilities at AMD woking to set it up and get the best potential out of your car.
Title: Re: AMD Stage 1
Post by: james on February 27, 2012, 03:12:31 pm
have you done your research on the forum regarding remaps?

It is highly unlikely to get 260bhp from just a remap.  :grin:

Although it has been said that AMD's rollers are a touch on the generous side. . . .  :chicken:

Yes mate, it's so confusing, lots of different opinions and positions people take on it. At the end of the day, AMD have been doing it since 1987, and someone on here gave me great advice to get it done locally, so you can take your car in easily with issues, and get some support. AMD are 4 miles down the road from mine.

They may have been around since 1987 but so have loads of company’s does not mean they are any good...  they don’t even write their own maps :/ ... enough said for me.

if you’re not happy you can always get a refund. :drinking:
Title: Re: AMD Stage 1
Post by: Hedge on February 27, 2012, 03:32:50 pm

They may have been around since 1987 but so have loads of company’s does not mean they are any good...

This may enlighten you on the origins of AMD. (
Title: Re: AMD Stage 1
Post by: james on February 27, 2012, 03:37:37 pm
yeah i know all about that.

I have never had any luck with them.   Maybe my luck.
Title: Re: AMD Stage 1
Post by: mvb12 on February 27, 2012, 03:47:07 pm
It was the Essex branch they where a bit weary of. woking didn't get a mention, but with any company you will find good and bad!

Title: Re: AMD Stage 1
Post by: jimk04 on February 27, 2012, 04:54:25 pm
I am AMD Stage 1 map running 260 - albeit with FMIC and TBE with Sports cat.

259 on AMD Essex rollers last year, and 257 on Sharks rollers last month, so accurate enough.
Title: Re: AMD Stage 1
Post by: Little_Dave on February 27, 2012, 05:56:55 pm
I've seen alot of views on AMD both positive and negative and obviously it's people's own experience with them but as for my own i've had nothing but good service and sound advice and on the few occasions when i've had any problems, stuttering and misfires, i've just booked the car in and they've checked it over for me and if an easy fix like resetting a dash light or similar not even charged me  :smiley: and even replaced plugs for free once too, fitted my cruise control, fixed a bonnet sensor that broke, carried out 2 services etc

I know the rollers can be a bit inflated sometimes but ive always taken the results with a pinch of salt and looked more at the increase from the previous time to see the gains from a new mod or upgrade rather than the pub figures of max bhp

Title: Re: AMD Stage 1
Post by: Mk5 GTian on February 27, 2012, 06:21:42 pm
Simon at AMD woking has done a few bits of work on my car including fitting the NQSBBK and i have been pleased with their service. Think i would probably go to R-tech or JKM or someone like that for  remap though as i dont think they have the facilities at AMD woking to set it up and get the best potential out of your car.

Cheers for that Ben. What facilities don't they have? Do they not have a rolling road? Is there an R tech near us?

Title: Re: AMD Stage 1
Post by: Mk5 GTian on February 27, 2012, 06:27:20 pm

They may have been around since 1987 but so have loads of company’s does not mean they are any good...

This may enlighten you on the origins of AMD. (

So they've been bought out by some pretty experienced people then! Simon Howarth told me he used to work for Revo too!
Title: Re: AMD Stage 1
Post by: PDT on February 27, 2012, 07:21:48 pm
People will 'forum bash' some companies, on One they will be the absolute worst place to take your car to and on another they will be regarded as the best tuners since man Invented engines.

People will say things like 'they dont write their own maps etc...' but in reality from the contacts I have in the tuning industry in the UK I can count on 1 hand the number of people that offer remaps and actually write them themselves, most are bought in.

We supply software to 20-30 tuners in the Uk and they claim it as their own, doesn't mean it's poor quality just because the tuner that flashed it to the ecu wasnt the one that wrote the code.

What is far more important is that the car is checked and datalogged then adjusted accordingly, ideally with the use of a Dyno to measure accurate afr's etc...
Title: Re: AMD Stage 1
Post by: GrayMK5GTI on February 27, 2012, 07:37:30 pm
have you done your research on the forum regarding remaps?

It is highly unlikely to get 260bhp from just a remap.  :grin:

Although it has been said that AMD's rollers are a touch on the generous side. . . .  :chicken:

Gray, here's the thread on my research into it back in November. I asked about which out of 3, and ended up with a list of over 10!,37913.0.html

Good thread there   :happy2:

If you have a look at JKM's website for a realistic power & torque reading for stage 1. Unfortunately all companies (REVO, AMD, SHARK, AMD, APR etc) over rate the figures you can achieve. Realistically on an accurate dyno you can expect about 230-237bhp from a remap but don't get hung up on figures - its how it drives that matters  :driver:
Title: Re: AMD Stage 1
Post by: Mk5 GTian on February 27, 2012, 07:58:47 pm
People will 'forum bash' some companies, on One they will be the absolute worst place to take your car to and on another they will be regarded as the best tuners since man Invented engines.

People will say things like 'they dont write their own maps etc...' but in reality from the contacts I have in the tuning industry in the UK I can count on 1 hand the number of people that offer remaps and actually write them themselves, most are bought in.

We supply software to 20-30 tuners in the Uk and they claim it as their own, doesn't mean it's poor quality just because the tuner that flashed it to the ecu wasnt the one that wrote the code.

What is far more important is that the car is checked and datalogged then adjusted accordingly, ideally with the use of a Dyno to measure accurate afr's etc...

Thanks a lot for that PDT, If I lived near you I'd get you to do it. When you say checked and datalogged on a dyno, presumably you mean the vehicle is checked to ensure all running properly, and then datalogged using a rolling road to assess current figures, and then the same after the software has been flashed giving before and after figures. Sorry, but what's an afr?
Title: Re: AMD Stage 1
Post by: Mk5 GTian on February 27, 2012, 08:22:58 pm
have you done your research on the forum regarding remaps?

It is highly unlikely to get 260bhp from just a remap.  :grin:

Although it has been said that AMD's rollers are a touch on the generous side. . . .  :chicken:

Gray, here's the thread on my research into it back in November. I asked about which out of 3, and ended up with a list of over 10!,37913.0.html

Good thread there   :happy2:

If you have a look at JKM's website for a realistic power & torque reading for stage 1. Unfortunately all companies (REVO, AMD, SHARK, AMD, APR etc) over rate the figures you can achieve. Realistically on an accurate dyno you can expect about 230-237bhp from a remap but don't get hung up on figures - its how it drives that matters  :driver:
I've had a look at the JKM site and I like the fact that they include changing the DV as part of the package rather than doing the map, seeing if it goes pop (which it sounds like it probably will) and then having to go in and get that done afterwards. It's pricey though at 550 plus VAT, but I might get it cheaper as I've just had a  Pipercross panelfilter put in last week  :happy2:
Title: Re: AMD Stage 1
Post by: GrayMK5GTI on February 27, 2012, 08:33:06 pm
It's well worth replacing the DV (you can do it yourself without too much effort) as it will almost definitely fail after a map- or get AMD to do it, will only take about 5-10mins on a ramp.

Ps: nice to see another shadow blue owner on here  :smiley: we are a rare bunch haha
Title: Re: AMD Stage 1
Post by: Mk5 GTian on February 27, 2012, 09:09:04 pm
It's well worth replacing the DV (you can do it yourself without too much effort) as it will almost definitely fail after a map- or get AMD to do it, will only take about 5-10mins on a ramp.

Ps: nice to see another shadow blue owner on here  :smiley: we are a rare bunch haha

Fastest colour, Shadow Blue !!  :signLOL:

I'll get a price from them to change the DV as well. Portsmouth is a long way to go if something does go tits up, so it would  make sense to go with AMD, and it is quite a bit cheaper than Revo.

Title: Re: AMD Stage 1
Post by: Hedge on February 27, 2012, 10:02:56 pm

So they've been bought out by some pretty experienced people then! Simon Howarth told me he used to work for Revo too!

All they did was buy the name. AMD as it was went bust or shutdown. :smiley:
Title: Re: AMD Stage 1
Post by: luckyGti on February 27, 2012, 10:18:21 pm
Simon is a top guy and very knowledgeable, he has looked after my Rs6 S3 and Mk5 over the years and really does give first rate customer service and support.

He certainly isn't new to the game and has been in the industry for years, he did take over the Amd brand at the same time big boys toys in Essex changed to Amd but also worth noting he was in the the tuning world long before Amd.

My 2 pence....

Title: Re: AMD Stage 1
Post by: Jussa on February 28, 2012, 04:24:40 am
Last year I had a stage 2+ GTi with an AMD map. It drove nicely and I had no issues with it.
I went to a JKM RR day and only had 253bhp - for a stage 2+ I'd say thats excessively low.
I called AMD up the next day and told them I wasn't happy with their map and I'd like them to remove it, and I'd pay the difference for a Revo map.  They agreed and were very helpful.  When I got the car back it was far more aggressive, and you could really feel the extra power, she was definitely a different beast!!  :happy2:
If I was you I'd definitely choose Revo, no bones about it!
Title: Re: AMD Stage 1
Post by: Mk5 GTian on February 28, 2012, 05:55:10 am
Simon is a top guy and very knowledgeable, he has looked after my Rs6 S3 and Mk5 over the years and really does give first rate customer service and support.

He certainly isn't new to the game and has been in the industry for years, he did take over the Amd brand at the same time big boys toys in Essex changed to Amd but also worth noting he was in the the tuning world long before Amd.

My 2 pence....

Thanks mate, that's certainly the impression I got  today. I am more interested in the health of my engine than chasing big numbers, so I am going to go with them as I think it's  important to be local to be able to get that level of service and support.  :happy2:
Title: Re: AMD Stage 1
Post by: Mk5 GTian on February 28, 2012, 06:01:23 am
Last year I had a stage 2+ GTi with an AMD map. It drove nicely and I had no issues with it.
I went to a JKM RR day and only had 253bhp - for a stage 2+ I'd say thats excessively low.
I called AMD up the next day and told them I wasn't happy with their map and I'd like them to remove it, and I'd pay the difference for a Revo map.  They agreed and were very helpful.  When I got the car back it was far more aggressive, and you could really feel the extra power, she was definitely a different beast!!  :happy2:
If I was you I'd definitely choose Revo, no bones about it!

But JKM quote only 225-235 bhp for Revo at Stage 1, and it's 550 + VAT for package including DV, & Pipercross PF.
Title: Re: AMD Stage 1
Post by: mvb12 on February 28, 2012, 12:39:24 pm
some people would say you get what you pay for! buy cheap buy twice ect!

but with Remaps i think it depend on how your car takes to it as from reading the countless threads on here, i have come to realise theres good and badin the remap world and it don't boil down to price. 
Title: Re: AMD Stage 1
Post by: Mk5 GTian on March 01, 2012, 09:20:56 pm
Does anyone know if AMD Woking has a rolling road?

