MK5 Golf GTI
All Things Mk5 => Mk5 General Area => Topic started by: asantaga on December 19, 2012, 10:05:26 pm
Hi all,
Just after an opinion on a problem we're having with my wifes golf...
Car : 2007 Golf 1.9 TDI, in the UK
Problem : Last week the car abruptly stopped with random error messages. We got the car towed to a VW dealer in Chiswick/London and the final outcome is that something called a "gateway" (communications device?) is clogged with water. Apparently the gateway device sits beneath the windscreen behind the dash . Apparently there is also some evidence of water in the drivers side floor well, but no where else..
VW will replace the gateway but warn me that we need to fix the leak..or it will happen again..
VW also note that the windscreen isnt the original and it was replaced 2 months ago, and VW suggest that the windscreen may not be sealed properly...
Called the insurance/auto windscreens, and they are willing to replace the windscreen, if they see it wasn't fitted properly then they'll pay the repair bill etc etc (ie result!)...
**However** VW say the only way to see if the windscreen is sealed is to remove all the Dash and do a water (hosepipe?) test... At significant cost alas...
So the question is.. If the glazers replace the windscreen will we be able to see if its been incorrectly fitted???? My gut feeling is that they'll never find a fault... but they will fit it properly leaving me with the repair bill to the car, but hopefully not the windscreen..
Many thanks
a friend of mine had/has a simlar problem on his mk6 tdi, water ingress in the gateway which in turn also fried the ecu. Vw replaced all parts under warranty but wont look too hard for any leaks and the car has been back numerous times with complaints of the windows steaming up etc but still they cant find no leaks.
looks like for my friend its just a matter of time until this re-occurs and will probably cost north of £800 if the same parts go again, let me know how you get on mate :happy2:
Currently our bill is just over £500...... was the windscreen replaced?
I have a mk5 04 1.9tdi, a small part of the inside of my windscreen at the bottom steams up, i havbt foubd the cause, even with the heating on it still stays steamed up slightly ....
that is a shame as I would do a gateway for £90
Hey Eddie-NL..
I havent seen the total bill but I think the total bill is something like £150 for the diagnostics, and 2+hrs for investigation ... so the £500 is the total (inc labour)... so far....
Is the NL as in Holland?
The NL is for the Netherlands
But I'm in the UK
the £90 is a new gateway and fitting
If you want a new gateway only £68 Delivered (they will charge you nearly £150 for it)
groan... :-( wish you hadnt told me that.....
Oh well.. alas the car isn't mobile at the moment... so im stuck with them..
So what about my predicament? will I be able to see the leak in the windscreen?
Eddie-NL : Im curious about the CruiseControl stick replacement.. How do I contact u?
you should be able to email, or get your post count upto 10 then you can PM
many thanks, Whats ur email??
Also for others.. on my problem
Based on extensive web searching, current culprits appear to be
1. Badly fitted windscreen
2. Scuttles blocked
3. blocked drains
My gut feeling is to get the windscreen company to change the Windscreen (on the safe side) and double check the scuttles/drains arent blocked...
**** CAUSE FOUND ****
All just want to update this thread with the result of my specific leak for other people.
On the instructions of the insurer the windscreen company have come to remove the windscreen and inspect the car and ...
1. Sealant on the driver side was still "peaked" ^ which implied it wasn't squashed down properly
2. Sealant came off way way too easily, indicating it wasnt bonded to the chassis properly... Apparently it usually requires a bit of tugging..
Looks like they're paying for the windscreen and the repair bill to my gateway :-)
Good result! Merry Christmas for you then...
By any chance was your driver pillar soaking at bottom ?
I have a very similar problem no damage to car yet tho just noticed the bottom off window driver side was but more than condensation lately and water on side pillar :(
Only in heavy rain it leaks I think or water getting in :(
Apparently yes , according to the garage there is (some) water in the drivers footwell, alas the footwell has about 1" of carpet+sound denting material so you really need lots to see it.. If you have lots then from my research there are two possible causes
1. The scuttle/Plenumcover drains, the cavity beneath the windscreen wipers is blocked. Apparently there are some drains here, if they get blocked then they over fill into the cabin.. Also check your pollen filter (passenger side on mk5) if its soaked then this might be it..
See for how to remove/check the cavity
2. Windscreen is leaking... Did you have it replaced recently???
Apparently the only way to check this is to remove the entire dash and put a hosepipe against the car, or remove the windscreen and do what I did..
Considering the bill I was facing was already at the £500mark (£150diagnostic+parts+labour) Id say its something you want to look at..
As E30DOM said its a fantastic Christmas present... , and a big sigh of relief, not only because I dont have to pay for it, but mainly because we now KNOW where the water was coming in... it would have been worse if it wasnt the windscreen, if it was then we still wouldnt know where the water was coming in from..
Cheers reply n I don't think my floor is wet will double check in a minute :( floor is bone dry :)
It's just up above dash driver pillar it's wet down the bottom that leads to dash and windscreen :(
I put. Towel on where water was coming in and it's a dry pillar this morning but wet towel :(
Looks like a new window or will try clean scuttle but water is coming from above dash driver pillar steering wheel to the right :( no Water has been lying as I think it ain't bad as the pillar sooking the water :(
And not sure as only had the car say 2 months now but only recently starting doing this :(
From your description i think its the windscreen...
Yeah was thinking that cause if u pull the rubber plastic down side of window there is signs of missing sealer at top middle and bottom :(
Gutted as hell like insurance excess tho :)
Cheers for help tho dude :)
does the car have a sunroof??
Check the windscreen as the previous chap said, but Id pay the insurance excess (£60 or so isnt it?), than pay for fried electrics..
No sun roof mate
And yeah going to phone after Christmas as can't see them coming to do it tomorrow or Monday with the savage rain we have just now and Christmas few days away :(
Going to remove the pillar if its dry tomorrow and see if I can see water :( will use a watering can
Good luck!
Once you find the leak, the only thing you then do is "dry" the carpets.. Last night the VW dealer called me and informed me that the car was nearly ready but they' also advised me that the carpets really need removing & drying.
Apparently below the carpet is a foam underlay+sound denting.. If the top of the carpet is wet then it means the bottom is also wet, and water is likely to have accumulated. If i leave it, when it finally drys it will smell... bad...
Now the dealer suggest they need to remove all the seats(!) to then remove the carpet, put the carpet in a boilerroom and then replace.. circa another 400 quid...
Obviously Im not paying this, I'll just add it to the windscreen companys bill... but at the same time I'm a reasonable man......
I think you could simply peel back the carpet on the drivers side, maybe take out that seat, and go from there..
Yeah mate driver side is not as bad but the passenger side is savage now going to clear scuttle n get new windscreen fitted and see how I get on from there :)
Would water come from rear roof n go down front can't see it happen but never know
Non sun roof so can't see it happening but going to remove a lot if panels n see what's going on:)
Cheers for the help and info dude :-)