MK5 Golf GTI
All Things Mk5 => Mk5 General Area => Topic started by: spimmers on June 17, 2012, 12:08:42 pm
Hi, just gone to my car and some **** has keyed every panel on it! I'm absolutly wounded I feel sick!!! Anybody any ideas what work will be needed and roughly how much it's gonna cost me? I've tried some T-CUT, and it's taken the white out of the scratches but you can still see it a mile off! I don't understand why anyway would do it I'd rather if the had a Problem with me they just crack me! It just goes to show you can't have anything in this world there's always somebody jealous! I'll add some pics later as I'm on my phone at the minute
Feel for u mate, not a nice feeling. Guess u need to bite the bullet & get the panels sprayed. Hate people like this, hope u get it sorted
I feel for you mate I really do, my Golf has been done twice although only down one side (they even did the filler flap!) and as I park on the road I know its probably only a matter of time before the Jetta gets done as well.
I think its a crime worse than stealing the car, at least I could understand that.
That's feckin sick sick sick!! :fighting: - People who do that need to come to some physical harm! :fighting:
You say: "I love my GTi more than my girlfriend".... Hoping she's not the jealous kind cos hell hath no fury like a woman scorned. I know a guy with a very nice original Escort RS whose ex girlfriend decided to key it when he started going out with someone else.
Hahahaha no it wasn't her Red she's as gutted as me. Do the panels usually need respraying after being keyed? Is it worth notifying the police as I'm not going through the insurance as my excess is £3000 :scared: my beautiful car looks like a fecking cabbage what a waste!
I had mine done in a public car park about 3 months ago. Reported to the police, nothing came out of it. I was lucky enough that a friend managed to polish the scratch out. Feel for you
Some very sad people in this sad world we live in...
I feel for you pal...
Wankers :fighting: post some pics up, could be something a trip to decent detailer who can wet sand can sort, if not get some quotes and then even maybe talk to your insurance, its been vandalised
Horrid horrid world,
sorry about the iphone pics and the dirty car
T:;sers , really feel for u pal :sad1:
Hopefully not too painful on the wallet
Maybe it was a Spurs fan............
Hope you get it sorted soon.
Absolute bast*rds. It's such a cowardly thing to do. I'd chop their hands off. :fighting: :fighting: :fighting:
Horrible , thats the world we live in nowadays though ,some people have no respect for anything anymore. I hope you can get it sorted , looks like a respray job though. :sad1:
Thats awful fella. Its impossible to even begin to understand why someone would do that. If their jealous of the car surely they must like cars in the first place, also if they have a problem with you that is the most cowardly thing that they could of done.
Its the world that we live in, if they cant afford it through benefits no one else should be able to :fighting: :sick:
Any neighbour's got cctv that may have seen the tosser
Gutting mate.
You might be able to touch it in so the worse isn't so visible. Then set up a camera (or hide and wait for them to come back).
Sorry to see this mate
Some little scrote intialled my bonnet with this key a few months ago. Sadly people don't have any respect for how hard we have to work to keep our cars looking good. But I'm convinced karma will get him in the end
General rule is if you can catch the scratch polishing it won't take it out. At least it's black so blending shouldn't be an issue and you only have to paint the affected panels.
Know exactly how this feels.Had this done to my last car,an Audi S3.
I did manage to machine polish out most of it,but there was a line on the front wing where it was deepest,so that had to be cut back and painted.
On the plus side,the police arrested a local scrote on other charges and he copped to keying it whilst going to an address further up the road from I got to know who it was at least,although I never got an apology or reason. :fighting:
Take it along to a detailer or a good bodyshop and they'll advise you best on what to do.
Good luck!
Seeing those pics makes me feel sick. I also have a black gti too which made it worse for me. What an absolute asshole.
I hope he/she gets whats coming to them :evilgrin:
I can only hope you can get this easily sorted mate - good luck fella....
Hi My Brothers new Audi A3 was done like that last year the local Audi Garage charged just under £3000 for 8 panels it was like new again but he sold it straight away .
Feel for you buddy.
Nice reputable bodyshop will charge around £120 for panel.
sorry to hear and see that, feckers want stringing up! :fighting:
Hi My Brothers new Audi A3 was done like that last year the local Audi Garage charged just under £3000 for 8 panels it was like new again but he sold it straight away .
ouch - my local Audi Approved (which doubles up as a very reputable classic car restorer) would want a fair bit less than that
sucks that he sold it, i don't feel we should let miscreants scare us into not owning the things we want
Any updates yet buddy ?
Had the girlfirends Leon done after only a few days. Been fixed now, full drivers door and wing, blending into rear door, paid £240inc Vat.
Feel sorry for you someone had poured acid over my Astra 2years ago, guess its just jealous people
Sorry to hear about your car. Definitely report it to the local police - the culprit might be doing others as well. I reported grafitti on my fence. Fair enough, I sent in photos and got a crime number in return, then silence. But months later, the little darling got nicked for doing the same to someone else's property. He got linked to my damage and convicted. Credit where it's due, the local PCSOs and PCs were really on the ball.
Be careful with informing the police. If you are not going to claim on your insurance its better not to tell them.
Insurance company's require that you report to them any damage done to your car , then they will load you the next year (even if it was not your fault)
Be careful with informing the police. If you are not going to claim on your insurance its better not to tell them.
Insurance company's require that you report to them any damage done to your car , then they will load you the next year (even if it was not your fault)
....Are you saying that by not informing the Police, you are covering your tracks so that your insurers are unlikely to learn about damage done to your car?
By informing your insurers you are not obliged to submit a claim, AFAIK.
I wouldn't inform the insurance company unless u plan on using them, can't see the police doing much either. Really feel for u mate, hope u can get it sorted at not too much expense. Always need to watch out for these sort of things unfortunately. No idea why these sad barstewardss do this sort of stuff. Rest assured tho, what Go's around will come back around
Be careful with informing the police. If you are not going to claim on your insurance its better not to tell them.
Insurance company's require that you report to them any damage done to your car , then they will load you the next year (even if it was not your fault)
By informing your insurers you are not obliged to submit a claim, AFAIK.
but surely you're still increasing your perceived risk - same as if you make a non-fault claim?
Be careful with informing the police. If you are not going to claim on your insurance its better not to tell them.
Insurance company's require that you report to them any damage done to your car , then they will load you the next year (even if it was not your fault)
By informing your insurers you are not obliged to submit a claim, AFAIK.
but surely you're still increasing your perceived risk - same as if you make a non-fault claim?
....Well, many moons ago, I informed my insurance company of some non-fault damage and I didn't take it further and submit a claim and neither was my policy premium increased. I don't think that every insurance company would increase your annual costs just because of damage that could happen anywhere and which isn't because of living in a certain postcode.
I wouldn't inform the insurance company unless u plan on using them, can't see the police doing much either.
....On the question of informing the Police, the chance that the vandals get caught and brought to justice may be very small but, for example, in my neck of the woods a number of people reported their cars being vandalised to the local Police recently and the scumbags eventually got caught. I think it's always a good idea to alert the Police over any crime and then be realistic about the outcome.
If anyone is hurt in an accident/incident, you MUST inform the Police.
Be careful with informing the police. If you are not going to claim on your insurance its better not to tell them.
Insurance company's require that you report to them any damage done to your car , then they will load you the next year (even if it was not your fault)
By informing your insurers you are not obliged to submit a claim, AFAIK.
but surely you're still increasing your perceived risk - same as if you make a non-fault claim?
....Well, many moons ago, I informed my insurance company of some non-fault damage and I didn't take it further and submit a claim and neither was my policy premium increased. I don't think that every insurance company would increase your annual costs just because of damage that could happen anywhere and which isn't because of living in a certain postcode.
your implication is that insurance companies work on logic! :rolleye:
....Well, many moons ago, I informed my insurance company of some non-fault damage and I didn't take it further and submit a claim and neither was my policy premium increased. I don't think that every insurance company would increase your annual costs just because of damage that could happen anywhere and which isn't because of living in a certain postcode.
your implication is that insurance companies work on logic! :rolleye:
....There is a logic in assessing risk but I'm splitting hairs and think I know what you are implying :laugh: :happy2:
None of us like paying for insurance any more than we like paying taxes but I'm not anti the insurance industry and when/if you have a successful claim you are then very glad of it.