MK5 Golf GTI

All Things Mk5 => Mk5 General Area => Topic started by: Jussa on December 17, 2012, 03:47:19 pm

Title: VW extended warranty
Post by: Jussa on December 17, 2012, 03:47:19 pm
Does anybody know the monthly cost VW asks for the extended warranty VW offers when your first 3 years (as a new car) are up??
Title: Re: VW extended warranty
Post by: Frodo-anni on December 17, 2012, 09:26:58 pm
Cant give you an answer just now, but my extended warranty runs out mid january, so i've just got my paperwork out to give them a ring tomorrow to look at extending it.

Looking for the All component with no excess, will report back  :happy2:
Title: Re: VW extended warranty
Post by: Frodo-anni on December 17, 2012, 09:30:48 pm
Cant give you an answer just now, but my extended warranty runs out mid january, so i've just got my paperwork out to give them a ring tomorrow to look at extending it.

Looking for the All component with no excess, will report back  :happy2:
Title: Re: VW extended warranty
Post by: AaronMc on December 17, 2012, 09:50:57 pm
Also looking to renew mine, but the car was on a VW Used Warranty, so just want to see what they can offer. Will ring them this week and query it!
Title: Re: VW extended warranty
Post by: Jussa on December 18, 2012, 12:02:12 am
Thanks guys, was just offered the extended warranty now the Audi at £21.41 a month - not sure if that's expensive  :confused:
Title: Re: VW extended warranty
Post by: Frodo-anni on December 18, 2012, 03:03:55 pm
Conatcted them today - they have offered a comprehensive warranty with 0 excess for £326 for 12mths, i was hoping for cheaper at this time of year, unsure of whether it worth the money as i have already had the DSG box done a few months ago.

Any thoughts?
Title: Re: VW extended warranty
Post by: Nasir on December 18, 2012, 05:09:16 pm
Conatcted them today - they have offered a comprehensive warranty with 0 excess for £326 for 12mths, i was hoping for cheaper at this time of year, unsure of whether it worth the money as i have already had the DSG box done a few months ago.

Any thoughts?

Fingers crossed for you but I can't see something worth £326 going wrong. Not a bad price though if it covers the turbo as well.
Title: Re: VW extended warranty
Post by: AaronMc on December 21, 2012, 08:26:26 pm
I had a quote of 299 for comprehensive with a 250 excess.. seems the prices are a bit hit and miss..

Might see what they can do me as I work for VW too..
Title: Re: VW extended warranty
Post by: Frodo-anni on December 21, 2012, 08:47:52 pm
They have posted me the quote and given me a breakdown of options with different excess, seems my £326 aint too bad, but would i get value from it, i cant decide at all.  :confused:
Title: Re: VW extended warranty
Post by: Beddie on December 21, 2012, 09:06:44 pm
Mine was £290 for the comprehensive cover with £0 xs and VW assistance  :smiley:

I pay mine monthly, that way i can cancel should i get rid of the car (assuming i haven't claimed in that year) and as it auto renews year on year the price remains the same even though the car is a year older/higher miles  :happy2:

Like any insurance policy its a gamble, but at £95 + vat an hour for labour and £75 to plug in VCDS at the dealers it'd soon pay for itself with even a minor fault imo...
Title: Re: VW extended warranty
Post by: JackG on December 22, 2012, 01:18:20 am
Having used to work for vw as a service advisor and dealing with warranty all the time...I thought I'd give my 2 pence worth

Its a great cover but don't expect things to move smooth, once they have your money they do try there up most totry and decline a warranty claim,vw dealer have to send a mannual case to vw warranty,  they go over it all with a tooth comb and any reason to reject they will,  they don't like paying out and will do there most not too, as per most warranty companies

My advice is to pick a good dealer that follows The book...hard to find now as most stealers couldn't give a sh*t,  when you have a good dealer things should be ok, I won't buy a warranty from them ever and will never return to a vw dealer being I used to work there I know how they work and customer service (there service promise being a big part) is a massive lie in my opinion,  there absolute assholes.. tell a lie cus anal with a bird is a wish  :signLOL:  so assholes will be a compliment! 
Just pick a good dealer and follow the book as they will wiggle

If anyone needs any advice/help I'll be happy too  :happy2:
Title: Re: VW extended warranty
Post by: Tortaruga on December 22, 2012, 11:59:10 am
^^^That's fairly shocking, although I think there are some very good main dealers out there too.

My local dealer is totally straightup, although they realise I have a bit of a clue. I use them mainly to buy parts and have work done that I can't do myself. However I can't help feeling a lot of them must take advantage of folks who don't have a clue about their car.

Also they have a lovely selection of confectionery beside the coffee machine...I scoffed a Picnic bar last time I was there whilst getting a brake fluid change for £40. :smiley:
Title: Re: VW extended warranty
Post by: JackG on December 22, 2012, 02:33:47 pm
Yes I can't help feeling that too, they will try all they can try, despite what any business says about customer service being the most important part it really isn't,  all revolves around profit!
I wont use dealers anymore since my shafting with a failed cam follower,  gone the days where a car with a full dealer history was a massive plus, now it's a concern!!
Title: Re: VW extended warranty
Post by: Frodo-anni on December 22, 2012, 04:29:54 pm
Yes I can't help feeling that too, they will try all they can try, despite what any business says about customer service being the most important part it really isn't,  all revolves around profit!
I wont use dealers anymore since my shafting with a failed cam follower,  gone the days where a car with a full dealer history was a massive plus, now it's a concern!!

So the visit back to the dealer about your own car jack has not gone well?

I feel quite fortunate that i get on pretty well with my local dealer, another reason why im giving further consideration to extend the warranty, as Beddie has said after a few visits with any issues it has hopefully paid for itself. Will give the info a read through over the christmas break and decide.   :confused:
Title: Re: VW extended warranty
Post by: AaronMc on December 22, 2012, 04:41:36 pm
Might pay mine monthly too if they don't add too much interest.. Or do they add any at all?

I'd rather have that piece of mind even being a VW Tech myself..
Title: Re: VW extended warranty
Post by: JackG on December 22, 2012, 06:55:41 pm
Not so far no, I even worked there and there trying all the tricks they can, needs a new cam, the housing the hpfp goes into, fsi unit and hpfp itself,  saying they have never sold that part vw UK are involved but still feel this won't go to plan, even if it does I still won't go back

I'd pay monthly just incase you do get anything your not happy with you can atleast stop paying
Title: Re: VW extended warranty
Post by: leetdi22 on January 01, 2013, 01:29:38 pm
can you take a VW extended warranty any time?

my car is 75000 59 plate im the second owner full vwsh
Title: Re: VW extended warranty
Post by: sub39h on January 01, 2013, 01:33:50 pm
can you take a VW extended warranty any time?

my car is 75000 59 plate im the second owner full vwsh

you can as long as your warranty hasn't expired. or at least that's what Audi are like, and they're probably underwritten by the same company
Title: Re: VW extended warranty
Post by: Frodo-anni on January 01, 2013, 04:08:02 pm
can you take a VW extended warranty any time?

my car is 75000 59 plate im the second owner full vwsh

I can only extend as i purchased, my 07 ed30 from a VW dealer with warranty. I dont think you'd be able to buy private then go to VW and ask for warranty. They asked that my car was under 60k firstly, so unsure if they have limits.
Title: Re: VW extended warranty
Post by: LouCyffer on January 01, 2013, 09:28:27 pm
Conatcted them today - they have offered a comprehensive warranty with 0 excess for £326 for 12mths, i was hoping for cheaper at this time of year, unsure of whether it worth the money as i have already had the DSG box done a few months ago.

Any thoughts?

I've continued my warranty this way from the car turning 3 years old. It will be 5 in a couple of weeks, and the warranty price I've just been quoted is identical. Even though I've had claims (cam belt, couple of door locks, water pump) I've paid the same each year. Or they do a monthly direct debit for £31.50 a month.
 Pretty good considering a year 4 to 5 extension to the Subaru warranty on my last car (STi Type Uk Prodrive) was £550 in 2009.
Title: Re: VW extended warranty
Post by: LouCyffer on January 01, 2013, 09:32:19 pm
can you take a VW extended warranty any time?

my car is 75000 59 plate im the second owner full vwsh

Your car must be less than 3 years old & I think sub-60k, with some of the VW warranty still to run. The cap on extended warranty is 100k miles. It doesn't matter if your car was bought privately or from a dealer.

And don't forget it is a condition of the extended warranty that the car is VW Dealer serviced, on the correct schedule. They allow one month late or 1000miles over. Any more & you void your warranty. Indy servicing ain't allowed.
Title: Re: VW extended warranty
Post by: sub39h on January 01, 2013, 09:47:01 pm

And don't forget it is a condition of the extended warranty that the car is VW Dealer serviced, on the correct schedule. They allow one month late or 1000miles over. Any more & you void your warranty. Indy servicing ain't allowed.

i'm pretty sure there is an EU ruling against this? in the same way that using an Indy during the original warranty is allowed as long as they're VAT registered and have serviced it in accordance with VW's service regime and it won't affect the warranty
Title: Re: VW extended warranty
Post by: LouCyffer on January 02, 2013, 07:52:22 am

And don't forget it is a condition of the extended warranty that the car is VW Dealer serviced, on the correct schedule. They allow one month late or 1000miles over. Any more & you void your warranty. Indy servicing ain't allowed.

i'm pretty sure there is an EU ruling against this? in the same way that using an Indy during the original warranty is allowed as long as they're VAT registered and have serviced it in accordance with VW's service regime and it won't affect the warranty

There's certainly no issue using an Indy during manufacturer's warranty, but I've just received my warranty paperwork. It states that the warranty itself is of an unlimited mileage, but vehicles over 100k miles are not eligible to apply for an extended warranty. It also states that it is a condition of warranty cover is servicing by a VW Approved service agent. As it is a form of third party insurance ( rather like home insurance companies refusing business in 'flood plain' areas ) there's nothing the EU can do about it, and no ruling has been made, unlike the ruling regarding the requirement for dealer servicing during duration of manufacturer's warranties. This also means that a stipulation for 'VW Approved servicing' as its called is perfectly legal as it is a warranty run by a company on VW's behalf, & they can apply whatever conditions they wish.
Title: Re: VW extended warranty
Post by: Frodo-anni on January 02, 2013, 08:29:55 pm
can you take a VW extended warranty any time?

my car is 75000 59 plate im the second owner full vwsh

Your car must be less than 3 years old & I think sub-60k, with some of the VW warranty still to run. The cap on extended warranty is 100k miles. It doesn't matter if your car was bought privately or from a dealer.

And don't forget it is a condition of the extended warranty that the car is VW Dealer serviced, on the correct schedule. They allow one month late or 1000miles over. Any more & you void your warranty. Indy servicing ain't allowed.

 :happy2: Cheers for this, think i will give it further consideration this weekend, need to decide by the 10th.  Regular dealer servicing is not a problem as i get on well with them and it will still go back to them.