MK5 Golf GTI
General => Random Chat => Topic started by: Kalpsn2000 on March 22, 2012, 05:08:32 pm
Not sure if this has been posted yet but only one word for it...Unbelievable!!! ( (
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She needs something to keep her mouth preoccupied
Next question...
Spell... RETARD
Astonishing. The thought process is unbelievable............
Unbelievable!! Will someone PLEASE hit her around the head with a spade and bring peace and order back to the world!
Ha HA, typical lady. :laugh:
More like dumb :booty: yank
I think she needs remapping :happy2: :laugh:
I foresee a career in porn on the horizon for her :signLOL:
Were they travelling on honeymoon? She's called Chelsea and you can see CHELS written on the window - Might be JUST MARRIED etc.
i would :smiley:
She could be the next president :congrats:
I'm surprised he's amused by it. I'd be pulling up, opening the door and asking her to do one.
but the things you could persuade her to do,......
but the things you could persuade her to do,......
...i can see why he married her :evilgrin: :congrats:
but the things you could persuade her to do,......
...i can see why he married her :evilgrin: :congrats:
Real life Gillian from family guy right there!! I love how she is like sooo serious about the whole thing, "the wheel would turn like 400 times" and "cops tyres arent flat"
So reminded me of this fruit bat!
OMFG! That's all I can say I am astounded by the lack of brain!
Do you think if she had a child with Sheldon Cooper it would have nearly average intelligence?