MK5 Golf GTI

General => Random Chat => Topic started by: nezquick on March 10, 2012, 10:06:49 pm

Title: skiing scotland - thoughts?
Post by: nezquick on March 10, 2012, 10:06:49 pm
Anyone skied in scotland? worth or or not?
Title: Re: skiing scotland - thoughts?
Post by: gulfstream11 on March 10, 2012, 11:54:19 pm
I had a weekend at the nevis range about 3 weeks back... Don't bother
Title: Re: skiing scotland - thoughts?
Post by: no golf clubs at all on March 11, 2012, 02:36:04 pm
If and its a big IF the weather conditions are ok then you can get a little skiing done, but do not even think for one minute it is anything like an alpine experience!

Mush, sugar, crud, crap lift systems, queues, expensive food, drink and crap customer service. Fill your boots.

Being Scottish I reserve the right to slag it off btw.

I used to go when younger and suffered many a wasted journey, horizontal hail storms and almost being blown back UP the hill.

Stay at home, go to Xscape or dry slope, else go abroad where they get the throughput of Customers and continuously good snow conditions that allows them to build a solid infrastructure.

By all means come to Scotland, please do! but bring your mountain bike or hiking boots and leave the board or skis at home. :drinking: