MK5 Golf GTI
All Things Mk5 => Mk5 General Area => Topic started by: vik2001 on September 28, 2012, 09:44:51 pm
i just bought my golf gti ed30 today.
ive heard of bmws getting stolen with blank keys, can the same thing be done on the golfs?
i just want to be extra cautious... anything you can do to extra protect the golf besides standard alarm?
Aren't those bmws that got stolen this way have keyless entry and the theives didn't need a physical key?
there is a device which will start the car. when plugged into the OBD
do most car thieves have this.. probably not
There more likely to break in, and steal it with the key
The BMWs had several issues:
- dead area by window for ultrasonic sensor. No idea if our dead spots are in the same place.
- live OBD port. Standard EU requirement
- bladeless key. Arguably if it had a blade, it probably wouldn't have worked
so are the golfs harder to steal if they dont have the exact key?. thats what i heard about bmw was on the news a while back.
my freind has a bmw and he had some kind of switch installed for £70 which doesnt let a theif overide the OBD.
i was also a few days back looking around fo sat navs as i may upgrade. there are so many EU folks on gumtree selling RNS510 H around the £450-500 mark. i rang them up and one woman picked up could just about speak english saying she even installs lol. how are these people getting hold of these systems without them being nicked. thats what makes me ask about car security as im kinda around a hot area most days where this stuff goes on.
To steal the golf they pretty much need the keys.
BMW have just majorly fuxked up their security
In BMW there is simple way how You can prevent from thieves making "key copy" simply move obd port and in place of original make copy with live 12V wires connected wrong way so any equipment connected will brake
I heard that it only worked with cars that have push to start technology....
Move your OBD port and dont put your keys in an obvious place! Im encouraging my brother to get a lock box / safe hidden in the house and bolted to the floor!! Might seem excessive but hey ho!
How do they get an arm inside? I'm guessing they cut a circle out of the window glass with a cutter of some sort.
Nothing high tech. Just smash the window I believe.
To steal the golf they pretty much need the keys.
BMW have just majorly fuxked up their security
There are only a limited number of key blade combinations. Not as many as some people think.
A well prepared thief will have a full set of keys to get in the car and disable the manual steering lock
then plug the tool into the OBD port which will disable the Alarm siren and start the car
BMW has since responded to the issue of theft via OBD key programming after high profile exposure of issues on Watchdog:,,1156__181270000_,00.html
Each Key has its own little transmitter inside it which communicates with the cars immobiliser.. If I get a blank key cut and try to start my car it simply won't.. No transmitter no start..
Clifford alarms all the way!