MK5 Golf GTI
General => Random Chat => Topic started by: RedRobin on November 09, 2012, 12:23:21 pm
As we all know, it's Rememberance Day this Sunday and a time to remember all those who have lost their lives in wars both past and present. It's a very solemn occasion.
So, what are you doing (if anything) to remember?
I shan't be going to church (I'm not a Christian) nor joining anyone on the streets but I shall watch it on TV and stand up in my living room as a mark of respect. Personally, my heart goes out to all those who have lost relatives and friends and that includes those 'on the other side', even the enemies of the Western powers.
I permanently carry a silk red poppy on my GTI's dashboard as a sign of my respect and rememberance:
I particularly remember my father who was a front line serviceman in WW2 and who met my mother through war.
I always try and remember those who've fallen. It's the least we can do to IMO. Unlike the politicians who seem to be hellbent on destroying Britain.
I will be working in the evening... but i shall observe the silence at 11am
My finger kills from polishing my shoes for the last 3 days for tr parade on Sunday.
They're starting to take shape :ashamed:
Another day on them and hopefully be done
(Yes Rich, shiny shiny :grin:)
Very nice mike.... Parade Gloss?
Very nice mike.... Parade Gloss?
Just black polish mate. Still trying to get rid of the grain / texture then I might try a few layers of parade gloss & then water bull (use the beading to polish with cotton wool to get rid of streaks)
^^^^ top that off with some Collinite 476S and your done! :grin:
Although i have a dislike of religion (I'm being polite)i will be going to church to pay my respects along with my dad and will be taking the my whole tribe. My Dad and (dearly missed) Mum were both officers in the RAF and we have a lot to remember and also be thankful for. :notworthy: :notworthy: :notworthy:
My car also wears a Poppy with pride...
I personally steal a little time to myself and mark the moment in silence. I whole heartly approve of the way this country marks rememberance day and its one time I am proud of this country :congrats:
They shall grow not old
They shall grow not old, as we that are left grow old:
Age shall not weary them, nor the years condemn.
At the going down of the sun and in the morning
We will remember them.
From Laurence Binyon's poem For the Fallen, written in September 1914
I'll go to our local Cenotaph as I do every year. My Dad died the day after Remembrance last year so it's not a great time for my family. He was evacuated from London to King's Lynn during the blitz and then served in Palestine with a tank regiment just after the war. If he'd been born a few years earlier he would have seen active service.
I've gone to Remembrance services ever since I was a child and believe I owe an incalculable debt of gratitude to those men and women who served and continue to serve today.
In Flanders Fields
by Lieutenant Colonel John McCrae, MD (1872-1918)
In Flanders fields the poppies blow
Between the crosses, row on row
That mark our place, and in the sky
The larks, still bravely singing, fly
Scarce heard amid the guns below
We are the Dead. Short days ago
We lived, felt dawn, saw sunset glow
Loved and were loved, and now we lie
In Flanders fields.
Take up our quarrel with the foe
To you from failing hands we throw
The torch; be yours to hold it high
If ye break faith with us who die
We shall not sleep, though poppies grow
In Flanders fields
My finger kills from polishing my shoes for the last 3 days for tr parade on Sunday.
They're starting to take shape :ashamed:
Another day on them and hopefully be done
....I bet you're glad you're not in a mounted regiment such as The Royal Horse Guards, Mike. You would then have rather more than the shoes to clean but all your horse tackle. When I worked with horses, one of the girls had been a groom at the stables with them. She said it was incredibly hard work but the result was that she could afterwards get any stables job she wanted, anywhere in the world.
I'm just remembering that I was with her when the September 11th Twin Towers NY news broke - We couldn't believe it.
You'll have to post a pic of your shiney shoes when finished, Mike. :happy2:
Although i have a dislike of religion (I'm being polite)i will be going to church to pay my respects along with my dad and will be taking the my whole tribe. My Dad and (dearly missed) Mum were both officers in the RAF and we have a lot to remember and also be thankful for. :notworthy: :notworthy: :notworthy:
My car also wears a Poppy with pride...
.... :happy2:
I'm like you - Not into church going but I don't refuse to if it's an event I feel I need to attend for the sake of others.
Standing and marking the minute of silence at home is just as meaningful when it is genuinely heartfelt.
I'll go to our local Cenotaph as I do every year. My Dad died the day after Remembrance last year so it's not a great time for my family. He was evacuated from London to King's Lynn during the blitz and then served in Palestine with a tank regiment just after the war. If he'd been born a few years earlier he would have seen active service.
I've gone to Remembrance services ever since I was a child and believe I owe an incalculable debt of gratitude to those men and women who served and continue to serve today.
....Although of course, the death of any close family member or friend is tragic and you feel deep sadness (you possibly know that my 4yo son died in my arms), I would think of your dad passing away so close to Remembrance Sunday as a combined opportunity to celebrate your love for him.
The Palestine vs 'Israel' conflict in the late 1940's was brutal and particularly difficult for the Brits. That conflict is still horrific. I've forgotten the TV drama series title but it was excellent and very objective - About a girl brought up in England and who went out there to learn about her grandfather. She stayed with a Jewish family but fell in love with a Palestinian. It was far more than just a love story. Wish I could remember the title! :ashamed:
I'll go to our local Cenotaph as I do every year. My Dad died the day after Remembrance last year so it's not a great time for my family. He was evacuated from London to King's Lynn during the blitz and then served in Palestine with a tank regiment just after the war. If he'd been born a few years earlier he would have seen active service.
I've gone to Remembrance services ever since I was a child and believe I owe an incalculable debt of gratitude to those men and women who served and continue to serve today.
....Although of course, the death of any close family member or friend is tragic and you feel deep sadness (you possibly know that my 4yo son died in my arms), I would think of your dad passing away so close to Remembrance Sunday as a combined opportunity to celebrate your love for him.
The Palestine vs 'Israel' conflict in the late 1940's was brutal and particularly difficult for the Brits. That conflict is still horrific. I've forgotten the TV drama series title but it was excellent and very objective - About a girl brought up in England and who went out there to learn about her grandfather. She stayed with a Jewish family but fell in love with a Palestinian. It was far more than just a love story. Wish I could remember the title! :ashamed:
Was it this ?
Lovely words Phil, PJ and Robin. It really does restore my faith in humanity (not meaning to sound pretentious) when I read such things.
I genuinely do read War Poetry, I'm a bit of a philistine on the whole but after having my dad read it to us as kids I have done the same to ours aand I will (in time) be reading it to my granddaughter :love: and hopefully the sacrifices made, and unfortunately still being made, will not be forgotten.
Was it this ?
....Yes! Thanks, Phil :drinking:
Did you watch it?
my 4yo son died in my arms
That's shocking. I'm sorry for your loss.
my 4yo son died in my arms
That's shocking. I'm sorry for your loss.
....Thankyou, but it's no more shocking than a parent losing a child in war, or wife losing their husband, or someone's best mate dying wounded in their arms on a battle field, or losing a parent, or any other similar circumstance. It's all relative and we all die somehow and at a time we might not expect - It's the same for every one of us. I believe it's healthier and better for us to be open and unashamed of our feelings.
We have to get on with enjoying life - It's what those departed would want us to do. But that doesn't mean that we never cry or feel grief and, regarding Remembrance Sunday, it's an opportunity to share and allow those feelings and appreciation for the loss experienced by others.
By the way, yesterday I saw a big white articulated truck with a huge red poppy on the front grill - It must have been at least 12 inches diameter :happy2:. Which reminds me of a great photo which djmhughes aka Panthera (forum member) took a few months ago:
^ Sorry, I have cropped the lower part. I bet this truck is now wearing a big red poppy.
Lovely words Phil, PJ and Robin. It really does restore my faith in humanity (not meaning to sound pretentious) when I read such things.
I genuinely do read War Poetry, I'm a bit of a philistine on the whole but after having my dad read it to us as kids I have done the same to ours aand I will (in time) be reading it to my granddaughter :love: and hopefully the sacrifices made, and unfortunately still being made, will not be forgotten.
:grouphug: these post's have made my day off! well done all.
That's a fabulous photo of a poppy field, Phil :happy2:
Did you take it?
Was it this ?
....Yes! Thanks, Phil :drinking:
Did you watch it?
Yes I did Robin, a very well done programme on a difficult subject I thought, one of which I'm ashamed to say I knew very little of before hand.
That's a fabulous photo of a poppy field, Phil :happy2:
Did you take it?
Afraid not Robin shamelessly stolen from the internet on my part at short notice :innocent:
Was it this ?
....Yes! Thanks, Phil :drinking:
Did you watch it?
Yes I did Robin, a very well done programme on a difficult subject I thought, one of which I'm ashamed to say I knew very little of before hand.
....The conclusion was very moving and the whole very well balanced. It illustrated very well that conflict is rarely such a black and white issue - There are always two sides to every story and 'enemies' should not always be vilified by propaganda. Humanity won through in that TV drama.
^^^^ will be ordering that DVD. :happy2:
On the subject of "Humanity", i am making a trip to France next year with my freinds and family to walk the WW1 battlefiields of the Somme but mainly to commemorate the centenary of the so called "Christmas Truce" of 1914 (we're not sure if there is going to be an official ceremony yet)
This very "human" story has always filled me with surprise, wonder and also the folly of war. Given the chance for a few days, young men on both sides of the trenches exchanged songs, jokes and even gifts. There are some great stories of boys from both sides meeting in "no mans land" to play football then returning to their respective sides to carry on the slaughter a few hours later. Few a few days there were no "enemies", just young men from different countries.
The so-called Christmas Truce of 1914 came only five months after the outbreak of war in Europe and was one of the last examples of the outdated notion of chivalry between enemies in warfare. It was never repeated—future attempts at holiday ceasefires were quashed by officers' threats of disciplinary action—but it served as heartening proof, however brief, that beneath the brutal clash of weapons, the soldiers' essential humanity endured.
And Phil, that photo! Stolen or not :notworthy:
And another (stolen).....
Did my assembly on remembrance day yesterday, im a big believer in young people understanding what happened in the past (spoke mainly about ww1) and also what is still happening today. Minutes silence at 11,could hear a pin drop in school. pupils asked me questions about it all day.
^^^^ will be ordering that DVD. :happy2:
On the subject of "Humanity", i am making a trip to France next year with my freinds and family to walk the WW1 battlefiields of the Somme but mainly to commemorate the centenary of the so called "Christmas Truce" of 1914 (we're not sure if there is going to be an official ceremony yet)
This very "human" story has always filled me with surprise, wonder and also the folly of war. Given the chance for a few days, young men on both sides of the trenches exchanged songs, jokes and even gifts. There are some great stories of boys from both sides meeting in "no mans land" to play football then returning to their respective sides to carry on the slaughter a few hours later. Few a few days there were no "enemies", just young men from different countries.
The so-called Christmas Truce of 1914 came only five months after the outbreak of war in Europe and was one of the last examples of the outdated notion of chivalry between enemies in warfare. It was never repeated—future attempts at holiday ceasefires were quashed by officers' threats of disciplinary action—but it served as heartening proof, however brief, that beneath the brutal clash of weapons, the soldiers' essential humanity endured.
And Phil, that photo! Stolen or not :notworthy:
And another (stolen).....
Sounds like a worthy trip martin I've yet to visit any of the battlefields of ww1 but its on the list, I've mainly visited sites connected to ww2: colditz, eagles nest at berchtesgaden, stalag luft 3, berlin, the village of oradour sur glane. I appreciate visiting these places is not for all but for me it brings the events to life and insures they are not forgotten.
I'm feel sure they will mark the centenary of the "Christmas Truce" along with other key events.
Royal British Legion Festival of Remembrance BBC 1 - 9.15pm tonight
Performer. Rod Stewart
Performer. Alexandra Burke
Performer. Russell Watson
Performer. The Overtones
Performer. Amore
Performer. Jon Joe Kerr
Performer. Military Wives Choir
Performer. Massed Bands of the Household...
Performer. Band of Her Majesty's Royal Marines.
Performer. The Queen's Colour Squadron
Performer. RAF Squadronaires
I watched Rod Stewart on The Graham Norton Show last night - He's always got a twinkle in his eye. He sang an old classic which was very smaltzy and I normally wouldn't like it but he totally nailed it and got away with it. He has a very soulful voice no matter what he sings. He's so versatile :notworthy:
^^^^ has never been a fan of Rod Stewart (always thought he was just another cheesy crooner) until my good lady bought me "The Great American Songbook Collection" and am now a convert, he really can sing that man! :notworthy:
I'm also going to pay my respect to the fallen and the soliders who have suffered I have a friend who dad was a serving solider for 10years he suffers from PTSD and suffers from flashbacks. My friends little girl love fireworks and her grandad wanted to take her for the past two years his had trouble with fireworks litterly will get so scared of the bangs and think his getting shot at it is horrible to see but last night he overcome it for my friends lil girl so she could watch it and that made a tear come to me what a massive respect to him
I watched Rod Stewart on The Graham Norton Show last night - He's always got a twinkle in his eye. He sang an old classic which was very smaltzy and I normally wouldn't like it but he totally nailed it and got away with it. He has a very soulful voice no matter what he sings. He's so versatile :notworthy:
Deary deary me Robin.... your musical integrity has just gone down in my estimation.... Rod Stewart couldnt sing his way out of a wet paper bag.
^^^^ has never been a fan of Rod Stewart (always thought he was just another cheesy crooner) until my good lady bought me "The Great American Songbook Collection" and am now a convert, he really can sing that man! :notworthy:
RIGHT.... go and buy "Songs for swinging lovers" by Frank Sinatra.... then you will learn that RS is full of BS and cannot sing! :booty:
I watched Rod Stewart on The Graham Norton Show last night - He's always got a twinkle in his eye. He sang an old classic which was very smaltzy and I normally wouldn't like it but he totally nailed it and got away with it. He has a very soulful voice no matter what he sings. He's so versatile :notworthy:
Deary deary me Robin.... your musical integrity has just gone down in my estimation.... Rod Stewart couldnt sing his way out of a wet paper bag.
....You and I have quite different musical tastes, Rich - I don't strive for what music intellectuals call "musical integrity". When I listen to a singer I listen to more than technical ability or range - I listen to the SOUL in a singer's voice. Rod Stewart has plenty of soul and often sounds like his hero Sam Cooke. For me it's simply whether a voice tugs the emotions or not and when I use the term "emotions" I don't mean only the sort that bring on a tear in the eye. Jo Cocker, Mick Jagger, Prince, Sinatra, Ray Charles, Otis Redding, Randy Crawford, Robert Plant, and dozens of others. The chappie you play for (Tony Christie?) has a voice which leaves me cold - No soul.
Music is what moves the Body and the Soul.
I don't think Rich exclusively plays for Tony Christie Robin. :laugh:
I don't think Rich exclusively plays for Tony Christie Robin. :laugh:
I don't play for him anymore, And when someone offers you £XXX per gig.... It doesn't matter what they sound like.
To me... RS just sounds like he has gargled with a box of rusty nails....
Anyway... We digress
Don't forget chaps.... 11am.
^^^^ has never been a fan of Rod Stewart (always thought he was just another cheesy crooner) until my good lady bought me "The Great American Songbook Collection" and am now a convert, he really can sing that man! :notworthy:
RIGHT.... go and buy "Songs for swinging lovers" by Frank Sinatra.... then you will learn that RS is full of BS and cannot sing! :booty:
It's an ETTO thing I suppose. :happy2:
In my collection of crooners music I have (and enjoy) Rod Stewart, Frank and Mr Buble. Must admits dont own that Album though.
EDIT: (It had better be good, just paid £5 from Amazon for it)
Don't forget chaps.... 11am.
Am currently suited and booted and rallying the troops for the off.
You can't not like it....
Amazing vocalist.... CHECK!
Amazing band.........CHECK!
Amazing tunes........CHECK!
Don't forget chaps.... 11am.
....I didn't forget :happy2:
I was digging a trench in my garden (about 2ft long x 1ft wide x 1ft deep) and took off my hat and stood to attention and was ready when I heard the local cannon shot to mark the silence.
I couldn't help thinking that some of those we are remembering were digging much bigger trenches while being shot at: First World War and Vietnam, for example, and here was I lucky to be digging to extend my small wildlife pond for my own pleasure.
^^^^ has never been a fan of Rod Stewart (always thought he was just another cheesy crooner) until my good lady bought me "The Great American Songbook Collection" and am now a convert, he really can sing that man! :notworthy:
RIGHT.... go and buy "Songs for swinging lovers" by Frank Sinatra.... then you will learn that RS is full of BS and cannot sing! :booty:
....It's not a competition! It's not X-Factor :rolleye:
One can EQUALLY enjoy the music of Frank Sinatra and Rod Stewart. Music satisfies the mood of the moment and surely I don't have to explain what 'soul' is.
I'm now going back to digging my trench :grin:
Dragged my lot off to church to pay our respects, then into Horsham town centre (along with the rest of the town by the look of it I'm glad to say), watched the Parade of the bands, veterans and youngsters alike. My dad laid a reef as part of the RAF Veterans and then went for a couple of drinks to commemorate my great grandfather who died at the Somme in 1918. My dad and uncle both told ar stories from their 40 years combined experience as RAF pilots (same stories they tell whenever they get together).