MK5 Golf GTI

General => Random Chat => Topic started by: RoMocop on April 28, 2012, 09:59:56 am

Title: Is it worth buying a steering lock
Post by: RoMocop on April 28, 2012, 09:59:56 am
I was browsing Euro car parts and come across this steering lock. Just wondered if its worth buying for extra security or should i not bother. It says its Thatcham approved and theres a 25% discount code at the moment so don't know if its a good thing to have?

Title: Re: Is it worth buying a steering lock
Post by: Nodz on April 28, 2012, 10:06:19 am
Personally I don't think it's worth it. There was a program a while ago comparing all these and most experienced theirs could have most of these thinfs off in seconds. Also to nick our cars you really need the key to get round the alarm immobiliser, so I they get your car keys they would most likely have the key to this aswell as it would be on your keys. Personally your money  would be better spent on another mod :happy2:
Title: Re: Is it worth buying a steering lock
Post by: Gene Hunt on April 28, 2012, 10:24:06 am
Anything that slows people down gets my vote. Could help if you have to leave your car parked on the road as well?.
Title: Re: Is it worth buying a steering lock
Post by: Little_Dave on April 28, 2012, 10:38:27 am
I'd probably be weighing up the cost of the lock against any saving on my insurance if fitted, kinda feel the same as Nodz regarding the benefit to stop someone stealing your car..... after all if somebody wants it that bad short of sleeping in your car there's not alot you can do unfortunately

Title: Re: Is it worth buying a steering lock
Post by: Squeeguk on April 28, 2012, 11:12:56 am
We tried those in South Africa many years ago. Waste of time, they just saw trough the steering wheel, which is surprisingly quick and easy, and remove it. Bottom line is, if they want it, they will steal it. Best option at the end of the day after trying those, gearlocks, etc. etc. was to have a tracker fitted. If the car moves without the activation fob, they pick it up straight away and notify you to find out if the movement of the vehicle is authorised. In fact, years ago, any car over a certain value had to have Tracker fitted or they wouldn't insure you.

Not sure how it works in the UK, but I should imagine it would be very similar.
Title: Re: Is it worth buying a steering lock
Post by: skard on April 28, 2012, 11:15:17 am
I reckon that lock in the picture appeals more to people who want a 'legal' weapon in the cabin, rather than those worried about having it nicked.
Title: Re: Is it worth buying a steering lock
Post by: ILoveTuna on April 28, 2012, 11:40:41 am
Pointless in my opinion. Protect your keys not the car!!  :happy2:
Title: Re: Is it worth buying a steering lock
Post by: dan930 on April 28, 2012, 01:38:05 pm
Sorry to hi jack yr thread mate but was wondering the disk lok??anygood?
Title: Re: Is it worth buying a steering lock
Post by: Horatio on April 28, 2012, 02:40:34 pm
What about glass security film on the glass? After reading a few horror stories of members on here having cars broken gets you thinking. Not sure how it is though
Title: Re: Is it worth buying a steering lock
Post by: Saintsteve on April 28, 2012, 07:22:49 pm
Why not use your bluefin handset to immobilise the car Romany?
Title: Re: Is it worth buying a steering lock
Post by: vRS Carl on April 28, 2012, 07:30:57 pm
Although i use the APR Anti-Theft i still use this as well


It has the longest attack time and even if they can now get past it quicker it offers a visual deterrent to the opportunist thief.
Title: Re: Is it worth buying a steering lock
Post by: stealthwolf on April 28, 2012, 09:20:56 pm
I know a guy who owns a maserati GT (think it's the stradale). He has a wheel lock and a wheel clamp, as well as a tracker.
Title: Re: Is it worth buying a steering lock
Post by: Little_Dave on April 28, 2012, 10:27:45 pm
I know a guy who owns a maserati GT (think it's the stradale). He has a wheel lock and a wheel clamp, as well as a tracker.

Don't blame him i'd have 2 bouncers on 24 hour guard too  :fighting:

Title: Re: Is it worth buying a steering lock
Post by: dan930 on April 28, 2012, 10:51:00 pm
Although i use the APR Anti-Theft i still use this as well


It has the longest attack time and even if they can now get past it quicker it offers a visual deterrent to the opportunist thief.

+2.. That what I use too...I remember seeing a article in steering locks in autoexpress,it came 1st place in the test
Title: Re: Is it worth buying a steering lock
Post by: john_o on April 29, 2012, 11:00:21 pm
 :happy2: for the disklok, a good deterrent for a certain 'type' of thief
Title: Re: Is it worth buying a steering lock
Post by: monte on April 29, 2012, 11:06:31 pm
Although i use the APR Anti-Theft i still use this as well


It has the longest attack time and even if they can now get past it quicker it offers a visual deterrent to the opportunist thief.

Whats the APR Anti-Theft Carl? Is it map/ecu related? like the sps switch on revo's?
Title: Re: Is it worth buying a steering lock
Post by: sub39h on April 30, 2012, 12:35:08 am
We tried those in South Africa many years ago. Waste of time, they just saw trough the steering wheel, which is surprisingly quick and easy, and remove it. Bottom line is, if they want it, they will steal it. Best option at the end of the day after trying those, gearlocks, etc. etc. was to have a tracker fitted. If the car moves without the activation fob, they pick it up straight away and notify you to find out if the movement of the vehicle is authorised. In fact, years ago, any car over a certain value had to have Tracker fitted or they wouldn't insure you.

Not sure how it works in the UK, but I should imagine it would be very similar.


Save for a tracker

Whats the APR Anti-Theft Carl? Is it map/ecu related? like the sps switch on revo's?

Yes it's map related. Tho I think they're a bad idea. A professional car thief is just going to come back into your house and threaten you or a member of your family until they you tell them how it works.

If they want to take it they will. I'd rather be out of harm's way and either recover the car later with a tracker or get my insurance to pay out. After all, that's what insurance is for and a car (as much as we love them) is completely replaceable. A person is not.
Title: Re: Is it worth buying a steering lock
Post by: vRS Carl on April 30, 2012, 07:51:59 am
Whats the APR Anti-Theft Carl? Is it map/ecu related? like the sps switch on revo's?

Yes it's map related. Tho I think they're a bad idea. A professional car thief is just going to come back into your house and threaten you or a member of your family until they you tell them how it works.

If they want to take it they will. I'd rather be out of harm's way and either recover the car later with a tracker or get my insurance to pay out. After all, that's what insurance is for and a car (as much as we love them) is completely replaceable. A person is not.

I take it you don't lock your car then and you just leave it open with the keys in it? A professional car thief would remove the car without needing to get into your house. If they did happen to have come in to get the keys, by the time they had gone outisde, realised they can't start the car and then come back the police would have been called. Plus they can't get into my house if they are trying to nick it from Morrisons car park  :laugh:

Carlo - It works in a similar vane the REVO Anti-theft in that it disables the accelerator. So although the car would start they couldn't drive anywhere. The added bonus with the APR is that the engine light flashes whilst it is enabled which would make them think it was fcuked. :happy2:
Title: Re: Is it worth buying a steering lock
Post by: monte on April 30, 2012, 09:55:06 am
Whats the APR Anti-Theft Carl? Is it map/ecu related? like the sps switch on revo's?

Yes it's map related. Tho I think they're a bad idea. A professional car thief is just going to come back into your house and threaten you or a member of your family until they you tell them how it works.

If they want to take it they will. I'd rather be out of harm's way and either recover the car later with a tracker or get my insurance to pay out. After all, that's what insurance is for and a car (as much as we love them) is completely replaceable. A person is not.

I take it you don't lock your car then and you just leave it open with the keys in it? A professional car thief would remove the car without needing to get into your house. If they did happen to have come in to get the keys, by the time they had gone outisde, realised they can't start the car and then come back the police would have been called. Plus they can't get into my house if they are trying to nick it from Morrisons car park  :laugh:

Carlo - It works in a similar vane the REVO Anti-theft in that it disables the accelerator. So although the car would start they couldn't drive anywhere. The added bonus with the APR is that the engine light flashes whilst it is enabled which would make them think it was fcuked. :happy2:

Cheers Carl  :happy2:

The flashing engine light is a good feature  :smiley:

Is it possible to get a reduction in your insurance premium for having the APR/Revo anti theft option?
I always inform my insurers of my mods but I always forget to mention the Revo SPS anti theft function, which could save me money  :ashamed:

It's quite a good deterrent really and there should be a reduction surely?

What's the odds, if I call Tony at green light, that they will lower my premium?

Thing is... It's been payed in full, so I doubt they will send me a cheque  :grin:

Guess its a matter of trying to remember such things before renewing the policy!  :booty:

Title: Re: Is it worth buying a steering lock
Post by: Mandy on April 30, 2012, 10:06:38 am

I've just recently renewed my insurance too and forgot to mention the Revo sps switch. :ashamed: Wondering if it's worth phoning them and telling them, but like you said as it's all paid for in full, I doubt they'd refund anything.
Title: Re: Is it worth buying a steering lock
Post by: vRS Carl on April 30, 2012, 02:37:34 pm
Some insurance companies do lower the Premium & some don't
Title: Re: Is it worth buying a steering lock
Post by: Tamiyoman on April 30, 2012, 03:24:37 pm
Although i use the APR Anti-Theft i still use this as well


It has the longest attack time and even if they can now get past it quicker it offers a visual deterrent to the opportunist thief.

Whats the APR Anti-Theft Carl? Is it map/ecu related? like the sps switch on revo's?

I use the same discklok in mine, the small version fits perfectly.

Title: Re: Is it worth buying a steering lock
Post by: jameelno1 on April 30, 2012, 04:30:50 pm
i dont bother with a steering lock anymore use to use one but now my insurance company put a gps tracker in for free btw for anybody who wants to know the company is coverbox  :happy2:
Title: Re: Is it worth buying a steering lock
Post by: Tamiyoman on April 30, 2012, 04:54:29 pm
i dont bother with a steering lock anymore use to use one but now my insurance company put a gps tracker in for free btw for anybody who wants to know the company is coverbox  :happy2:

Wonder if I can talk Greenlight or Sky into putting a tracker in mine for free  :signLOL:
Title: Re: Is it worth buying a steering lock
Post by: Squeeguk on April 30, 2012, 09:13:55 pm
Or, just buy a Jetta TFSi. Real sleeper, nobody wants to steal a Jetta. I hope......... :laugh: And basically get all the benefits of a GTi, but with a big boot.
Title: Re: Is it worth buying a steering lock
Post by: MC71 on April 30, 2012, 10:58:27 pm
Most scum who steal cars are opportunists so anything that makes it harder for them and will make them move onto the next car can only be a good thing.
Title: Re: Is it worth buying a steering lock
Post by: Horatio on May 01, 2012, 09:48:31 am
Got a quote yesterday of £395+VAT from these guys
Title: Re: Is it worth buying a steering lock
Post by: sub39h on May 01, 2012, 10:07:03 am
Got a quote yesterday of £395+VAT from these guys

You managed to get a quote? I've been contacting them for months and they haven't gotten back to me
Title: Re: Is it worth buying a steering lock
Post by: Horatio on May 01, 2012, 10:11:28 am
Got a quote yesterday of £395+VAT from these guys

You managed to get a quote? I've been contacting them for months and they haven't gotten back to me

Yup, emailed them sunday night out of curiosity. That was for a five door.