MK5 Golf GTI
General => Random Chat => Topic started by: AA on September 09, 2012, 09:49:36 pm
Anyone got a link to decent LED torches Need one to replace my aged MiniMag :happy2:
This is what we use at work, superb torch
Currently have a LED Lenser P7 and for it's size the light output is awesome. (
I like the led lenser p7 or something. Has a sliding which helps focus the beam.
I use the M7 everyday at work. Seems to go through batteries though.
Currently have a LED Lenser P7 and for it's size the light output is awesome. (
I think a discount code will be needed for that one :signLOL:
Use the lensor pencil torch at work,found it a a lot better than the mini mag light
LED Lenser T7 here. Fantastic torch. Mine is used for dog walking duties in winter. Cant fault its design or performance.
Has to be a LED Lenser , i've got three. Expensive and Issued to Police officers across the country and also CSI's (Scenes of Crime officers)
Ask vRScarl :happy2:
I have several LED torches but the best is my LED Lenser.
led lenser P7 for me also :happy2:
I have the P7 for work and its fantastic. Numerous colleagues have also invested in this one.