MK5 Golf GTI

General => Random Chat => Topic started by: Baz300 on August 03, 2012, 02:07:20 pm

Title: Duty free fags Spain
Post by: Baz300 on August 03, 2012, 02:07:20 pm
Has anyone been to Spain recently and bought fags at the duty free?

What price was a 200?

I'm not sure weather I'm better off buying from the shops here or waiting untill I'm at the duty free!
They are €43.50 for 200 in the shops
Title: Re: Duty free fags Spain
Post by: andrewparker on August 03, 2012, 02:17:33 pm
You're better off giving up my friend :wink:
Title: Re: Duty free fags Spain
Post by: sub39h on August 03, 2012, 02:18:12 pm
You're better off giving up my friend :wink:

Title: Re: Duty free fags Spain
Post by: Baz300 on August 03, 2012, 02:19:33 pm
You're better off giving up my friend :wink:
Have tried too many times, might as wel save myself a small fortune then when the duty frees run out it might be an incentive to stop with the thought of paying £7 a packet again
Title: Re: Duty free fags Spain
Post by: MC71 on August 03, 2012, 02:31:38 pm
Got back from Spain (Alicante) airport about a month ago. Bought some for friends and family. Don't buy anything, smokes or booze in Duty free, way to pricey. Go into the local Tabac's and get what you want there, will save somewhere around 20%.

On a side note:-

Used to chuff around 40-60 a day, then went cold turkey 4 years ago after my mum passed away and not had one since. I put aside the money I used to spend each month on fags, then after 3 years bought my ED30 with that money (paid the garage, in cash, £11,400) and still had a fair bit left over. I am always telling peeps my car was free!! Now it's free to run, free to mod etc etc as I never thought after 15 years I would or could give up.

Although I miss it every day!

Title: Re: Duty free fags Spain
Post by: sub39h on August 03, 2012, 02:38:33 pm
Used to chuff around 40-60 a day

that's £4k-£6k per year  :scared:

OP - most people who give up do so with help. speak to your GP about local smoking cessation services
Title: Re: Duty free fags Spain
Post by: Baz300 on August 03, 2012, 02:46:06 pm
I smoke 20 a day except when my son is round as I don't smoke in the house or near him 20 will last me the whole weekend.

I'll get  from a tobac shop tonight then got heaps of money left over from my spending money so will be taking 2000 back

I spent 18 months traveling to work in Norway every week up untill last year I was getting 200 for £25
Title: Re: Duty free fags Spain
Post by: MC71 on August 03, 2012, 02:58:42 pm
^^^^ if your going to buy loads, only buy 1 brand as if your stopped Customs will think your selling them if there are different kinds. Don't know if they would take them off you but better safe than sorry.

Title: Re: Duty free fags Spain
Post by: Baz300 on August 03, 2012, 03:10:59 pm
It will all be the same brand as they are for my own use

I don't see the point in selling them and having to pay full whack for myself later on
Title: Re: Duty free fags Spain
Post by: garrardrj on August 03, 2012, 04:52:03 pm
Rat poison would kill you quicker and save you money  :happy2:
Title: Re: Duty free fags Spain
Post by: RedRobin on August 03, 2012, 05:40:46 pm

You're better off giving up my friend :wink:



Disgusting habit. And do smokers not realise how nasty they smell? And females smoking fags is a total turn-off.
Title: Re: Duty free fags Spain
Post by: sub39h on August 03, 2012, 05:50:47 pm
I smoke 20 a day except when my son is round as I don't smoke in the house or near him

Unless you're having a shower, washing your hair and changing your clothes between cigarettes and going near your son he'll still be getting 2nd hand smoke off you
Title: Re: Duty free fags Spain
Post by: Tortaruga on August 03, 2012, 06:02:59 pm
Unless you're having a shower, washing your hair and changing your clothes between cigarettes and going near your son he'll still be getting 2nd hand smoke off you
I'd say that's horsesh*t. Where did you garner that information?

Maybe he should keep his son in an oxygen tent - he'll likely have a long and rewarding existence.
Title: Re: Duty free fags Spain
Post by: RedRobin on August 03, 2012, 06:12:35 pm

Unless you're having a shower, washing your hair and changing your clothes between cigarettes and going near your son he'll still be getting 2nd hand smoke off you

I'd say that's horsesh*t. Where did you garner that information?

Maybe he should keep his son in an oxygen tent - he'll likely have a long and rewarding existence.

....Either way, it doesn't set a good example to a child. I'd go as far as saying that it encourages them to smoke. The number of mothers I see with a youngster/baby in a buggy while they have a fag on the go is disgusting.

No-one actually needs to smoke. And they don't need to drink alcohol either. Life is better without both.  :evilgrin:
Title: Re: Duty free fags Spain
Post by: Tortaruga on August 03, 2012, 06:21:42 pm
No-one actually needs to smoke. And they don't need to drink alcohol either. Life is better without both.  :evilgrin:
Very true!

What about humping?
Title: Re: Duty free fags Spain
Post by: sub39h on August 03, 2012, 06:21:57 pm
Unless you're having a shower, washing your hair and changing your clothes between cigarettes and going near your son he'll still be getting 2nd hand smoke off you
I'd say that's horsesh*t. Where did you garner that information?

Maybe he should keep his son in an oxygen tent - he'll likely have a long and rewarding existence.

My terminology is incorrect, but it is a well documented phenomenon:
Title: Re: Duty free fags Spain
Post by: Baz300 on August 03, 2012, 06:36:38 pm
Quite a bit of a debate for a question that asked about prices!

I grew up in the 80s where everyone smoked in restaurants, cinemas, on public transport etc
times are a lot better now for the non smoker, I won't smoke around a non smoker even in my own car

I try my best to keep the smoke away from my son and I agree there will be some second hand smoke after I  come inside from having a fag but it's got to be better than the people than light up in the same room or in the car with kids.

Would all the non smokers be happy when taxes are hiked up onto everything else if everyone stopped smoking to make up the money the government would lose?
Title: Re: Duty free fags Spain
Post by: Tortaruga on August 03, 2012, 06:41:30 pm
Sub - I stand corrected. Very interesting articles, although there is no proven disease link yet. I'd say it's only a matter of time before they find one. The 'Parenting' article was utter tripe though -"ask him to wash his hands/shower"  :sick:
Title: Re: Duty free fags Spain
Post by: andrewparker on August 03, 2012, 06:50:18 pm
Would all the non smokers be happy when taxes are hiked up onto everything else if everyone stopped smoking to make up the money the government would lose?

I wouldn't be unhappy.
Title: Re: Duty free fags Spain
Post by: garrardrj on August 03, 2012, 06:58:25 pm
The money saved by the NHS from not treating Smoking related illness would easily be made up , together with all the fires caused by dropped cigarettes in houses killing people etc etc. Never can encourage smoking when you see the harm caused by it .
Title: Re: Duty free fags Spain
Post by: RedRobin on August 04, 2012, 08:42:03 am

No-one actually needs to smoke. And they don't need to drink alcohol either. Life is better without both.  :evilgrin:

Very true!

What about humping?

....Humping is very good for you. But the problem is that it's usually never duty free. In fact, it sometimes carries a super tax  :grin:
Title: Re: Duty free fags Spain
Post by: Tamiyoman on August 04, 2012, 07:14:54 pm
The money saved by the NHS from not treating Smoking related illness would easily be made up , together with all the fires caused by dropped cigarettes in houses killing people etc etc. Never can encourage smoking when you see the harm caused by it .

Same could be said of all the fat people, costing the NHS millions too, everyones different, plus I think there are way more fat people now than smokers  :happy2:
Title: Re: Duty free fags Spain
Post by: MC71 on August 04, 2012, 07:43:36 pm
^^^^ Have noticed an alarming amount of "larger" peeps in recent years. We're supposed to be in a recession, they seem to be able to afford take always ok!! Over a certain BMI those peeps should be refused NHS treatment and made to jog home.

....Humping is very good for you. But the problem is that it's usually never duty free. In fact, it sometimes carries a super tax  :grin:

We end up paying for it one way or another!! Still, it's a tax I'm happy to pay.  :evilgrin:
Title: Re: Duty free fags Spain
Post by: RedRobin on August 05, 2012, 12:17:50 am

....Humping is very good for you. But the problem is that it's usually never duty free. In fact, it sometimes carries a super tax  :grin:

We end up paying for it one way or another!! Still, it's a tax I'm happy to pay.  :evilgrin:

.... :laugh: Yes, it's much nicer to be fooked by a female you like than a taxman!
Title: Re: Duty free fags Spain
Post by: Tamiyoman on August 05, 2012, 12:20:35 am
^^^^ Have noticed an alarming amount of "larger" peeps in recent years. We're supposed to be in a recession, they seem to be able to afford take always ok!! Over a certain BMI those peeps should be refused NHS treatment and made to jog home.

....Humping is very good for you. But the problem is that it's usually never duty free. In fact, it sometimes carries a super tax  :grin:

We end up paying for it one way or another!! Still, it's a tax I'm happy to pay.  :evilgrin:

As I dont drink I feel smoking is me doing my bit for the economy(That along with having a car that is not exactly economical to run), every time I light a cig up, its another 23p in tax the gov get  :signLOL:

Title: Re: Duty free fags Spain
Post by: RedRobin on August 05, 2012, 12:24:10 am

^^^^ Have noticed an alarming amount of "larger" peeps in recent years. We're supposed to be in a recession, they seem to be able to afford take always ok!! Over a certain BMI those peeps should be refused NHS treatment and made to jog home.

....I have to admit to being a 'fatist'. Most (but not all) grossly overweight people are in that state due to their own doing and so it's difficult to be sympathetic towards them.
Title: Re: Duty free fags Spain
Post by: rich83 on August 05, 2012, 12:56:31 am
^^^^ Have noticed an alarming amount of "larger" peeps in recent years. We're supposed to be in a recession, they seem to be able to afford take always ok!! Over a certain BMI those peeps should be refused NHS treatment and made to jog home.

....Humping is very good for you. But the problem is that it's usually never duty free. In fact, it sometimes carries a super tax  :grin:

We end up paying for it one way or another!! Still, it's a tax I'm happy to pay.  :evilgrin:

As I dont drink I feel smoking is me doing my bit for the economy(That along with having a car that is not exactly economical to run), every time I light a cig up, its another 23p in tax the gov get  :signLOL:

Thats an odd one... a non drinking smoker. I thought the two went hand in hand  :confused:
Title: Re: Duty free fags Spain
Post by: stealthwolf on August 05, 2012, 01:01:01 am
The amount of tax brought in by levies on smokers far outweighs the cost of looking after them. Something along the lines of £13billion/yr compared to the cost to the NHS of £2-5 billion depending on sources. Also bear in mind that smokers die around 10 years earlier and this means less paid out in terms of pensions.

Alcohol I'm led to believe is similar though not as much revenue.
Title: Re: Duty free fags Spain
Post by: MC71 on August 05, 2012, 07:39:11 am
^^^^ if those stats are correct its no wonder the government will never ban/outlaw the sale of cigarettes, it's a cash cow for them. Just imagine the extra taxes we would all have to ban if there was a ban/outlaw on the sale of cigarettes, V Power would probably be £2.50 a litre.

Title: Re: Duty free fags Spain
Post by: Apollo on August 05, 2012, 09:54:18 am
The true cost of smoking is death.....whether you pay for it cheaper via fags from Europe or full fat price via VAT the end game is always the same.

I cannot understand how educated people ignore the warning right in from of them.

As for the tax on fags, it has stopped many of my friends smoking which for them and their family's is fantastic. Less fantastic for the tax payer as every single stop smoking aid they received was free!
Title: Re: Duty free fags Spain
Post by: maxload on August 05, 2012, 10:28:35 am
Got back from Spain (Alicante) airport about a month ago. Bought some for friends and family. Don't buy anything, smokes or booze in Duty free, way to pricey. Go into the local Tabac's and get what you want there, will save somewhere around 20%.

As this man says , forget duty free and wait until you find your local shop and buy them there  :happy2:
Title: Re: Duty free fags Spain
Post by: Baz300 on August 05, 2012, 10:51:38 am
It's not as easy to stop as people might think.

On the many times I have tried being at work is always my downfall, it's always far too busy and so high stressed that without getting a smoke I feel like I'm away to erupt.

I hopefully will stop one day but that will be my choice.

Im not a drinker but I don't look down my nose at people that drink it's my choice not to drink because I hate wasting a Sunday feeling rough and I turn into a compleate arsehole when I'm drunk. I can still go on a night out with people drinking and enjoy myself.

And drinking puts much of a strain on the NHS as smokers, ask any A&E nurse or doctor what the weekend is like. On top of the winos that are being carted to the hospital daily.

As I've said before if I'm near a non smoker I won't smoke I'll go round the corner and smoke or If on a long car journey I'll pull over and smoke.

If all this scaremongers had there own way we wouldn't be driving fossil fueled cars, wouldn't have gas heating in our house or electric as the power stations pollute too

The argument could go on forever but all the bad things for us (fuel,fags&booze) are the governments biggest earners.

And you don't have to worry about my smoking effecting the NHS, I was in an accident at work last year and was left lying in a hospital bed for over 12 hours with 4 major lacerations to my body swimming in my own blood before I was even seen by a doctor, and i have taken out full private medical insurance so I hopefully never have to go to a NHS hospital again

Title: Re: Duty free fags Spain
Post by: andrewparker on August 05, 2012, 11:54:16 am

I cannot understand how educated people ignore the warning right in from of them.

It's true that there are many people who simply ignore the health implications, but in the majority the simple fact is that it is addiction. But when people attempt give up they aren't don't treat it as such, they try and go cold turkey, or use replacement methods. They don't address the psychological dependency.
Title: Re: Duty free fags Spain
Post by: RedRobin on August 05, 2012, 12:03:37 pm

It's not as easy to stop as people might think.

....I don't agree.

I stopped smoking... overnight.
I stopped drinking alcohol... overnight.
I stopped taking illegal drugs... overnight.

Keith Richards gave up heroin because he decided to give it up, for example. It's just a matter of making that decision which includes the decision to stick by your decision.

It's a matter of willpower. It's all in the mind.
Title: Re: Duty free fags Spain
Post by: andrewparker on August 05, 2012, 12:08:23 pm

It's a matter of willpower. It's all in the mind.

You have to consider that for some people willpower is none existent though!

I smoked through my teens, decided one day to give up, and never smoked again. But I can thoroughly understand that for some it is hard to give up.
Title: Re: Duty free fags Spain
Post by: RedRobin on August 05, 2012, 12:31:19 pm

It's a matter of willpower. It's all in the mind.

You have to consider that for some people willpower is none existent though!

I smoked through my teens, decided one day to give up, and never smoked again. But I can thoroughly understand that for some it is hard to give up.

....You are absolutely right. Some people are weak and have no willpower. I'm afraid to say that I find that difficult to understand but must accept it.
Title: Re: Duty free fags Spain
Post by: Tamiyoman on August 06, 2012, 07:29:38 am
^^^^ Have noticed an alarming amount of "larger" peeps in recent years. We're supposed to be in a recession, they seem to be able to afford take always ok!! Over a certain BMI those peeps should be refused NHS treatment and made to jog home.

....Humping is very good for you. But the problem is that it's usually never duty free. In fact, it sometimes carries a super tax  :grin:

We end up paying for it one way or another!! Still, it's a tax I'm happy to pay.  :evilgrin:

As I dont drink I feel smoking is me doing my bit for the economy(That along with having a car that is not exactly economical to run), every time I light a cig up, its another 23p in tax the gov get  :signLOL:

Thats an odd one... a non drinking smoker. I thought the two went hand in hand  :confused:

Good old stereotypes eh, it's nice to break the mold once in a while  :happy2:
Title: Re: Duty free fags Spain
Post by: Tamiyoman on August 06, 2012, 07:40:29 am

It's not as easy to stop as people might think.

....I don't agree.

I stopped smoking... overnight.
I stopped drinking alcohol... overnight.
I stopped taking illegal drugs... overnight.

Keith Richards gave up heroin because he decided to give it up, for example. It's just a matter of making that decision which includes the decision to stick by your decision.

It's a matter of willpower. It's all in the mind.

It is VERY easy to STOP smoking "IF YOU WANT TO".

Whenever I start going out with someone who does not smoke I stop smoking (simple), but when I am going out with someone who does smoke or when I am single I will smoke, the reason is easy, i actually enjoy smoking.

Those who want to give up will do, those who enjoy smoking (some say Addiction is a state of mind) will not stop, all the aids the NHS can throw at you won't work unless you "Want it".

I have given up about 7 times in the 20 years, (having been a NON smoker for 8 of them in last 20yrs), I once stopped for 12 months for a £100 bet with a mate of mine.

I promised my mother last year I would stop smoking by the time i reach 40, you have to have a good reason to stop  :happy2:
Title: Re: Duty free fags Spain
Post by: rich83 on August 06, 2012, 08:16:28 am
^^^^ Have noticed an alarming amount of "larger" peeps in recent years. We're supposed to be in a recession, they seem to be able to afford take always ok!! Over a certain BMI those peeps should be refused NHS treatment and made to jog home.

....Humping is very good for you. But the problem is that it's usually never duty free. In fact, it sometimes carries a super tax  :grin:

We end up paying for it one way or another!! Still, it's a tax I'm happy to pay.  :evilgrin:

As I dont drink I feel smoking is me doing my bit for the economy(That along with having a car that is not exactly economical to run), every time I light a cig up, its another 23p in tax the gov get  :signLOL:

Thats an odd one... a non drinking smoker. I thought the two went hand in hand  :confused:

Good old stereotypes eh, it's nice to break the mold once in a while  :happy2:

I wasn't making a stereotypical comment. I know loads of people who smoke... And they all drink, just the way it is. I also know plenty of folk who drink but don't smoke.

In fact in pretty sure you are the only person I've come into contact with that smokes and doesn't drink. It's not a problem, just an observation.

Title: Re: Duty free fags Spain
Post by: GolfGIT on August 06, 2012, 08:51:04 am

It's not as easy to stop as people might think.

....I don't agree.

I stopped smoking... overnight.
I stopped drinking alcohol... overnight.
I stopped taking illegal drugs... overnight.

Keith Richards gave up heroin because he decided to give it up, for example. It's just a matter of making that decision which includes the decision to stick by your decision.

It's a matter of willpower. It's all in the mind.

As a true test of your willpower:
Stop modding your GTI..... overnight! :wink:
Title: Re: Duty free fags Spain
Post by: RedRobin on August 06, 2012, 09:13:33 am

It's not as easy to stop as people might think.

....I don't agree.

I stopped smoking... overnight.
I stopped drinking alcohol... overnight.
I stopped taking illegal drugs... overnight.

Keith Richards gave up heroin because he decided to give it up, for example. It's just a matter of making that decision which includes the decision to stick by your decision.

It's a matter of willpower. It's all in the mind.

As a true test of your willpower:
Stop modding your GTI..... overnight! :wink:

^^^^  :signLOL:  :congrats: :congrats: :congrats: :congrats:

Or stop posting on this forum.... overnight!
Title: Re: Duty free fags Spain
Post by: GolfGIT on August 06, 2012, 09:19:58 am
If you compare our number of postings, one of us would find it quite a bit easier to give up! :signLOL:
Title: Re: Duty free fags Spain
Post by: garrardrj on August 06, 2012, 09:20:56 am
It's not as easy to stop as people might think.

On the many times I have tried being at work is always my downfall, it's always far too busy and so high stressed that without getting a smoke I feel like I'm away to erupt.

I hopefully will stop one day but that will be my choice.

Im not a drinker but I don't look down my nose at people that drink it's my choice not to drink because I hate wasting a Sunday feeling rough and I turn into a compleate arsehole when I'm drunk. I can still go on a night out with people drinking and enjoy myself.

And drinking puts much of a strain on the NHS as smokers, ask any A&E nurse or doctor what the weekend is like. On top of the winos that are being carted to the hospital daily.

As I've said before if I'm near a non smoker I won't smoke I'll go round the corner and smoke or If on a long car journey I'll pull over and smoke.

If all this scaremongers had there own way we wouldn't be driving fossil fueled cars, wouldn't have gas heating in our house or electric as the power stations pollute too

The argument could go on forever but all the bad things for us (fuel,fags&booze) are the governments biggest earners.

And you don't have to worry about my smoking effecting the NHS, I was in an accident at work last year and was left lying in a hospital bed for over 12 hours with 4 major lacerations to my body swimming in my own blood before I was even seen by a doctor, and i have taken out full private medical insurance so I hopefully never have to go to a NHS hospital again

No Emergency Private Hospitals in the UK !
Title: Re: Duty free fags Spain
Post by: sub39h on August 06, 2012, 02:42:45 pm
and for most major cancer operations (such as for lung cancer *hint hint*), private hospitals do not usually have the facilities to undertake such procedures.

your surgeon will operate on you in an NHS hospital, and you will go to an NHS critical care area post operatively. once stable, you will be transferred to a private hospital bed 2 or 3 days later.

in regards to your experience, i would put in a complaint to the hospital concerned. having worked in a very busy A&E department before (and doing extra shifts there recently) i can assure you your experience is in the minority, but if something needs to be changed the managers will only know if a complaint is put in (because they think they know better than front line medical staff and don't tend to listen to us - but they will listen to you).
Title: Re: Duty free fags Spain
Post by: Deako on August 06, 2012, 03:19:14 pm
Got back from Spain (Alicante) airport about a month ago. Bought some for friends and family. Don't buy anything, smokes or booze in Duty free, way to pricey. Go into the local Tabac's and get what you want there, will save somewhere around 20%.

As this man says , forget duty free and wait until you find your local shop and buy them there  :happy2:

Where they will most likely be fake and full of illegal carcinogens. Lovely.

I detest smoking. Im not going to tar all smokers with the same brush, but i find in most cases smokers the most selfish social class of people on the planet. Dont think twice before sparking a fag up in front of you and blowing their horrible stench all over you.

We have had Virgin Media move into the next building to us, and they are all selfish "insert chosen expletive here" taking up the whole pavement in droves of 10 when i need to move between our 2 buildings we occupy in the business park. Why should i have to walk on the road to avoid the cloud of stench? There must be 10,000 cigarette ends that have just been discarded on the floor since they moved in. Its disgusting.
Title: Re: Duty free fags Spain
Post by: George on August 06, 2012, 03:35:20 pm

It's not as easy to stop as people might think.

....I don't agree.

I stopped smoking... overnight.
I stopped drinking alcohol... overnight.
I stopped taking illegal drugs... overnight.

Keith Richards gave up heroin because he decided to give it up, for example. It's just a matter of making that decision which includes the decision to stick by your decision.

It's a matter of willpower. It's all in the mind.

As a true test of your willpower:
Stop modding your GTI..... overnight! :wink:

^^^^  :signLOL:  :congrats: :congrats: :congrats: :congrats:

Or stop posting on this forum.... overnight!

Please do.
Title: Re: Duty free fags Spain
Post by: DaveB@Vagbremtechnic on August 06, 2012, 10:32:07 pm
I'm a commercial pilot and have never had to have a debate with a passenger regarding the flight or it's safety.

Theres people arguing with at least two doctors on this thread and I find it a bit weird, it's fookin killing you!

Smoking is stupid, I know because I used to do it and hated buying fags at £3 per pack.

IT WILL ALWAYS BE WITH YOU....I crave for a cig every day and I gave up 14 years ago
Title: Re: Duty free fags Spain
Post by: Tamiyoman on August 07, 2012, 12:45:18 pm
For some smoking is an addiction, for others its a pleasure, as regarding its killing you, yes it is, but we are all gonna die at some point anyway, so why not enjoy the things that make you happy, ETTO
Title: Re: Duty free fags Spain
Post by: Deako on August 08, 2012, 02:43:51 pm
For some smoking is an addiction, for others its a pleasure, as regarding its killing you, yes it is, but we are all gonna die at some point anyway, so why not enjoy the things that make you happy, ETTO

Enjoy? You keep telling yourself that. :happy2:
Title: Re: Duty free fags Spain
Post by: RedRobin on August 08, 2012, 03:09:46 pm
I used enjoy a cigarette socially with a drink such as brandy or JD but I think there's very little enjoyment to be had when you smoke to the extent that you have to go and stand outside in bad weather just to have a fag. Of course, a handrolled tobacco cigarette with some substances mixed in was very enjoyable.

The first time I saw about a dozen nurses, in uniform, standing outside The Royal College Of Nursing in Cavendish Square (London) one winter's day just to smoke a cigarette, I was very shocked. We all realise that most jobs in the medical world are very stressful but nurses really ought to know better!
Title: Re: Duty free fags Spain
Post by: sub39h on August 08, 2012, 10:36:52 pm
We all realise that most jobs in the medical world are very stressful but nurses really ought to know better!

i know several doctors who smoke

i remember meeting a RESPIRATORY PHYSICIAN who smoked!!!  :stupid:
Title: Re: Duty free fags Spain
Post by: RedRobin on August 08, 2012, 11:03:54 pm
It's a bit like seeing cyclists or athletes who smoke. It's counter-productive quite aprt from the serious health risk.
Title: Re: Duty free fags Spain
Post by: sub39h on August 08, 2012, 11:08:23 pm
i'm kinda glad my religion prohibits it, not that i'm even slightly tempted. the new wave of smoking related diseases will be due to shisha smoking i think. most people do not understand the risks of it, some even think it's just fruit! some commentators report there's as much as 20 cigarettes worth of smoke in a single shisha and some people smoke multiple per day  :scared:
Title: Re: Duty free fags Spain
Post by: RedRobin on August 08, 2012, 11:17:53 pm
Most of you will be too young to remember this classic:

Title: Re: Duty free fags Spain
Post by: rich83 on August 09, 2012, 02:07:07 am
We all realise that most jobs in the medical world are very stressful but nurses really ought to know better!

i know several doctors who smoke

i remember meeting a RESPIRATORY PHYSICIAN who smoked!!!  :stupid:

Not to mention drinking!
Title: Re: Duty free fags Spain
Post by: keano on August 09, 2012, 12:07:26 pm
Who'd have thought a simple question would end up with the same old faces having a moral rant? :stupid:
Title: Re: Duty free fags Spain
Post by: Tamiyoman on August 09, 2012, 12:11:31 pm
Who'd have thought a simple question would end up with the same old faces having a moral rant? :stupid:

Title: Re: Duty free fags Spain
Post by: RedRobin on August 09, 2012, 01:39:46 pm

Who'd have thought a simple question would end up with the same old faces having a moral rant? :stupid:


....Certainly ETTO and it's fine to express strong 'moral' feelings and opinions.