MK5 Golf GTI

All Things Mk5 => Modifications & Technical Area => Performance Modifications => Topic started by: gigolo456 on June 17, 2012, 10:44:34 pm

Title: BCS (another Thumbs Up!!)
Post by: gigolo456 on June 17, 2012, 10:44:34 pm
Hi Folks, as promised plse find below my write-up for my experience with BCS yesterday (Saturday):-


BCS Powervalve Full Exhaust System and Forge Twintake

Yes, believe it or not, i had both the above installed yesterday on the same day!! After much deliberation, i opted for the Powervalve Sport, slightly louder than the Prestige by all accounts at both bottom and top end speeds! As i was also getting the Twintake fitted by them, i was (in my head) a tad concerned that the noise levels in the cabin would be deafening, so yes, i was taking a gamble on this one!! I arrived at their premises on a pi*s-wet Saturday morning about 09:40, so a bit late, met Dave and basically left him to it after a few initial questions! My partner and i then went off into St Helens for some brunch and were advised to make the journey back to them at about 13:00; it was painful leaving her, the car i mean! Add to that it was the first Twintake they had fitted to any car, so i my heart was in my hands during this time, constantly checking my phone for missed calls, etc!! Needless to say, no call, nothing, so we arrived back at their workshop just after 13:00, and there she was, up on the ramps, engine running, and it was at that point i also met Nige, so both he and Dave talked me through what they had done; all i witnessed at this point was my gleaming shiny new TBE, so i knew nothing of what was to be unleashed!!
Once off the ramps and parked up outside, a general discussion ensued about all matters, and, again, there was a lot of caution apparently in my voice, although my partner thought that if this car was now as good as they were claiming, that i'd end up dumping her (silly woman, lol!!)
Dave then took me for a test-drive in my car, and i'm not sure if anyone has ever experienced this, but if you are the passenger in your own car and it's been driven harder than you have ever driven it, your pupils dilate, your heart speeds up, especially as it was still bloody pouring with rain!! The first thing i picked up on was the Twintake, i can only liken it to Darth Vader on amphetamines, but a beautiful sound still to my ears, actually quieter than i what i had feared!! Then we came onto some open dual carriageway and Dave opened up, and once the boot was firmly planted, the exhaust came into its own!! All i can say is what a difference and what an almighty sound/rumble! This revolutionary new Powervalve is as steady/quiet as you'll get when cruising, but, as i said, once you put your foot down, all hell breaks loose!!

We then parked up again, all i wanted to do at this point was pay and get my hands on my beast to be honest and drive back to Doncaster! After formalities were completed, i was handed back my key and off we went!!! I was in 7th Heaven, what an array of sounds and what a new car i had!! Add to that i could feel a huge increase in performance!! This of course could be partly down to my new Twintake, but my Powervalve just topped it all off!! As i previously mentioned, just cruise and it's like driving with all stock parts, but start changing gears and wow!! Now, not only do i have much better performance, but low end torque has dramatically increased, and unlike some people on this forum, i also love the air intake!!


I feel like the fun has been put back into my GTi! As things stand, i just have a Bluefin Stage 1, so even if i stopped right now, i'd be a happy man, everything seems to have come together! But no, booked in with R Tech Tuesday morning for a custom Stage 2 map, i feel this is necessary if i'm not only to get the best from these 2 big mods, but also to protect me (i hope) from future potential problems!


Only one negative really and that is, i cant seem to rest for long before i want to go out again for a 'spirited' drive!!!  :party:

My 8 year old son has been out with me in it a few times over the past 24 hours and he continually makes me go through the tunnels in the town centre, up and down, up and bloody down!! When i have had the chance, i've entered in 2nd gear and planted the foot, the noise and echo is deafening, not in  a chav way but in a  sexy way (well i can hope), but seriously my car has been transformed BIG-TIME!! He has gone on record in saying that my new exhaust, along with Twintake, is much better than when i had my Bluefin installed!! My partner, and i quote, said 'the sound was orgasmic' when she stood and watched me take off in 2nd gear from her house down a hill!!  :congrats:

I have never had a Milltek so i can't make comparisons i'm afraid, nor can i with any other modified air intake, but all i know is that my GTi can be enjoyed now again, and i'm hoping on Tuesday the final piece of the jigsaw can be placed!! I'm hoping that a custom stage 2 map can produce more than  a Bluefin Stage 1, well i'll soon find out!

To conclude then, the Powervalve and Twintake have not only met my expectations (especially the Powervalve), they have far exceeded them, so seriously folks, individual budgets allowing, go and get one installed at BCS, i promise you, you won't be disappointed!!! It's good to know there are enthusiasts around, Dave and Nige, like us who can bring a product along that broadens our smiles and allows us to enjoy our cars even more than we once thought!!

Another thank you also goes to Statlers for installing a new Rev G DV, pcv and cam follower on Friday! I hope on Tuesday night to follow one up to R Tech too!!  :jumping:

I hope my account has not bored you to death folks, i felt i just needed to share my excitement with you all!!

Next, well, new brakes needed me thinks, i will have some Cupra sets fitted very soon (2nd hand i hasten to add) if they fit onto my 17" wheels!

That will conclude my mods, HE SAYS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Title: Re: BCS (another Thumbs Up!!)
Post by: Tfsi_Mike on June 17, 2012, 10:47:44 pm

Another happy customer  :happy2:  Sounds like you had a fun drive home  :evilgrin:
Title: Re: BCS (another Thumbs Up!!)
Post by: gigolo456 on June 17, 2012, 10:49:15 pm
oh yes, understatment of the year my friend, even though it was throwing it down!!  :rolleye:
Title: Re: BCS (another Thumbs Up!!)
Post by: PSW on June 17, 2012, 11:06:06 pm
Another BCS convert  :happy2: plenty of us about now.   Nice one  :grin:
Title: Re: BCS (another Thumbs Up!!)
Post by: Tamiyoman on June 18, 2012, 08:27:34 am
Another BCS convert  :happy2: plenty of us about now.   Nice one  :grin:

Welcome to the "BCS Powervalve" Club  :happy2:
Title: Re: BCS (another Thumbs Up!!)
Post by: E30Dom on June 18, 2012, 11:50:42 am
Not one pic... shame on you!

Looking forward to joining the BCS club Thursday...
Title: Re: BCS (another Thumbs Up!!)
Post by: Powervalve Nige on June 18, 2012, 01:08:59 pm
Thanks Andrew
We're really pleased that it came up to expectation.
Title: Re: BCS (another Thumbs Up!!)
Post by: xht20 on June 18, 2012, 08:25:23 pm
Nice. Congrats!

As for the Cupra/R32 brakes, they fit 100% behind 17" wheels
Title: Re: BCS (another Thumbs Up!!)
Post by: gigolo456 on June 18, 2012, 09:01:41 pm
Wow, cheers, so you honestly think they will fit onto my 17" wheels?? :)
Title: Re: BCS (another Thumbs Up!!)
Post by: Dan.b on June 18, 2012, 11:04:48 pm
Any chance of some in car videos?  :happy2:
Title: Re: BCS (another Thumbs Up!!)
Post by: Marshall on June 20, 2012, 07:43:32 pm
I think we are starting to see a pattern here.
Title: Re: BCS (another Thumbs Up!!)
Post by: gigolo456 on June 20, 2012, 08:28:37 pm
That exhaust burble is growing more addictive by the day, and as for going thru the tunnels in town, mmmmm!!!! ;-)
Title: Re: BCS (another Thumbs Up!!)
Post by: Tamiyoman on June 21, 2012, 08:47:51 pm
That exhaust burble is growing more addictive by the day, and as for going thru the tunnels in town, mmmmm!!!! ;-)

Not found a tunnel yet, might have to find one in manchester area when im up there this weekend  :signLOL:
Title: Re: BCS (another Thumbs Up!!)
Post by: R-tech-Nick on June 21, 2012, 08:58:32 pm
I tuned a mk5 Gti this week with the BCS system with the power valve thingy............ :laugh:   

And it impressed me in every way!!!

Top work guys

Title: Re: BCS (another Thumbs Up!!)
Post by: gigolo456 on June 21, 2012, 09:04:57 pm
yeapp Nick, that was me!! I swear it's coming into its own each and every day!! Your custom map clearly works very well indeed with it!! That thrust i now get, along with the noise, and as other BCS owners have said, my stereo volume is down low to say the least!!  :driver:

Thanks again!!

Title: Re: BCS (another Thumbs Up!!)
Post by: R-tech-Nick on June 21, 2012, 09:11:59 pm
yeapp Nick, that was me!! I swear it's coming into its own each and every day!! Your custom map clearly works very well indeed with it!! That thrust i now get, along with the noise, and as other BCS owners have said, my stereo volume is down low to say the least!!  :driver:

Thanks again!!



Its an awesome all around exhaust system, well made, good fitting, not chavy, flows well.

I am glad your happy with the custom remap mate, I look forward to seeing you again once you do all your little jobs.

Title: Re: BCS (another Thumbs Up!!)
Post by: gigolo456 on June 21, 2012, 09:36:49 pm
So do I Nick! On this theme, im hearing sum people say that changing the N75 will have v little effect, if any, as its really only of benefit if yr car has got flat spots, and that id certainly know if it needed changing! So that it helps me understand, and perhaps others too, would u mind advising why you perhaps suggested this replacement?
Ps. U may not have seen it, but there is a bit of a write-up of my day with your good selves further down under Member Recommendations!
Title: Re: BCS (another Thumbs Up!!)
Post by: driver rider on June 21, 2012, 10:20:45 pm
Hi Nick,

I really can't wait to get my map done Nick.  Quick question would it be advised to get the remap down with the exhaust as well?
Title: Re: BCS (another Thumbs Up!!)
Post by: gigolo456 on June 21, 2012, 10:41:33 pm
Im sure everyone will agree, get yr mods done before yr remap/tuning!
Title: Re: BCS (another Thumbs Up!!)
Post by: driver rider on June 21, 2012, 10:43:04 pm
I thought so as well.  Wanted to ask as I intend in getting my remap done at R-Tech. 
Title: Re: BCS (another Thumbs Up!!)
Post by: gigolo456 on June 21, 2012, 10:57:00 pm
Get a BCS Powervalve (budget permitting) Sport version, you won't be disappointed, BELIEVE ME!!  :evilgrin:
Title: Re: BCS (another Thumbs Up!!)
Post by: driver rider on June 21, 2012, 11:26:48 pm
Im assuming you have this fitted to your car?  I don't want the car to be too loud as its a daily drive only when at full tilt do I really want it to sing.  I could do with more "pops" from the exhaust though!

Just seen that you were the OP! ignore first question.  How you getting on with the exhaust now.  Any regrets.  I couldn't find any info on cost on the website?
Title: Re: BCS (another Thumbs Up!!)
Post by: gigolo456 on June 21, 2012, 11:43:31 pm
Well i've only had the exhaust (and Twintake) for 5 days and i swear the sound is getting sweeter every day!! When i opted for the Powervalve (Sport) and Twintake, i thought 'sh*t, what have i done, i can't get out of this now', as i was beginning to think the din in the cabin would be unbearable, but i'm SOOOOO glad i chose both these mods, in particular the Powervalve!! At cruising, the noise is really not that much more noisey than the stock exhaust, but floor it and it comes alive, but isnt that why we got our GTi's!!? I won't kid you, both mods together and fitted aren't cheap, but i do feel like i have a new car again, and for the money i spent getting these (and the R Tech remap) on Tuesday, plus my car as part-ex, if i were selling, i do not believe for 1 minute that i could buy a car that would give me anywhere near the amount of exhilerating fun i'm having right now!! I feel it would be unfair to tell you what i paid for my 2 mods with BCS, as it might be less, or, indeed, more than what others paid, or will pay, but speaking purely about the Powervalve, and to quote Jez Clarkson when he was promoting the GTi Mk V, 'Get one of these!!'  :jumpmove:
Title: Re: BCS (another Thumbs Up!!)
Post by: Tamiyoman on June 22, 2012, 12:44:30 am
I tuned a mk5 Gti this week with the BCS system with the power valve thingy............ :laugh:  

And it impressed me in every way!!!

Top work guys


You did a DSG map on an ED30 with the Powervalve TBE 4 weeks ago (Mine  :happy2:), however 3 days later I found that the pipe had come off and was not opening the valve when I was there (Might have something to do with the paltry 297bhp it showed on your rollers, although im sure the 82f day we had when I was there will have reduced it a fair bit (Twas only 63f when run at Jabba), the pipe has been rectified and it wont come off again (Belt n braces approach!)  :happy2:
Title: Re: BCS (another Thumbs Up!!)
Post by: Tamiyoman on June 22, 2012, 12:48:50 am
Well i've only had the exhaust (and Twintake) for 5 days and i swear the sound is getting sweeter every day!! When i opted for the Powervalve (Sport) and Twintake, i thought 'sh*t, what have i done, i can't get out of this now', as i was beginning to think the din in the cabin would be unbearable, but i'm SOOOOO glad i chose both these mods, in particular the Powervalve!! At cruising, the noise is really not that much more noisey than the stock exhaust, but floor it and it comes alive, but isnt that why we got our GTi's!!? I won't kid you, both mods together and fitted aren't cheap, but i do feel like i have a new car again, and for the money i spent getting these (and the R Tech remap) on Tuesday, plus my car as part-ex, if i were selling, i do not believe for 1 minute that i could buy a car that would give me anywhere near the amount of exhilerating fun i'm having right now!! I feel it would be unfair to tell you what i paid for my 2 mods with BCS, as it might be less, or, indeed, more than what others paid, or will pay, but speaking purely about the Powervalve, and to quote Jez Clarkson when he was promoting the GTi Mk V, 'Get one of these!!'  :jumpmove:

Jeez, I write a review on the BCS Powervalve and everyone is getting them  :grin:, I was the first!  :booty: ner ner ner ner ner  :grin:

Well having seen a Milltek system and comparing it to the BCS Powervalve there really is no comparison, It's about time Milltek was put in its place  :popcornsoda:
Title: Re: BCS (another Thumbs Up!!)
Post by: gigolo456 on June 22, 2012, 01:10:37 am
Soz mate, I guess the product sells itself thou! Sorry 2 hear bout the problem u had, wat pipe came undone, how did u find out the valve wasnt opening properly by the way, just so I can keep my guard up so to speak??
Title: Re: BCS (another Thumbs Up!!)
Post by: Tamiyoman on June 22, 2012, 09:40:07 am
The pipe from the turbo came off at the valve end, its now been re-attached properly and wont come off again.
Title: Re: BCS (another Thumbs Up!!)
Post by: RedRobin on June 22, 2012, 10:01:16 am
There's no doubt that if I wasn't so happy with my Milltek, I would be seriously considering the BCS  :happy2:
Title: Re: BCS (another Thumbs Up!!)
Post by: E30Dom on June 22, 2012, 10:17:38 am
Another  :happy2: for BCS from me, very happy with my system! Looks, sound and performance...  :notworthy: