MK5 Golf GTI

General => Random Chat => Topic started by: Oli on March 06, 2013, 04:40:10 pm

Title: Just sold the Ed35, RS3 incoming.......
Post by: Oli on March 06, 2013, 04:40:10 pm
As per title just sold the car!  Lovely car, but the lack of grip, and approx 320BHP always annoyed me a little.  However, driven correctly and the rewards were massive.  It doesnt help seeing Hurdy's thread on his car, that with similar mods, I can get 4 seconds to sixty, in all weathers, in an R!

However here is the dilema - Do I get a Golf R, which to all intents and purposes will feel the same as what Ive just sold,  but would need to be a big specification, to match the ED35.  

Or do I go for an RS3, which is quick out the box, will hold its money as well, if not better than the R, and with a re-map, takes it into the sub 4 seconds category.  And the sound is awesome.  However the interior is a bit long in the tooth, as is the Nav, but it is an RS!

Or do I go for an B8 S4 Avant, which with a map is 450BHP, and would be a serious sleeper.  My wife doesnt however need a big car, as she only does school run etc, and I run a SPortline Kombi if we need something bigger.

I think I might have answered my own question, reading back my answers.  It looks like Im leasning towards the RS3...

Or do I wait for the MK7 R or new S3.........but Im not one to wait!

Open for discussion??
Title: Re: Just sold the Ed35, what next?
Post by: Top Cat on March 06, 2013, 04:44:13 pm
At the rate you buy and sell cars it doesn't matter which one you choose, you can experience all of them by Christmas and then move onto a new selection. 
Title: Re: Just sold the Ed35, what next?
Post by: Oli on March 06, 2013, 04:46:06 pm
At the rate you buy and sell cars it doesn't matter which one you choose, you can experience all of them by Christmas and then move onto a new selection. 

Haha, I dont know what you mean, I've had this one 9 months!
Title: Re: Just sold the Ed35, what next?
Post by: andrewparker on March 06, 2013, 04:48:04 pm
Big time déjà vu here :confused:

Do you think with hot hatches you are maybe looking for something that doesn't exist?
Title: Re: Just sold the Ed35, what next?
Post by: Oli on March 06, 2013, 04:58:39 pm
Big time déjà vu here :confused:

Do you think with hot hatches you are maybe looking for something that doesn't exist?

Im not sure what you mean?  Ive owned most, and loved them all, but for different reasons.  I've have tried bigger cars - 335D x 2 and just not likes them as much as a hatchback - My wife is the same, she prefers something more compact.
My main toruble is my job, Im working with cars every day, and seem to get bored easily!

One vehicle Ive never got bored of is my Kombi, Ive owned about 5 of these now, and love them. 

Essentially the car purchase is my wifes car, that I use infrequently - once or twice a week maybe?  She is used to the power now, and all the toys so I couldnt just stick her in any old vehicle........
Title: Re: Just sold the Ed35, what next?
Post by: lm_gauci on March 06, 2013, 05:00:47 pm
Let the wife pick one and not worry about it  :wink:
Title: Re: Just sold the Ed35, what next?
Post by: Oli on March 06, 2013, 05:02:26 pm
Let the wife pick one and not worry about it  :wink:

She liked the RS4.......
Title: Re: Just sold the Ed35, what next?
Post by: RedRobin on March 06, 2013, 05:05:04 pm

Essentially the car purchase is my wifes car, that I use infrequently - once or twice a week maybe?  She is used to the power now, and all the toys so I couldnt just stick her in any old vehicle........

....So you have successfully corrupted your missus   :notworthy: :congrats: :congrats: :congrats: :congrats:

Either RS3 or Golf R. Test drive both and do so back-to-back on the same route if you can.
Title: Re: Just sold the Ed35, what next?
Post by: donovan2123 on March 06, 2013, 05:42:43 pm
I'm guessing a ttrs is out of the question? There's a few around for sub 26k which would leave you with cash to get her to 500bhp  :jumping: :jumpmove:
Title: Re: Just sold the Ed35, what next?
Post by: Mk5 GTian on March 06, 2013, 06:50:15 pm

Why not try a Mk7 GTi, the sportier one, and mod that?

If I had the cash I'd get a Mk6 R.
Title: Re: Just sold the Ed35, what next?
Post by: gobbleplease on March 06, 2013, 07:12:40 pm
I'd have the golf r it looks alot better than the audi, with 360 bhp these thinks are not slow in the least, I know yours was s2 but adding the fuel pump is like going from nothing to s1 again so it will be a fair bit quicker if you add the pump this time.
Look at the time the r went round the ring in standard form only a second slower than a e46 m3 !

Remember though allegedly the new mk7 golf r is said to be released in November, so it might be worth waiting to see what this is going to be like first, the mk7interior is feckin beautiful.
Title: Re: Just sold the Ed35, what next?
Post by: Oli on March 06, 2013, 08:08:47 pm
Thanks for the replies so far.  Whatever I buy it's definitely going to be 4wd, so the MK7 GTI is out of the question.  And to be fair I cant wait till December for the new R, so it going to be between the R and the RS3.  My wife likes both.  My head says R as its got a better interior, and is more modern overall, and after stage 2 will be very fast, but my heart say RS3, well its an RS after all, and I loved my B7 RS4....
Title: Re: Just sold the Ed35, what next?
Post by: RedRobin on March 06, 2013, 08:25:21 pm
If wifey likes both RS3 and Golf R, then surely she should also test drive both so you can both decide together.
Title: Re: Just sold the Ed35, what next?
Post by: camfollower on March 06, 2013, 08:30:25 pm
RS3, it's going to be a lot easier to get A LOT more performance from it.  What are they Stage1... ~420hp!? :laugh:
Title: Re: Just sold the Ed35, what next?
Post by: rich83 on March 06, 2013, 08:31:07 pm
If wifey likes RS3 and Golf R.... buy a porker 911!  :happy2:
Title: Re: Just sold the Ed35, what next?
Post by: Oli on March 06, 2013, 08:46:41 pm
If wifey likes RS3 and Golf R.... buy a porker 911!  :happy2:

Sold my 911 last year, not very practical
Title: Re: Just sold the Ed35, what next?
Post by: Hurdy on March 06, 2013, 08:50:58 pm
I've been looking at the comparative performance between the RS3 and the Golf R. The Golf R is (in my opinion) better looking, newer electrics and with mods is as fast as an RS3. The downside is that you can easily get more power from an RS3 and it sounds lovely. I don't regret my decision on an R for a minute and when I see an RS3 I don't think "I wish...." So I guess it was the right decision.

Oli, you HAVE to drive both of them to know which one is for you/the missis.  :happy2:
Title: Re: Just sold the Ed35, what next?
Post by: rob_e on March 06, 2013, 08:51:26 pm
B8 RS4?

Title: Re: Just sold the Ed35, what next?
Post by: TurboTrev on March 06, 2013, 08:58:36 pm
However here is the dilema - Do I get a Golf R, which to all intents and purposes will feel the same as what Ive just sold,  but would need to be a big specification, to match the ED35. 

My Mrs has an Ed35 and I have an R.  I drive her Ed35 most days and my R at the weekend.  In my opinion the R feels completely different to the Ed35 to drive, it's like being in a completely different class of car, it is so much better.  It feels more planted on the road, the engine feels more responsive, the engine note is completely different, well worth buying.  Re. the debate between an RS3 and an R, in my opinion the RS3 is really ugly, so for that reason it would be an R every time for me.
Title: Re: Just sold the Ed35, what next?
Post by: Oli on March 06, 2013, 09:01:22 pm
I've been looking at the comparative performance between the RS3 and the Golf R. The Golf R is (in my opinion) better looking, newer electrics and with mods is as fast as an RS3. The downside is that you can easily get more power from an RS3 and it sounds lovely. I don't regret my decision on an R for a minute and when I see an RS3 I don't think "I wish...." So I guess it was the right decision.

Oli, you HAVE to drive both of them to know which one is for you/the missis.  :happy2:

Thanks John, I have driven both and like them both..... I know Ill like the R.  I think ill go and take another look at the RS3 at the weekend and see what I think.

Im really split on this one
Title: Re: Just sold the Ed35, what next?
Post by: Oli on March 06, 2013, 09:02:02 pm
B8 RS4?

I want to spend mid 30's max, not mid 50's....., but I do like the look of them
Title: Re: Just sold the Ed35, what next?
Post by: Hurdy on March 06, 2013, 09:02:50 pm
Oh and you can get R's nearly new for £5-10k less than an RS3, so plenty of money to go towards the "modding" pot. :smiley:
Title: Re: Just sold the Ed35, what next?
Post by: T88OMM on March 06, 2013, 09:19:22 pm
If you can wait a little while I would say new S3. Saw a well specced new A3 on the road last week and it looked marvellous. The interior is leagues ahead of the RS3 and the engine will have some serious tuning potential for a relatively low cost.
Title: Re: Just sold the Ed35, what next?
Post by: Saintsteve on March 06, 2013, 09:26:10 pm

Mad as a hatter  :stupid:  :signLOL:

Personally, I'd sit on the cash and wait for MQB mk7 R.

More efficient too.. Not that saving money isn't top of list of priorities  :signLOL:

Title: Re: Just sold the Ed35, what next?
Post by: Hurdy on March 06, 2013, 09:27:26 pm
If you can wait a little while I would say new S3. Saw a well specced new A3 on the road last week and it looked marvellous. The interior is leagues ahead of the RS3 and the engine will have some serious tuning potential for a relatively low cost.

I was tempted to do the same but you end up with a new engine that no one knows if it is as strong as the old one ( the "old" R and S3 engines are well proven). Then add to this the fact that there will be little or no decent mods for it for ages let alone a map available and you get back to the reason why I opted for the MKVI R. :happy2:
Title: Re: Just sold the Ed35, what next?
Post by: Deako on March 06, 2013, 09:27:26 pm
MQB S3. Surely the order books must open soon???
Title: Re: Just sold the Ed35, what next?
Post by: Hurdy on March 06, 2013, 09:32:30 pm
I'd never buy a fresh out of the box model like the R or S3. I'll be waiting a few years before I even make the decision to jump to the next generation. New platform + new engines = new issues...possibly.

The R and S3 will be touted as having a revised version of the EA888 engine, so possible issues there to start with.

Go with either the MKVI R or RS3 Oli, but as I've said, drive both first. :happy2:
Title: Re: Just sold the Ed35, what next?
Post by: T88OMM on March 06, 2013, 09:32:45 pm
If you can wait a little while I would say new S3. Saw a well specced new A3 on the road last week and it looked marvellous. The interior is leagues ahead of the RS3 and the engine will have some serious tuning potential for a relatively low cost.

I was tempted to do the same but you end up with a new engine that no one knows if it is as strong as the old one ( the "old" R and S3 engines are well proven). Then add to this the fact that there will be little or no decent mods for it for ages let alone a map available and you get back to the reason why I opted for the MKVI R. :happy2:

Totally understand that John, but following some of Oli's threads he's not quite as mental as you are with his mods. A remap will be available almost instantly, I'm sure I read somewhere that this engine is quite different to the old S3/R unit, and will map to silly figures at stage 1
Title: Re: Just sold the Ed35, what next?
Post by: Oli on March 06, 2013, 09:39:56 pm
Who mentioned the S3, when is that due out. 

In the meantime Ive been offered an 12/62 1800mile RS3 for £36k!  Which Im sure I could get for £35k, which is very good value.  But have also been looking at R's, but considering my ED35 had everything bar roof and ACC, thats what Id want, and that will be a very rare spec...
Title: Re: Just sold the Ed35, what next?
Post by: Hurdy on March 06, 2013, 09:40:13 pm
If you can wait a little while I would say new S3. Saw a well specced new A3 on the road last week and it looked marvellous. The interior is leagues ahead of the RS3 and the engine will have some serious tuning potential for a relatively low cost.

I was tempted to do the same but you end up with a new engine that no one knows if it is as strong as the old one ( the "old" R and S3 engines are well proven). Then add to this the fact that there will be little or no decent mods for it for ages let alone a map available and you get back to the reason why I opted for the MKVI R. :happy2:

Totally understand that John, but following some of Oli's threads he's not quite as mental as you are with his mods. A remap will be available almost instantly, I'm sure I read somewhere that this engine is quite different to the old S3/R unit, and will map to silly figures at stage 1

I really hope that is right as I'd be jumping all over one if it is. :happy2:
Title: Re: Just sold the Ed35, what next?
Post by: Hurdy on March 06, 2013, 09:43:12 pm
Who mentioned the S3, when is that due out. 

In the meantime Ive been offered an 12/62 1800mile RS3 for £36k!  Which Im sure I could get for £35k, which is very good value.  But have also been looking at R's, but considering my ED35 had everything bar roof and ACC, thats what Id want, and that will be a very rare spec...

Decent price that. Has to have embroidered recaros though! :drool:

Title: Re: Just sold the Ed35, what next?
Post by: Deako on March 06, 2013, 09:48:30 pm
Something silly like 340bhp on Stage1?
Title: Re: Just sold the Ed35, what next?
Post by: Oli on March 06, 2013, 09:53:04 pm
Something silly like 340bhp on Stage1?

Or more surely, thats only 40BHP up on standard.  The Ed35 went up 75BHP on stage 1.
Title: Re: Just sold the Ed35, what next?
Post by: Oli on March 06, 2013, 09:53:59 pm
Who mentioned the S3, when is that due out. 

In the meantime Ive been offered an 12/62 1800mile RS3 for £36k!  Which Im sure I could get for £35k, which is very good value.  But have also been looking at R's, but considering my ED35 had everything bar roof and ACC, thats what Id want, and that will be a very rare spec...

Decent price that. Has to have embroidered recaros though! :drool:

Not at that price, and to be fair not that practical with kids.  Im going to drive one again at the weekend. :happy2:
Title: Re: Just sold the Ed35, what next?
Post by: Deako on March 06, 2013, 09:56:29 pm
It must be more than that then. Someone mentioned how the latest A4s with the same lump have been mapping, and its very positive.
Title: Re: Just sold the Ed35, what next?
Post by: T88OMM on March 06, 2013, 09:59:09 pm
Something silly like 340bhp on Stage1?

There 300 standard so I'd imagine a little more but we'll soon see. Saying that if Oli (and his misses) can tolerate the older interior of the RS3 that's the engine to have. A mapped 2.5 TFSI, especially S-Tronic are just another level
Title: Re: Just sold the Ed35, what next?
Post by: Poverty on March 06, 2013, 10:01:11 pm
New a45 AMG
Title: Re: Just sold the Ed35, what next?
Post by: T88OMM on March 06, 2013, 10:06:19 pm
New a45 AMG

Great shout
Title: Re: Just sold the Ed35, what next?
Post by: rob_e on March 06, 2013, 10:24:00 pm
If wifey likes RS3 and Golf R.... buy a porker 911!  :happy2:

Sold my 911 last year, not very practical

So 987 Cayman R is probably a no go then.. 
Title: Re: Just sold the Ed35, what next?
Post by: dan930 on March 06, 2013, 10:39:44 pm
As per title just sold the car!  Lovely car, but the lack of grip, and approx 320BHP always annoyed me a little.  However, driven correctly and the rewards were massive.  It doesnt help seeing Hurdy's thread on his car, that with similar mods, I can get 4 seconds to sixty, in all weathers, in an R!

However here is the dilema - Do I get a Golf R, which to all intents and purposes will feel the same as what Ive just sold,  but would need to be a big specification, to match the ED35. 

Or do I go for an RS3, which is quick out the box, will hold its money as well, if not better than the R, and with a re-map, takes it into the sub 4 seconds category.  And the sound is awesome.  However the interior is a bit long in the tooth, as is the Nav, but it is an RS!

Or do I go for an B8 S4 Avant, which with a map is 450BHP, and would be a serious sleeper.  My wife doesnt however need a big car, as she only does school run etc, and I run a SPortline Kombi if we need something bigger.

I think I might have answered my own question, reading back my answers.  It looks like Im leasning towards the RS3...

Or do I wait for the MK7 R or new S3.........but Im not one to wait!

Open for discussion??

+2 on this mate
I've got a ed30 modded to stg2+,lots of traction issues...going to px it in July for a rs3 or golfR...
Title: Re: Just sold the Ed35, what next?
Post by: Raffe on March 07, 2013, 07:29:48 am
Something silly like 340bhp on Stage1?

Or more surely, thats only 40BHP up on standard.  The Ed35 went up 75BHP on stage 1.

Isn't the ED35 the same engine/turbo as the R just detuned, ergo you would achieve the same headline figure from a stage 1 tune?
Title: Re: Just sold the Ed35, what next?
Post by: MAT ED30 on March 07, 2013, 08:47:43 am
I love the whole I have gone stage 2+ and got no traction  :signLOL: get some good tyres sort the suspension out and all the other front end stuff like mounts fit an LSD and then your traction problems are sorted. Too many people just go power mad and are plain lazy and don't sort all the other bits out
Title: Re: Just sold the Ed35, what next?
Post by: andrewparker on March 07, 2013, 08:49:29 am
New a45 AMG

Yeah, definitely worth investigation. I saw a blue AMG-kitted A-Class on the road the other day and I really didn't expect to like it as much as I did. I imagine the A45 AMG will look epic.

I love the whole I have gone stage 2+ and got no traction  :signLOL: get some good tyres sort the suspension out and all the other front end stuff like mounts fit an LSD and then your traction problems are sorted. Too many people just go power mad and are plain lazy and don't sort all the other bits out

A diff right Mat?
Title: Re: Just sold the Ed35, what next?
Post by: MAT ED30 on March 07, 2013, 08:50:11 am
Title: Re: Just sold the Ed35, what next?
Post by: Oli on March 07, 2013, 09:13:26 am
I love the whole I have gone stage 2+ and got no traction  :signLOL: get some good tyres sort the suspension out and all the other front end stuff like mounts fit an LSD and then your traction problems are sorted. Too many people just go power mad and are plain lazy and don't sort all the other bits out

Haha, and I love these quotes, no matter how much suspension, tyre and diff mods, help a 2wd drive car on our greasy winter roads  :happy2: And it was only stage 2 :P
Title: Re: Just sold the Ed35, what next?
Post by: Itsagthing on March 07, 2013, 09:15:42 am
I love the whole I have gone stage 2+ and got no traction  :signLOL: get some good tyres sort the suspension out and all the other front end stuff like mounts fit an LSD and then your traction problems are sorted. Too many people just go power mad and are plain lazy and don't sort all the other bits out
What he said! Don't just get a tune and go fast, do your background and sort the whole set up properly and these issues wont happen.simples  :booty:
Title: Re: Just sold the Ed35, what next?
Post by: berg on March 07, 2013, 09:26:08 am
I have to say i very rarely have any traction issues with all the bits fitted and over 350 bhp/torque, just dont red line it in first, then give it a bit more in second, and then by the time you are established in third you can be going at a fare old rate of knots..
Title: Re: Just sold the Ed35, what next?
Post by: Hurdy on March 07, 2013, 09:29:34 am
I love the whole I have gone stage 2+ and got no traction  :signLOL: get some good tyres sort the suspension out and all the other front end stuff like mounts fit an LSD and then your traction problems are sorted. Too many people just go power mad and are plain lazy and don't sort all the other bits out
What he said! Don't just get a tune and go fast, do your background and sort the whole set up properly and these issues wont happen.simples  :booty:

I've already been down that road. Matt is right up to a point, but with our roads being wet, icy, greasy or a combination of these 50% of the year a FWD just cannot put the power down like a 4WD can. Same goes for torque steer, it isn't too bad in a GTI but there is none at all in the R. That isn't to say that some 4WD cars don't have problems - the RS3 understeer s quite a lot compared with the R, but again it can be tuned out.Get ACC with the R and all you need do to it is add some H&R lowering springs and H&R ARB's and you have a great road/track set up. :happy2:
Title: Re: Just sold the Ed35, what next?
Post by: CarrG on March 07, 2013, 09:45:54 am
New S3 is supposed to be a great car.

RS for me tho, grip in the wet is cracking  :driver:
Title: Re: Just sold the Ed35, what next?
Post by: Poverty on March 07, 2013, 09:51:53 am
I have to say i very rarely have any traction issues with all the bits fitted and over 350 bhp/torque, just dont red line it in first, then give it a bit more in second, and then by the time you are established in third you can be going at a fare old rate of knots..

At which point the equivelant 4wd car is already 4 car lengths further down the road.

Saying that I never found traction that much of a issue when I had my Cupra in most scenarios. 4wd just allows you to be a hooligan in any gear at anytime come rain or shine.
Title: Re: Just sold the Ed35, what next?
Post by: CarrG on March 07, 2013, 09:58:02 am

Launch control in the RS rain or shine is phenomenal..

Oli you can borrow mine.

S4 whilst fast esp after map is more of a tourer imo.
Title: Re: Just sold the Ed35, what next?
Post by: Oli on March 07, 2013, 10:05:54 am

Oli you can borrow mine.

Can I borrow it for a couple of months?
Title: Re: Just sold the Ed35, what next?
Post by: CarrG on March 07, 2013, 10:21:51 am

Oli you can borrow mine.

Can I borrow it for a couple of months? probs! I dont need a Cali so i'll take the Kombi  :party:
Title: Re: Just sold the Ed35, what next?
Post by: Oli on March 07, 2013, 11:09:09 am
Done :happy2:
Title: Re: Just sold the Ed35, what next?
Post by: simonp on March 07, 2013, 01:11:03 pm
Lovely car, but the lack of grip, and approx 320BHP always annoyed me a little. 

You ruined it by tuning it, in other words...

We now know why VW don't sell 320 bhp FWD cars.
Title: Re: Just sold the Ed35, what next?
Post by: RedRobin on March 07, 2013, 01:42:07 pm
250-270-ish bhp on my FWD K03 Mk5 GTI with lots of suspension mods and a Quaife diff, Goodyear Asymmetric 2 tyres, and I don't get traction issues.........

.....Unless, of course, I stamp on the accelerator too suddenly instead of feeding the throttle progressively.
Title: Re: Just sold the Ed35, what next?
Post by: Oli on March 07, 2013, 02:16:26 pm
Lovely car, but the lack of grip, and approx 320BHP always annoyed me a little.  

You ruined it by tuning it, in other words...

We now know why VW don't sell 320 bhp FWD cars.

Not at all, if you re-read what I have said in the thread, the car as very rewarding when driven correctly, just annoying on our greasy roads at times.  On a greasy road, I could get it to wheelspin when it was in standard spec.   :happy2:  And if you know me, youll see I change cars fairly frequently!
Title: Re: Just sold the Ed35, what next?
Post by: rich83 on March 07, 2013, 05:57:42 pm
250-270-ish bhp on my FWD K03 Mk5 GTI with lots of suspension mods and a Quaife diff, Goodyear Asymmetric 2 tyres, and I don't get traction issues.........

.....Unless, of course, I stamp on the accelerator too suddenly instead of feeding the throttle progressively.

Thats because you dont try hard enough...   :evilgrin:
Title: Re: Just sold the Ed35, what next?
Post by: Hedge on March 07, 2013, 06:05:16 pm

A45 sounds ideal Oli.  :happy2:
Title: Re: Just sold the Ed35, what next?
Post by: Jussa on March 07, 2013, 06:27:17 pm

It will deffo be my next upgrade!!

420bhp at stage 1 with no other bolt ons!!  :jumpmove:
Title: Re: Just sold the Ed35, what next?
Post by: GTI5 on March 07, 2013, 06:47:19 pm
If you're changing cars frequently it doesn't really matter which one you go for since you won't be keeping it more than 12 months?

The deliberation factor should be much less than living with a car for several years +.

I will also vote A45 as it's away from the VAG scene and it could turn out to be screamer.
Title: Re: Just sold the Ed35, what next?
Post by: markevo6 on March 07, 2013, 08:37:09 pm

Another vote for the RS3  , or maybe consider a TTRS ?

Nice problem to have though  :happy2:

Title: Re: Just sold the Ed35, what next?
Post by: andrewparker on March 07, 2013, 08:45:36 pm

...or maybe consider a TTRS ?

Yeah because they're great for doing the school run in...
Title: Re: Just sold the Ed35, what next?
Post by: Oli on March 07, 2013, 09:01:50 pm
Im really stuck between the R and RS3.  I can convince myself into both.  Ive been offered a very nice deal on a full loaded Golf R, and am waiting on a couple of leads into RS3's.  Hopefully the decision will be made by this time tomorrow.  My wife likes the Golf more, and Im swayed towards the RS3.  I have a feeling she might win :wink:
Title: Re: Just sold the Ed35, what next?
Post by: Hedge on March 07, 2013, 09:23:06 pm
.:R it is then.  :laugh:

A45 next time.  :wink:
Title: Re: Just sold the Ed35, what next?
Post by: Saintsteve on March 07, 2013, 09:23:46 pm
.:R it is then.  :laugh:

A45 next time.  :wink:

Yeah what's a few weeks between cars :signLOL:
Title: Re: Just sold the Ed35, what next?
Post by: Oli on March 07, 2013, 09:32:09 pm
.:R it is then.  :laugh:

A45 next time.  :wink:

Yeah what's a few weeks between cars :signLOL:

 :signLOL:  Im sorry but I just cant ever see the Mercedes happen for me!!!
Title: Re: Just sold the Ed35, what next?
Post by: Hedge on March 07, 2013, 09:50:52 pm
Really Oli? I'm surprised by that as it ticks all the boxes.
Title: Re: Just sold the Ed35, what next?
Post by: rich83 on March 07, 2013, 09:52:27 pm
Its a merc... its bound to break into a million pieces.

(edited for spelling nazis)
Title: Re: Just sold the Ed35, what next?
Post by: Oli on March 07, 2013, 10:06:29 pm
Its a merc... its bound to brake into a million pieces.

Title: Re: Just sold the Ed35, what next?
Post by: Hedge on March 07, 2013, 10:21:22 pm
Not in the short time you would own it.  :grin:
Title: Re: Just sold the Ed35, what next?
Post by: Poverty on March 07, 2013, 10:43:58 pm
Its a merc... its bound to brake into a million pieces.


Don't be silly!  :mad:

Mercedes is more exclusive and held in higher regard than Audi.
Title: Re: Just sold the Ed35, what next?
Post by: Oli on March 07, 2013, 11:26:31 pm
By you maybe. But not by myself :happy2:
Title: Re: Just sold the Ed35, what next?
Post by: Poverty on March 08, 2013, 12:06:55 am
It does seem like Audi have done well in the UK to change perceptions of the brand. Globally BMW and Mercedes are still held in higher esteem.

Anyway back to the point of build quality and reliability, it's a Mercedes, it's not a French car. Their demons of the late 90's are behind them.
Title: Re: Just sold the Ed35, what next?
Post by: Deako on March 08, 2013, 10:35:00 am
Colleague at work just had to have a brand new engine put in his 1500 mile old SLK. £17k warranty bill. :grin:
Title: Re: Just sold the Ed35, what next?
Post by: Poverty on March 08, 2013, 12:42:24 pm
Colleague at work just had to have a brand new engine put in his 1500 mile old SLK. £17k warranty bill. :grin:

Wasn't it Adam  who needed a new cylinder head on his brand new rs3, and in the end rejected it cause it was still fooked. Probably has new engine now. Our c-class has been bullet proof and have ordered a new c-class coupe which arrives on the 23rd. Really nice cars
Title: Re: Just sold the Ed35, what next?
Post by: Hedge on March 08, 2013, 12:50:21 pm
Loads of horror stories out there across the brands if you look close enough.

458 BBQ Sir? TSI Cam chain tensioner. Coilpacks, etc etc.
Title: Re: Just sold the Ed35, what next?
Post by: Deako on March 08, 2013, 12:55:57 pm
Absolutey, the amount of cars churned out of the factory, there are always going to be issues.
Title: Re: Just sold the Ed35, what next?
Post by: rob_e on March 08, 2013, 01:26:18 pm
other thoughts..:

1M coupe, 335bhp and rwd, 4 seats and lots around mid-thirties, seem to be holding their value well:

and, leftfield choice, cosworth tweaked impreza wrx sti hatch - 395bhp 4wd:
Title: Re: Just sold the Ed35, what next?
Post by: Oli on March 08, 2013, 02:22:07 pm
Neither of the above, Ive driebn a 1M and loved it but want auto and five door.  And I dont like scoobies.

Pretty set on the RS3 now :love:
Title: Re: Just sold the Ed35, what next?
Post by: Deako on March 08, 2013, 02:32:28 pm
Neither of the above, Ive driebn a 1M and loved it but want auto and five door.  And I dont like scoobies.

Pretty set on the RS3 now :love:

Or an M135i 5 door hatch.

In your shoes though an RS3 sounds ideal.
Title: Re: Just sold the Ed35, what next?
Post by: andrewparker on March 08, 2013, 02:50:12 pm
Can we place bets on how long the RS3 lasts?

Title: Re: Just sold the Ed35, what next?
Post by: Hedge on March 08, 2013, 02:53:11 pm
Less than 6 months.  :evilgrin:
Title: Re: Just sold the Ed35, what next?
Post by: Deako on March 08, 2013, 02:58:35 pm
Whatever it is, it will be longer than my average. On car 33x tonight when we pick the A3 up.  :grin:
Title: Re: Just sold the Ed35, what next?
Post by: Oli on March 08, 2013, 03:37:31 pm
Whatever it is, it will be longer than my average. On car 33x tonight when we pick the A3 up.  :grin:

I think Ive owned more cars than you  :P
Title: Re: Just sold the Ed35, what next?
Post by: Deako on March 08, 2013, 03:38:29 pm
More personal cars or business cars? Over what period? Competition time!!!!  :grin:

Mines is 33x cars over 13.5 years. Average of 1 car every 4.9 months.
Title: Re: Just sold the Ed35, what next?
Post by: Poverty on March 08, 2013, 04:14:46 pm
Lets see the list of cars then!
Title: Re: Just sold the Ed35, what next?
Post by: andrewparker on March 08, 2013, 04:19:55 pm
Hang on a second lads, let me get my cock out first!!!
Title: Re: Just sold the Ed35, what next?
Post by: Deako on March 08, 2013, 04:24:14 pm
Lets see the list of cars then!

I guarantee mine will be far less exciting. Certainly no Porkas in there. There are about 14x Mk2 Golfs and 3x Mk1 Golfs though. Various stages of tune.

Hang on a second lads, let me get my cock out first!!!

Keep your sordid pleasures to yourself!!  :signLOL:
Title: Re: Just sold the Ed35, what next?
Post by: Hedge on March 08, 2013, 05:22:13 pm
Hang on a second lads, let me get my cock out first!!!

Go on then. Oh it is?  :sad1:

Title: Re: Just sold the Ed35, what next?
Post by: Saintsteve on March 08, 2013, 05:47:05 pm
Less than 6 months.  :evilgrin:

It's just an S3 with an R badge... Oh and a little extra cylinder..   Still will be boring and too clinical to drive...

Off now to take some of my meds
Title: Re: Just sold the Ed35, what next?
Post by: Oli on March 08, 2013, 06:17:44 pm
Less than 6 months.  :evilgrin:

It's just an S3 with an R badge... Oh and a little extra cylinder..   Still will be boring and too clinical to drive...

Off now to take some of my meds

Oooooooooo somebodies tired  :P
Title: Re: Just sold the Ed35, what next?
Post by: Oli on March 08, 2013, 06:22:59 pm
More personal cars or business cars?

Both business and pleasure :P  Is this a willy waving contest?  I presently own over 50 ....... :mad:

 :signLOL: :drinking:

Title: Re: Just sold the Ed35, what next?
Post by: CarrG on March 08, 2013, 06:40:39 pm
After just having a play with a new RS6 the RS3 is more than an S3 (having had one) with an extra cylinder imo   :driver:

Baby RS  :evilgrin:

Do it Oli dont think you will regret it.  :drinking:
Title: Re: Just sold the Ed35, what next?
Post by: Oli on March 08, 2013, 06:41:55 pm
After just having a play with a new RS6 the RS3 is more than an S3 (having had one) with an extra cylinder imo   :driver:

Baby RS  :evilgrin:

Do it Oli dont think you will regret it.  :drinking:

Im trying......just waiting for the call back :wink:
Title: Re: Just sold the Ed35, what next?
Post by: dan930 on March 08, 2013, 11:05:12 pm
Less than 6 months.  :evilgrin:

It's just an S3 with an R badge... Oh and a little extra cylinder..   Still will be boring and too clinical to drive...

Off now to take some of my meds

It's got the 7speed gearbox too
Title: Re: Just sold the Ed35, what next?
Post by: Deako on March 09, 2013, 12:21:21 am
More personal cars or business cars?

Both business and pleasure :P  Is this a willy waving contest?  I presently own over 50 ....... :mad:

 :signLOL: :drinking:

Personal then?

I find it embarrassing to have owned so many cars personally. Especially when talking to people at work. They literally just expect me to be changing my cars at any time.

No willy waving here. In theory, if i was a normal person, i would have owned about 4x cars.
Title: Re: Just sold the Ed35, what next?
Post by: Hurdy on March 09, 2013, 01:05:06 pm
Just look at this..... :drool:

Title: Re: Just sold the Ed35, what next?
Post by: andrewparker on March 09, 2013, 01:27:01 pm
Matte grey with black wheels please!
Title: Re: Just sold the Ed35, what next?
Post by: Deako on March 09, 2013, 03:53:32 pm
But all reports state the normal A class is a dog on the road.
Title: Re: Just sold the Ed35, what next?
Post by: Hurdy on March 09, 2013, 04:06:05 pm
But all reports state the normal A class is a dog on the road.

I guess we will have to wait and see the reviews then :happy2:
Title: Re: Just sold the Ed35, what next?
Post by: rich83 on March 10, 2013, 11:54:54 am
Luke. I'm pretty sure you have had more cars than anyone else I know.  :laugh:

I've only had 3 :-/
Title: Re: Just sold the Ed35, what next?
Post by: Shorty on March 10, 2013, 06:03:12 pm
I drove an RS3 yesterday and it was so good! It's like your ED35 only on steroids! Sounds immense, looks immense and goes proper well for a standard car. A remap and pipe would be lovely for a road car. Do it!
Title: Re: Just sold the Ed35, what next?
Post by: Oli on March 10, 2013, 07:33:46 pm
I drove an RS3 yesterday and it was so good! It's like your ED35 only on steroids! Sounds immense, looks immense and goes proper well for a standard car. A remap and pipe would be lovely for a road car. Do it!

I am, just trying to find the right one :happy2:
Title: Re: Just sold the Ed35, what next?
Post by: Oli on March 11, 2013, 11:57:05 am
Incoming this week......




Title: Re: Just sold the Ed35, RS3 incoming.......
Post by: AlanEdition30 on March 11, 2013, 12:07:42 pm
that looks stunning  :happy2:
Title: Re: Just sold the Ed35, what next?
Post by: dan930 on March 11, 2013, 12:16:02 pm
Incoming this week......




Very nice mate..what's the performance like compared to yr ed35??
Will be getting a ibis white one in July
Title: Re: Just sold the Ed35, RS3 incoming.......
Post by: Oli on March 11, 2013, 12:36:27 pm
I pick it up tomorrow or weds so will feedback then
Title: Re: Just sold the Ed35, RS3 incoming.......
Post by: dan930 on March 11, 2013, 12:39:22 pm
Looking forward to your feedback on this mate
Title: Re: Just sold the Ed35, RS3 incoming.......
Post by: Deako on March 11, 2013, 01:45:04 pm
Wow Oli, you dont hang around.  :smiley: :happy2:

That looks absolutely stunning, beautiful colour.

Spec good too?
Title: Re: Just sold the Ed35, RS3 incoming.......
Post by: DaveB@Vagbremtechnic on March 11, 2013, 04:36:45 pm
mapped RS3 = Warped rotors........

 :party: :party: :party: :party: :party: :party: :party:

That engines been keeping my kids in nappies for two years.   :signLOL:
Title: Re: Just sold the Ed35, RS3 incoming.......
Post by: camfollower on March 11, 2013, 04:42:40 pm
Epic lookng car Oli, stunning!" :happy2:
Title: Re: Just sold the Ed35, RS3 incoming.......
Post by: Oli on March 11, 2013, 08:46:13 pm
mapped RS3 = Warped rotors........

 :party: :party: :party: :party: :party: :party: :party:

That engines been keeping my kids in nappies for two years.   :signLOL:

No re-map necessary, I think its fast enough already :happy2:
Title: Re: Just sold the Ed35, RS3 incoming.......
Post by: MAT ED30 on March 11, 2013, 11:15:25 pm
mapped RS3 = Warped rotors........

 :party: :party: :party: :party: :party: :party: :party:

That engines been keeping my kids in nappies for two years.   :signLOL:

No re-map necessary, I think its fast enough already :happy2:

Title: Re: Just sold the Ed35, RS3 incoming.......
Post by: Poverty on March 12, 2013, 01:19:49 am
Title: Re: Just sold the Ed35, RS3 incoming.......
Post by: jimojameso on March 12, 2013, 01:31:15 pm
No re-map necessary, I think its fast enough already :happy2:

I give you a month! Ha ha.  :happy2:

They are quick as standard but the potential of that car with a bit of work is epic! Stage 1 0-60 = 3.5 secs!  :driver:
Title: Re: Just sold the Ed35, RS3 incoming.......
Post by: Sunglasses Ron on March 12, 2013, 03:12:42 pm
Oli - Can I make a deal with you then?

When If you do end up getting it mapped, your punishment will be to give me the keys for a day at the Pod..  :driver: Deal?  :signLOL:
Title: Re: Just sold the Ed35, RS3 incoming.......
Post by: Real Thing on March 12, 2013, 04:20:58 pm
Oli - Can I make a deal with you then?

When If you do end up getting it mapped, your punishment will be to give me the keys for a day at the Pod..  :driver: Deal?  :signLOL:

Think it would be wise to wait on a remap for a such new RS3 (Glad I've held off on having mine done) as there seem to have been quite a few problems mine is in at the moment due to a faulty injector causing internal damage heard of a couple of Propshaft failures, Complete New Engine and another with A New Gearbox needed plus there seem to have been a couple of guys rejecting there cars after a couple of months.
Title: Re: Just sold the Ed35, RS3 incoming.......
Post by: MAT ED30 on March 12, 2013, 04:24:56 pm
Wow that's bad
Title: Re: Just sold the Ed35, RS3 incoming.......
Post by: wigit on March 12, 2013, 04:28:16 pm
my favourite colour Oli as nicely understated
Title: Re: Just sold the Ed35, RS3 incoming.......
Post by: Shabba168 on March 12, 2013, 08:45:18 pm
mapped RS3 = Warped rotors........

 :party: :party: :party: :party: :party: :party: :party:

That engines been keeping my kids in nappies for two years.   :signLOL:

No re-map necessary, I think its fast enough already :happy2:

So you won't be coming to see me then?

Is that Daytona grey. I love grey cars
Title: Re: Just sold the Ed35, RS3 incoming.......
Post by: Oli on March 12, 2013, 09:33:15 pm
Yes, Daytona Grey.  And Im erasing Portland from my sat nav   :wink:
Title: Re: Just sold the Ed35, RS3 incoming.......
Post by: Poverty on March 12, 2013, 10:41:36 pm
Oli - Can I make a deal with you then?

When If you do end up getting it mapped, your punishment will be to give me the keys for a day at the Pod..  :driver: Deal?  :signLOL:

Think it would be wise to wait on a remap for a such new RS3 (Glad I've held off on having mine done) as there seem to have been quite a few problems mine is in at the moment due to a faulty injector causing internal damage heard of a couple of Propshaft failures, Complete New Engine and another with A New Gearbox needed plus there seem to have been a couple of guys rejecting there cars after a couple of months.

Sounds like Audi are reserving all Friday build slots for the rs3. The TTRS seem to be ok on the whole, only a few hardcore drivers have needed props, gearboxes and rear diffs, but that's remapped Santa pod damage.
Title: Re: Just sold the Ed35, RS3 incoming.......
Post by: alackofspeed on March 12, 2013, 11:01:17 pm
mapped RS3 = Warped rotors........

 :party: :party: :party: :party: :party: :party: :party:

That engines been keeping my kids in nappies for two years.   :signLOL:

I can imagine - they really don't like track work, which is disappointing considering their diameter. I had a short go in a friend's car, and the brakes were making a din (was much louder in person, than the go-pro picks up)!

Title: Re: Just sold the Ed35, RS3 incoming.......
Post by: Oli on March 12, 2013, 11:09:22 pm
The squeaky brakes is a known issue that I've read about. 'Apparently' Audi have a cure coming out soon.......I won't hold my breath.

Does the RS3 have the same brakes as a TTRS ? And does the TTRS have the same issues? poverty?
Title: Re: Just sold the Ed35, RS3 incoming.......
Post by: rich83 on March 12, 2013, 11:12:34 pm
mapped RS3 = Warped rotors........

 :party: :party: :party: :party: :party: :party: :party:

That engines been keeping my kids in nappies for two years.   :signLOL:

I can imagine - they really don't like track work, which is disappointing considering their diameter. I had a short go in a friend's car, and the brakes were making a din (was much louder in person, than the go-pro picks up)!


That noise is hideous!!
Title: Re: Just sold the Ed35, RS3 incoming.......
Post by: Poverty on March 12, 2013, 11:36:16 pm
The squeaky brakes is a known issue that I've read about. 'Apparently' Audi have a cure coming out soon.......I won't hold my breath.

Does the RS3 have the same brakes as a TTRS ? And does the TTRS have the same issues? poverty?

The stock brakes suck, throw them in the bin. The 345mm golfr/r32/Cupra brakes are better than what's fitted to the RS. Atleast they can handle the abuse.

As for the squeal, it doesn't bother me, but its always a big thing on the forums. Personally I think there are better things in life to worry about.
Title: Re: Just sold the Ed35, RS3 incoming.......
Post by: Real Thing on March 13, 2013, 12:08:45 am
The squeaky brakes is a known issue that I've read about. 'Apparently' Audi have a cure coming out soon.......I won't hold my breath.

Does the RS3 have the same brakes as a TTRS ? And does the TTRS have the same issues? poverty?
Got the dreaded squeak on my RS3 and had it on my TT-RS Audi have been fixing it for years doesn't bother me as the Engine noise more than makes up for it  :signLOL:
Title: Re: Just sold the Ed35, RS3 incoming.......
Post by: DaveB@Vagbremtechnic on March 13, 2013, 07:29:47 am
Its the design of the TTRS and RS3 discs. Imvho its the attempts at weight saving and thickness that causes the problem.

Audi need to look at rotor design very closely, they either need to bite the bullet and throw some mass at the problem and account for it in some other part of the suspension or come up with something trick.

A stage 1 TTRS/RS3 is capable of end straight speeds of 170mph and a dash speed of 150 its a big ask for a set of road pads and mass produced discs.

The RS3 discs are different and have a bigger offset than the TTRS which compounds the problem.

The squeal problem and fix that AUDI have come up with isn't that at all its some shims that have been fitted to EVOs and DB9s for 10 years or more, they need fitting on new discs to guarantee they work though. Audi are resisting it as the cost of the recall is 300 times the cost of the components they intend to install.

Its a shame the cost of the AP stuff is what it is, fact is there's little else out there that works if anything..

plus the cost of TTRS/RS3 pads is bloody shameful £250 for those pads is well out of order, the Pagid Blues retail for less but there's little point fitting them to a stock disc as they simply have no headroom for temp
Title: Re: Just sold the Ed35, RS3 incoming.......
Post by: andrewparker on March 13, 2013, 09:14:42 am
Dave, out of interest, and slightly off topic, but are there any performance cars that come with very good brakes as standard? I know the brakes on the M3 came in for criticism for a long time, and seemingly Audi aren't fitting particularly good brakes to the RS cars...
Title: Re: Just sold the Ed35, RS3 incoming.......
Post by: berg on March 13, 2013, 09:19:56 am
Dave, out of interest, and slightly off topic, but are there any performance cars that come with very good brakes as standard? I know the brakes on the M3 came in for criticism for a long time, and seemingly Audi aren't fitting particularly good brakes to the RS cars...

would be intersted to hear your view on this too Dave
Title: Re: Just sold the Ed35, RS3 incoming.......
Post by: Top Cat on March 13, 2013, 12:32:05 pm
Dave, out of interest, and slightly off topic, but are there any performance cars that come with very good brakes as standard? I know the brakes on the M3 came in for criticism for a long time, and seemingly Audi aren't fitting particularly good brakes to the RS cars...

Lotus Exige.  :star:
Title: Re: Just sold the Ed35, RS3 incoming.......
Post by: tony_danza on March 13, 2013, 12:40:28 pm
Renault RS Clio/Megane.

For something with only a baby 4-pot Brembo and a solid disc, I could stand on mine all day on track with no problems. I once did just shy of an hour in one go at Oulton, something I had to throw a lot of money at the MK5's brakes to achieve.

Always be on the right pads and get as much cooling as you can to them. If that fails, buy something else.
Title: Re: Just sold the Ed35, RS3 incoming.......
Post by: Greeners on March 13, 2013, 01:19:58 pm
Dave, out of interest, and slightly off topic, but are there any performance cars that come with very good brakes as standard? I know the brakes on the M3 came in for criticism for a long time, and seemingly Audi aren't fitting particularly good brakes to the RS cars...

Lotus Exige.  :star:

Thats only because it's lighter than an Egg box!  :P
Title: Re: Just sold the Ed35, RS3 incoming.......
Post by: Neiltdi on March 13, 2013, 03:23:59 pm
just seen the RS3 in the flesh looks lovely!
Title: Re: Just sold the Ed35, RS3 incoming.......
Post by: Oli on March 13, 2013, 06:27:38 pm
just seen the RS3 in the flesh looks lovely!

Title: Re: Just sold the Ed35, RS3 incoming.......
Post by: alackofspeed on March 13, 2013, 07:50:04 pm
Just quickly nipping back to the brakes - thought this might amuse.

It was the best picture I captured of the brakes glowing red (only faint in this shot) on my friend's car on a fairly cool day at Bedford - the picture is taken on one of the intermediate straights, so probably 110-70, and not the most demanding stop. Shame I couldn't get anywhere near the longer straights.  :driver:

Title: Re: Just sold the Ed35, RS3 incoming.......
Post by: alackofspeed on March 13, 2013, 08:05:25 pm
Dave, out of interest, and slightly off topic, but are there any performance cars that come with very good brakes as standard? I know the brakes on the M3 came in for criticism for a long time, and seemingly Audi aren't fitting particularly good brakes to the RS cars...

Anything Porsche generally stops well even on the OEM discs and pads.
Title: Re: Just sold the Ed35, RS3 incoming.......
Post by: Saintsteve on March 13, 2013, 08:15:39 pm
Dave, out of interest, and slightly off topic, but are there any performance cars that come with very good brakes as standard? I know the brakes on the M3 came in for criticism for a long time, and seemingly Audi aren't fitting particularly good brakes to the RS cars...

Lotus Exige.  :star:
Even my brakes on my old grifter when i was a wee lad would stop your car !!   :grin:
Title: Re: Just sold the Ed35, RS3 incoming.......
Post by: Neiltdi on March 14, 2013, 12:24:38 am
just seen the RS3 in the flesh looks lovely!


Yeah i work at sovereign and was just going phillips quickly , it was sort of in the middle of the road
Title: Re: Just sold the Ed35, RS3 incoming.......
Post by: Hedge on March 14, 2013, 08:09:53 am
Dave, out of interest, and slightly off topic, but are there any performance cars that come with very good brakes as standard? I know the brakes on the M3 came in for criticism for a long time, and seemingly Audi aren't fitting particularly good brakes to the RS cars...

Lotus Exige.  :star:
Even my brakes on my old grifter when i was a wee lad would stop your car !!   :grin:

See you're always on about brakes Steve. Just let it be.  :confused:
Title: Re: Just sold the Ed35, RS3 incoming.......
Post by: donovan2123 on March 15, 2013, 11:16:41 am

Look at rear end and exhausts? Have these been added or are they coming like this now. Picture was taken out side QST Haywards heath
Title: Re: Just sold the Ed35, RS3 incoming.......
Post by: Oli on March 15, 2013, 01:04:54 pm
That looks very nice.  Not factory though, but should be!
Title: Re: Just sold the Ed35, RS3 incoming.......
Post by: andrewparker on March 15, 2013, 01:06:39 pm
Is that car maroon? :sick:
Title: Re: Just sold the Ed35, RS3 incoming.......
Post by: Oli on March 15, 2013, 01:56:29 pm
That looks like the VW colour Blackberry - I have this coming on my new Transporter Kombi, its a cracking colour, looks black in most lights with a hint of purple!
Title: Re: Just sold the Ed35, RS3 incoming.......
Post by: 81lly on March 15, 2013, 03:12:36 pm
I think that's the MTM exhaust
( (
Title: Re: Just sold the Ed35, RS3 incoming.......
Post by: donovan2123 on March 15, 2013, 04:52:03 pm
 :scared: the price
Title: Re: Just sold the Ed35, RS3 incoming.......
Post by: Jussa on March 15, 2013, 04:58:10 pm
My god, that looks epic on the red RS3 pic, but the price is even more epic  :stupid:
Title: Re: Just sold the Ed35, RS3 incoming.......
Post by: 81lly on March 15, 2013, 05:37:21 pm
Lol yeah that's the price for the tailpipes and diffuser.. have a look at the price for the actual cat back system with diffuser :stupid:
Title: Re: Just sold the Ed35, RS3 incoming.......
Post by: Sunglasses Ron on March 15, 2013, 05:54:04 pm
I think that's the MTM exhaust
( (

That is a complete joke!!!  :surprised:  Anyone who pays best part of £3k for a rear diffuser on a hatchback needs a straight jacket :stupid:

All you need is some tit to run in the back of you, or even worse - someone who realises what it's worth and decides he and his screwdriver want it more...

I thought the BMWP CF diffuser was a joke at £1k...  :surprised:

At least they only charge £400 to fit it though..  :stupid: :signLOL:
Title: Re: Just sold the Ed35, RS3 incoming.......
Post by: RedRobin on March 15, 2013, 06:27:56 pm
QST are agents for MTM. Makes OSIR look cheap!
Title: Re: Just sold the Ed35, RS3 incoming.......
Post by: Oli on March 16, 2013, 07:08:54 am
My RS3 update - This was after 8 hours of collecting it......



Title: Re: Just sold the Ed35, RS3 incoming.......
Post by: Poverty on March 16, 2013, 07:17:05 am
What happened?
Title: Re: Just sold the Ed35, RS3 incoming.......
Post by: Oli on March 16, 2013, 07:21:09 am
Title: Re: Just sold the Ed35, RS3 incoming.......
Post by: Oli on March 16, 2013, 07:22:24 am
Happened on wednesday, new propshaft one is on route to the dealer, should be back on the road on tuesday.  They have hired me an S3 in the meantime, albeit a very abused S3.
Title: Re: Just sold the Ed35, RS3 incoming.......
Post by: Poverty on March 16, 2013, 07:23:08 am
Bloody hell the rs3's are going through them like candy! A few over on audi sport aswell. Apparently Audi have changed the design now
Title: Re: Just sold the Ed35, RS3 incoming.......
Post by: Oli on March 16, 2013, 07:24:31 am
Yes, they have said the new one is modified.  Probably down to the extra weight over the TTRS, as Im assuming its the same part.
Title: Re: Just sold the Ed35, RS3 incoming.......
Post by: Poverty on March 16, 2013, 07:34:43 am
I'm not sure on that one but the rs3 wheelbase is longer so I assume they would need a longer propshaft. That coupled with the extra weight and extra grip due to the weight is what could be killing them. Atleast we know the replacement should be stronger
Title: Re: Just sold the Ed35, RS3 incoming.......
Post by: Hedge on March 16, 2013, 08:09:44 am
That's a bugger Oli. Should have bought a Golf R.  :wink:
Title: Re: Just sold the Ed35, RS3 incoming.......
Post by: JPC on March 16, 2013, 08:35:35 am
What a joke! Nearly 50% of the ttrs/rs3s I hear about pop a driveshaft
Title: Re: Just sold the Ed35, RS3 incoming.......
Post by: camfollower on March 16, 2013, 08:49:04 am
Have Audi solved it on the TTRS? 
Be a second hand sale nightmare if its an on going problem which passes the manufacturers warranty term. :surprised:
Title: Re: Just sold the Ed35, RS3 incoming.......
Post by: GrayMK5GTI on March 16, 2013, 11:57:46 am
My mates S3 broke a prop couple of weeks ago  :sad1:

Failed at the joint in the middle
Title: Re: Just sold the Ed35, RS3 incoming.......
Post by: Hurdy on March 16, 2013, 12:08:38 pm
I've heard of a few of these going, but they do seem to be dropping like flies at the moment. Maybe it is the fact there are more being modified now they are getting a little older?
Title: Re: Just sold the Ed35, RS3 incoming.......
Post by: Oli on March 16, 2013, 01:00:57 pm
I've heard of a few of these going, but they do seem to be dropping like flies at the moment. Maybe it is the fact there are more being modified now they are getting a little older?

I've read up on 3 or 4 cars that have had them replaced and they've all been standard!
Title: Re: Just sold the Ed35, RS3 incoming.......
Post by: Hurdy on March 16, 2013, 01:13:37 pm
I've heard of a few of these going, but they do seem to be dropping like flies at the moment. Maybe it is the fact there are more being modified now they are getting a little older?

I've read up on 3 or 4 cars that have had them replaced and they've all been standard!

That's even worse than I thought then! :surprised: :scared:
Title: Re: Just sold the Ed35, RS3 incoming.......
Post by: Deako on March 16, 2013, 01:38:45 pm
Sorry to hear of the enjoyment being spoiled so soon after purchase Oli.

Hopefully they get it back to you ASAP.
Title: Re: Just sold the Ed35, RS3 incoming.......
Post by: T88OMM on March 16, 2013, 02:25:39 pm
The prop went on my TTRS a month or so ago. It had only done 1.5k miles  :surprised:
Title: Re: Just sold the Ed35, RS3 incoming.......
Post by: Poverty on March 16, 2013, 03:09:34 pm
Have Audi solved it on the TTRS?  
Be a second hand sale nightmare if its an on going problem which passes the manufacturers warranty term. :surprised:

It's never really been an issue on the TTRS only mine and toms props seem to have gone, and mine happened after a 6k clutch dump at the pod.
Title: Re: Just sold the Ed35, RS3 incoming.......
Post by: Sunglasses Ron on March 16, 2013, 03:37:37 pm
Have you been playing with the LC a little too much Oli?  :signLOL:

On a serious note - at least it's a warranty matter and is't going to affect your pocket mate. Still a PITA though, especially when it's so new...
Title: Re: Just sold the Ed35, RS3 incoming.......
Post by: Hurdy on March 16, 2013, 04:47:46 pm
I must have done hundreds of launches in the R. That must have a nice strong prop.  :driver:
Title: Re: Just sold the Ed35, RS3 incoming.......
Post by: Hedge on March 16, 2013, 04:52:38 pm
Title: Re: Just sold the Ed35, RS3 incoming.......
Post by: Saintsteve on March 16, 2013, 05:20:16 pm
I've heard of a few of these going, but they do seem to be dropping like flies at the moment. Maybe it is the fact there are more being modified now they are getting a little older?

I've read up on 3 or 4 cars that have had them replaced and they've all been standard!
Forget modifying it then :laugh:
Title: Re: Just sold the Ed35, RS3 incoming.......
Post by: scooba on March 17, 2013, 04:13:32 pm
Hi Oli,

I am sorry to hear the RS3 has a small issue , I would be bloody seething   but dont have  a lot of patience im sure it will be fine when it returns
Title: Re: Just sold the Ed35, RS3 incoming.......
Post by: Oli on March 17, 2013, 05:26:57 pm
Hi Oli,

I am sorry to hear the RS3 has a small issue , I would be bloody seething   but dont have  a lot of patience im sure it will be fine when it returns

I deal with warranty issues everyday, so it's no big deal, plus I've quite enjoyed thrashing their S3 around! The RS3 will be so much better when i get it :happy2:
Title: Re: Just sold the Ed35, RS3 incoming.......
Post by: E30Dom on March 17, 2013, 07:12:16 pm
So is there an updated propshaft for the RS3 that is mod proof?
Title: Re: Just sold the Ed35, RS3 incoming.......
Post by: Oli on March 17, 2013, 08:07:44 pm
So is there an updated propshaft for the RS3 that is mod proof?

The propshaft that is being fitted is modified/updated over the original.  Ive got no intention of modding this car any way, apart from maybe the cat bypass pipes  :smiley:
Title: Re: Just sold the Ed35, RS3 incoming.......
Post by: Sunglasses Ron on March 18, 2013, 08:39:04 am
So is there an updated propshaft for the RS3 that is mod proof?

Ive got no intention of modding this car any way :smiley:

( (

Title: Re: Just sold the Ed35, RS3 incoming.......
Post by: jimojameso on March 18, 2013, 12:11:42 pm
Sorry to read this Oli. On the plus side car does look awesome on the back of the truck!!  :happy2:
Title: Re: Just sold the Ed35, RS3 incoming.......
Post by: Oli on March 19, 2013, 07:09:25 pm
BAD NEWS - Car still not ready! The part still hasn't turned up  :sad1:

GOOD NEWS - I'm off snowboarding till Tuesday and it will be ready when I get back  :pomppomp:
Title: Re: Just sold the Ed35, RS3 incoming.......
Post by: camfollower on March 19, 2013, 07:11:04 pm
BAD NEWS - Car still not ready! The part still hasn't turned up  :sad1:

GOOD NEWS - I'm off snowboarding till Tuesday and it will be ready when I get back  :pomppomp:

Haha, what a great way to wait for a part!?