MK5 Golf GTI
General => Random Chat => Topic started by: neg on March 07, 2013, 01:21:18 pm
Taken from Derby suburb this morning, anyone seen anything let me know.
Obviously stolen to order.
sh*t, terrible news.
Not yours was it Neil? :scared:
Unfortunately yes, I feel sick.
$hit dude!! :sad1:
I feel your pain fella, that is sickening! :sad1:
Did they get the keys?
Just seen this on FB.. Gutted for you Neil.. Absolute cnuts!!!! :fighting:
Yep, broke in - found the keys and took a few electrical items - laptop, iPad and my wallet.
I feel lost ... Worked hard for that car and never thought I'd actually get one, never mind the spec I then eventually found.
Was your iPad 3G?
absolutely gutted for you fella, thieving b'stards :fighting:
:fighting: :fighting: WTF the little sh1ts. you have only had it a few months :sad1: :sad1:
Really sorry to hear this buddy! :sad1:
pictures and reg mate it might help if people spot it
Jesus the Fu@king animals :confused:
Get pictures re posted up and get the reg out onto the forums, as someone just may spot it.
Also as already suggest, use the Apple track and trace, hopefully your iPad is on somewhere, and then you can spot it
I feel so so gutted for you
Gutted for you.
I know eactly how you feel, happened to me a few years ago
Sorry to hear about it mate..Same sh@t happened to me when I had a Subaru p1,broke in to nick the keys..
As others have said, gutted for you mate
Lets hope they crash it at 100 MPH and it bursts into flames. :mad: :booty:
keep your pecker up pal, dont let the little sh*ts drag you down, although no less painful, you can buy another with the insurance.
If you can post up some pics, spec and details I will add it to my facebook feed too.
See if we can get it spread around a few forums till it shows up.
Horrendous - hope they find it soon - bloody barstewardss!! :fighting:
Stick the details on here mate.
Gutted for you , been there myself. :sad1:
Oh sh*te. Makes you wonder if they're cruising forums, to know about it that quickly after you bought it :sad1:
Hate reading things like this :sick:
Happened to my collegue at work, 2month old Audi Q5 just over a month ago. :sad1:
Really sorry to hear about this matey. I agree with TC, these scum don't deserve to live.
So sorry to hear this. :sad1:
My keys never leave me, i take them everywhere. And i never leave tech on show, apart from the obvious TV/Xbox and Mac under the TV.
Do people often take photos of their cars with Geotag enabled on here? When i share any photos on Flickr, i have Geotagging details disabled so nobody can see where i have taken a photo. Obviously, a little bit of local knowledge would still find out where i took a pic, but most houses here look the same.
Same here, Ed30 keys lived very close to me :happy2: and spare keys were kept in a safe.
Did it have a tracker?
doesnt really help now but i would recommend buying one of these security post for your drive. I bought one last week as a neigbough saw someone peeking through my letter box at half 4 in the morning, a bit ugly, but may just put them off
doesnt really help now but i would recommend buying one of these security post for your drive. I bought one last week as a neigbough saw someone peeking through my letter box at half 4 in the morning, a bit ugly, but may just put them off
It's a good idea, but where do you keep the key for practicality?... probably with the car keys? DOH!
I really hope you find the motor unharmed mate... as others have said get as much detail out there as fast as possible... someone just may have seen them driving it.
Love to know whether the iPad trick would work too... probably find a lot more knicked gear at the same time.
Still can't believe some thieving scumbags have nicked your car Neil :fighting:
Someone ought to nick their hands! Permanently!
Oh f*ck!!!!
That really is sh*t news. I know how much you worked to get that car, neg!
Jesus the Fu@king animals :confused:
Get pictures re posted up and get the reg out onto the forums, as someone just may spot it.
Also as already suggest, use the Apple track and trace, hopefully your iPad is on somewhere, and then you can spot it
I feel so so gutted for you
Sad News
Do you think that they are riding around with it on the original plates then ? There's probably 200000 number plate thefts in the last year alone.
Oh sh*te. Makes you wonder if they're cruising forums, to know about it that quickly after you bought it :sad1:
Possible, but probably just a coincidence.
When I had my ST taken, the little chavs took a high spec beemer and a hot A3 on the same night - they just spent an hour or so going round 3 towns near each other looking for the "best" cars with houses they could get in to. Doesn't take long to find an interesting car if you've got a bit of patience.
My lesson: Always lock your front door with a key. I hadn't, and it was a plastic front door you can come through the letterbox and open from the inside. Doh.
doesnt really help now but i would recommend buying one of these security post for your drive. I bought one last week as a neigbough saw someone peeking through my letter box at half 4 in the morning, a bit ugly, but may just put them off
It's a good idea, but where do you keep the key for practicality?... probably with the car keys? DOH!
I really hope you find the motor unharmed mate... as others have said get as much detail out there as fast as possible... someone just may have seen them driving it.
Love to know whether the iPad trick would work too... probably find a lot more knicked gear at the same time.
Yeah the idea is not to keep it with the car keys. Best place is in your boot, thiefs are thick and would never think it in the car.
Guted for you. Can't believe the feckers took it.
Can't believe this news Neil.. I'm gutted for you and hope she turns up quickly.. :sad1:
The Wa*kers!! :fighting:
Hope it turns up quickly, unmolested.
Thanks guys, times ticked on and to be honest I'm now just fooking angry.
It's a white 5dr dsg car with Recaro seats and black wheels. Had it a few days over a month! Pretty sure they have seen it cruising round our streets, the attempted to get a new focus ST from down the road.
The reg will be off by now, don't think they would leave it on that long as anpr would pick it up.
Gonna take time to replace it and god help them if they try again!
So glad to hear your replacing it buddy! Can't let these scum bags get to you and change the way live! :happy2:
Got to, not like I even had time to enjoy it which makes it worse.
really sorry to hear about this neil :( thieving tw@s
Sorry to hear about this. Where a abouts in Derby mate?
That's really sh*tty...sorry man.
I think you can possibly understand how some people just completely lose it and end up battering some thief with a cricket bat. Of course you wind up in prison, but there must be great satisfaction in watching them suffer.
Arrggh! I hate reading about things like this. Gutted for you - remember seeing the pics the other day and thinking what an awesome car.
This country has too many thieving, workshy scrotes in it for sure.
Hope the insurers prove easy to work with.
Gutted to be reading this, only yesterday i was reading through your thread when you got it.
Just remember as much as it was a nice car, it can be replaced, you and your family cant. Stay Safe :happy2:
feel for you mate!
hopefully you will get it back soon
I think its hit me this morning, the helpless feeling really gets you - the sickening feeling that some low life scum has been in the house and taken things I work hard for and they obviously have no resepct.
I wont find another the same as it was nicely spec'd and had some individual touches - yes there will be others but this was 'my' car and after only having it a few months.
Now things are rules by those who dont stick to the rules - the wife hardly slept last night, my son has been upset - that hurts.
Sad news :sick:
On the off chance did u have "find my iPhone" installed on the iPad? U can use your apple ID to find it...
EDIT, although the cars more important, it might help u find the people who stole the R
its been locked and will email me when it comes online - its only wifi.
sorry to hear this mate!! theiving bar stuards!!!
So sorry to hear about this bud,make's my blood boil,would love to catch these fcuker's in the act. :fighting:
Any news on it mate :sad1:
Any news on it mate :sad1:
Seen him active on the R forums so either he's got his car back or has replaced it with another R.
Not got it back - never going to see that again unless some overseas operation pings it up one day.
Not given in though ;)