MK5 Golf GTI
General => Random Chat => Topic started by: Mk5 GTian on February 09, 2013, 02:19:52 am
On the A3, 2 lane section out of Guildford, the slow lane is full of dawdlers going 45, and the 'overtaking' lane is full of people going 80-85, about the right speed for that road.
As I daren't go 1 mph over the limit at the moment, I'm stuck behind a rock and a hard place. I'm either in the slow lane getting stuck behind Mother Teresa at 40 odd, or in the overtaking lane going 70 to get past the obstacle whilst getting flashed by 320D-man. It's a fuc*ing nightmare.
Sour grapes?
I have no problem sticking to 70. Don't know about anyone else?
I get what you mean. If you've ever tried doing 70 in lane 3 of a motorway, you feel like a sitting duck. People do way in excess of 70, and it leads to some very aggressive tailgating etc.
Nobody seems to accept that 70 is the limit, people think that the perceived buffer of 10%+1 means that you should drive at that. The natural flow I find is around 80-85ish, depending on how accurately the speedo reads.
The limit really should be 80, but then people would do 90+. I don't think UK drivers can be trusted to have de-restricted roads like Germany, they lane hog too much. People stay the hell out of the fast lane over there, unless they're going fast! Tough one.
Sour grapes?
I have no problem sticking to 70. Don't know about anyone else?
Not sour grapes Keano. :confused:
I'm just explaining how difficult it is to stick at 70 on a 2 lane fast A road when you have 2 vastly different flows of traffic in each lane.
Sour grapes?
I have no problem sticking to 70. Don't know about anyone else?
Not sour grapes Keano. :confused:
I'm just explaining how difficult it is to stick at 70 on a 2 lane fast A road when you have 2 vastly different flows of traffic in each lane.
Where I live there's only one road... A590 with 2 lanes and I rarely go that way, when I do go that way sticking to70 isn't a problem, most people stick to it unless you're a smart arse in a merc :-P
If you're just overtaking the slugs boot past them and get back it, its sticking at stupid speeds which gets you knicked.
It's impossible to drive at 70. Unless you are prepared to constantly be changing lane and getting stuck behind lorries doing 55mph. Try driving at 70 on the a1...... Impossible.
That's why I drive everywhere at 120 with my full beam on boosting the sh*t out it in the outside lane The girls love it.
That's why I drive everywhere at 120 with my full beam on boosting the sh*t out it in the outside lane The girls love it.
Don't forget the Fog-lights (Front and Rear)!
It's impossible to drive at 70. Unless you are prepared to constantly be changing lane and getting stuck behind lorries doing 55mph. Try driving at 70 on the a1...... Impossible.
That's why I drive everywhere at 120 with my full beam on boosting the sh*t out it in the outside lane The girls love it.
You!! Your Boost man! :signLOL:
I was driving on the M25 yesterday and the outside lane was a bloody race track. I have no problem driving fast but I'm not a fast driver, I like to pootle about and i still get where I'm going at the same time as the fast drivers. It's impossible to drive at a constant speed, be that 60, 70, 80 or even 90mph.
I have my Cruise set at 70mph (trying to stretch out the fuel consumption) and yesterday it lasted minutes before I had to speed up, slow down, speed up blah blah blah.
The Hogs back around Guildford is a bit*h of a road, 60mph limit, mobile police with their hand held speed cameras and the flow of traffic is around 80mph??
I set my cruise control to speedo 70mph (say nav 66mph).
Unless the motorway is really busy, I have no problems maintaining that speed, keeping left and overtaking as long as I plan my moves in advance. Keeping an eye in your mirrors and being a good judge of others speed means I can often make the 190 mile for Cheshire to Somerset (M6& M5) without having to disable cruise control.
Super relaxing and easy :happy2:
Speeding up, slowing down constantly just wastes fuel and doesn't get you anywhere any quicker (just more stressed).
It's impossible to drive at 70. Unless you are prepared to constantly be changing lane and getting stuck behind lorries doing 55mph. Try driving at 70 on the a1...... Impossible.
That's why I drive everywhere at 120 with my full beam on boosting the sh*t out it in the outside lane The girls love it.
Apparently the young girls love it and it makes them moist
I know exactly what you mean Ian. Our works vehicles are all getting fitted with restricters so i tried a full 250 mile journey the other week at no faster than 70 for the full journey. It was a real eye opener and i was shattered by the end of it as i was constantly in and out of the three lanes, kept getting blocked in so had to keep slowing down to get around the divs who had just over taken me. :fighting:
I know exactly what you mean Ian. Our works vehicles are all getting fitted with restricters so i tried a full 250 mile journey the other week at no faster than 70 for the full journey. It was a real eye opener and i was shattered by the end of it as i was constantly in and out of the three lanes, kept getting blocked in so had to keep slowing down to get around the divs who had just over taken me. :fighting:
Exactly my point :happy2:
Actual 70 is pointless. GPS 70 + 2 is much better or even play the numbers game and go 79 on the GPS. :smiley:
If you are going to do 70 you might want to think about accepting 60 for parts of the journey, I've done see how much mpg I can get runs and if you literally go with the flow it's not as bad as trying to be at 70 all the time. My 300tdi Rangie just about did 70 and accepting a bit more life in the slower lane made it quite do able.