MK5 Golf GTI

General => New Member Intro's => Topic started by: envious on March 08, 2012, 11:40:09 am

Post by: envious on March 08, 2012, 11:40:09 am
HI i Know this is a GTI forum but the people on this site really know their stuff
i have my heart set on a mk5 golf
i'm only 20 years old so the gti isn't going to go down well with my insurer

i'm going to be buying the 1.9tdi

now i don't have a HUGE budget for the car

HOWEVER i may be able to push the boat out for some beautiful wheels

i have been looking at the SCHMIDT TH Lines in 18"

Anything else i can do to the car i have about 2k set aside for mods besides the wheels

Any help will be much apreciated
Post by: JackG on March 08, 2012, 12:05:02 pm
HI i Know this is a GTI forum but the people on this site really know their stuff
i have my heart set on a mk5 golf
i'm only 20 years old so the gti isn't going to go down well with my insurer

i'm going to be buying the 1.9tdi

now i don't have a HUGE budget for the car

HOWEVER i may be able to push the boat out for some beautiful wheels

i have been looking at the SCHMIDT TH Lines in 18"

Anything else i can do to the car i have about 2k set aside for mods besides the wheels

Any help will be much apreciated

Welcome along buddy....a remap  :evilgrin:
Post by: Weston on March 09, 2012, 05:22:41 pm
Welcome  :happy2: a few suspension mods to help get the power down would help