MK5 Golf GTI

All Things Mk5 => Mk5 General Area => Topic started by: liver on February 28, 2012, 08:45:00 am

Title: What is this part??
Post by: liver on February 28, 2012, 08:45:00 am
I was under my car the other day and noticed this part hanging down, couldn't see where it was meant to go but it is attached to something so id doesnt fly away, does anyone know where it goes or if it should be screwed in


any help is appreciated
Title: Re: What is this part??
Post by: W8 Performance on February 28, 2012, 08:53:12 am
It has a thread on it so should be screwed in somewhere for sure. Unless someone has wedged it in there to stop the heat shield rattling. It shouldn't be there for sure.
Title: Re: What is this part??
Post by: liver on February 28, 2012, 08:59:40 am
no its not there to hold the heat shield as it hangs above it

i thought it should be but not sure where it should be or what it does tbh

Title: Re: What is this part??
Post by: galaxie500 on February 28, 2012, 09:23:59 am
Looks like ( cant tell the scale) the cap that one removes from oil filter housing - you first remove oil from filter before actually spinning the filter off through a little sprung valve. This is the threaded cover for the oil filter valve which is held captive in a similar way to the petrol filler cap.
Title: Re: What is this part??
Post by: liver on February 28, 2012, 09:38:36 am
that would make sense, the car was in for a service two weeks ago
Title: Re: What is this part??
Post by: galaxie500 on February 28, 2012, 09:48:21 am
Lazy, lazy, lazy.  I would not be happy. I do my own oil changes for this reason. The cap is a precaution - it would be impossible for the valve to open itself but the cap is there for a reason and once the filter oil is drained the cap is meant to be replaced. The garage has the luxury of a ramp to make final checks and ensure everything undone is replaced and tightened; I lie on a foam pad with the car on axle stands yet check, check and check again is always my mantra. And I'm not on £65 per hour!
I'd go back to the garage and have words with the service manager personally. What else have they left undone?
Title: Re: What is this part??
Post by: liver on February 28, 2012, 09:54:00 am
yeah true, i think a phone call might be made,

i asked them to check the brake pads as the light was on and they said brake pads were fine and that they did not know why the light was still on after clearing vagcom

heres what i found when i took the wheel off to investigate, not sure how they missed it


to make it worse i asked the to go over the car propperly as its going to the ring soon
Title: Re: What is this part??
Post by: muckipup on February 28, 2012, 09:57:54 am
Jeez, sound like real professionals  :stupid: Anyway, just splice those wires together and tuck away and the light will go on. Probably best to use your eyes to judge pad wear anyway.

PS almost certain that cover simply screws in to the base of the oil filter unit. It covers a bleed nipple that is in there to allow oil to be drained out of it before removing the filter as has been said earlier.
Title: Re: What is this part??
Post by: galaxie500 on February 28, 2012, 10:00:35 am
Was the car serviced by a VW Dealer?
If so, a call to VW Head Office is definitely in order. If outside of the dealer network I think you need some advice, possibly legal, as this poor attention to brakes is actually negligence.
I'm shocked actually.
Title: Re: What is this part??
Post by: liver on February 28, 2012, 10:01:19 am
so if i just connect them together, they dont need to be connected to the pad? i have 50% left on the front pads so im happy to judge them myself etc

thats the problem they are a very reputable garage, my car seems to be their bogy car as i have had quite a number of problems
Title: Re: What is this part??
Post by: muckipup on February 28, 2012, 10:04:49 am
Yup, just expose some wire, twist it together and secure with something. Chop them shorter to help keep things out the road if you wish.

The alternative is a new sensor loom but I really wouldn't bother until the pads need changed...and even then....
Title: Re: What is this part??
Post by: galaxie500 on February 28, 2012, 10:08:19 am
Just not good enough - indicative of total disregard for your car and safety. You've paid to have your car serviced, you've found 2 items that should have been attended to which leads me to think they have no idea what they're doing and could have left wheel nuts loose, filled the car with cooking oil etc, etc. Cowboys. Trading Standards would love to hear from you.
Of course - connect the wires together. That's exactly what the garage would have done IF they'd bothered to take taken the wheel off. It's a bodge too.
Title: Re: What is this part??
Post by: liver on February 28, 2012, 10:38:53 am
indeed, i hadnt thought about it like that to be honest, i think a phone call and an email with the pictures in will be sent.

real shame as i like the garage and the people who work there
Title: Re: What is this part??
Post by: RedRobin on February 28, 2012, 11:06:23 am

indeed, i hadnt thought about it like that to be honest, i think a phone call and an email with the pictures in will be sent.

real shame as i like the garage and the people who work there

....You need to calmly but strongly read them the riot act. It might be the fault of just one sloppy employee and so the garage will thank you for letting them know. Such sloppiness is actually potentially very dangerous and I would make a particular point of telling them that.

I would put it all in writing (email should do) so it's on record and address it to the head of the company (marked Confidential if snailmail). Find out his direct email.

What to do next should depend on how the garage responds but it would be a waste of time and also sour your relationship if you go straight to VW UK without giving them the opportunity to respond and give you assurances for the future. If they don't respond satisfactorily, then go to VW UK and your case will be stronger with copies of correspondence.

Let us know what happens please  :happy2:
Title: Re: What is this part??
Post by: liver on February 28, 2012, 11:13:41 am
thank you for everyone's responses.

It was not a VW dealer but it was still a very reputable garage well knwon through out the country.

I have had problems before with the garage but they have always gone out of their way to help resolve the problem and been very helpful so i will not be getting too carried away but will make my point strongly.

I will keep everyone upto date

again thank you
Title: Re: What is this part??
Post by: Boothy on February 28, 2012, 11:49:07 am
I noticed that a new VAG specialist has opened up on Denby Dale Rd mate, next to the Puma Speed place opposite West Yorkshire windows. Have you had any experience with them? May be worth trying them in the future if your still living round Wakey area?
Title: Re: What is this part??
Post by: liver on February 28, 2012, 11:57:24 am
yeah i have seen it, havnt heard of anyone using them or what they are like

would make sense to stay around wakefield, the trip to manchester doesnt seem to be worth it
Title: Re: What is this part??
Post by: liver on February 28, 2012, 02:24:25 pm
email constructed just goig to send it to a mate to look over and also find out the email address of the person i want to send it to
Title: Re: What is this part??
Post by: liver on February 29, 2012, 09:34:12 am
email sent, i will let you know the response when i recieve one