MK5 Golf GTI

General => Shows, Events and Meets => Old Event Details => Topic started by: keith on November 14, 2008, 10:53:52 pm

Title: GTI International 'Inters 2009' - Bruntingthorpe 27-28th June
Post by: keith on November 14, 2008, 10:53:52 pm
The dates have been released
GTI International 2009
27th and 28th June - Bruntingthorpe

Hope they do better than last year, if you sell detailing stuff and at a decent price you will do well.Meguiars take note!

Sunday for me again.
Title: Re: GTI International 'Inters 2009'
Post by: Greeners on November 14, 2008, 10:55:52 pm
Oooh, hope the bloody weather's better this year! :wink:
Title: Re: GTI International 'Inters 2009'
Post by: keith on November 14, 2008, 11:01:23 pm
aye the wind didn't help matters.
Title: Re: GTI International 'Inters 2009'
Post by: Hurdy on November 15, 2008, 12:18:59 am
I'll be there!

It is on when I'm on my 10 day rota :happy2:
Title: Re: GTI International 'Inters 2009'
Post by: The wheel man on November 17, 2008, 02:00:22 pm
I will keep an eye on this.  diddnt make it this year (holiday in Kenya!!)  I assume the show is all VW??
Title: Re: GTI International 'Inters 2009'
Post by: SteveP on November 17, 2008, 08:38:59 pm
I will keep an eye on this.  diddnt make it this year (holiday in Kenya!!)  I assume the show is all VW??

Its main focus is VW, but the whole VAG family are normally well represented  :happy2:
Title: Re: GTI International 'Inters 2009'
Post by: joesgti on November 19, 2008, 02:24:07 am
il be there  :nerd: :driver:
Title: Re: GTI International 'Inters 2009' - Bruntingthorpe 27-28th June
Post by: fastismycopilot on February 02, 2009, 07:47:24 am
Shame about the change of date, that was going to be my fill-in weekend between Le Mans and Glastonbury. Ah well, maybe next year.....
Title: Re: GTI International 'Inters 2009' - Bruntingthorpe 27-28th June
Post by: WhiteGTI on February 02, 2009, 08:03:46 am
I'll be there also!
Title: Re: GTI International 'Inters 2009' - Bruntingthorpe 27-28th June
Post by: Toast on February 03, 2009, 08:48:39 pm
I'll be there  for the weekend for sure :jumpmove: 3rd year in a row  :happy2:  There will be 4 car loads of us heading down with the tents and back to the gliding centre  :grin:

Toast :drinking:
Title: Re: GTI International 'Inters 2009' - Bruntingthorpe 27-28th June
Post by: vwrascal on February 03, 2009, 08:55:02 pm
I'll be there also!

^^^   x2,   
Title: Re: GTI International 'Inters 2009' - Bruntingthorpe 27-28th June
Post by: Golfgirl on February 03, 2009, 09:40:10 pm
I'll probaby be there too!
Title: Re: GTI International 'Inters 2009' - Bruntingthorpe 27-28th June
Post by: Toast on February 03, 2009, 10:05:55 pm
Hey Golfgirl did you have your ed 30 on a stand last year? Thought I spied it round the corner from mine :happy2:

Will the Forum be having a stand at the show?

Title: Re: GTI International 'Inters 2009' - Bruntingthorpe 27-28th June
Post by: Top Cat on February 03, 2009, 10:12:12 pm

Will the Forum be having a stand at the show?


Do you mean a toast rack.  :signLOL:

hopefully we will have one.  :happy2:
Title: Re: GTI International 'Inters 2009' - Bruntingthorpe 27-28th June
Post by: Toast on February 03, 2009, 10:17:04 pm
Aah Yes I was wondering how long it would take you Topcat :signLOL: :signLOL:

Cool would be good to get the car on it :happy2:

Title: Re: GTI International 'Inters 2009' - Bruntingthorpe 27-28th June
Post by: Top Cat on February 03, 2009, 10:21:48 pm
PG will be along with details  soon, i am sure he has already mentioned this at some time.
I reckon we could fit a shiny red ED 30 in their somewhere.  :happy2:
Title: Re: GTI International 'Inters 2009' - Bruntingthorpe 27-28th June
Post by: Toast on February 03, 2009, 10:29:17 pm
Qaulity :happy2: 

Title: Re: GTI International 'Inters 2009' - Bruntingthorpe 27-28th June
Post by: Golfgirl on February 03, 2009, 11:20:02 pm
Hey Golfgirl did you have your ed 30 on a stand last year? Thought I spied it round the corner from mine :happy2:

Title: Re: GTI International 'Inters 2009' - Bruntingthorpe 27-28th June
Post by: illyun on February 03, 2009, 11:54:43 pm
I'll be there as I have been for the past 3 years...  :happy2:
Title: Re: GTI International 'Inters 2009' - Bruntingthorpe 27-28th June
Post by: scoty on February 24, 2009, 11:59:55 pm
a will be there my 14th year in a row :laugh:

toast are you going down with mick and that??

Title: Re: GTI International 'Inters 2009' - Bruntingthorpe 27-28th June
Post by: jonnyc on February 25, 2009, 04:04:11 pm
Is there going to be a Stand for us guys?
Title: Re: GTI International 'Inters 2009' - Bruntingthorpe 27-28th June
Post by: wigit on February 25, 2009, 04:10:47 pm
i had some feedback from VW Driver regarding GTI International, basically you register your forum as a club, space allocation for the club is dealt with as follows; members have to book advance tickets at the discount rate and state the forum, they then allocate club display space according to the number of members booked against that club display, therefore groups are not constrained by numbers.

The reason behind this is previosuly clubs have stated 40-50 cars will turn up and space as been allocated accordingly but only 12-14 cars have turned up.

hope this helps  :happy2:
Title: Re: GTI International 'Inters 2009' - Bruntingthorpe 27-28th June
Post by: joesgti on February 25, 2009, 04:11:46 pm
Is there going to be a Stand for us guys?

+1  :jumpmove:
Title: Re: GTI International 'Inters 2009' - Bruntingthorpe 27-28th June
Post by: Toast on February 25, 2009, 04:35:34 pm
Count Me In on this 1 for definate won't miss it for the world :jumpmove:  And the car will be sporting some new toys :wink:

If its any help guys Last year myself and 10 other mates camped at The Gliding Centre over at Husbands Bosworth which is 10minutes away from the show! Good facilities and The Friday Night was Ace meeting new people and having the odd drink or 2 :drinking: :laugh:

Scotty I'll be traveling down with the same squad as last year albeit there will be another s3 coming in that nice colour of Orange :sick:

Title: Re: GTI International 'Inters 2009' - Bruntingthorpe 27-28th June
Post by: dan.payne on February 25, 2009, 04:36:56 pm
Is there going to be a Stand for us guys?

+1  :jumpmove:

I want a bit of this! 4th year running for me :laugh:
Title: Re: GTI International 'Inters 2009' - Bruntingthorpe 27-28th June
Post by: VC on February 25, 2009, 04:59:03 pm
i'll be making the trek from cornwall  :innocent:
Title: Re: GTI International 'Inters 2009' - Bruntingthorpe 27-28th June
Post by: MAT ED30 on February 25, 2009, 07:07:12 pm
you know i will be there  :happy2:
Title: Re: GTI International 'Inters 2009' - Bruntingthorpe 27-28th June
Post by: candy turbo on February 25, 2009, 08:36:04 pm
 i ll be their , would be great if all us guys could get stand (all parked together ) :happy2:
Title: Re: GTI International 'Inters 2009' - Bruntingthorpe 27-28th June
Post by: SteveP on February 25, 2009, 10:28:46 pm
We received our club confirmation last week from GTI International so are already formally registered for a stand space  :happy2:

Other news from the organisers is new for this year they are allowing camping on-site if your that way inclined  :laugh: :laugh: :laugh:
Title: Re: GTI International 'Inters 2009' - Bruntingthorpe 27-28th June
Post by: Toast on February 25, 2009, 11:49:41 pm
Yeehaa Thats good news for me :jumpmove: We've been banging on about the camping situation for the last 2 years :jumping: Nothing worse than driving 6hours from Scotland then having to go set up camp somewhere else!!

Title: Re: GTI International 'Inters 2009' - Bruntingthorpe 27-28th June
Post by: illyun on February 25, 2009, 11:59:06 pm
I'm up for the stand if my car is worthy  :happy2:
Title: Re: GTI International 'Inters 2009' - Bruntingthorpe 27-28th June
Post by: JPC on February 26, 2009, 12:34:59 pm
I'm up for the stand if my car is worthy  :happy2:

ditto! ;)
Title: Re: GTI International 'Inters 2009' - Bruntingthorpe 27-28th June
Post by: keith on March 02, 2009, 10:06:09 pm
I am up for my car being there, not camping though. I stay at the hotel down the road travel down sat local curry house few sherbets then up on the Sun for Inters
Need to get a theme to win best stand 8)
Title: Re: GTI International 'Inters 2009' - Bruntingthorpe 27-28th June
Post by: Toast on March 02, 2009, 10:24:51 pm
A go on Keith come camp with us 10 other Scottish lads  :drinking: Great laugh we travel down on the Friday then the :jumpmove: begins!! And I agree on best club stand idea :happy2:

Title: Re: GTI International 'Inters 2009' - Bruntingthorpe 27-28th June
Post by: VC on March 04, 2009, 08:53:59 pm
i'm up for a slice of camping, big trek for me. last year stayed in a hotel and it was pretty dull

beer and atmos ftw!
Title: Re: GTI International 'Inters 2009' - Bruntingthorpe 27-28th June
Post by: Toast on March 06, 2009, 06:12:47 pm
Hey all got a bit of an update on Gti International  :jumpmove: I phoned Auto metrix who organise the show today to renew my Vw driver subscription and then asked about this year's show  Camping will be onsite as already mentioned and it will be where the Autojumble stalls were held last year, There will be Food stalls and Toilets provided along with some Entertainment. I also asked what the carparking plans were if you have the car on the stand and as far as I've been told they will let you park next to your tent or leave it on the Club stand! Advance tickets go onsale in a couple of weeks time through the website and price's for camping including entry are £45 for Friday/Sat camping and £35 for Sat only camping and as I say these include your entry into the show for both days!  Hope this helps guys :happy2:

Title: Re: GTI International 'Inters 2009' - Bruntingthorpe 27-28th June
Post by: T88OMM on March 10, 2009, 09:49:58 am
^^ Coolio ^^

I will be there camping both nights  :laugh:

My car should be finished then so if mods think it is worthy of a place on the club stand that would be much appreciated  :jumping:
Title: Re: GTI International 'Inters 2009' - Bruntingthorpe 27-28th June
Post by: Top Cat on March 10, 2009, 11:06:29 am
^^ Coolio ^^

I will be there camping both nights  :laugh:

My car should be finished then so if mods think it is worthy of a place on the club stand that would be much appreciated  :jumping:

No probs Tom i am sure your car will be worthy of a place.  :smiley:

Just not with us  :P  :evilgrin:  :drinking:  :wink:
Title: Re: GTI International 'Inters 2009' - Bruntingthorpe 27-28th June
Post by: T88OMM on March 10, 2009, 11:23:06 am
^^  :P :P :P :P :P :P :P :P :P :P :P :P :P ^^
Title: Re: GTI International 'Inters 2009' - Bruntingthorpe 27-28th June
Post by: joesgti on March 10, 2009, 11:23:11 am
^^^  :grin: :grin: :rolleye:

im up for this, camping sounds gooood!!  :happy2: club stand is the way forward!!  :happy2: oh and we need one of those big banner things that people put under their wheels.  :smiley:
Title: Re: GTI International 'Inters 2009' - Bruntingthorpe 27-28th June
Post by: RedRobin on March 10, 2009, 06:12:59 pm

[Just subscribing to this thread]
Title: Re: GTI International 'Inters 2009' - Bruntingthorpe 27-28th June
Post by: keith on March 10, 2009, 10:20:40 pm
^^^  :grin: :grin: :rolleye:

im up for this, camping sounds gooood!!  :happy2: club stand is the way forward!!  :happy2: oh and we need one of those big banner things that people put under their wheels.  :smiley:

Aye your right mate, or even they flag things that seatcupranet have, ...... as he remembers to pay some money for the upkeep of the site :rolleye: need a good theme, I was thinking scantily clad women sort of harem type theme....
doh fantasy and reality clashing again :chicken:
Title: Re: GTI International 'Inters 2009' - Bruntingthorpe 27-28th June
Post by: Toast on March 10, 2009, 10:36:24 pm
Liking the Scantily Clad women idea Keith :happy2: :jumpmove: That would Defo get us a feature in Pvw or Golf+  :laugh: :grin:

Title: Re: GTI International 'Inters 2009' - Bruntingthorpe 27-28th June
Post by: joesgti on March 11, 2009, 09:20:26 am
sounds good keith  :drool:

i think TC was ment to be sorting one out?! hope its not to late for the scantily clad women  :drinking: :laugh:
Title: Re: GTI International 'Inters 2009' - Bruntingthorpe 27-28th June
Post by: VC on March 11, 2009, 10:17:55 am
just a thought though, if there's camping will they allow alcohol onsite? will be fun for the evening but they might not allow it due to the risk of drunk racers?
Title: Re: GTI International 'Inters 2009' - Bruntingthorpe 27-28th June
Post by: joesgti on March 11, 2009, 10:48:27 am
just a thought though, if there's camping will they allow alcohol onsite? will be fun for the evening but they might not allow it due to the risk of drunk racers?

i dont think they could really stop you could they? also at santa pod the track is impossible to get a car on after dark, i espect its the same for inters  :smiley:
Title: Re: GTI International 'Inters 2009' - Bruntingthorpe 27-28th June
Post by: VC on March 11, 2009, 11:16:24 am
inters is an open runway though.... unless theyre gunna have upped security i cant see how they could stop someone? just a thought
Title: Re: GTI International 'Inters 2009' - Bruntingthorpe 27-28th June
Post by: Hurdy on March 11, 2009, 11:44:41 am
They do this year :happy2:
Title: Re: GTI International 'Inters 2009' - Bruntingthorpe 27-28th June
Post by: Hurdy on March 11, 2009, 11:45:14 am
Although alcohol isn't allowed. :sad:
Title: Re: GTI International 'Inters 2009' - Bruntingthorpe 27-28th June
Post by: markymark on March 11, 2009, 11:48:00 am
They do this year :happy2:

Just spotted that H! Doh!
Last time I camped for Inters it p1$$ed down and flooded, the campsite was in a farmers field which you had to navigate a great big hill, needless to say my car didnt make it up and ended up parking in the farm yard! Had to carry all my beer, tent you name it through lots of mud and water!  :happy2:
Title: Re: GTI International 'Inters 2009' - Bruntingthorpe 27-28th June
Post by: markymark on March 11, 2009, 11:48:47 am
Yeah I didnt think they would allow alcohol! :sad:
Title: Re: GTI International 'Inters 2009' - Bruntingthorpe 27-28th June
Post by: VC on March 11, 2009, 11:50:08 am
hopefully less of this


and more of this



but no alcohol..........hhhmmmm.........might not camp there overnight then, would be nice to have a beer or two after driving over 300 miles to get there  :confused:
Title: Re: GTI International 'Inters 2009' - Bruntingthorpe 27-28th June
Post by: joesgti on March 11, 2009, 11:55:05 am
but how can they stop you drinking alcohol?

dont think il be camping there if theres no beer aloud.
Title: Re: GTI International 'Inters 2009' - Bruntingthorpe 27-28th June
Post by: Hurdy on March 11, 2009, 11:56:16 am
Now they are allowing camping on site, they should be realistic enough to get some evening entertainment.......I'll take the one in front VC :happy2:
Title: Re: GTI International 'Inters 2009' - Bruntingthorpe 27-28th June
Post by: Toast on March 11, 2009, 11:57:19 am
We had the same conversation the other night Vc as last year we camped at a gliding centre and Alcohol was aloud! Mind you if some little jobsworth comes up to 12 Scotts boys after a 6hour drive and says sorry no drinking I think there will be a new record for flinging some one down the qaurter mile :grin:

Title: Re: GTI International 'Inters 2009' - Bruntingthorpe 27-28th June
Post by: Hurdy on March 11, 2009, 12:00:30 pm
It doesn't ACTUALLY say no alcohol :wink:, so I'd take it and see how things go :smiley:
Title: Re: GTI International 'Inters 2009' - Bruntingthorpe 27-28th June
Post by: markymark on March 11, 2009, 12:02:25 pm
It doesn't ACTUALLY say no alcohol :wink:, so I'd take it and see how things go :smiley:

It always used to be printed on the back of the tickets, lets hope it has been removed.
Title: Re: GTI International 'Inters 2009' - Bruntingthorpe 27-28th June
Post by: Toast on March 11, 2009, 12:12:24 pm
I'll be stashing mine whatever  happens :wink: :happy2:

Title: Re: GTI International 'Inters 2009' - Bruntingthorpe 27-28th June
Post by: VC on March 11, 2009, 12:28:10 pm
so is there a forum plan in place for camping? or is everyone doing their own thing?
Title: Re: GTI International 'Inters 2009' - Bruntingthorpe 27-28th June
Post by: Toast on March 11, 2009, 12:30:23 pm
Good question Vc  :happy2: We'l have our flags flying above our tents lol :laugh:

Title: Re: GTI International 'Inters 2009' - Bruntingthorpe 27-28th June
Post by: Hurdy on March 11, 2009, 12:48:54 pm
I'll not be camping as I'll be up in the Lake District on Saturday :surprised:
Title: Re: GTI International 'Inters 2009' - Bruntingthorpe 27-28th June
Post by: T88OMM on March 11, 2009, 01:27:34 pm
If they will not be allowing alcohol I will be staying elsewhere, I will be needing a few beers after a good drive, plus it is all part of the fun  :happy2:
Title: Re: GTI International 'Inters 2009' - Bruntingthorpe 27-28th June
Post by: VC on March 11, 2009, 01:37:37 pm
I smell a plan

Title: Re: GTI International 'Inters 2009' - Bruntingthorpe 27-28th June
Post by: Top Cat on March 11, 2009, 02:16:26 pm
I smell a plan


                          Shut up fool

Title: Re: GTI International 'Inters 2009' - Bruntingthorpe 27-28th June
Post by: VC on March 11, 2009, 04:00:31 pm

Title: Re: GTI International 'Inters 2009' - Bruntingthorpe 27-28th June
Post by: MAT ED30 on March 11, 2009, 04:17:58 pm
just say your car runs on vodka  :laugh:
Title: Re: GTI International 'Inters 2009' - Bruntingthorpe 27-28th June
Post by: VC on March 11, 2009, 04:18:52 pm
fixed his jewelry so he could pity the fool


Title: Re: GTI International 'Inters 2009' - Bruntingthorpe 27-28th June
Post by: VC on March 11, 2009, 04:19:12 pm
just say your car runs on vodka  :laugh:

it would be cheaper  :jumpmove:
Title: Re: GTI International 'Inters 2009' - Bruntingthorpe 27-28th June
Post by: Hurdy on March 11, 2009, 04:33:14 pm
just say your car runs on vodka  :laugh:

it would be cheaper  :jumpmove:

And faster!
Title: Re: GTI International 'Inters 2009' - Bruntingthorpe 27-28th June
Post by: keith on March 11, 2009, 06:54:58 pm
I ran the camping by my bruv but he wasn't impressed as it meant buying a tent and sleeping bag and expense he can do without. So it looks like its the best western down the road again.

for the theme all we need is 3 chicks some tight tshirts for them and some poles... no not the imigrants and we are sorted :happy2:
Title: Re: GTI International 'Inters 2009' - Bruntingthorpe 27-28th June
Post by: VC on March 11, 2009, 07:19:35 pm
...can i have some bonnet drape pix then?  :innocent: gunna definately need that vodka  :grin:
Title: Re: GTI International 'Inters 2009' - Bruntingthorpe 27-28th June
Post by: stealthwolf on March 21, 2009, 11:16:13 am
all we need is 3 chicks and some poles... no not the imigrants

Why not have polish chicks?

Title: Re: GTI International 'Inters 2009' - Bruntingthorpe 27-28th June
Post by: T88OMM on March 21, 2009, 11:17:53 am
^^ Oh my  :surprised: :drool: :drool: :drool: :drool: :drool: :drool: :drool: :drool: :drool: :drool: ^^
Title: Re: GTI International 'Inters 2009' - Bruntingthorpe 27-28th June
Post by: RedRobin on March 21, 2009, 11:31:19 am

That Polish chick is stunning! :love: :drool: :drool: :drool: :drool: :love:
Title: Re: GTI International 'Inters 2009' - Bruntingthorpe 27-28th June
Post by: WhiteGTI on March 21, 2009, 12:58:55 pm
Pick me to be on the club stand. Pick me pick me pick meeeeeeeeeeeeeee  :party: :party: :party: :party: :party: :party:
Title: Re: GTI International 'Inters 2009' - Bruntingthorpe 27-28th June
Post by: SteveP on March 21, 2009, 01:02:21 pm
Your in Chris  :happy2:
Title: Re: GTI International 'Inters 2009' - Bruntingthorpe 27-28th June
Post by: WhiteGTI on March 21, 2009, 01:06:27 pm
Your in Chris  :happy2:

 :surprised: :surprised: :surprised:

Well, that was easier than I thought it would be !  :laugh: :laugh:
Title: Re: GTI International 'Inters 2009' - Bruntingthorpe 27-28th June
Post by: SteveS on March 21, 2009, 01:56:23 pm
i want in!! :chicken:
Title: Re: GTI International 'Inters 2009' - Bruntingthorpe 27-28th June
Post by: Toast on March 22, 2009, 01:59:49 am
Is there a list of cars for the club stand yet Steve P? :happy2: If so put me down for deffianant :jumpmove:

Title: Re: GTI International 'Inters 2009' - Bruntingthorpe 27-28th June
Post by: SteveP on March 22, 2009, 08:42:42 am
We haven't started a list but as there is no real limit to the numbers as space is allocated based on the number of people who pre-order their passes  :happy2:

I am only going to be able to go on the Sunday but if someone who is going on the Saturday wants to fly the flag for the site then please let me know  :drinking:
Title: Re: GTI International 'Inters 2009' - Bruntingthorpe 27-28th June
Post by: Toast on March 22, 2009, 10:54:27 am
Cool I'll be ordering my weekend tickets in the next couple of weeks  :happy2: And I'll let them know to put my name on the forum stand :drinking:

Title: Re: GTI International 'Inters 2009' - Bruntingthorpe 27-28th June
Post by: T88OMM on March 22, 2009, 05:56:33 pm
I would like a place on the club stand please, I will be there all weekend. I would be more than happy to fly the flag for the forum on the saturday  :happy2:
Title: Re: GTI International 'Inters 2009' - Bruntingthorpe 27-28th June
Post by: chungster on March 28, 2009, 07:06:54 pm
I'll be there on the saturday with another forum.

gonna be at brands hatch on the sunday to do some photography for Time Attack.

Title: Re: GTI International 'Inters 2009' - Bruntingthorpe 27-28th June
Post by: illyun on March 28, 2009, 11:18:40 pm
We haven't started a list but as there is no real limit to the numbers as space is allocated based on the number of people who pre-order their passes  :happy2:

I am only going to be able to go on the Sunday but if someone who is going on the Saturday wants to fly the flag for the site then please let me know  :drinking:

Hmmm thats a difficult one to call as I always check the weather and go on the 'good' day just before.  But I'll be at the stall/area for the Mk5 forum one of the days  :happy2: or maybe both  :innocent:
Title: Re: GTI International 'Inters 2009' - Bruntingthorpe 27-28th June
Post by: SteveP on March 29, 2009, 12:30:19 pm
It is still possible for a couple of cars to get on the stand on the day, it just a bit of hassle as you have to park in the general car park then go to the info centre to request a pass, they then call the club/forum nominated person to authorise it and then you can get on the stand area  :rolleye:

So it's far easier if you pre-book your tickets and say you wish to on stand and the passes will be set directly to you  :happy2:
Title: Re: GTI International 'Inters 2009' - Bruntingthorpe 27-28th June
Post by: SteveS on March 29, 2009, 06:43:52 pm
yeah i want on stand for sunday please :)
Title: Re: GTI International 'Inters 2009' - Bruntingthorpe 27-28th June
Post by: Toast on March 29, 2009, 08:40:05 pm
I may park the car on the club stand after its washed and shiney on the Fri nyt  :happy2:

Title: Re: GTI International 'Inters 2009' - Bruntingthorpe 27-28th June
Post by: The wheel man on March 31, 2009, 08:14:05 am
Is there room for little old me on Sunday??? 
Title: Re: GTI International 'Inters 2009' - Bruntingthorpe 27-28th June
Post by: on March 31, 2009, 10:36:59 am
Hi everyone,

Keith's kindly given us the head's up about this show so we're just in the process of trying to organise a stand there and we'll make sure we put together some great show kits and discounts for you all  :happy2:

Taryn and Jim
Title: Re: GTI International 'Inters 2009' - Bruntingthorpe 27-28th June
Post by: SteveS on March 31, 2009, 11:46:38 am
niceee :happy2:
Title: Re: GTI International 'Inters 2009' - Bruntingthorpe 27-28th June
Post by: Top Cat on April 01, 2009, 07:28:19 pm
OK lads and ladett's we have had conformation through, we definitely have a forum/club  stand at this years event.  :drinking:

This little piece of advice for booking tickets came with the conformation

When booking tickets for GTI remind your members to shop for all tickets first then click on the drop down list for the club before checkout.  If they choose the club first then go back to shopping the club display sets itself to 'please select'.

                                 (                            (
Title: Re: GTI International 'Inters 2009' - Bruntingthorpe 27-28th June
Post by: illyun on April 01, 2009, 08:08:32 pm
It doesn't ACTUALLY say no alcohol :wink:, so I'd take it and see how things go :smiley:

Click on the 'Book Online' button and it clearly says its a 'strictly... no alcohol event' in capitals!  No animals either - I wonder what people haven been getting upto with their animals in past events for them to be banned?!  :grin: :grin:  Or maybe its no to animals and alcohol together as they might get mistaken for evening 'entertainment'  :laugh: 
Title: Re: GTI International 'Inters 2009' - Bruntingthorpe 27-28th June
Post by: candy turbo on April 01, 2009, 08:11:34 pm
i would like my car on the stand just sunday if possible ? :happy2:
Title: Re: GTI International 'Inters 2009' - Bruntingthorpe 27-28th June
Post by: VC on April 01, 2009, 08:56:52 pm
it's so dogs dont run out in front of cars hitting the airstrip

i might be on the forum stand, got 2 different people possibly wanting the car at the mo for their stand so not sure

is anyone staying the weekend? if so where?
Title: Re: GTI International 'Inters 2009' - Bruntingthorpe 27-28th June
Post by: Top Cat on April 01, 2009, 08:59:47 pm
I am going to find a hotel about half an hour away. So there is a nice drive back.  :evilgrin:

I am to old to camp although would be a great laugh.  :chicken:
Title: Re: GTI International 'Inters 2009' - Bruntingthorpe 27-28th June
Post by: VC on April 01, 2009, 09:04:06 pm
if you've got a decent tent mate, lighting a bbq, tunes, beers and wagons circled can be pretty cool

unless its raining

then it sucks  :grin:
Title: Re: GTI International 'Inters 2009' - Bruntingthorpe 27-28th June
Post by: Top Cat on April 01, 2009, 09:22:31 pm
Been Glastonbury  5 times, i am just about full of camping fun.  :laugh:

One thing that still tickles my misses though, one year it poured down, turned into a quagmire, so traipsed round in the mud for 3 days with wellies and shorts on. I have really hairy legs and when i got home i found a bald strip around both legs at the top were i had welly Chafe.  :laugh: it took 7 months to grow back, at one point i thought it would never grow back.  :laugh:
Title: Re: GTI International 'Inters 2009' - Bruntingthorpe 27-28th June
Post by: keith on April 01, 2009, 09:33:17 pm
My bruv#s pulled out of going so its me on my pee pod. I normally book the best western hotel which is 10mins drive from the place a few of the tuners stay there like CCode.
I am gonna go the sunday but may just drive down very early on sunday and come back same day :sleepy:.
Do we have an actual flag or banner made or is it Blue peter time?
Title: Re: GTI International 'Inters 2009' - Bruntingthorpe 27-28th June
Post by: Top Cat on April 01, 2009, 09:37:16 pm
My bruv#s pulled out of going so its me on my pee pod. I normally book the best western hotel which is 10mins drive from the place a few of the tuners stay there like CCode.
I am gonna go the sunday but may just drive down very early on sunday and come back same day :sleepy:.
Do we have an actual flag or banner made or is it Blue peter time?

We should have by then i think SteveP still has a bit left from the donations round we did. I just need to pull my finger out of my arse and start inquiring.   :innocent:
Title: Re: GTI International 'Inters 2009' - Bruntingthorpe 27-28th June
Post by: Toast on April 01, 2009, 10:53:40 pm
Aah Don't be Feart to camp guys Its great fun :jumpmove: Plus u always meet new faces  :drinking: Always look forward to leaving early on the Friday morning heading down with the lads in convoy with the walky talky's :grin: Arrive pitch the tents the get the bbq's going and a few beer's! And there's no way that I'm being told not to drink! :drinking:

Title: Re: GTI International 'Inters 2009' - Bruntingthorpe 27-28th June
Post by: SteveP on April 04, 2009, 12:00:48 am
Tickets are now available!!!!!!!

Don't forget if you want to be able to park on the club stand you must pre-book tickets on the and remeber to select the option on the final checkout page!!
Title: Re: GTI International 'Inters 2009' - Bruntingthorpe 27-28th June
Post by: stealthwolf on April 04, 2009, 09:27:12 am
I was thinking scantily clad women sort of harem type theme....

How about one of thost upright flag things with a scantily clad girl. And maybe a mk5 somewhere too. I'm sure we could get a VAG babe on there somehow.
Title: Re: GTI International 'Inters 2009' - Bruntingthorpe 27-28th June
Post by: SteveS on April 04, 2009, 12:42:14 pm
i agree, a flag,

i did ask a mate with his own forum where he got his from pending reply
Title: Re: GTI International 'Inters 2009' - Bruntingthorpe 27-28th June
Post by: NeilM on April 04, 2009, 01:30:35 pm
Any idea where the Club Stand will be, half way up a grass bank not a great deal of fun for me  :rolleye:, TT Shop asked for it on their stand, all depends on the quality of the Bimbo's.  :happy2:
Title: Re: GTI International 'Inters 2009' - Bruntingthorpe 27-28th June
Post by: Phil Mcavity on April 04, 2009, 03:35:27 pm
Well thats years effort i manged to grab a leg last time out at inters  :wink:
Title: Re: GTI International 'Inters 2009' - Bruntingthorpe 27-28th June
Post by: VC on April 04, 2009, 03:44:25 pm
that left hand missed a golden opportunity  :chicken:

 :grin: good skills though
Title: Re: GTI International 'Inters 2009' - Bruntingthorpe 27-28th June
Post by: SteveS on April 04, 2009, 05:02:43 pm
Any idea where the Club Stand will be, half way up a grass bank not a great deal of fun for me  :rolleye:, TT Shop asked for it on their stand, all depends on the quality of the Bimbo's.  :happy2:

i dont thinkwe get a choice.. i think its just mainly show and shine on the gravel...
Title: Re: GTI International 'Inters 2009' - Bruntingthorpe 27-28th June
Post by: SteveP on April 05, 2009, 03:02:26 pm
Any idea where the Club Stand will be, half way up a grass bank not a great deal of fun for me  :rolleye:, TT Shop asked for it on their stand, all depends on the quality of the Bimbo's.  :happy2:

Typically it's the grass area between the main car park and the show area, but I will drop the organisers an email to check  :happy2:
Title: Re: GTI International 'Inters 2009' - Bruntingthorpe 27-28th June
Post by: T88OMM on April 05, 2009, 04:33:48 pm
Well thats years effort i manged to grab a leg last time out at inters  :wink:

Who invited those three  :sick: :sick: :sick: :sick: :sick:

What you dont see in the pic is their water bowls hid behind the back of Hurdys car  :laugh:
Title: Re: GTI International 'Inters 2009' - Bruntingthorpe 27-28th June
Post by: Hurdy on April 05, 2009, 05:19:27 pm
Yes, and I had the most horrendous time getting their skidmarks off my bonnet :signLOL:
Title: Re: GTI International 'Inters 2009' - Bruntingthorpe 27-28th June
Post by: keith on April 05, 2009, 09:38:45 pm
need better, year before was better.
Title: Re: GTI International 'Inters 2009' - Bruntingthorpe 27-28th June
Post by: RedRobin on April 05, 2009, 10:21:53 pm

Hiring unknown 'Babes' is a complete lottery. Not only is it expensive but the girls often look better on their Z-cards than they do in real life. Those three are a prime example.
Title: Re: GTI International 'Inters 2009' - Bruntingthorpe 27-28th June
Post by: VC on April 05, 2009, 11:13:43 pm
....give me a few beers and i'll take all three at the same time  :evilgrin:

...only taking one for the team you understand  :innocent:

metaphorically too cos i'm incarcerated married  :grin:
Title: Re: GTI International 'Inters 2009' - Bruntingthorpe 27-28th June
Post by: JPC on April 06, 2009, 09:31:06 am
right, whos arriving on friday and camping two nights?

and are there really going to alcohol police??

if so......WTF?!
Title: Re: GTI International 'Inters 2009' - Bruntingthorpe 27-28th June
Post by: joesgti on April 06, 2009, 11:52:43 am
right, whos arriving on friday and camping two nights?

and are there really going to alcohol police??

if so......WTF?!

im with you and tom on this one,  :happy2:
Title: Re: GTI International 'Inters 2009' - Bruntingthorpe 27-28th June
Post by: JPC on April 06, 2009, 12:10:02 pm
good sh*t!

camping 2 nights? BBQ AND BEER!!
Title: Re: GTI International 'Inters 2009' - Bruntingthorpe 27-28th June
Post by: joesgti on April 06, 2009, 12:13:01 pm
yups! lots n lots of beer!! and girls!  :drool: (as i now have no girlfriend!  :angry015:)
Title: Re: GTI International 'Inters 2009' - Bruntingthorpe 27-28th June
Post by: JPC on April 06, 2009, 02:38:40 pm
WOWO?!?! what the fook?

stephs coming with me, shes well up for it! i thought i could palm her off onto your ex! haha!
Title: Re: GTI International 'Inters 2009' - Bruntingthorpe 27-28th June
Post by: joesgti on April 06, 2009, 02:58:12 pm
she finished me because she thinks i cheat on her all the time, im not that bothered but the thing that really p!sses me off is that fact that ive never cheated on her........ever!  :angry015: and ive been with her 4 yrs!

meh, il bring another girl for steph to play with  :laugh:
Title: Re: GTI International 'Inters 2009' - Bruntingthorpe 27-28th June
Post by: Phil Mcavity on April 06, 2009, 03:19:58 pm
^^^ thats normally a sign she's been playing away from you Joe.

Enjhoy your freedom mate  :drinking:
Title: Re: GTI International 'Inters 2009' - Bruntingthorpe 27-28th June
Post by: joesgti on April 06, 2009, 03:23:54 pm
hummmm, i doubt it, i honestly dont think she has time! lol

fcuk her anyways, im booking a lads holiday tonight with 14 of my mates to spain,  :party:
Title: Re: GTI International 'Inters 2009' - Bruntingthorpe 27-28th June
Post by: JPC on April 06, 2009, 03:54:34 pm
haha!! good sh*t! ;)
Title: Re: GTI International 'Inters 2009' - Bruntingthorpe 27-28th June
Post by: JPC on April 06, 2009, 03:55:06 pm
meh, il bring another girl for steph to play with  :laugh:

 :jumping: :jumping: :jumping: :jumping: :jumping: :jumpmove: :jumpmove: :jumpmove:

where is the video camera smilie when you need it?!
Title: Re: GTI International 'Inters 2009' - Bruntingthorpe 27-28th June
Post by: SteveS on April 06, 2009, 04:29:09 pm
she finished me because she thinks i cheat on her all the time, im not that bothered but the thing that really p!sses me off is that fact that ive never cheated on her........ever!  :angry015: and ive been with her 4 yrs!

meh, il bring another girl for steph to play with  :laugh:

lmfao, sounds like mine, yet we aint split...
she will come with me most likely (not trusted on my own, haha)
Title: Re: GTI International 'Inters 2009' - Bruntingthorpe 27-28th June
Post by: MAT ED30 on April 06, 2009, 05:13:12 pm
well now u can F about as much as u like  :jumpmove:
Title: Re: GTI International 'Inters 2009' - Bruntingthorpe 27-28th June
Post by: T88OMM on April 06, 2009, 08:02:29 pm
I have just realised that I am being dragged along to see Take That on the saturday night of this  :sick: :sick:

Never mind I will drive up on Friday, camp over Friday night (with a few beers), drive back on Saturday to watch that sh*te and then drive back on late Saturday evening, nothing will be getting in my way of getting pissed up on a Saturday night at Inters  :happy2: :jumpmove:

Just need to tell the misses though, she is gonna go off her box  :grin:
Title: Re: GTI International 'Inters 2009' - Bruntingthorpe 27-28th June
Post by: JPC on April 06, 2009, 08:39:30 pm
she'll be fine!

if it ends up your only driving down for the sunday trip...we know you will have had you nob cut off! ;)
Title: Re: GTI International 'Inters 2009' - Bruntingthorpe 27-28th June
Post by: VC on April 06, 2009, 09:00:25 pm
take that!?   :chicken:

no WAY would my mrs expect me to go to that!  :grin:

beer, cars, mates ftw  :innocent:
Title: Re: GTI International 'Inters 2009' - Bruntingthorpe 27-28th June
Post by: JPC on April 06, 2009, 09:36:05 pm

beer, cars, mates ftw  :innocent:

Title: Re: GTI International 'Inters 2009' - Bruntingthorpe 27-28th June
Post by: Toast on April 06, 2009, 10:55:16 pm
Beers,Dubs,Bhp, and Madness :jumpmove: :jumpmove: :drinking:

Title: Re: GTI International 'Inters 2009' - Bruntingthorpe 27-28th June
Post by: keith on April 06, 2009, 10:56:57 pm
my bruv bumped me, now the wife wants to come to see what i get upto at these shows, i try to tell her the 2 universes shall never meet they must remain seperate to balance the world, so I have to fork out for a spa place fri&sat nearby. its getting fecyn dearer as the days go buy
Title: Re: GTI International 'Inters 2009' - Bruntingthorpe 27-28th June
Post by: JPC on April 07, 2009, 09:18:05 am
my GF loves coming to the shows! i dont mind her coming either, as long as you guys dont!

Title: Re: GTI International 'Inters 2009' - Bruntingthorpe 27-28th June
Post by: Top Cat on April 07, 2009, 01:43:37 pm
my GF loves coming to the shows! i dont mind her coming either, as long as you guys dont!

Rather Steph came than you to be honest.  :signLOL:
Title: Re: GTI International 'Inters 2009' - Bruntingthorpe 27-28th June
Post by: joesgti on April 07, 2009, 01:49:22 pm
my GF loves coming to the shows! i dont mind her coming either, as long as you guys dont!

Rather Steph came than you to be honest.  :signLOL:

+1  :P :P only jokin buddy, looks like i may be back with the evil one tonight. so steph can pish about with her, if i brig her with me,  :smiley:
Title: Re: GTI International 'Inters 2009' - Bruntingthorpe 27-28th June
Post by: RedRobin on April 07, 2009, 02:14:23 pm
Obviously she's just testing you, Joe. Ladies like to feel you are committed to them, they like to feel secure.
Title: Re: GTI International 'Inters 2009' - Bruntingthorpe 27-28th June
Post by: tony_danza on April 07, 2009, 02:29:12 pm
You know it's going to be a dry site, right? No beer.

Some of the stuff that has gone on at the "official" Inters camp sites in the past has been shocking: 4am drunken rally driving with cars getting smashed up, tent destroying, as many brawls as you can shake a stick at.. you get the picture.

Think about it from the organisers point of view. There's an old airstrip with miles of flat de-restricted tarmac, hundreds of brand new cars in storage (with the keys in), loads of old planes and acres and acres of land to Police.... and a load of drunken people = temptation for a small minority to ruin it for all.

I think (unless there's been some serious negatiation) there's going to be some very unpopular rules. Like not being able to take cars near the camping area, no drinking, no BBQs etc. - I know from organising the last 3 stands for MKIVs, the list of things banned from site for insurance reasons reads like War and Peace!
Title: Re: GTI International 'Inters 2009' - Bruntingthorpe 27-28th June
Post by: joesgti on April 07, 2009, 02:38:21 pm
Obviously she's just testing you, Joe. Ladies like to feel you are committed to them, they like to feel secure.

well we shall see tonight, im no walkover  :mad:

4am drunken rally driving with cars getting smashed up, tent destroying, as many brawls as you can shake a stick at.. you get the picture.

There's an old airstrip with miles of flat de-restricted tarmac, hundreds of brand new cars in storage (with the keys in), loads of old planes and acres and acres of land to Police.... and a load of drunken people

im there  :party:  :innocent:
Title: Re: GTI International 'Inters 2009' - Bruntingthorpe 27-28th June
Post by: tony_danza on April 07, 2009, 02:41:08 pm
I know, sounds like heaven, eh?

Bloody H&S nannies....
Title: Re: GTI International 'Inters 2009' - Bruntingthorpe 27-28th June
Post by: RedRobin on April 07, 2009, 02:56:47 pm

It's a bit sad if some of you guys feel you can't have a good time without an excess of alcohol.
Title: Re: GTI International 'Inters 2009' - Bruntingthorpe 27-28th June
Post by: joesgti on April 07, 2009, 03:00:31 pm
tisk, the younger generation eh robin!  :grin:

we often have fun together with no alcohol included, but when you go camping with your pals, beer is expected  :smiley:
Title: Re: GTI International 'Inters 2009' - Bruntingthorpe 27-28th June
Post by: Top Cat on April 07, 2009, 03:01:23 pm

It's a bit sad if some of you guys feel you can't have a good time without an excess of alcohol.

There only young lad's Robin, if we could remember that far back i am sure it would have been no different for us.  :drinking:
Title: Re: GTI International 'Inters 2009' - Bruntingthorpe 27-28th June
Post by: tony_danza on April 07, 2009, 03:07:07 pm

It's a bit sad if some of you guys feel you can't have a good time without an excess of alcohol.

99% of people can be trusted to make their own decision as to whether have fun with or without it.

Sadly the 1% who can't be trusted with it take away that choice for the rest.
Title: Re: GTI International 'Inters 2009' - Bruntingthorpe 27-28th June
Post by: JPC on April 07, 2009, 03:28:56 pm
i really am not inclined to be camping then im afraid!

i have never been one to be out of control and drink excessively, i can control myself, and i dont need an excess, four or five cans is fine for me.

it looks like the minority have spoilt it for us.

I just wanted to sit round a bbq with a few cans, few fags and chat til 12ish.

Now, if i cant do that, i have no interest in paying £100 for me and steph to camp!!
Title: Re: GTI International 'Inters 2009' - Bruntingthorpe 27-28th June
Post by: RedRobin on April 07, 2009, 03:46:37 pm
Yep, I do understand about chilling out with mates and a few cans :drinking:

Like 'Tony' says, it's a pity it's spoilt by a few but you also have to understand the organiser's pov.

Title: Re: GTI International 'Inters 2009' - Bruntingthorpe 27-28th June
Post by: VC on April 07, 2009, 03:53:21 pm
external campsite close by? forum wagon circling?

Title: Re: GTI International 'Inters 2009' - Bruntingthorpe 27-28th June
Post by: tony_danza on April 07, 2009, 04:00:04 pm
That's the situation as I last heard it from Neil when I was speaking to him a while back, there's no harm in getting it clarified - but I can't see it being different.

There's a few campsites near by, we've avoided the official one in the past because of the problems, so just go hunting.
Title: Re: GTI International 'Inters 2009' - Bruntingthorpe 27-28th June
Post by: RedRobin on April 07, 2009, 04:00:57 pm
external campsite close by? forum wagon circling?


Excellent idea!

Title: Re: GTI International 'Inters 2009' - Bruntingthorpe 27-28th June
Post by: JPC on April 07, 2009, 04:06:49 pm
i wouldnt really leave my tent somewhere all day though.

ive just looked at the camping page on gti international and it doesnt say anything about no alcohol!

i can hardly seem them patting me down for a can in my pockets, it doesnt say anything about BBQs either!

and in the "camping" picture it shows a lady with a metal kettle. now, unless she's harry potter fook buddy, she cant boil water without a BBQ arrangement!

Im going and camping with BBQ and food and beer!

Im not a rowdy wank3r, so im sure ill be fine!!
Title: Re: GTI International 'Inters 2009' - Bruntingthorpe 27-28th June
Post by: JPC on April 07, 2009, 04:07:11 pm
Title: Re: GTI International 'Inters 2009' - Bruntingthorpe 27-28th June
Post by: tony_danza on April 07, 2009, 04:31:13 pm
Just read that, seems more promising - maybe they've managed to secure an area of the site well away from everything, to keep more control and therefore relax the rules...

Ace!  :happy2:
Title: Re: GTI International 'Inters 2009' - Bruntingthorpe 27-28th June
Post by: Toast on April 07, 2009, 07:32:41 pm
Just been reading the comments guys and as Tony_Danza say's it does tend to get a bit rowdy  after a few  :drinking:  Speaking from experience  :ashamed: at last years campsite That said we were all behaved at The Gliding Centre Campsite over at Husbands Bosworth good place to camp Shower's, canteen, etc and very friendly :happy2:

I phoned Autometrix today regarding camping facilities for the show but they haven't phoned me back will try again tomorrow  :happy2:!

Failing there being no shower's or drink We were planing on staying back at the Gliding centre again think there are a few other lads doing the same!

Here's the link 
Title: Re: GTI International 'Inters 2009' - Bruntingthorpe 27-28th June
Post by: Toast on April 08, 2009, 02:43:30 pm
Just an update the people from Gti phoned me back this morning regarding camping facilites They are looking into hiring showers,and drinking will be allowed at the campsite  :drinking: But not during the day at the show 9am/5pm, Security will be on site 24hrs and first aid, Tent's will be in the area where the auto jumble is usually held now from previous years this has been a bog :laugh:  But they have said there is a back  up plan to pitch the tent's on the edgo of the tarmac! And bbq's will be allowed as long as they are above the grass (H+S) 

Hope this helps guys  :happy2:
Title: Re: GTI International 'Inters 2009' - Bruntingthorpe 27-28th June
Post by: VC on April 08, 2009, 03:10:51 pm

so we would have to fold the tents away on show start for the autojumble to setup on the saturday from the previous night, then put them back up again on the sat night after the show, and rain = bog

sounds so tempting  :grin:

might look into this glider center option
Title: Re: GTI International 'Inters 2009' - Bruntingthorpe 27-28th June
Post by: joesgti on April 08, 2009, 03:30:30 pm

so we would have to fold the tents away on show start for the autojumble to setup on the saturday from the previous night, then put them back up again on the sat night after the show, and rain = bog

sounds so tempting  :grin:

might look into this glider center option

+1 that sounds stupid!
Title: Re: GTI International 'Inters 2009' - Bruntingthorpe 27-28th June
Post by: VC on April 08, 2009, 03:36:59 pm
had a look on the glider website, nothing about camping though?
Title: Re: GTI International 'Inters 2009' - Bruntingthorpe 27-28th June
Post by: Toast on April 08, 2009, 07:33:59 pm
No as far as I'm led to believe that is the permanent camp area  :happy2:

Vc they don't advertise it on there website but it if you phone them they do offer camp facilities good area and its only 5mins away from the show :happy2:  Plus the showers are Roasting and bacon rolls are  :jumpmove: :party:

Title: Re: GTI International 'Inters 2009' - Bruntingthorpe 27-28th June
Post by: JPC on April 08, 2009, 07:41:45 pm
i think im up for camping on site at gti now heard that. Sounds reasonable!
Title: Re: GTI International 'Inters 2009' - Bruntingthorpe 27-28th June
Post by: chungster on April 22, 2009, 08:13:34 pm
Tickets can be ordered now folks. Remember to select your club at the top of the ordering page.

Order Here (

I've just bought a ticket and 3 sprint runs for the saturday!  :smiley:
Title: Re: GTI International 'Inters 2009' - Bruntingthorpe 27-28th June
Post by: kris on April 30, 2009, 09:05:48 pm
Think I'm gonna give camping on site a go! Will be nice to enjoy a few beers and not have to worry about driving first thing in the morning. Shows where you can camp onsite always get the thumbs up from me  :happy2:
Title: Re: GTI International 'Inters 2009' - Bruntingthorpe 27-28th June
Post by: Toast on April 30, 2009, 10:06:09 pm
That's me ordered my 4 camping tickets for GTI  :jumpmove: :jumpmove: :drinking:  And selected mk5 for the club stand  :happy2: also put my mates s3 down to go on if thats ok  :wink:  Now time to get me finger out and get to work on the 30 :wink: :happy2:
Title: Re: GTI International 'Inters 2009' - Bruntingthorpe 27-28th June
Post by: keith on May 11, 2009, 10:47:03 pm
Whats the script for this what we planning on doing?
Title: Re: GTI International 'Inters 2009' - Bruntingthorpe 27-28th June
Post by: Toast on May 11, 2009, 10:53:29 pm
^^^^^Good question^^^^  :happy2:   When I was at Time attack a couple of weeks ago SteveP was talking about who would represent the forum on the Sat?! I'll be at the show from late friday afternoon with a nice cool beer in hand  :drinking:
Title: Re: GTI International 'Inters 2009' - Bruntingthorpe 27-28th June
Post by: JPC on May 11, 2009, 10:55:13 pm
you camping on site or at the gliding centre? i dont mind camping wherever, just dont want to be on my own. want some banter etc, not in a field on my own! haha!
Title: Re: GTI International 'Inters 2009' - Bruntingthorpe 27-28th June
Post by: Toast on May 11, 2009, 11:01:16 pm
We opted for show camping this year Jpc  :happy2:  Think it will be more of a giggle  :drinking: :laugh:  Come camp with us it'l be fun plus you'll get to laugh at 10 scottish lads put tents up will drinking  :signLOL:   And my mate fancy's taking Jonny on at the 1/4 mile but he'l be on foot!! :grin:
Title: Re: GTI International 'Inters 2009' - Bruntingthorpe 27-28th June
Post by: JPC on May 12, 2009, 11:18:59 am
oh good, im glad we're on site!

its pricey aint it? its going to be 90quid for me and steph with camping! can steph go in anyones boot please? haha! mine will be full of camping and detailing gear!
Title: Re: GTI International 'Inters 2009' - Bruntingthorpe 27-28th June
Post by: joesgti on May 12, 2009, 11:22:07 am
oh good, im glad we're on site!

its pricey aint it? its going to be 90quid for me and steph with camping! can steph go in anyones boot please? haha! mine will be full of camping and detailing gear!

My friend jake jumped in the boot for players and got in free  :happy2:

il be xamping aswell, but will organise nearer the time!  :smiley:
Title: Re: GTI International 'Inters 2009' - Bruntingthorpe 27-28th June
Post by: jonnyc on May 12, 2009, 11:23:28 am
oh good, im glad we're on site!

its pricey aint it? its going to be 90quid for me and steph with camping! can steph go in anyones boot please? haha! mine will be full of camping and detailing gear!

My friend jake jumped in the boot for players and got in free  :happy2:

il be xamping aswell, but will organise nearer the time!  :smiley:

GTI last year I had my brother and my mate in the boot.. Prices are a joke..

Dont think I will be able to do that this year though with no seats or parcel shelf lol..
Title: Re: GTI International 'Inters 2009' - Bruntingthorpe 27-28th June
Post by: VC on May 12, 2009, 02:31:22 pm
well, decidedededed

gunna camp in with you lot  :happy2:

my mates with his MK4 .:R32 is coming to so we can grudge race each other  :evilgrin: there's a bit of rivallry between us and he's currently running about 10bhp higher, i've got heavy ICE but weigh the same as a gnat and he ate all the pies so should be close  :grin:

i'll be coming from the south so could possibly hoover some others together on route
Title: Re: GTI International 'Inters 2009' - Bruntingthorpe 27-28th June
Post by: RedRobin on May 12, 2009, 07:09:13 pm

can steph go in anyones boot please? haha! mine will be full of camping and detailing gear!

....She's welcome in my passenger seat anytime! :evilgrin:

[Ooops!] :happy2:
Title: Re: GTI International 'Inters 2009' - Bruntingthorpe 27-28th June
Post by: Toast on May 12, 2009, 07:58:17 pm
Oh the Hilarity  :laugh:
Title: Re: GTI International 'Inters 2009' - Bruntingthorpe 27-28th June
Post by: JPC on May 12, 2009, 09:31:16 pm can have her all day robin! ;)
Title: Re: GTI International 'Inters 2009' - Bruntingthorpe 27-28th June
Post by: RedRobin on May 13, 2009, 11:50:09 am can have her all day robin! ;)

....Methinks she might have something to say about that! Just paying you guys a sincere compliment :happy2:
Title: Re: GTI International 'Inters 2009' - Bruntingthorpe 27-28th June
Post by: tomoc2003 on May 13, 2009, 05:21:48 pm
oh good, im glad we're on site!

its pricey aint it? its going to be 90quid for me and steph with camping! can steph go in anyones boot please? haha! mine will be full of camping and detailing gear!

My friend jake jumped in the boot for players and got in free  :happy2:

il be xamping aswell, but will organise nearer the time!  :smiley:

GTI last year I had my brother and my mate in the boot.. Prices are a joke..

Dont think I will be able to do that this year though with no seats or parcel shelf lol..

No i thought you would be going!!!! first chance to check this out properly

My mate Giles was talking to Sonley and he mention'd you 2 might be going

You should just go on the sunday with me and giles  :happy2:
Title: Re: GTI International 'Inters 2009' - Bruntingthorpe 27-28th June
Post by: Rich on May 13, 2009, 05:23:55 pm
I'll be there  :jumpmove: :jumpmove:
Title: Re: GTI International 'Inters 2009' - Bruntingthorpe 27-28th June
Post by: on May 14, 2009, 04:04:44 pm
 :jumpmove: Received our traders pack in the post this morning... our trade stand's all booked and confirmed now  :party:

Can't wait to put faces to names for all you lot!  :smiley:
Title: Re: GTI International 'Inters 2009' - Bruntingthorpe 27-28th June
Post by: VC on May 14, 2009, 04:30:39 pm
to be used in evidence?  :chicken:
Title: Re: GTI International 'Inters 2009' - Bruntingthorpe 27-28th June
Post by: on May 14, 2009, 04:37:33 pm
to be used in evidence?  :chicken:

Maybe!!!  :grin:
Title: Re: GTI International 'Inters 2009' - Bruntingthorpe 27-28th June
Post by: keith on May 15, 2009, 10:47:57 pm
:jumpmove: Received our traders pack in the post this morning... our trade stand's all booked and confirmed now  :party:

Can't wait to put faces to names for all you lot!  :smiley:

Great a decent DETAILING trader at Inters, I really think you will clear up there(pardon the pun) Meguiars stand is so pants as are there over pricing.
barring me getting sacked I will be there  :happy2:
Title: Re: GTI International 'Inters 2009' - Bruntingthorpe 27-28th June
Post by: Phil Mcavity on May 15, 2009, 10:54:36 pm
:jumpmove: Received our traders pack in the post this morning... our trade stand's all booked and confirmed now  :party:

Can't wait to put faces to names for all you lot!  :smiley:

Great a decent DETAILING trader at Inters, I really think you will clear up there(pardon the pun) Meguiars stand is so pants as are there over pricing.
barring me getting sacked I will be there  :happy2:
I will come visit your stand for sure  :happy2:  :wink:
Title: Re: GTI International 'Inters 2009' - Bruntingthorpe 27-28th June
Post by: VC on May 16, 2009, 02:43:59 pm
will there be sandwiches?  :chicken:
Title: Re: GTI International 'Inters 2009' - Bruntingthorpe 27-28th June
Post by: on May 16, 2009, 07:39:50 pm
will there be sandwiches?  :chicken:

Cheese ones???!!!!!  :grin:

My parents are coming to help us out at this show and my Mum always makes a mean picnic so I'm sure we can find something in the way of a sandwich!!
Title: Re: GTI International 'Inters 2009' - Bruntingthorpe 27-28th June
Post by: Sunglasses Ron on May 17, 2009, 02:35:55 pm
Stick me on the list if there is one as i'll be popping down to have a butchers.. Can't say the same about the car though..  :ashamed:  :grin:
Title: Re: GTI International 'Inters 2009' - Bruntingthorpe 27-28th June
Post by: Hedge on May 19, 2009, 10:51:02 am
Just bought my ticket for Sunday. Nice to see a few new faces.  :happy2:

I will be looking for a convoy oop norf afterwards as I will be off to see my mum in Hornsea.
Title: Re: GTI International 'Inters 2009' - Bruntingthorpe 27-28th June
Post by: VC on May 19, 2009, 12:30:21 pm
do we need t start a list of whos going/camping.which days etc? must be a few of us by now?
Title: Re: GTI International 'Inters 2009' - Bruntingthorpe 27-28th June
Post by: JPC on May 19, 2009, 01:01:48 pm
yes of course, we love lists! im camping
Title: Re: GTI International 'Inters 2009' - Bruntingthorpe 27-28th June
Post by: VC on May 19, 2009, 01:52:43 pm
shall i start the ball rolling then? cut and paste and awaaaaAAAaaayy we go  :chicken:


Very Cherry - Camping - Fri/Sat/Sun
Akira - Camping - Fri/Sat/Sun
Title: Re: GTI International 'Inters 2009' - Bruntingthorpe 27-28th June
Post by: Hurdy on May 19, 2009, 02:12:54 pm

Very Cherry - Camping - Fri/Sat/Sun
Akira - Camping - Fri/Sat/Sun
Hurdy - Sunday only  (don't get back from holiday until Sat pm before you all start on me :signLOL:)
Title: Re: GTI International 'Inters 2009' - Bruntingthorpe 27-28th June
Post by: jonnyc on May 19, 2009, 05:44:31 pm
Very Cherry - Camping - Fri/Sat/Sun
Akira - Camping - Fri/Sat/Sun
Hurdy - Sunday only  (don't get back from holiday until Sat pm before you all start on me :signLOL:)
Jonny - Sunday only (Revo Stand)
Title: Re: GTI International 'Inters 2009' - Bruntingthorpe 27-28th June
Post by: Hedge on May 19, 2009, 05:46:47 pm
Very Cherry - Camping - Fri/Sat/Sun
Akira - Camping - Fri/Sat/Sun

Hurdy - Sunday only  (don't get back from holiday until Sat pm before you all start on me signLOL)
Jonny - Sunday only (Revo Stand)
Hedge - Sunday only (camp enough)
Title: Re: GTI International 'Inters 2009' - Bruntingthorpe 27-28th June
Post by: Toast on May 19, 2009, 10:55:59 pm
Very Cherry - Camping - Fri/Sat/Sun
Akira - Camping - Fri/Sat/Sun

Hurdy - Sunday only  (don't get back from holiday until Sat pm before you all start on me signLOL)
Jonny - Sunday only (Revo Stand)
Hedge - Sunday only (camp enough)
Toast and Co- Camping - Fri/Sat/Sun  :jumpmove: :drinking:
Title: Re: GTI International 'Inters 2009' - Bruntingthorpe 27-28th June
Post by: JPC on May 20, 2009, 05:54:45 pm
Very Cherry - Camping - Fri/Sat/Sun
Akira - Camping - Fri/Sat/Sun
Toast and Co- Camping - Fri/Sat/Sun
JPC + Steph - Camping Fri/Sat/Sun

Hurdy - Sunday only  (don't get back from holiday until Sat pm before you all start on me signLOL)
Jonny - Sunday only (Revo Stand)
Hedge - Sunday only (camp enough)
Title: Re: GTI International 'Inters 2009' - Bruntingthorpe 27-28th June
Post by: Sunglasses Ron on May 20, 2009, 07:03:11 pm
Very Cherry - Camping - Fri/Sat/Sun
Akira - Camping - Fri/Sat/Sun
Toast and Co- Camping - Fri/Sat/Sun
JPC + Steph - Camping Fri/Sat/Sun
Hurdy - Sunday only  (don't get back from holiday until Sat pm before you all start on me signLOL)
Jonny - Sunday only (Revo Stand)
Hedge - Sunday only (camp enough)
Ben - Sunday Only (The 'I have no car' stand)
Title: Re: GTI International 'Inters 2009' - Bruntingthorpe 27-28th June
Post by: vwrascal on May 20, 2009, 11:27:02 pm

Very Cherry - Camping - Fri/Sat/Sun
Akira - Camping - Fri/Sat/Sun
Toast and Co- Camping - Fri/Sat/Sun
JPC + Steph - Camping Fri/Sat/Sun
Hurdy - Sunday only  (don't get back from holiday until Sat pm before you all start on me signLOL)
Jonny - Sunday only (Revo Stand)
Hedge - Sunday only (camp enough)
Ben - Sunday Only (I have no car stand)
vwrascal - Sunday only (dont have a reason)
Title: Re: GTI International 'Inters 2009' - Bruntingthorpe 27-28th June
Post by: Phil Mcavity on May 21, 2009, 07:05:35 am
Very Cherry - Camping - Fri/Sat/Sun
Akira - Camping - Fri/Sat/Sun
Toast and Co- Camping - Fri/Sat/Sun
JPC + Steph - Camping Fri/Sat/Sun
Hurdy - Sunday only  (don't get back from holiday until Sat pm before you all start on me signLOL)
Jonny - Sunday only (Revo Stand)
Hedge - Sunday only (camp enough)
Ben - Sunday Only (I have no car stand)
vwrascal - Sunday only (dont have a reason)
Phil Mc - Sunday only
Title: Re: GTI International 'Inters 2009' - Bruntingthorpe 27-28th June
Post by: tomoc2003 on May 21, 2009, 11:19:43 am
Very Cherry - Camping - Fri/Sat/Sun
Akira - Camping - Fri/Sat/Sun
Toast and Co- Camping - Fri/Sat/Sun
JPC + Steph - Camping Fri/Sat/Sun
Hurdy - Sunday only  (don't get back from holiday until Sat pm before you all start on me signLOL)
Jonny - Sunday only (Revo Stand)
Hedge - Sunday only (camp enough)
Ben - Sunday Only (I have no car stand)
vwrascal - Sunday only (dont have a reason)
Phil Mc - Sunday only
tomoc2003- Sunday only
Title: Re: GTI International 'Inters 2009' - Bruntingthorpe 27-28th June
Post by: Greeners on May 21, 2009, 08:18:32 pm
Very Cherry - Camping - Fri/Sat/Sun
Akira - Camping - Fri/Sat/Sun
Toast and Co- Camping - Fri/Sat/Sun
JPC + Steph - Camping Fri/Sat/Sun
Hurdy - Sunday only  (don't get back from holiday until Sat pm before you all start on me signLOL)
Jonny - Sunday only (Revo Stand)
Hedge - Sunday only (camp enough)
Ben - Sunday Only (I have no car stand)
vwrascal - Sunday only (dont have a reason)
Phil Mc - Sunday only
tomoc2003- Sunday only
Greenouse - Sat/Sun
Title: Re: GTI International 'Inters 2009' - Bruntingthorpe 27-28th June
Post by: SteveP on May 21, 2009, 08:19:49 pm
Very Cherry - Camping - Fri/Sat/Sun
Akira - Camping - Fri/Sat/Sun
Toast and Co- Camping - Fri/Sat/Sun
JPC + Steph - Camping Fri/Sat/Sun
Hurdy - Sunday only  (don't get back from holiday until Sat pm before you all start on me signLOL)
Jonny - Sunday only (Revo Stand)
Hedge - Sunday only (camp enough)
Ben - Sunday Only (I have no car stand)
vwrascal - Sunday only (dont have a reason)
Phil Mc - Sunday only
tomoc2003- Sunday only
Greenouse - Sat/Sun
SteveP - Sunday only  :sad1:
Title: Re: GTI International 'Inters 2009' - Bruntingthorpe 27-28th June
Post by: Top Cat on May 21, 2009, 10:24:03 pm
Very Cherry - Camp - Fri/Sat/Sun
Akira - Camping - Fri/Sat/Sun
Toast and Co- Camping - Fri/Sat/Sun
JPC + Steph - Camping Fri/Sat/Sun
Hurdy - Sunday only  (don't get back from holiday until Sat pm before you all start on me signLOL)
Jonny - Sunday only (Revo Stand)
Hedge - Sunday only (camp enough)
Ben - Sunday Only (I have no car stand)
vwrascal - Sunday only (I am not hardcore enough)
Phil Mc - Sunday only
tomoc2003- Sunday only
Greenouse - Sat/Sun
SteveP - Sunday only
Top cat - Sat/ Sun  Hotel on the Saturday.  (
Title: Re: GTI International 'Inters 2009' - Bruntingthorpe 27-28th June
Post by: Greeners on May 21, 2009, 10:26:33 pm
^^^^^^^^^^^^^^  :surprised:
Title: Re: GTI International 'Inters 2009' - Bruntingthorpe 27-28th June
Post by: SteveP on May 21, 2009, 10:27:25 pm
^^^^^^^^^^^^^^  :surprised:

What has surprised you Mr Rim King  :chicken: :chicken: :chicken:
Title: Re: GTI International 'Inters 2009' - Bruntingthorpe 27-28th June
Post by: Greeners on May 21, 2009, 10:32:37 pm
^^^^^^^^^^^^^^  :surprised:

What has surprised you Mr Rim King  :chicken: :chicken: :chicken:

TC's bitch slapping Purple Hippo and the thought of him alone in his Hotel room!  :grin:
Title: Re: GTI International 'Inters 2009' - Bruntingthorpe 27-28th June
Post by: candy turbo on May 21, 2009, 10:36:50 pm
Very Cherry - Camp - Fri/Sat/Sun
Akira - Camping - Fri/Sat/Sun
Toast and Co- Camping - Fri/Sat/Sun
JPC + Steph - Camping Fri/Sat/Sun
Hurdy - Sunday only  (don't get back from holiday until Sat pm before you all start on me signLOL)
Jonny - Sunday only (Revo Stand)
Hedge - Sunday only (camp enough)
Ben - Sunday Only (I have no car stand)
vwrascal - Sunday only (I am not hardcore enough)
Phil Mc - Sunday only
tomoc2003- Sunday only
Greenouse - Sat/Sun
SteveP - Sunday only
candy turbo - sunday only
Title: Re: GTI International 'Inters 2009' - Bruntingthorpe 27-28th June
Post by: candy turbo on May 21, 2009, 10:37:58 pm
have we got a stand here ??? or are we all parking together ?????
Title: Re: GTI International 'Inters 2009' - Bruntingthorpe 27-28th June
Post by: Top Cat on May 21, 2009, 10:40:35 pm
Very Cherry - Camp - Fri/Sat/Sun
Akira - Camping - Fri/Sat/Sun
Toast and Co- Camping - Fri/Sat/Sun
JPC + Steph - Camping Fri/Sat/Sun
Hurdy - Sunday only  (don't get back from holiday until Sat pm before you all start on me signLOL)
Jonny - Sunday only (Revo Stand)
Hedge - Sunday only (camp enough)
Ben - Sunday Only (I have no car stand)
vwrascal - Sunday only (I am not hardcore enough)
Phil Mc - Sunday only
tomoc2003- Sunday only
Greenouse - Sat/Sun
SteveP - Sunday only
candy turbo - sunday only

Candy dont you want me to go.  :sad1:
Title: Re: GTI International 'Inters 2009' - Bruntingthorpe 27-28th June
Post by: Sunglasses Ron on May 21, 2009, 10:41:32 pm
^^^^^^^^^^^^^^  :surprised:

What has surprised you Mr Rim King  :chicken: :chicken: :chicken:

TC's bitch slapping Purple Hippo and the thought of him alone in his Hotel room!  :grin:

Just make sure you're not in the room next door Nath.. Else you might get a knock on your door in the middle of the night when the hippo fancies some..  :scared: :signLOL:
Title: Re: GTI International 'Inters 2009' - Bruntingthorpe 27-28th June
Post by: SteveP on May 21, 2009, 10:45:32 pm
^^^ Now that's a bad image, Rim King, TC and a purple hippo  :scared: :scared:
Title: Re: GTI International 'Inters 2009' - Bruntingthorpe 27-28th June
Post by: Greeners on May 21, 2009, 10:48:46 pm
Enough already!  :surprised:

No Candy doesn't want you to go TC as he wants your Hippo to himself!  :signLOL:
Title: Re: GTI International 'Inters 2009' - Bruntingthorpe 27-28th June
Post by: Top Cat on May 21, 2009, 10:49:05 pm
Title: Re: GTI International 'Inters 2009' - Bruntingthorpe 27-28th June
Post by: cohiba on May 22, 2009, 12:08:43 am
Sunday for me. :jumpmove:
Title: Re: GTI International 'Inters 2009' - Bruntingthorpe 27-28th June
Post by: Top Cat on May 22, 2009, 12:11:02 am
have we got a stand here ??? or are we all parking together ?????

Candy when you order your tickets you order the forum pass at the same time. That will get you onto our stand.  :drinking:
Title: Re: GTI International 'Inters 2009' - Bruntingthorpe 27-28th June
Post by: jonnyc on May 22, 2009, 12:36:27 am
Sunday for me. :jumpmove:

Ill add you to the 'new improved' list then..  :wink: haha..


Very Cherry - Camp - Fri/Sat/Sun
Akira - Camping - Fri/Sat/Sun
Toast and Co- Camping - Fri/Sat/Sun
JPC + Steph - Camping Fri/Sat/Sun
Greenouse - Sat/Sun

Sunday only

Hurdy - Sunday only  (don't get back from holiday until Sat pm before you all start on me signLOL)
Jonny - Sunday only (Revo Stand)
Hedge - Sunday only (camp enough)
Ben - Sunday Only (I have no car stand)
vwrascal - Sunday only (I am not hardcore enough)
Phil Mc - Sunday only
tomoc2003- Sunday only
SteveP - Sunday only
candy turbo - Sunday only
Cohiba - Sunday only
Title: Re: GTI International 'Inters 2009' - Bruntingthorpe 27-28th June
Post by: MAT ED30 on May 22, 2009, 08:31:28 am
Sunday for me too  :happy2:
Title: Re: GTI International 'Inters 2009' - Bruntingthorpe 27-28th June
Post by: RedRobin on May 22, 2009, 09:39:07 am

Sunday for me too  :happy2:

....Don't forget to pop over and see Dan, Jimmy, Roy, and the rest of us BIALI boyz, Mat - They'll be glad to see you again (I won't though! :evilgrin:)

Title: Re: GTI International 'Inters 2009' - Bruntingthorpe 27-28th June
Post by: JPC on May 22, 2009, 12:14:56 pm
why is no-one manning up and camping?! how rude!
Title: Re: GTI International 'Inters 2009' - Bruntingthorpe 27-28th June
Post by: Toast on May 22, 2009, 12:50:44 pm
Probably all to scared to ruff it for a couple of nights  :scared: :signLOL:
Title: Re: GTI International 'Inters 2009' - Bruntingthorpe 27-28th June
Post by: The wheel man on May 23, 2009, 11:16:15 am
No where to plug the hair straighteners in  :laugh: :laugh:
Title: Re: GTI International 'Inters 2009' - Bruntingthorpe 27-28th June
Post by: DubwayDan on May 23, 2009, 12:01:04 pm
im camping with a few others,

does it need to be booked beforehand or do you just turn up with a tent?
Title: Re: GTI International 'Inters 2009' - Bruntingthorpe 27-28th June
Post by: prepree on May 23, 2009, 10:56:59 pm
Any southerners going up, bristol Bath area? 
Title: Re: GTI International 'Inters 2009' - Bruntingthorpe 27-28th June
Post by: candy turbo on May 28, 2009, 08:49:35 pm
Very Cherry - Camp - Fri/Sat/Sun
Akira - Camping - Fri/Sat/Sun
Toast and Co- Camping - Fri/Sat/Sun
JPC + Steph - Camping Fri/Sat/Sun
Hurdy - Sunday only  (don't get back from holiday until Sat pm before you all start on me signLOL)
Jonny - Sunday only (Revo Stand)
Hedge - Sunday only (camp enough)
Ben - Sunday Only (I have no car stand)
vwrascal - Sunday only (I am not hardcore enough)
Phil Mc - Sunday only
tomoc2003- Sunday only
Greenouse - Sat/Sun
SteveP - Sunday only
candy turbo - sunday only

Candy dont you want me to go.  :sad1:
sorry pal , did nt copy your name  :love:
Title: Re: GTI International 'Inters 2009' - Bruntingthorpe 27-28th June
Post by: candy turbo on May 28, 2009, 08:52:59 pm
have we got a stand here ??? or are we all parking together ?????

Candy when you order your tickets you order the forum pass at the same time. That will get you onto our stand.  :drinking:
was nt going to get tickets , just pay on gate !!! i ll have to order them to get a forum pass ????
Title: Re: GTI International 'Inters 2009' - Bruntingthorpe 27-28th June
Post by: andeep on May 29, 2009, 06:07:09 pm
Will be there  :happy2:
Title: Re: GTI International 'Inters 2009' - Bruntingthorpe 27-28th June
Post by: Hedge on May 29, 2009, 07:30:58 pm
Ticket arrived today. I thought it is supposed to contain some kind of stand pass. Only the ticket for me. :sad1:

If everyone else has a stand pass I will give Autometrix a call.
Title: Re: GTI International 'Inters 2009' - Bruntingthorpe 27-28th June
Post by: Phil Mcavity on May 29, 2009, 07:42:56 pm
ive yet to order my ticket/stand pass, cant remember from last year whether you need it??. Let me know what the outcome is, as ill be ordering in a few days.
Title: Re: GTI International 'Inters 2009' - Bruntingthorpe 27-28th June
Post by: SteveP on May 29, 2009, 07:54:20 pm
Ticket arrived today. I thought it is supposed to contain some kind of stand pass. Only the ticket for me. :sad1:

If everyone else has a stand pass I will give Autometrix a call.

They are meant to send a list to me to authorise the stand passes but I haven't heard anything from them.

I will drop them a line to see what's happening  :happy2:
Title: Re: GTI International 'Inters 2009' - Bruntingthorpe 27-28th June
Post by: Phil Mcavity on May 29, 2009, 07:58:08 pm
Get the feel Automatrix work from a portacabin somewhere!!.

Not exactly on the boil are they. Always been slow to respond in my experiance.

I will phone them direct to get my ticket sorted to be on the safe side.
Title: Re: GTI International 'Inters 2009' - Bruntingthorpe 27-28th June
Post by: Hedge on May 29, 2009, 07:59:37 pm
Ticket arrived today. I thought it is supposed to contain some kind of stand pass. Only the ticket for me. :sad1:

If everyone else has a stand pass I will give Autometrix a call.

They are meant to send a list to me to authorise the stand passes but I haven't heard anything from them.

I will drop them a line to see what's happening  :happy2:

Cheers Steve. Doesn't sound too promising.
Title: Re: GTI International 'Inters 2009' - Bruntingthorpe 27-28th June
Post by: SteveP on May 29, 2009, 08:01:16 pm
We'll make sure you get in  :happy2:
Title: Re: GTI International 'Inters 2009' - Bruntingthorpe 27-28th June
Post by: chungster on May 29, 2009, 08:02:35 pm
mine arrived few weeks ago, complete with entry ticket, stand pass/hanger thingy and sprint entry!
Title: Re: GTI International 'Inters 2009' - Bruntingthorpe 27-28th June
Post by: Hedge on May 29, 2009, 08:13:19 pm
I have emailed them. Worst case I will buy another ticket. :sad:
Title: Re: GTI International 'Inters 2009' - Bruntingthorpe 27-28th June
Post by: chungster on May 29, 2009, 08:27:01 pm
I have emailed them. Worst case I will buy another ticket. :sad:

Sally is normally fab with the admin side of things.  Give them a call mate.  :happy2:
Title: Re: GTI International 'Inters 2009' - Bruntingthorpe 27-28th June
Post by: Toast on May 29, 2009, 10:20:58 pm
I phoned them yesterday regarding my 4 weekend tickets as I ordered them over 3wks ago got Sally she was very appologetic and said there was a delay in ristbands for the camping, She said I should get mine by Wed this week  :happy2: also there is Shower facillities,dj and bar for us campers  :jumpmove: :party: :drinking:
Title: Re: GTI International 'Inters 2009' - Bruntingthorpe 27-28th June
Post by: SteveS on June 02, 2009, 07:04:14 pm
ne1 know last online booking day?
Title: Re: GTI International 'Inters 2009' - Bruntingthorpe 27-28th June
Post by: Hedge on June 02, 2009, 07:07:56 pm
Yes at the bottom.

On a slightly more optimistic note I spoke to Autometrix today and it sounds like they are going to stick a stand pass in the post to me. :jumpmove:
Title: Re: GTI International 'Inters 2009' - Bruntingthorpe 27-28th June
Post by: joesgti on June 03, 2009, 09:55:00 am
right, im camping with the misses, maybe only sat night though,  :smiley:
Title: Re: GTI International 'Inters 2009' - Bruntingthorpe 27-28th June
Post by: Hurdy on June 03, 2009, 04:31:50 pm
Still haven't got my ticket, stand pass and **ahem** 4+ 1/4 mile run tickets :evilgrin:
Title: Re: GTI International 'Inters 2009' - Bruntingthorpe 27-28th June
Post by: plush-automotive on June 03, 2009, 06:21:53 pm
I'm hopefully going to be attending this i'll probs be on a local club stand though, thats if the car isnt in a million bits ha ha finally get to say hello to a few people  :happy2:
Title: Re: GTI International 'Inters 2009' - Bruntingthorpe 27-28th June
Post by: Toast on June 03, 2009, 06:34:23 pm
Got an email from Autometrix today saying my tickets are on route as we speak  :jumpmove:
Title: Re: GTI International 'Inters 2009' - Bruntingthorpe 27-28th June
Post by: Rocket on June 22, 2009, 09:46:39 am
i've been a bit slak with this, anyone got 2 spare tickets? otherwise I'll just get them on the gate
Title: Re: GTI International 'Inters 2009' - Bruntingthorpe 27-28th June
Post by: rainking on June 23, 2009, 10:02:12 am
got tickets for Sunday...

will be in the VR6 though....

Looking forward to this, not been to Inters since about 1998 when it was in Crowthorne!
Title: Re: GTI International 'Inters 2009' - Bruntingthorpe 27-28th June
Post by: Top Cat on June 23, 2009, 10:31:13 am
Just spoke with Inters organizers, and they are sending me 10 extra window passes for the show so anyone still wanting to come on our stand at the weekend will need to get a pass form me before you go in and pay.
Title: Re: GTI International 'Inters 2009' - Bruntingthorpe 27-28th June
Post by: RedRobin on June 24, 2009, 12:35:13 pm

Still haven't got my ticket, stand pass and **ahem** 40+ 1/4 mile run tickets :evilgrin:

....They've probably had to do a special print run :evilgrin:
Title: Re: GTI International 'Inters 2009' - Bruntingthorpe 27-28th June
Post by: monk on June 25, 2009, 10:14:11 am
Just spoke with Inters organizers, and they are sending me 10 extra window passes for the show so anyone still wanting to come on our stand at the weekend will need to get a pass form me before you go in and pay.
I,m coming down on the Sunday,not got ticket yet but wouldnt mind a pass.(what are the benefits ?)
Title: Re: GTI International 'Inters 2009' - Bruntingthorpe 27-28th June
Post by: RedRobin on June 25, 2009, 10:22:04 am

I,m coming down on the Sunday,not got ticket yet but wouldnt mind a pass.(what are the benefits ?)

....Benefits are that you don't have to queue so long nor park miles away. Also, you get to meet up with the other forum guys more easily (not me - I'll be on BIALI Motorsport stand).

But I'll be visiting my mates on forum :P :P

Title: Re: GTI International 'Inters 2009' - Bruntingthorpe 27-28th June
Post by: Top Cat on June 25, 2009, 10:27:41 am
The only benefits for you MR MOnk would be parking with us. the only way i can get you a pass at present is if you park up a normal then come over and get a pass, then go back to your car and drive into the section where we are parked.

I am going to try on Saturday to sort this out. And if possible i will leave passes for people to request and pick up as they enter. but i have no idea whether this will be possible yet.  :innocent:
Title: Re: GTI International 'Inters 2009' - Bruntingthorpe 27-28th June
Post by: Greeners on June 25, 2009, 10:40:06 am
Info received from Autometrix today

GTI International 2009 - 27th and 28th June - Bruntingthorpe
To help with the flow of traffic please take a little time to look at the on-site directions below
If you have bought advance Weekend or Sunday tickets, camping is still available at £15 per person per night.
For weekend ticket holders you can arrive on Friday from 4.30pm to 10.30pm and purchase your camping from the Trade Cabin only, or Saturday from 9am, again purchasing from either the Trade Cabin or the Information Centre (only until 5pm)
For Sunday ticket holders you can arrive on Saturday from 4.30pm to 10.30pm and purchase your camping from the Trade Cabin only.


Traffic will be sent in different directions, so please help us by having your passes on display and taking the appropriate lane as you approach the gatehouse:

Left-hand lane
(Turn left after the gatehouse)

(Green Route)

- Trade
- Caterers
- Campers
- Club display pass holders
- Autojumble



Right-hand lane
(Turn right after the gatehouse)

(Red Route)

- General public
- Special visitors / VIPs

(Blue Route)

- Show 'n' Shine entrants
- Sprint entrants
- Car sales

Show 'n' Shine, Sprint entrants and Car Sales should then drive to the Traffic Control Area at the far end of the car park where they will be directed to their respective locations.

(Coloured arrows will indicate the routes on the day)

Title: Re: GTI International 'Inters 2009' - Bruntingthorpe 27-28th June
Post by: RedRobin on June 25, 2009, 10:45:03 am

And if possible i will leave passes for people to request and pick up as they enter. but i have no idea whether this will be possible yet.  :innocent:

....This is usually very tricky, even with an exhibitor's pass - Not reliable and TC will have to come to the gate each time.

Basically the gate peeps are constantly under pressure and can't realistically give that level of personal service.
Title: Re: GTI International 'Inters 2009' - Bruntingthorpe 27-28th June
Post by: Top Cat on June 25, 2009, 11:00:20 am
Yes this is my concern Robin and thier are at least 4 or 5 now relying on me to get them their passes for the Sunday. And there is no way i am going to be hanging round the gate all day.
I think what  will do is find a address of some where near the venue like a petrol station and leave the passes thier for people to collect on the way in.  :driver:
Title: Re: GTI International 'Inters 2009' - Bruntingthorpe 27-28th June
Post by: markymark on June 25, 2009, 11:02:49 am
TC, just let them park up in the public carpark and let them come find the stand, im sure someone will be on stand most of the time to give out passes!
Title: Re: GTI International 'Inters 2009' - Bruntingthorpe 27-28th June
Post by: joesgti on June 25, 2009, 11:18:26 am
Or just send them the pass as an email and let them print it themselfs  :rolleye:

so is nobody else camping?
Title: Re: GTI International 'Inters 2009' - Bruntingthorpe 27-28th June
Post by: Hedge on June 25, 2009, 11:59:57 am
I know this is way off topic but does anyone know if the Vulcan can be visited.

Found out myself and its at Biggin Hill on the 27th and 28th.  :sad1:
Title: Re: GTI International 'Inters 2009' - Bruntingthorpe 27-28th June
Post by: Greeners on June 25, 2009, 01:13:55 pm
I know this is way off topic but does anyone know if the Vulcan can be visited.

Found out myself and its at Biggin Hill on the 27th and 28th.  :sad1:

I know the museum was open last year. I'd love to go and have a look myself if I get the time!  :happy2:
Title: Re: GTI International 'Inters 2009' - Bruntingthorpe 27-28th June
Post by: wigit on June 25, 2009, 03:03:36 pm
I know this is way off topic but does anyone know if the Vulcan can be visited.

Found out myself and its at Biggin Hill on the 27th and 28th.  :sad1:

I know the museum was open last year. I'd love to go and have a look myself if I get the time!  :happy2:

i read somewhee you do get access to museum, think there is some sort of fly past saturday, trust hedge to mention the V word  :drool:
Title: Re: GTI International 'Inters 2009' - Bruntingthorpe 27-28th June
Post by: Hedge on June 25, 2009, 03:39:25 pm
I had to mention the V word as I am a member....

...of the Vulcan to the Sky trust. :wink:

Title: Re: GTI International 'Inters 2009' - Bruntingthorpe 27-28th June
Post by: RedRobin on June 25, 2009, 04:42:49 pm

A friend of mine used to be an aircraft engineer and worked on them but he hurt his legs jumping out of one and now has osteo-arthiritis(?).

An aircraft with huge presence!
Title: Re: GTI International 'Inters 2009' - Bruntingthorpe 27-28th June
Post by: Greeners on June 25, 2009, 04:49:33 pm
For those who have forum T-Shirts don't forget to wear them with pride!  :happy2:
Title: Re: GTI International 'Inters 2009' - Bruntingthorpe 27-28th June
Post by: Phil Mcavity on June 25, 2009, 05:36:37 pm
For those who have forum T-Shirts don't forget to wear them with pride!  :happy2:
Title: Re: GTI International 'Inters 2009' - Bruntingthorpe 27-28th June
Post by: joesgti on June 25, 2009, 06:03:08 pm
mines to big in the arms, way to big.
Title: Re: GTI International 'Inters 2009' - Bruntingthorpe 27-28th June
Post by: Moschops on June 25, 2009, 06:37:41 pm
I know this is way off topic but does anyone know if the Vulcan can be visited.

Found out myself and its at Biggin Hill on the 27th and 28th.  :sad1:

The Vulcan is not currently based/housed at Brunters as they require it to based somewhere that has an operational runway such as an RAF base, I know recently she was based at RAF Brize Norton. but has also spent a weekend at RAF Lyneham too. :happy2:
Title: Re: GTI International 'Inters 2009' - Bruntingthorpe 27-28th June
Post by: stealthwolf on June 25, 2009, 07:05:11 pm
For those who have forum T-Shirts don't forget to wear them with pride!  :happy2:
Lol I was just about to ask if anyone else was gonna wear theirs. Just washed and dried mine.

Plus my Nike 'GTI' trainers have arrived! w00t!!!
Title: Re: GTI International 'Inters 2009' - Bruntingthorpe 27-28th June
Post by: wigit on June 25, 2009, 08:26:53 pm
For those who have forum T-Shirts don't forget to wear them with pride!  :happy2:
Lol I was just about to ask if anyone else was gonna wear theirs. Just washed and dried mine.

Plus my Nike 'GTI' trainers have arrived! w00t!!!

which are faster the Nike k03 or k04 versions?  :evilgrin:
Title: Re: GTI International 'Inters 2009' - Bruntingthorpe 27-28th June
Post by: Phil Mcavity on June 25, 2009, 08:30:22 pm
or are they Red Stealth, cus that is the fastest colour  :signLOL:
Title: Re: GTI International 'Inters 2009' - Bruntingthorpe 27-28th June
Post by: wigit on June 25, 2009, 08:37:27 pm
or are they Red Stealth, cus that is the fastest colour  :signLOL:

guy on the rocco forum has some scirocco ones, reckons they are uncomfortable, did point out if he had gone for leather he would have got the adjustable lumbar support  :wink:
Title: Re: GTI International 'Inters 2009' - Bruntingthorpe 27-28th June
Post by: RedRobin on June 25, 2009, 08:55:20 pm

Careful you don't knock the front off, Joe! :evilgrin:
Title: Re: GTI International 'Inters 2009' - Bruntingthorpe 27-28th June
Post by: stealthwolf on June 25, 2009, 09:16:03 pm
which are faster the Nike k03 or k04 versions?  :evilgrin:
They match my ED30!!!  :signLOL:

or are they Red Stealth, cus that is the fastest colour  :signLOL:
Lol now now phyllis, if red was the fastest colour, you'd have 'red'holes, not 'black' holes. Unless you've eaten a hot curry!   :signLOL: :signLOL: :signLOL:
Title: Re: GTI International 'Inters 2009' - Bruntingthorpe 27-28th June
Post by: Phil Mcavity on June 25, 2009, 09:19:09 pm
 :laugh: :laugh:
Title: Re: GTI International 'Inters 2009' - Bruntingthorpe 27-28th June
Post by: Toast on June 25, 2009, 11:29:52 pm
Gti trainers??? Wtf :confused: :laugh:  Well thats us all packed and ready for the long journey south in the morning  :jumpmove:
Title: Re: GTI International 'Inters 2009' - Bruntingthorpe 27-28th June
Post by: Top Cat on June 26, 2009, 09:15:22 am
Gti trainers??? Wtf :confused: :laugh:  Well thats us all packed and ready for the long journey south in the morning  :jumpmove:

What time will you be getting there MR burnt bread.  :smiley:
Title: Re: GTI International 'Inters 2009' - Bruntingthorpe 27-28th June
Post by: Top Cat on June 26, 2009, 06:12:22 pm
If anyone coming tomorrow cant find the forum stand with a load of Mk's 5 on it  :laugh:

Then keep your eyes peeled for our new banner as seen here.  :happy2:

Title: Re: GTI International 'Inters 2009' - Bruntingthorpe 27-28th June
Post by: Greeners on June 26, 2009, 06:41:01 pm
^^^^^ What a bunch of handsome chappies!  :laugh:
Title: Re: GTI International 'Inters 2009' - Bruntingthorpe 27-28th June
Post by: joesgti on June 26, 2009, 06:50:35 pm

Careful you don't knock the front off, Joe! :evilgrin:

i wont be coming in my gti,  :P

Title: Re: GTI International 'Inters 2009' - Bruntingthorpe 27-28th June
Post by: Top Cat on June 26, 2009, 06:53:28 pm

Careful you don't knock the front off, Joe! :evilgrin:

i wont be coming in my gti,  :P


You had better be even more careful then, You will be selling cheap smokes for years to pay for Daddy's splitter.  :grin:
Title: Re: GTI International 'Inters 2009' - Bruntingthorpe 27-28th June
Post by: MAT ED30 on June 26, 2009, 07:03:33 pm

Careful you don't knock the front off, Joe! :evilgrin:

i wont be coming in my gti,  :P


You had better be even more careful then, You will be selling cheap smokes for years to pay for Daddy's splitter.  :grin:

yeah joe take care in it  :driver:
Title: Re: GTI International 'Inters 2009' - Bruntingthorpe 27-28th June
Post by: vwrascal on June 26, 2009, 07:13:30 pm
I dont need a ticket if I'm not on the club stand, do I?  ie. jus popping up as a spectator? 
Title: Re: GTI International 'Inters 2009' - Bruntingthorpe 27-28th June
Post by: Top Cat on June 26, 2009, 07:14:47 pm
I dont need a ticket if I'm not on the club stand, do I?  ie. jus popping up as a spectator? 

Nope you can just pay on the gate, but why are you not on the stand with us Dizzy.  :confused:
Title: Re: GTI International 'Inters 2009' - Bruntingthorpe 27-28th June
Post by: joesgti on June 26, 2009, 10:28:08 pm
i will be  :evilgrin: them smokes are flying out so wont be too long!  :grin:

all packd up now, will you guys still be about around 4.30 on saturday?  :smiley:
Title: Re: GTI International 'Inters 2009' - Bruntingthorpe 27-28th June
Post by: Greeners on June 26, 2009, 10:42:35 pm
i will be  :evilgrin: them smokes are flying out so wont be too long!  :grin:

all packd up now, will you guys still be about around 4.30 on saturday?  :smiley:

I'll be gon Joe but will be back to wake you nice and early on Sunday!  :laugh: